
figure a
figure b

1 Introduction

What Is KeY? The KeY tool [3, 4, 15] is a state-of-the-art program verification tool for one of the most widely used programming languages: Java. Its capabilities enable the formal specification and verification of unmodified industrial Java code at source-code level. Notable examples of its application include the TimSort effort [28] and, more recently, the verification of a Java implementation of in-place super scalar sample sort [8], one of the fastest general-purpose sorting algorithms [18]. In addition to its role as a program verifier, KeY serves as a versatile research platform for implementing various formal methods for Java by leveraging KeY ’s symbolic execution engine. For instance, KeY has been used to facilitate the generation of test cases with high code coverage [6] and to implement a symbolic-state debugger [41]. The maturity of KeY ’s verification approach and of the tool make it suitable for teaching in BSc- and MSc-level courses. KeY is an academic, noncommercial tool that can be used freely by anyone (it is published under GNU Public License V2). It is completely written in Java, so it can run on any platform for which a Java virtual machine is available.

The roots of the KeY project trace back to 1999, when the continuous development and refinement of KeY and its verification methodology was started. On the occasion of KeY ’s 25th birthday, this tutorial serves to showcase the mature program verification and analysis tool that KeY is today.

This Tutorial, Its Accompanying Material, and Further Reading. This tutorial caters to all who want to learn about the KeY tool methodology: Newcomers to the field as well as experienced researchers in formal methods outside of deductive verification. It offers an exploration of KeY ’s underlying methodology, its capabilities, and its practical application. The tutorial covers the basics of KeY while giving a glimpse at its advanced features. Participants of the live conference tutorial gain hands-on experience with KeY. By the end of the tutorial, you are able to actively use KeY for (simple) verification tasks and to understand which advanced KeY features permit the verification of complex algorithms.

Videos, slides, and all examples of the conference tutorial, as well as the KeY tool itself, are available for download at For further reading, the book on the KeY system, published in 2016  [4], contains tutorial chapters on using the KeY tool, based on both simple (chapter “Using the KeY Prover” [7]) and more advanced (chapter “Formal Verification with KeY: A Tutorial” [13]) examples.

KeY ’s Verification Methodology in a Nutshell. KeY ’s deductive verification engine is based on a sequent calculus for Java Dynamic Logic [17] (see Sect. 2). The calculus rules perform symbolic execution whereby all symbolic paths through a program are explored. Method contracts make verification scalable because one can prove one method at a time to be correct relative to its contract. Contracts do not need to be expressed in Dynamic Logic, but can be given at the source code level as Java Modeling Language (JML) annotations [48].

KeY features a domain-specific textual language (called taclets) to add axioms of theories and lemmas, and to define proof rules. This allows one to extend and tailor the deduction engine without having to know implementation details.

KeY ’s Interaction Patterns and User Interface. In contrast to most other program verification tools, KeY seamlessly combines auto-active interaction and fine-grained interaction: Interaction is possible both at the level of the Java verification target and its JML specification (auto-active interaction pattern), as well as at the level of proof rules and the underlying program logic (fine-grained interaction pattern). In auto-active verification (used in, for example, Why3 [22], Frama-C [47], AutoProof [63], VeriFast [44], VerCors [21], VCC [27], and Dafny [50]), interaction at the input level (adding, removing, or rephrasing specifications, adding hints) is user-friendly as it does not require knowledge and understanding of intermediate proof states. But the lack of insight into the intermediate proof steps makes it hard to identify which additional specification annotations might be needed or which need to be rephrased. On the other hand, fine-grained interaction (most popular with general purpose theorem provers such as Isabelle [53] or Coq [20]), where the proof is constructed either manually or with the help of proof scripts (which may use automatic proof tactics), can give deep insights into possible issues and provides effective control as the user can inspect partial proofs, but it requires a considerable amount of expertise.

Upon loading an annotated Java file proof obligations are automatically translated into Java Dynamic Logic and presented in the GUI. This GUI is a central component of KeY. Its design is based on a point-and-click interaction style to support proof exploration and proof construction. For instance, the selection of a calculus rule—out of over 1500(!)—is greatly simplified by allowing the user to highlight any syntactical subentity of the proof goal simply by positioning the mouse; a dynamic context menu offers only the few proof rules which apply to this entity. Drag-and-drop mechanisms greatly simplify the instantiation of quantified variables. Other supported interactions are the inspection of proof trees, the pruning of branches, and unlimited undoing of proof steps.

KeY ’s Verification Process. The user provides Java source code with annotations written in JML. These consist of requirement specifications as well as auxiliary specifications such as loop invariants and contracts of called methods. KeY translates these into proof obligations in Java Dynamic Logic. Now, the user is left with the choice of trying to let the prover verify fully automatically or of starting interactively by applying calculus rules to the proof obligation. If the user chooses to start the automated proof search strategy offered by the prover, the result can be either that (i) the prover succeeds in finding a proof or (ii) the prover stops after a number of steps with a partial proof. This is the point in the proof process, where the user gets involved. The user inspects the proof state and decides whether to continue with fine-grained interaction or to continue in auto-active style and revise the JML annotation or the source code. Recently, a lightweight proof scripting language was provided that complements the GUI’s point-and-click style interaction. It fosters proof reuse and mitigates the need to redo the initial part of failed proof attempts by hand [18].

2 Verification Approach

Arguably, the most important structuring concept in programming languages is methods (aka procedures, functions, etc.). Methods abbreviate code that would else have to be repeated many times over, they structure a program into groups of related code, they foster abstraction of different behavior into a common implementation, and finally, they encapsulate the effect of a computation to local memory.

With methods being such a central structuring concept of programs, it is natural that verification proofs should reflect and be able to benefit from the structure inherent to the program under verification. In fact, without structural similarity between the verification target and the proof object, it is exceedingly difficult to verify complex software systems. This is why most modern deductive verification approaches, including KeY, are contract-based [37].

