figure a
figure b

1 Introduction

It is widely recognized that formal methods need to be supported by automated tools to be of practical use and promote their adoption, especially when they are required by critical application areas (such as security and safety) and standards for software certification and accreditation [6, 7, 22, 23]. This tutorial presents ASMETAFootnote 1, an open-source framework defining modeling notations and tools inspired by the well-known formal method of the Abstract State Machines (ASMs) [14, 15]. ASMETA supports model editing, visualization, simulation, animation, validation, verification, as well as code generation from formal models.

In the wide range of existing formal methods [17, 21], and more specifically of state-based formal methodsFootnote 2, the ASM-based formal method supported by ASMETA offers several advantages: (1) models have a pseudo-code format, so practitioners can easily understand them as high-level programs; (2) systems can be specified at any desired level of abstraction, depending on the level of details one wants to achieve; (3) models are executable, so they are suitable also for lighter forms of model analysis such as simple simulation to check model consistency w.r.t. system requirements; (4) techniques for mapping models to code (e.g., to C++ or Java) are supported, so correct-by-construction development is possible; (5) multi-agents modeling is supported, making possible the specification of distributed systems. Moreover, the ASMETA framework allows for the integrated use of tools for different forms of model analysis, it is maintained and under continuous features improvement.

Through an illustrative case study from the healthcare domain, the Pill-Box system, this tutorial shows how to model in ASMETA the executable behavior of a system with a discrete state space. Then, the tutorial guides the readers through the use of the ASMETA tools to apply several model validation and verification (V&V) techniques, such as simulation, scenario-based validation, and formal verification of user-defined properties and meta-properties. A model refinement process supported by ASMETA is also presented by means of the running case study and by explaining how in formalizing the system behavior it is possible to evolve a partial specification (ground model) into a more complete model. Finally, the tutorial showcases the automatic generation of executable C++ code from the Pill-Box model, developed and verified in ASMETA.

This tutorial is intended to be a resource for software engineers and researchers that want to leverage lightweight formal methods in their projects. The hands-on approach, adopting the Pill-Box system as running example, endows the readers with the necessary skills to start adopting ASMETA for a more rigorous system design that increases the quality and reliability of behavioral system models and source code. ASMETA is distributed as an open-source solution so that other researchers can contribute to its extension.

The remainder of this tutorial is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the ASMs, while Sect. 3 introduces the ASMETA framework together with a modeling process, and provides all useful references. Section 4 presents the running case study. Section 5 describes the user-facing modeling language AsmetaL to define ASM models. Sections from 6 to 9 explain the ASMETA tooling supporting all model analysis techniques for a rigorous system design. Section 10 presents model refinement applied to the running case study. Section 11 explains how to generate C++ code from the verified Pill-Box model. Finally, Sect. 12 concludes.

2 Abstract State Machines

Before introducing ASMETA, here we provide a basic introduction of the state-based formal method of ASMs [14, 15]. States are mathematical algebras specifying a system configuration by means of arbitrarily complex data, i.e., domains of elements with functions defined on them. State transitions are expressed by named and parameterized transition rules describing how the data (function values saved into locations) change from one state to the next one.

The functions of the algebra are classified into dynamic and static depending on whether they are updated or not by transition rules. The dynamic functions are further distinguished in monitored (read by the machine and modified by the environment), controlled (read and written by the machine), out (only written by the machine and read by the environment), and shared (read and written by the machine and its environment). In addition, functions that are defined in terms of other (dynamic) functions are called derived.

Dynamic functions are updated by firing transition rules. The basic transition rule is the update rule for function update; it has form \( f(t_1,\ldots , t_n) := v\), where f is an n-ary function, \(t_i\) with \(i=1..n\) are terms, and v the new value to be associated with the location \( f(t_1,\ldots , t_n) \) in the next state. As in structured programming, constructs for structured control flow can be used to form transition rules depending on the type of update structure they express. The main rule constructors include: guarded updates (if-then, switch-case), simultaneous parallel updates (par), non-determinism (choose), unrestricted synchronous parallelism (for-all), abbreviation on terms of rules (let), etc.