2.1 The Principle of Contract-Based Verification

A contract, in the context of software verification, is a specification artifact that makes it possible to mimic the method structure of a program in a correctness proof. The central idea is to describe the effect of a possible execution of a given method in terms of logical formulas. This has a decisive consequence: Whenever in a proof over a program, it is necessary to reason about a called method, then, instead of going into the implementation of that method, it is sufficient to consider the formulas in the method’s contract. This simple and natural approach has dramatic consequences for program verification:(i) Since contracts consist not of code but of formulas, we replace program execution by substitution and deduction, and (ii) in contrast to code, which, in general, admits an unbounded number of different execution paths, contracts consist of a finite number of formulas whose semantics is declarative.

Together, these two observations enable procedure-modular, in some cases even linear-size [23], verification proofs: the structure of verification proofs follows the structure of methods, and an unbounded number of possible method executions is described with a finite number of logical formulas.Footnote 1 But how, exactly, are method contracts defined? And how does one ensure that a given method implementation conforms to its contract?

2.2 Method Contracts

A method contract, similar to a legal contract, has two main aspects:(i) It specifies the conditions under which it goes into effect and, if so,(ii) it gives guarantees. It may also (iii) specify collateral effects and give (iv) a temporal statute on delivery. Translated to the domain of programs and methods:

Definition 1

(Method Contract). A method contract for a method m is a tuple \(( pre , post [, mod ]\,[, acc ]\,[, trm ])\), where \( pre \) and \( post \) are formulas, called pre- and postcondition, respectively, the optional modifiers \( mod \) and \( acc \) are set expressions over memory locations, and the optional termination witness \( trm \) is a first-order term of a type equipped with a well-order \(\prec \).

Its semantics is as follows: if m is started in any execution state where \( pre \) holds, then, in any state where m terminates, \( post \) must hold as well. If \( mod \) is present, then m may change at most the value of memory locations in \( mod \) (otherwise, it may change anything). If \( acc \) is present, then m may read at most the value of memory locations in \( acc \) (otherwise, it may read anything). If \( trm \) is present, then its value must decrease with respect to \(\prec \) before m is called recursively, thus enforcing termination of recursive calls. Otherwise, m may diverge.

Just like legal contracts, method contracts interface with two parties: the client and the provider. In programs, the client is the code containing a call to m, while the provider is the implementor of m. It is the latter’s responsibility to ensure \( post \) (and, if present, \( mod \), \( acc \), and \( trm \)) provided that \( pre \) holds at the time when m is called which is the caller’s responsibility. The different parts of a contract lead to different verification tasks that may or may not be proven separately: partial correctness, i.e. the relation between \( pre \) and \( post \) established by the implementor, framing, i.e. the correctness of memory change (\( mod \)) and access (\( acc \)), as well as termination.

2.3 Java Modeling Language

So far, the components of contracts are left abstract. In deductive verification of imperative programs, one typically uses (typed) first-order formulas or expressions to formalize them and a program logic to express the semantics of contracts. However, languages such as Java are very much richer than first-order logic, which makes it tedious to write contracts. For this reason, it is common to specify contracts based on behavioral modeling notations having a rich syntax and thus being closer to the target language. Contracts written in such a modeling language are then automatically desugared into first-order and program logic [36]. In KeY we use the Java Modeling Language (JML) [48].

We introduce JML contracts by example. Listing 1 shows a contract for binSearch(), a recursive Java implementation of binary search between indices low (inclusive) and up (exclusive) on an integer array a:

figure c

We observe that JML is placed in Java comments augmented by a leading @ sign (the remaining @’s are purely cosmetic). JML permits visibility modifiers (“private”) with the same semantics as Java. Any side effect-free Java expression may occur in JML, any boolean expression can serve as a formula. Non-Java keywords in JML expressions are indicated by a leading backslash. Beyond Java expressions, first-order universal and existential quantifiers are allowed in JML. These are evaluated over the domain specified in their variable declaration and have an optional range expression, for example, , which restricts the values being quantified over.

This idiom, where a quantifier ranges over integers and is further restricted by upper and lower bounds, is characteristic of specifications over array types.

The JML keyword requires indicates the \( pre \) slot of a contract. In the example, two requires clauses state the various index bounds and that array a is sorted, respectively. If a keyword occurs multiple times, as here, then the conjunction of all expressions must hold. The JML keyword ensures indicates the \( post \) slot of a contract. The first ensures clause expresses that the returned value is either a valid index of a or-1. The keyword \({\backslash }\) result denotes the returned value of a method. The second ensures clause is a conditional expression (observe that quantifiers can be nested), saying that (i) either the searched element v is present in a between the given bounds, in which case a valid index, where v can be found, is returned or else (ii) the constant-1 is returned.

The JML keyword assignable indicates the \( mod \) slot of a contract. A search method is expected not to change the heap, so we specify the empty set of locations, for which the keyword \({\backslash }\) nothing stands. To prove termination of the recursive implementation we add a measured_by clause. The top-level call will be of the form binSearch(a,v,0,a.length), so initially the measure is equal to the value of a.length. It decreases at each call, because holds; it is never negative because the relation is maintained.

2.4 Dynamic Logic

How does one prove, for example, that the implementation of binSearch in Listing 1 conforms to its contract? In KeY we use dynamic logic, a program logic due to Pratt [55] (the name dynamic logic was coined in [39]).

In a nutshell, dynamic logic is obtained from Hoare logic [43] by closing it syntactically with respect to first-order formulas. In consequence, correctness assertions may be nested which adds useful expressiveness.

Definition 2

(Dynamic Logic, DL). Dynamic logic extends first-order logic with a binary operator \([p]\phi \) and is inductively defined as follows: (1) Every first-order formula is a DL formula. (2) If p is a program and \(\phi \) a DL formula, then \([p]\phi \) is a DL formula. (3) The set of DL formulas is closed under propositional and first-order operators.

Formula \([p]\phi \) is valid in a first-order model \(\mathcal {M}\) if the following holds: For any execution state s, if p is started in s and it terminates in a state \(s'\), then \(\phi \) is valid in \(\mathcal {M}\) and \(s'\).

Obviously, \([p]\phi \) expresses partial correctness of p with respect to postcondition \(\phi \), whenever \(\phi \) is a first-order formula. A first-order contract \(( pre , post )\) for p can be expressed as \( pre \rightarrow [p] post \), which corresponds to the Hoare triple \(\{ pre \}p\{ post \}\) [43]. The remaining contract elements are discussed later.

DL being syntactically closed, we can define the dual operator \(\langle \cdot \rangle \) by \(\langle p\rangle \phi \equiv \lnot [p]\lnot \phi \), which expresses total correctness of p, keeping in mind \([p]\phi \) trivially holds for non-terminating programs and assuming programs are deterministic.

It is important to observe that DL is a modal logic: in general, executing p changes the execution state. However, it is convenient to assume the value of first-order variables stays invariant. For example, we might want to write \(\forall x.\left( x\ge 0\rightarrow [p](\mathtt {\backslash }\texttt {result}\ge x)\right) \) and be sure that x is not changed by p. To achieve this, it is necessary, unlike in Hoare logic, to sharply differentiate between memory locations in programs (variables, arrays, fields, ...) and first-order variables. The former are modeled as non-rigid constants and functions whose interpretation may change from state to state; the latter are, as usual, evaluated under a rigid first-order model and variable assignment. In consequence, we do not permit quantification over program variables—this would result in extremely complex scoping rules. On the other hand, it makes perfect sense to write a DL formula such as and expect it to be valid, for example, when p is \(\texttt {++i}\).

For the KeY tool, we use a Java-specific extension of dynamic logic called Java DL. The main difference to vanilla DL [38] is that Java DL contains many predefined rigid and non-rigid first-order functions and predicates, including suitable first-order theories that model Java features in first-order logic. The intended first-order models \(\mathcal {M}\) (Definition 2) must be defined accordingly. For example, there is a non-rigid function that returns the length of an array a in the current execution state as \(\mathop {length}(\texttt {a})\). In Java DL we also permit Java-style syntax \(\texttt {a.length}\). Java DL is a typed first-order logic whose type system includes all Java primitive and reference types that are equipped with Java ’s typing rules. Obviously, all Java DL terms are assumed to be well-formed according to Java rules, which is enforced by KeY ’s parser.

2.5 State Updates

A common approach to performing logical inference in program logic is to compute the weakest precondition [32] of \([p] post \), i.e. the logically weakest formula \(wp(p, post )\) such that \(wp(p, post )\rightarrow [p] post \) holds. It is constructed from \( post \) by unraveling p backwards. For example, in Hoare calculus \(wp(x:=e,\phi )=\phi [x/e]\) (assuming x is a scalar variable and e a simple expression). The weakest precondition computation is iterated until the beginning of a program p is reached. Branching statements split into several weakest preconditions, such that the overall result of the process is a finite set of first-order formulas \(vc_1,\ldots ,vc_n\) for which \(\bigwedge _ivc_i\rightarrow [p] post \) holds. The \(vc_i\) are called verification conditions and can be discharged, for example, with automated theorem provers or SMT solvers. Iterative or recursive constructs require strongest invariants to compute wp; otherwise, (stronger) necessary conditions are obtained.

This verification condition generation (VCG) is simple and amenable to automation, but is problematic whenever full automation is not achievable:(i) Verification conditions tend to become large and complex, and then they are difficult to understand in case they are not provable; (ii) executing a program backwards is unnatural for humans and makes it hard to follow a failed verification attempt.

In KeY we assume that contracts and loop invariants (Sect. 3) for complex programs must be at least partially created manually. Getting them right requires understanding of intermediate proof situations. For this reason, the Java DL inference system is not based on a VCG architecture but on forward symbolic execution. Unfortunately, computing the dual of \(wp(p, post )\), i.e. the strongest postcondition of a program started in a state satisfying \( pre \), is expensive and unnatural for assignment statements. Therefore, we use a technical trick that avoids computing explicit strongest postconditions:

Definition 3

(Elementary Update). Let v be a program variable of primitive type and e a simple (not nested) and side effect-free expression such that the assignment v = e is well-formed. Let e be the first-order representation of e.Footnote 2 Then \(\texttt {v} := e\) is called an elementary update.

The semantics of an elementary update \(\texttt {v} := e\) are all state transitions where the value of v in the final state is set to the value that e had in the first state.

Updates capture the effect of symbolic state changes and are streamlined to represent (simple) assignments. As we shall see below, updates can be viewed as explicit substitutions that represent a symbolic state change. By prefixing Java DL formulas with updates, we can express that a formula is evaluated in the state represented by these updates:

Definition 4

(Java DL with Updates). If \(u\) is an update, \(\phi \) a DL formula, and e a DL expression, then \(\{u\}\,\phi \) is a DL formula and \(\{u\}\,e\) a DL expression.

2.6 A Java DL Calculus

For a simple assignment v = e, the DL formulas \([\texttt {v = e;}\,p]\phi \) and \(\{\texttt {v} := e\}\,[p]\phi \) are logically equivalent. This observation is the basis for a forward symbolic execution calculus to prove the validity of Java DL formulas: For each type of Java statement st in a program formula \([st;\,p]\phi \), we compute a finite set of formulas that implies \([st;\,p]\phi \) and, therefore, can replace it. These formulas have the form \(\{\phi _i\rightarrow \mathcal {U}_i[st_i;\,p]\phi \}_i\), where \(\mathcal {U}_i\) are updates, the \(st_i\) typically are (possibly empty) sub-statements of st, and the \(\phi _i\) (optional) preconditions (the above replacement of an assignment is a special case of this general schema). This characterization permits to further reduce the \([st_i;\,p]\phi \) and so on. All that remains to do is to turn this schema into a calculus and to design the actual rules.