ASMs can be read as pseudocode over abstract data with a well-defined execution semantics. An ASM run (see Fig. 1) is a (finite or infinite) sequence \(S_0,\) \(S_1,\) \(\ldots ,\) \(S_n,\) \(\ldots \) of states. Starting from the initial state \(S_0\), in a computation step (run step) from \(S_n\) to \(S_{n + 1}\), all enabled transition rules are executed in parallel, leading to simultaneous updates of a number of locations. In case of an inconsistent update (i.e., the same location is updated to two different values) or invariant violations (i.e., some property that must be true in every state is violated), the model execution stops with error.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An ASM run with a sequence of states and state-transitions (steps)

3 Overview of the ASMETA Toolset

The ASMETA project started in 2004 with the aim of addressing the deficiency in tools that support ASMs. Although the formal approach had demonstrated widespread application in specifying and verifying various software systems across diverse domains (as evidenced by the ASM research summary in [15]), the absence of supportive tools for the ASM method was deemed a limitation, leading to skepticism regarding its practical utility.

To address this issue, ASMETA has been developed by exploiting the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach [5] for software development starting from the definition of a meta-model for an abstract notation able to capture the working definition (see [15, pag. 32]) of an ASM. From the metamodel, a textual notation for encoding ASM models has been derived, and has been enriched, during the years, to support many V&V activities in the rigorous design of software systems. These analysis techniques have been proven to be beneficial for the safety assurance of safety-critical systems with event-based behavior and discrete state spaces. See  [1] for further details on the case studies and application domains (including medical software, software control systems, and service-based systems, to name a few) to which ASMETA has been applied.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

ASMETA-based development process

3.1 Getting and Using ASMETA

Most ASMETA tools are integrated with the Eclipse IDEFootnote 3. An Eclipse package containing the ASMETA toolset is available and released periodically at In the same location, the source code of all the ASMETA tools, together with examples of ASMETA specifications, is available.

Tooling. ASMETA tools support the main activities of the software development process from formal requirement specification to code generation. Figure 2 shows the tools usage in the various stages [1]. At design time, ASMETA provides tools for model editing and visualization (the modeling language AsmetaLFootnote 4 and its editor and compiler, plus the model visualizer AsmetaVis for graphical visualization of ASMETA models), model validation (e.g., interactive or random simulation by the simulator AsmetaSFootnote 5, animation by the animator AsmetaA, scenario construction and validation by the validator AsmetaV, and static analysis by the model reviewer AsmetaMA), and verification (proof of temporal properties by the model checker AsmetaSMV, and proof of correct model refinement by AsmRefProver). During software development, ASMETA supports automatic code and test case generation from models (the code generator Asmeta2C++, the unit test generator ATGT, and the acceptance test generator AsmetaBDD for complex system scenarios). If the system is available, during its operation, ASMETA can be used for runtime monitoring (by the tool CoMA) and runtime simulation (by AsmetaS@run.time).

Remark. Due to lack of space and to keep this tutorial simple and understandable to new and unfamiliar users, in the following sections we explain and show the application of a selected number of tools, those supporting the initial and fundamental steps of system modeling, analysis (V&V) and encoding. Focusing more on pedagogical rather than technical aspects of our modeling approach, we also skip advanced modeling features (e.g., the concepts of multi-agent ASMs or I/O ASMs, suitable to model distributed and composable systems) which require understanding the basic and preliminary concepts around ASMETA; this is what this tutorial intends to cover.