We assume the reader is familiar with the basics of sequent calculi (see, for example, [33]). As usual, we use naming conventions for schema variables: \(\phi ,\psi ,\ldots \) stand for Java DL formulas, \(\varGamma ,\,\varDelta \) for sets of Java DL formulas, and \(\mathcal {U}\) denotes an arbitrary sequence of updates. More schema variables are introduced as needed. A typical (unary) rule may have the general form of the left rule schema below, where DL formulas \(\phi ,\psi \) are rewritten while the update \(\mathcal {U}\) and formulas in \(\varGamma ,\,\varDelta \) remain unchanged (\(\varGamma \) might contain assumptions or theories).

figure h

To make rule notation more succinct, we drop context formulas and leading updates in the following as in the rule schema above on the right, where contexts are implicit, but we actually mean the rule above on the left. With this convention in place, we formalize the observation at the beginning of this subsection as the sequent rule given below on the left. As usual in sequent calculi, the rules are applied bottom-up. On the right is the rule that stops symbolic execution once there is no further statement left to evaluate:

figure i

Example 1

Let us prove correctness of in-place value swap (ignoring possible arithmetic overflow) of two int variables i, j, as formalized in the sequent:

$$ \texttt {i}\doteq i_0,\,\texttt {j}\doteq j_0\implies [\texttt {i = i+j; j = i-j; i = i-j;}](\texttt {i}\doteq j_0\wedge \texttt {j}\doteq i_0) $$

After applying the assignment rule three times, then rule (emptyBox), we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {i}\doteq i_0,\,\texttt {j}\doteq j_0\implies \{\texttt {i} := \texttt {i+j}\}\,\{\texttt {j} := \texttt {i-j}\}\,\{\texttt {i} := \texttt {i-j}\}\,(\texttt {i}\doteq j_0\wedge \texttt {j}\doteq i_0) \end{aligned}$$

The example shows that we need rules for applying an update to a first-order formula or term. Updates can be viewed as explicit substitutions [2], thus update application is obvious: A straightforward homomorphism on formulas and terms, except the base case: \(\{\texttt {v} := e\}\,\texttt {w}\) yields e in case \(\texttt {v}=\texttt {w}\) and w, otherwise.

We apply the updates (1), starting with the last one, which yields (2) and, after two more update applications, the provable first-order sequent (3):

$$\begin{aligned} & \texttt {i}\doteq i_0,\,\texttt {j}\doteq j_0 \implies \{\texttt {i} := \texttt {i+j}\}\,\{\texttt {j} := \texttt {i-j}\}\,(\texttt {i-j}\doteq j_0\wedge \texttt {j}\doteq i_0) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} & \texttt {i}\doteq i_0,\,\texttt {j}\doteq j_0 \implies \texttt {i+j-(i+j-j)}\doteq j_0\wedge \texttt {(i+j)-j}\doteq i_0 \end{aligned}$$

At this point, three important observations can be made: (i) The first-order formula on the right of sequent (3) is the weakest precondition of the program and postcondition in Example 1. Updates allow us to compute it in a forward fashion. (ii) It is unnecessary to define a substitution operator on programs (which is highly complex for languages such as Java), because updates are applied only on formulas and terms. Difficulties, such as aliasing or side effects, are dealt with at the level of symbolic execution rules, as we shall see below. (iii) There is a potential inefficiency in the so-far lazily applied updates. For example, when some code is unreachable, that is discovered late. In addition, iterative substitutions can blow up term size drastically. The last point is mitigated by performing eager update simplification. To this end, we define parallel updates \(\texttt {v}_1 := e_1\,||\cdots ||\,\texttt {v}_n := e_n\), where each slot is an elementary update and all \(\texttt {v}_i\) are different.

The semantics of parallel updates are those state transitions, where all the elementary updates are performed in parallel, i.e. the old values of the right hand side are used in each elementary update. For example, the parallel update \(\texttt {j} := \texttt {i} \,||\, \texttt {i} := \texttt {j}\) simultaneously sets i to the previous value of j and vice versa. Since all left-hand sides in a parallel update are different, this is well-defined (for the moment, we ignore aliasing, which is discussed in Sect. 3). To turn a sequence of elementary updates into a parallel update, the following rewrite rule is applied, where u is any, possibly parallel, update:

figure j

where update \(u\backslash \texttt {v}\) is identical to u, except elementary updates with left-hand side v are dropped. This is to keep left-hand sides unique and is justified by the fact that any v occurring in u on the left is overwritten by the later update of v.

If we apply rule (seqToPar) to the formula in sequent (1), we obtain

figure k

Then, before applying rule (seqToPar) again, it is possible to perform arithmetic simplification on the expression (i+j)-j. Such a strategy of eager update parallelization and simplification helps to keep symbolic expressions small and is crucial for performance.

2.7 Forward Symbolic Execution of Straight-Line Programs

To be able to verify straight-line programs with the Java DL calculus, two more components are needed: Handling complex expressions and conditional statements. We start with the former. Typically, in a rich language such as Java is that an array assignment could be of the form , where each of e, e\('\), e\(''\) might be a complex expression. Moreover, evaluation of e\(''\) can incur side effects that may or may not influence evaluation of e\('\) (i++ vs. ++i). Symbolic execution must respect Java ’s evaluation rules and record side effects at the correct place. Not surprisingly, a large number of rules are required. Luckily, all of these rules follow the same simple principles. We discuss one typical representative. This rule handles the case when the array reference nse is not a simple expression and possibly has side effects.

figure m

First, a fresh variable v is allocated that holds the reference expression nse. Subsequently, the original assignment is unfolded and nse replaced with v. The premise can now be symbolically executed, relying on v being simple. Of course, further rules must be applied to deal with e, e\('\).

All rules for complex assignments follow this simple schema:(i) Memorize a non-simple sub-expression, (ii) unfold a complex expression with the memorized value, (iii) arrange the sequence of assignments to reflect Java ’s evaluation rules.