Modeling Process. ASMETA derives its foundation from the ASM theory, thus, akin to ASMs, its modeling methodology follows an iterative approach with a focus on model refinement. Concretely, ASMETA employs stuttering refinement [4], a specialized variant of the broader ASM refinement [13]. This refinement-based process allows users to tackle the complexity of the requirements and to bridge, in a seamless manner, specification to code. Requirements modeling begins with the creation of a high-level ASMETA model, akin to the ASM ground model [15]. This model is delineated through the analysis of informal requirements typically presented in natural language. Model signature and rule naming are set by using terms of the application domain and derived from textual requirements, thereby simplifying the process of connecting requirements to the model. This high-level model (see model ASM\(_0\) in Fig. 2) should be correct and consistent, i.e., it should represent the intended requirements (at the desired abstraction level) and no ambiguities of initial requirements should be left. It is not necessary for ASM\(_0\) to be complete, i.e., it may not specify some given requirements that are later captured during the refinement process. Indeed, the modeling process supported by ASMETA is a refinement-based one: starting from the model ASM\(_0\), through a sequence of refined models ASM\(_1\), ASM\(_2\),..., other functional requirements are specified and modeled, till the desired level of completeness is reached. At the end of this process, ASM\(_{\textrm{final}}\) captures all intended requirements at the desired level of abstraction. When performing refinements, it is important to prove that each refined model is a correct (stuttering) refinement of the previous one. The ASMETA framework includes the AsmRefProver tool [4] which supports the user in this activity and automatically performs the correctness check of refinement steps.

Starting from the very first model, the ASM\(_0\), during the modeling process the user should perform validation and verification (V&V) activities to assure requirements satisfaction and property validity.

4 The Pill-Box Case Study

In this section, we introduce the Pill-Box case study [8] with its informal requirements, which will be used throughout the paper as a running example to describe the modeling and analysis activities supported by the ASMETA tools.

The Pill-Box device is a medicine/pill dispenser that has a certain number of drawers (e.g., three drawers). Each drawer contains multiple slots (one for each pill) that are emptied in sequence. In each drawer, only one specific type of medicine can be placed. So, each drawer can contain multiple pills (one per slot) but all pills must be of the same drug type.

Each Pill-Box drawer has a switch and a LED. The former is used to notify whether the pill in the drawer has been taken, and the latter is used to signal relevant information to the user. When the LED is OFF, it is not time to take the corresponding pill, while when the LED is ON, it means that the patient should assume that pill. When it is time to take a pill, the LED stays ON for 10 minutes after the scheduled time of the pill.

For each pill type, it is possible to set several deadlines throughout the day, meaning that the same drawer might be opened multiple times. However, if two or more pills have to be taken at the same time, the Pill-Box turns on only a single LED per time, by randomly choosing the order in which to assume them. Here we introduce three models for the ASMETA specification of the Pill-Box, where each one introduces new elements for refining time and pill management:

  • Ground model (pillbox_ground): here we abstract the requirement that a drawer contains multiple slots and consider only a single pill per drawer. Moreover, time is not explicitly modeled, and information on the time passed is given by an external event (a monitored Boolean-valued function).

  • Model with time (pillbox_time): this specification models time passing by a timer. We still keep the abstraction of having a single pill per drawer.

  • Final model (pillbox_final): it captures all requirements of the Pill-Box system, and it thus specifies multiple pills (and multiple deadlines) per drawer.

These ASMETA models and all the other related artifacts are presented in part in this paper; their complete version can be found in file at

5 AsmetaL: The ASMETA Language

This section introduces the textual language AsmetaL, the user-facing language to define ASMETA models. The main modeling constructs of AsmetaL are here illustrated using the ground model pillbox_ground introduced in Sect. 4.

An ASMETA specification is described in a text file with extension .asm and structured as shown in Listing 1. It has five main sections:

figure c
  • The section import allows us to include all or some of the declarations and definitions given in another ASMETA model.

  • The section signature is where domains and functions are declared.

  • The section definitions contains the definition of static concrete domains, static or derived functions, all transition rules, and possible state invariants, i.e., first-order formulas that must be true in all states.

  • The section main rule defines the rule that is the starting point of the computation at each state; it may, in turn, call the other transition rules (defined as macro call rulesFootnote 6). A run step of an ASMETA model is the execution of all transition rules, which are directly or indirectly called from the main rule and are enabled to fire.

  • The section default init introduces the initial values for dynamic concrete domains and dynamic functions declared in the signature.