The same principle is used to ensure that guards of conditionals and loops are side effect-free, simple expressions (here named se) before they are symbolically executed. In consequence, the rule for conditionals is straightforward:

figure n

2.8 Procedure-Modular Verification: Contracts and Method Calls

To verify the example in Listing 1, we need to handle recursive procedure calls (for loops, see Sect. 3). We focus on a simple case to avoid the main idea getting buried under technicalities: Assume a method signature with a contract \(( pre , post )\). We design a Java DL rule that, instead of inlining m’s implementation, uses its contract (how to verify contracts is shown next). In the conclusion of the rule below, we assign the result of a call to m with a simple argument se compatible to T\('\) to a simple location expression v compatible to T. Further, we assume that \( pre '\) and \( post '\) are the desugared first-order translations of \( pre \) and \( post \), respectively, where res corresponds to JML ’s \({\backslash }\) result.


The left premise validates that m’s contract goes into effect by proving the precondition with se as the value of arg. The right premise uses the postcondition in the remaining proof. To this end, first res is initialized with an unknown value (fresh Skolem constant \(c_r\)), then \( post '\) is added as an assumption. Whatever \( post '\) knows about res is propagated to v and can be used to establish \([p]\phi \).

The general case for method contract application can be more complicated. Specifically, for non-static method calls (dynamic dispatch), the implementation of m might be impossible to determine statically. In this case, the verification branches into different cases, one for each potential implementation. In addition, the caller expression must be correctly set up and possible side effects of the call, as described in the assignable clause, must be considered. Finally, m might terminate with an exception. We refer to [35] for a full treatment.

To formalize verification of a contract’s correctness is easy in Java DL, because the modal correctness formulas are closely aligned to the semantics of contracts. With the terminology from above, to verify a contract, we prove the following sequent (arg is the name of m’s parameter used in \( pre '\)):

$$ pre '\implies [\texttt {res = m(arg);}] post ' $$

To avoid a circular argument, rule (4) is not permitted, but m is inlined. Again, this does not yet account for the possibility that m may throw an exception. To exclude this case, one can simply wrap the method call in a try statement and add a check to the postcondition, ensuring no exception was thrown.

We close the section observing that the expressiveness of dynamic logic permits to formalize method contract correctness and method contract usage as a single Java DL formula resp. a Java DL calculus rule. This is in contrast to VCG style verification based on Hoare logic, where this must be encoded with numerous assert statements dispersed throughout the program under verification.

2.9 Proving the Contract of Binary Search

We prove the contract shown in Listing 1. Thus, we expect the following Java DL formula to be provable:

figure p

Observe that this is a total correctness formula while the rules so far were formulated with partial correctness operators. Fortunately, the calculus for partial and total correctness is exactly the same, except for Java constructs with potentially unbounded behavior. These are recursive calls and loops. To deal with the former, a check for the measure to decrease must be added to rule (4). When provable, total correctness of all method contracts in a given program implies total correctness of any program. This follows from a result proved in [51].

Before we can prove the DL formula above with KeY, there is one last loose end to tie up: It concerns how assignments involving array types are handled. Due to the considerations in Sect. 2.7 we can assume that all locations are simple and side effect-free. Yet the assignment rules—below the one for array access on the right of the sequent—are relatively complex:

figure q

This rule (as other array rules) reflects that in Java an array access can throw a NullPointerException or an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (abbreviated with AIOoBException), which in general cannot be statically excluded (for symbolic execution of exceptions, see Sect. 3.3). The actual update happens in the first premise. Array updates \(\texttt {v} := \texttt {a}[e]\) constitute a new class of elementary updates with a dedicated set of update application and simplification rules, reflecting the semantics of Java arrays. In particular, these rules take into account that in Java array references might be aliased.

3 Towards Real Java

So far, we learned how to specify and verify a simple program, but the preceding section left some gaps. The symbolic execution rules discussed above only consider updates on local variables without aliasing and, for the most part, without exceptional behavior. Furthermore, just like in Hoare calculus, KeY ’s JavaDL calculus requires loop invariants. In this section, we introduce the concepts necessary to specify and verify the iterative version of binary search in Listing 2: the heap model, exceptions and other abnormal termination, and loop invariants.

figure r

3.1 Aliasing: State Updates on the Heap

A major difficulty in verifying object-oriented programs is aliasing on the heap. Consider an assignment to a field o.f. Then, the assignment rule from Sect. 2 no longer suffices because changing the value of o.f might also change the value of o2.f if \(\texttt {o} \doteq \texttt {o2}\). To accommodate aliasing, JavaDL models the heap as an array with indices (of) (called heap locations), where o is a first-order expression of type \( Object \) and f is a first-order expression of type \( Field \), the type of field references. The axiomatization is based on the theory of arrays [52], but it is extended by axioms specific to JavaDL. The list of these axioms is found in [59], here we explain the functions defined through these axioms informally.

Given a program variable h of type \( Heap \), a heap location (of), and an expression e, the expression \(\textrm{store}(h,o,f,e)\) evaluates to a heap identical to h except that the value of location (of) is e. For any Java type A, there is a function \(\textrm{select}_A\) such that \(\textrm{select}_A(h,o,f)\) evaluates either to the value at the location (of), if that value has type A, or to an underspecified value otherwise.

Now, we can give an update rule for field assignments. If either side of an assignment is a complex expression, we first apply unfolding rules similar to the rule (assignmentUnfoldLeftArrayRef) from Sect. 2.7. For a field assignment where both sides are simple expressions, we have the following rule. Similar to the rule seen in Sect. 2.9, we need a premise to deal with a possible NullPointerException. The first premise translates the assignment to an update using the store function on the heap.

figure s

To support modular verification as presented in Sect. 2, we need a way to model the effects of a method call on the heap. KeY uses a variant of dynamic frames [45, 60], an approach which uses sets of heap locations as first-class logical variables. To model the heap after a method call, we use a function which takes a heap h and a location set s and replaces the value of any location in s by an unknown value. This is accomplished by the anonymization function \(\textrm{anon}\): The expression \(\textrm{anon}(h,s,h')\) evaluates to a heap equal to h except that all values of locations in s are taken from \(h'\). If \(h'\) occurs nowhere else in the sequent, then these values are unknown. Then, exactly the information in the postcondition is what is known about the new values. Our anonymization is related to the “havoc” notion in Boogie [11].

3.2 Loop Invariants in JML and JavaDL

To verify unbounded loops, KeY requires a manually specified loop invariant. A loop invariant is a formula that holds before entering the loop and after every loop iteration. Additionally, we need a termination witness (called loop variant) to prove total correctness.

The loop invariant in Listing 2 consists of three clauses: The first limits the range of the index variables low and up, like in the precondition of the recursive version. The other two clauses differ from the recursive contract. The recursive contract states that the searched value is between the indices low and up. When using a loop invariant, we must instead state that the searched value is not between the indices 0 and low nor between up and a.length. (KeY also permits recursive loop contracts [64], but this is beyond the scope of this tutorial).

The loop variant (decreases) is an expression whose value is always at least 0 but strictly decreases with every loop iteration. Finally, the loop needs an assignable condition to prove the surrounding method’s assignable condition.

When encountering a loop in JavaDL’s calculus, one must prove three claims:(i) The loop invariant holds when entering the loop; (ii) the loop invariant is preserved by the loop body; (iii) after the loop terminates, the invariant ensures that the postcondition holds after executing the rest of the program. These claims are captured in the three premises of the following rule (a simplified version that only applies to loops without side effects in the loop guard and without abnormal termination; it also does not consider the loop variant):

figure t

Here, we drop the notational convention established in Sect. 2.6 and write the update \(\mathcal {U}\) and antecedent \(\varGamma \) explicitly. We also write \(\omega \) for the rest of the program and \(\pi \) for the inactive prefix, which may include a sequence of opening braces { and initial try blocks “try {”. The initial update \(\mathcal {U}\) captures the state of symbolic execution before the loop. The first premise ensures that the invariant \( inv \) holds upon entering the loop. The second and third premises contain the update \(\mathcal {A}= \{ \texttt {heap} := \textrm{anon}(\texttt {heap}, mod ,a_h)\,||\texttt {l}_1 := c_1\,||\cdots ||\,\texttt {l}_n := c_n \}\,\), Here, \( mod \) corresponds to the assignable clause, \(a_h\) is an unknown heap (i.e., a heap which occurs nowhere else in the sequent) and \(\texttt {l}_i := c_i\) are updates which set any local variable \(\texttt {l}_i\) written in the loop body to an unknown value \(c_i\). The two updates \(\mathcal {U}\mathcal {A}\) are applied sequentially to transfer that part of the symbolic state that is unchanged by the loop across the loop boundary. If, in that partially anonymized state, the invariant and loop guard both hold, executing the loop body must preserve the invariant and the frame condition, which ensures that any heap location outside \( mod \) is unchanged. If the invariant holds but the loop guard does not (the loop terminates), the postcondition must hold after executing the program rest \(\omega \).

3.3 Exceptions in JML and JavaDL

In Sect. 2 we considered programs that terminate normally. But the version of binSearch in Listing 2 throws an exception if the element is not found (instead of returning -1). To specify this, we add a second contract using the keyword also. That contract starts with exceptional_behavior, which specifies that the method terminates with an exception if the precondition holds. The keyword signals_only followed by a list of exception types states that the method throws no other exceptions except those listed.

The translation to JavaDL combines both contracts: The JavaDL precondition is the disjunction \( pre \vee pre' \) of both preconditions, and the postcondition is

$$ \begin{array}{c} ( pre \rightarrow \texttt {exc} \doteq \texttt {null} \wedge post ) \wedge ( pre ' \rightarrow \textrm{instanceOf}_{\texttt {NSEE}}(\texttt {exc})) \end{array} $$

where \( post \) is the translation of the ensures clause and exc is a reserved program variable set when a throw statement is symbolically executed.

3.4 Integer Semantics

Recall that in Example 1, we glossed over the issue of arithmetic overflows. We treated Java ’s int type as the mathematical integers \(\mathbb {Z}\) and all arithmetic operations on int as their mathematical counterpart (our discussion focuses on integers, but similar considerations apply to byte/long). Clearly, it is unsound to disregard overflows. Consider the DL formula

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {i}\ge 0\rightarrow [\texttt {i = i + 1;}](\texttt {i}>0) \end{aligned}$$

At first glance, it seems to be valid. But in case i’s value is the maximal int value, there is an overflow resulting in a negative value of i. To render the formula valid, we can strengthen the precondition by .

To permit flexibility in the choice of the arithmetic model, KeY translates operations +,-, *, etc., to abstract Java DL functions during symbolic execution. For example, a + b becomes \(\textrm{javaAddInt}(\texttt {a}, \texttt {b})\) (assuming that a,b are of type int). The interpretation of these abstract functions can be configured in the KeY tool (option “intrules”). Three options for integer semantics are available:

(I) The default integer semantics, arithmeticSemanticsIgnoringOF, translates to \(\mathbb {Z}\), as we did in Example 1. This semantics allows for easy prototyping and teaching—also specifications tend to be much simpler—but it is unsound. Nor is this semantics complete, as some valid formulas cannot be proven, such as \(\texttt {i}\doteq \texttt {Integer.MAX\_VALUE}\rightarrow [\texttt {i = i + 1;}](\texttt {i} < 0)\). (II) To verify a program that does not rely on overflows, the semantics checkedOverflow is suitable. It checks that for all abstract functions, the result is in the value range of int, i.e. it proves the absence of overflows. While checkedOverflow is sound, it is not complete. If an intentional overflow occurs, the proof cannot be finished. Both proof and specification efforts tend to be bigger with this option than for the mathematical semantics. (III) The javaSemantics accurately models most operations on Java ’s int and provides soundness and completeness. All abstract functions are translated to accurate calculations for int, at the cost of even more complex proofs.

Integer semantics options let the user trade off the complexity of proofs and specifications against the accuracy of the modeling: Is an exact model of Java ’s required, which will complicate the proof? Is showing the absence of overflows sufficient? Is the limited accuracy of mathematical integers acceptable? The answer will depend on the specific case.

Floating Point Numbers. KeY recently added support for floating point numbers, using a combination of theories in taclets and SMT solvers [1].