Here we provide a more detailed look at each part of an ASMETA specification.

Specification Name. The first line of the specification contains the keyword asm followed by the name of the specification, which must be the same as the file. For instance:

figure d

indicates that the specification name is pillbox_ground and it must be defined in the file pillbox_ground.asm.

A model without the main rule is called a moduleFootnote 7. It consists of declarations and definitions of domains, functions, invariants, macro call rules, and it can be imported by other ASMETA models. Note that an ASMETA model (the model that starts with the keyword asm) can be imported as well, except for the initial state and the main rule.

Import. An AsmetaL specification can import modules, by using the file name with its relative or absolute path. For instance, the following line imports the StandardLibrary:

figure e

The StandardLibrary is a user-ready module that defines names for basic domains and functions. This library is mandatory to import since it includes predefined names for primitive domains (like Boolean, Natural, Integer, etc.) and functions for the main operations over these domains and structured domains (for tuples, sequences, sets, bags, and maps). Other libraries are availableFootnote 8 as explained in the following sections.

Signature Domains. The AsmetaL language allows the user to specify domains of different type:

  • Basic domains: represent primitive data values and are denoted by ready-to-use domain symbols of the standard library (Boolean, Natural, Integer, Complex, Char, and String).

  • Enum domains: finite enumeration of elements defined by the user.

  • Abstract domains: (non-enumerable) user-defined domain to describe abstract entities of the real word.

  • Concrete domains: user-named domain defined as sub-domain of another domain.

  • Structured domains: representing structured data (like finite sets, tuples, maps) over other domains; examples are the Cartesian Product of two or more domains, and the mathematical Powerset of a domain.

Examples of user-defined domains from the ground model of the Pill-Box are:

figure f

Drawer is an abstract domain representing the drawer objects; such objects typically do not have a precise structure and the user further characterizes them by introducing functions over them (see next paragraph). LedLights is the enumeration for the light status of the LEDs; Drugs is the enumeration of three different types of drugs (Tylenol, Aspirine, and Moment).

Signature Functions. Basic functions form the basic signature of the machine and are classified into static, which never change during any run of the machine, and dynamic, that may be changed by the environment or by the machine updates. Dynamic functions are further divided into monitored, controlled, shared, and out. AsmetaL adopts appropriate keywords for declaring all these kinds of functions. Examples of declarations of static functions are the constantsFootnote 9 representing the three drawers (elements of the abstract domain Drawer):

figure g

Examples of dynamic functions declaration in the ground model areFootnote 10:

figure h

The function isPillTaken is a monitored function, and it is true when the user confirms he/she has taken the pill. Similarly, the monitored function pillDeadlineHit signals that the deadline for the pill contained in a specific drawer has come. A drawer contains a drug and has a drawerLed which is ON when it is time to take the pill. In addition, the Pill-Box uses the characteristic or indicator function isPillTobeTaken to store the drawers for which the deadline has been hit. These functions are controlled since their value is set by the machine.

In addition to basic functions, the modeler can introduce derived functions, i.e., those coming with a specification or computation mechanism defined in terms of other basic functions. Examples of declarations of derived functions are as follows:

figure i

These functions are used as guards in the transition rules and are defined (see below) in terms of the drawerLed controlled function.

Definitions Functions. Once declared, static and derived functions must also be defined explicitly in the definitions section. The notation to define functions is as in the following examples:

figure j

The right-hand term specifies the function law. In the case of the derived function areOthersOn, the right-end term is a logical map that associates domain elements to codomain elements. The target domains of the formal parameters are to be the same as those specified in the function declaration, and the domain type of the right-end term must be compatible with the function codomain. Note that, as exception to this explanation, static 0-ary functions (constants) over an abstract domain (such as drawer1) do not need to be defined.

Definitions Rules. An update rule is the basic form of a transition rule. Typically, an ASM transition system appears as a set of guarded updates or conditional rules of form if cond then updates, where function updates are simultaneously executed when the condition cond (also called “guard”) evaluates to true. An example of a conditional rule is as follows:

figure k

It sets to true the value of the function isPillTobeTaken for a given drawer $drawerFootnote 11 when it is time to take the drug of that drawer (denoted by the monitored function pillDeadlineHit).

In AsmetaL, the transition rules can be defined after the definition of concrete domains (if any) and functions. A rule definition starts with the keywords macro (it is optional) and rule, followed by the name of the rule with the fixed prefix r_, the list of free variables and their typing domains, and the rule body (containing occurrences of the free variables). As an example of rule definition, consider the rule r_reset that uses a par rule to reset the status of a given drawer (in parallel it sets the led to OFF and isPillTobeTaken to false):

figure l

Once defined, a named rule can be invoked (like in structured programming) within the rule body of another rule by using the rule name followed by the list of actual arguments (if any)Footnote 12 surrounded within square brackets (e.g., r_reset[$drawer]). When the rule is invoked, it is expanded by replacing every variable freely occurring within the rule body with the actual argument of the invocation (the association is positional).

The par rule and the forall rule are rule constructors realizing synchronous parallelism since both allow the synchronous parallel execution of multiple transition rules. The only difference is that the par rule expresses bounded parallelism, while the forall rule expresses potentially unbounded parallelism. An example of a forall rule in the Pill-Box ground model is in the rule definition:

figure m

Such a rule, in parallel for all potential drawers, sets the status of a drawer if it is time to take the drawer’s pill (pillDeadlineHit is true), or resets it in case the drawer’s LED is on and the drawer’s pill has already been taken. ASMETA supports non-deterministic operations, which are implemented by selecting a domain and picking a random element from it. This concept is realized by means of the choose rule. An example of rule definition that uses the choose rule is for the non-deterministic choice of one pill to take when there are more to take at a certain time.

figure n

Since only a single red LED is to be on at a time, at each step the Pill-Box chooses randomly one still off among those of the drawers containing a pill to be taken, but only if all the other drawers’ LEDs are off, and turns it (if any) on.

Definitions Invariants. Invariants allow users to specify first-order logic formulas that must be true in each computational state during model execution. In AsmetaL, invariants are defined after rule definitions but precede the main rule definition (see Sect. 6 for further details).

Definitions Properties. After the invariants, Computation Tree Logic (CTL) and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties can be defined in an ASMETA model (see Sect. 9 for further details).

Main Rule. The main rule designates the initial transition rule to execute (the entry point of the machine’s program) at each computational step. Its definition follows those of invariants and properties, and has no formal parameters (its arity is 0). The main rule for the Pill-Box ground model is:

figure o

It is in charge of simultaneously (i) choosing one drawer with a pill to take (if any) and (ii) managing the state of the other drawers.

Initial State. An ASMETA specification may contain the initialization of controlled functions to the value that they must assume when the execution of the model starts. The syntax and rules to assign an initial value to a controlled function is the same for defining static/derived functions. For instance, in the following model fragment, the drawerLed function, for all drawers, is set to OFF, as well as the isPillTobeTaken function, which is set to false. Finally, the drug function associates a different type of drug to each drawer.

figure p

If a function is not initialized, all its locations take the special value undefFootnote 13.

6 Model Simulation

Simulation is the first validation activity usually performed to check an ASMETA model’s behavior during its development, and it is supported by the AsmetaS tool [5]. Given a model, at every step, the simulator builds the update set according to the theoretical definitions given in [15] to construct the model run. The simulator supports two types of simulation: random and interactive. In random mode, the simulator automatically assigns values to monitored functions, choosing them from their codomains. In interactive mode, instead, the user inserts the value of monitored functions and, in case of input errors, a message is shown inviting the user to insert again the function value. AsmetaS can be executed from the command lineFootnote 14 and from the Eclipse interface. By using the Eclipse UI, the AsmetaS toolbar has three buttons (see Fig. 3) with three actions:

Fig. 3.
figure 3

AsmetaS commands and options panel

  • Parse the model and type check it

  • Execute the model in interactive mode

  • Execute the model with random inputs

In the simulator option panel (see Fig. 3), the user can set the preferences regarding the choose rule, when to stop the random simulation (until the update set becomes empty or trivial), and how to handle invariants and axioms.