4 Inside KeY ’s Core

4.1 Prover Architecture

As discussed in Sect. 2.5, KeY does not have a VCG architecture. Unlike such tools as OpenJML [26] or Dafny [49], KeY comes with a built-in theorem prover, but can also use external SMT solvers. It works directly on Java source code avoiding an intermediate representation. Instead, it utilizes updates to achieve forward symbolic execution, relying on its Java DL calculus and automatic prover to close goals. The latter is strong enough in many complex situations.

In addition to avoiding the limitations of VCG discussed in Sect. 2.5, this approach has four main advantages:(I) Proofs generated by KeY are self-contained without a reference to—or trust placed in—external tools. It is always possible to examine the current proof state in KeY without the need to understand, for example, the SMTLIB format [12]. (II) The user of the KeY prover and the tool itself work on the same structure and goals. This simplifies understanding of proofs, the underlying calculus, and potential errors. (III) The automation capabilities of KeY enable it to simplify any Java DL formula, not only quantifier-free first-order expressions, during symbolic execution. Since the automation strategies aggressively simplify updates, first-order formulas, and terms while symbolically executing a program, many branches in a proof tree are closed early or are not created in the first place. Simplification is crucial to lessen the impact of path explosion—a well-known issue in symbolic execution [9]. (IV) KeY generates an explicit, self-contained proof object. A KeY proof can be saved and reloaded, even when it is incomplete. A proof consists of the claim to be proven plus a series of rule applications. This permits to share and re-play proofs, increasing trust in KeY artifacts and enabling reproducible results. Hence, the trusted code base is only KeY and its 25 years of experience.

The downside of the KeY architecture is that, when verifying exceptionally complex code, KeY ’s automatic capabilities may be insufficient. In this case, KeY can hand a (first-order) goal over to an SMT solver, such as Z3 [30] or cvc5 [10]. This is especially useful for floating point numbers (see Sect. 3.4). In this manner, KeY can still profit from the advances in SMT-solving technology, albeit at the cost of sacrificing self-contained proof objects.

4.2 Taclets

As a proof assistant, KeY allows significant flexibility regarding its underlying calculus. Most rules of the Java DL calculus are not hard-coded but written in a simple, but expressive, language for such rules called taclets. We provide a succinct description of taclets. For a more in-depth coverage of taclets, their features, and correctness, see [57].

Taclets are very versatile and permit axiomatization of data structures, definition of symbolic execution rules, rules for propositional and first-order logic, etc. They allow users to define their own rules to accommodate a specific verification purpose. To ensure soundness of first-order taclets, KeY generates a proof obligation expressing the soundness of the taclet, which is proven in KeY itself.

We only present one form of taclets: rewrite taclets. Recall the rule in Sect. 2.6 for symbolically executing assignments. Listing 3 defines the same rule as taclet. The assignment rule has four parts: (i) A definition of schema variables matching formulas (post), program variables (#loc), and side effect-free expressions (#se); (ii) a clause, defining the formula “in focus,” i.e., to be replaced in the premise—in this case a modality of any kind with an assignment; (iii) providing the formulas in the premises; (iv) a clause, instructing the automatic prover when this rule should be applied.

figure z

The opening and closing ellipses ’..’ and ’...’ in the modality stand for the inactive prefix \(\pi \) and the rest of the program \(\omega \), respectively (see Sect. 3.2).

5 Advanced Concepts for Object-Orientation

For the verification of non-trivial object-oriented programs, two specification features are important: (i) Data abstraction by which the content of data structures is represented using mathematical values thus hiding implementation details and (ii) data encapsulation that allows reasoning about data structures locally provided that any structure operates only on memory locations belonging to itself.

5.1 Ghost and Model Fields, Model Methods

Abstraction is relevant for programs operating on non-trivial data structures, as dealing with the details and memory layouts of data structure implementations unnecessarily increases proof complexity. So it is important (and often an enabling factor) to possess means to abstract from implementation details and to work with abstract values describing and capturing the state of data structure objects. For object-oriented programs, the state of an object is often best captured abstractly in form of one or more values in mathematical data types.

The canonical abstraction of the state of a doubly linked list implementation, for example, is a sequence of its entries. The expected behavior of list operations can be described in contracts using this abstraction. A client using such lists does not need to know anything about the data structure’s actual implementation. KeY supports three means to introduce abstract values as JML annotations into class files: Ghost fields, model fields, and model methods.

Ghost fields (and variables) are fields (and variables) that only exist for verification purposes. Since JML annotations are written in comments, they are ignored during compilation. For verification, however, ghost entities are treated like normal Java fields and variables. In particular, ghost fields give rise to heap locations as outlined in Sect. 3.1. Ghost entities in JML may have types which are only available in JML but not in Java. In assignments, expressions that go beyond the expressiveness of Java (like quantifiers) can be used with ghost variables. Ghost fields and variables are often used to store redundant information or intermediate results, which are not required for computations at run time, but can considerably simplify deductive verification.

The example in Listing 4 illustrates how a ghost field is used to abstract from a concrete data structure. The List interface declares the ghost field content holding the list’s abstraction, which is a sequence of values. The abstraction suffices to specify the contract of method get, which obtains the integer value stored at index idx. The method add ensures that a value is appended to the content. It is specified using the sequence operator “+” in KeY ’s JML. The implementing class ArrayList uses an array that actually holds the list’s values. The connection between the abstract list and its implementation is established via a coupling invariant. In this case the function can be used to read the sequence of values from an array.

figure ab

Modifications of ghost fields must be made explicitly using assignments in contracts. For example, the contract of method add (not shown here, but available in the tutorial sources), must set content explicitly to the new value.

Model fields are, like ghost fields, only visible during verification and not at compile time. However, unlike ghost fields, model fields do not have a state of their own but are observer symbols whose value is computed from the current heap state. They are more like side effect-free Java query methods than Java fields. A model field is declared by adding the JML modifier model.

The benefit of model fields is that they need not (and cannot) be updated explicitly since they “automatically” change their value. However, verification of programs with model fields usually needs significantly more interactions than programs with ghost fields, and proofs tend to be larger and more complex.

Model methods are a generalization of model fields in the sense that they have arguments. They are side effect-free methods declared in JML annotations.

5.2 Dynamic Frames

Data encapsulation is closely related to data abstraction: If a data structure is well encapsulated, then its abstract value does not depend on memory areas outside the data structure. This is known as the framing problem: How to specify and verify that the abstract state of an object does not interfere with another unrelated object? Framing is usually addressed by requiring that the memory locations of data structures do not overlap. Over the last two decades, mainly three concepts to solve the framing problem have emerged: Separation logic [56], ownership type systems [31], and dynamic frames [46].

The KeY tool implements dynamic frames [60], where the set of locations that “belong” to a data structure, i.e. those locations that can be read or written by its operations are explicitly modeled as a set of memory locations, often called the footprint of an object. A ghost field is used to model this location set.

Revisiting the List example, in Listing 5 we specify at the interface level that the get query method may at most read memory locations in the footprint (using the keyword accessible). The function add may modify at most these locations (specified using assignable). When the footprint grows in add, only fresh locations that were not yet allocated prior to the call may be added to ensure that footprints remain separate. This is a typical specification pattern used when specifying and verifying object-oriented programs with dynamic frames. The List example is covered in the tutorial material.

figure ac

The value of a query invocation can only change if an element in the footprint is modified. The following axiom is available in KeY:

$$\begin{aligned} \big (\forall o,f.\ (o,f) \in \texttt {list.footprint} & \rightarrow {select}(h_1, o, f) \doteq {select}(h_2, o, f)\big ) \rightarrow \nonumber \\ &\quad \texttt {get}(h_1, \texttt {list}, idx) \doteq \texttt {get}(h_2, \texttt {list}, {idx}) \end{aligned}$$

It expresses that the get function computes the same result in heaps \(h_1,h_2\) if all locations in footprint hold the same values in \(h_1,h_2\). When lists are known to have disjoint footprints, then the dynamic frame axiom (5) allows to infer that adding an element to one list has no influence on a query to the other list.

6 KeY as a Tool for the Community

Due to its maturity and openness, KeY is a valuable tool for the community. This includes the use of KeY as a tool for verification projects or for teaching, but also the use of KeY in research projects for building new tools on top of it.

6.1 KeY as a Tool to Verify Real-World Software

Over the years, a plethora of case studies has been conducted, where KeY was used to verify a plethora of real-world algorithms and data structures. We present a selection; a more comprehensive list is on the KeY project website.

A verification case study that received much attention is TimSort, an algorithm combining merge and insertion sort. It is prominently used as Java’s default for sorting collections of objects. However, that implementation had a bug and crashed for certain large collections. This issue was detected and explained in [29], a fixed version has been presented and verified with KeY in [28].

While the JDK uses TimSort to sort collections of objects, collections of primitive types are sorted using Dual Pivot Quicksort, which is a standard quicksort that partitions into three instead of into two parts. The implementation provided by the JDK has been proven correct in [19], which includes the sortedness property, the permutation property, and the absence of integer overflows.

In [24], the core of the JDK’s Identity Hash Map was specified and verified. In that case study, a novelty is the use of several JML tools: KeY, the bounded model checker JJBMC [16], and OpenJML [25], to exploit the strengths of each of them and jointly verify a large project.

Researchers at CWI showed that Java’s LinkedList implementation breaks when lists with more than \(2^{31}\) elements are created [42]. They propose a fixed version and verified it successfully with KeY. This case study shows the capability of KeY to reason about bounded integer data types and handle overflows.

The most recent large case study performed with KeY is the verification of the sorting algorithm in-place super scalar sample sort [18]. This algorithm is efficient on modern machines, as it avoids branch mispredictions, allows high instruction parallelism by reducing data dependencies in the innermost loops, and it is very cache-efficient. This case study shows that with KeY it is possible to verify state-of-the-art sorting algorithms of considerable size (in this case about 900 lines of Java) and complexity without having to modify the source code.

6.2 KeY for Teaching

KeY is well suited for teaching. It comes with a GUI that provides context-specific actions, such as the rules that are applicable to the specific selected term. It provides means to inspect partial proofs and to explore the state of the prover interactively. The approach and the tool are very mature, and a lot of material exists that describes them in great detail (e.g., [4, 5, 14]). For these reasons, KeY is used in many courses at various universities, a list can be found at There is also a plethora of course notes and slides.

6.3 KeY as Library and Research Platform

In addition to the use of KeY as a standalone GUI-centric tool, it is possible to use KeY as a platform for research or to include it in a project as a library employing its symbolic execution and automated reasoning capabilities. One tool that uses KeY in such a way is CorC [58], which is an Eclipse-based tool that allows users to construct correct programs by stepwise refinement. To verify that the Java statements adhere to their “contracts” (pre- and postconditions created via refinement from the top-level specifications), CorC calls KeY as a backend.

KeYmaera  [54] is an offspring of KeY that can be used to prove properties about cyber-physical systems, which are systems that have continuous behavior as well as discrete state changes (for example cars or planes). However, its successor KeYmaera X  [34] is a green-field implementation and does not share a common code base with KeY anymore.

The Symbolic Execution Debugger [40] can be used to symbolically execute a program and obtain a tree of possible program paths. This helps to understand program and specification and to detect bugs, for example when unexpected paths are present or expected ones are missing. More recently, the Refinity tool [61] extends KeY by abstract execution [62] and lets one prove the correctness of refactorings. Both tools make use of KeY as a library.

6.4 Open Source and Open Development

KeY has been open source since the inception of the project in 1999. In February 2023 the sources were moved to a public repository on GitHub.Footnote 3 The open development model facilitates bug reports and feature requests. GitHub also provides the possibility to contact the developers.

The annual KeY Symposium takes place since 2002. With an international field of participants, it has been a breeding ground for new ideas and features for KeY. Growing over the years, the most recent edition has been the largest ever with about 40 attendees. To transfer knowledge from experienced to newer developers, two hackathons have been organized (in 2018 and 2024). Both events were a great success and led to multiple new features and bug fixes.