In Fig. 4, we show the result of the interactive simulation for the Pill-Box when the pill in drawer 1 hits the deadline (in State 0 - line 10), so the pill becomes to be taken (State 1 - line 21), the led becomes ON (State 2 - line 33), the user takes the pill, and the led becomes OFF (State 3 - line 50). Note that the update set is computed in the current state and is applied only in the next one. For instance, when the monitored location pillDeadlineHit(drawer1) is set true by the user in the initial state:

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Output of the interactive Simulation of the Pill-Box using AsmetaS

figure t

the following rule:

figure u

checks the current state (State 0) and since the deadline is hit and the LED is off, the update set will contain the update of the location isPillTobeTaken(drawer1), which is updated only in the next state (State 1):

figure v

Invariant Checking. AsmetaS implements an invariant checker, which (optionally) checks in every state reached during the computation if the invariants (if any) declared in the specification are satisfied or not. If an invariant is not satisfied, AsmetaS throws an InvalidInvariantException, which keeps track of the violated invariants and of the update set which has caused such violation. The invariant checker is particularly useful during the first phase of the model development to validate the specification. The designer adds model invariants, activates the invariant checker from the simulator options, and runs the model with some critical inputs. For example, with the following invariant:

figure w

As soon as a led becomes ON, the computation stops:

figure x

Consistent Updates Checking. AsmetaS is able to reveal inconsistent updates by throwing an UpdateClashException. The UpdateClashException records the location being inconsistently updated and the two different values assigned to it. The user, analyzing this error, can detect the fault in the specification. As the invariant checker, this feature is useful for model validation. For example, suppose to modify the r_setOtherDrawers rule by removing the strike-through condition in the first conditional term as shown in the following code:

figure y

The simulator signals an inconsistent update on the isPillTobeTaken(drawer1) location with the following message:

figure z

Indeed, if the isOff($drawer) condition is removed and the deadline of the pill in the first drawer has passed, the first conditional rule sets isPillTobeTaken(drawer1) to true for all the following execution steps. However, if the LED for the drawer is ON and the user signals that the pill has been taken, the rule r_reset is executed and the location isPillTobeTaken(drawer1) is set to false. Thus, in the same step, the location is updated to two different values, leading to an inconsistent update.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

AsmetaA Animation of the Pill-Box

6.1 Model Animation

The main disadvantage of the simulator is that it is textual, and this sometimes makes it difficult to follow the computation of the model. For this reason, ASMETA has a model animator, AsmetaA  [11], which provides the user with complete information about all state locations, and uses colors, tables, and figures over simple text to convey information about states and their evolution. The animator helps the user follow the model computation and understand how the model state changes at every step. A screenshot of AsmetaA is shown in Fig. 5. To execute the animator, the user clicks on the icon in Eclipse.

Similarly to the simulator, the animator supports random and interactive animation. In the interactive animation, the insertion of input functions is achieved through different dialog boxes depending on the type of function to be inserted (e.g., in the case of a Boolean function, the box has two buttons: one if the value is true and one if the value is false). If the function value is not in its codomain, the animator keeps asking until an accepted value is inserted. In random animation, the monitored function values are automatically assigned. With complex models, running one random step each time is tedious; for this reason, the user can also specify the number of steps to be performed and the tool performs the random simulation accordingly. In the case of invariant violation, a message is shown in a dedicated text box and the animation is interrupted (as it also happens in case of inconsistent updates). Once the user has animated the model, the tool allows exporting the model run as a scenario (see Sect. 7), so that it can be re-executed whenever desired. Figure 5 shows the animation of the Pill-Box model using the same input sequence of the simulator. The result is the same, but the tabular view makes it easier to follow the state evolution.

7 Scenario-Based Validation

The AsmetaS and AsmetaA tools presented in the previous section require that the user executes the ASMETA model step by step or, at least, inserts some value to start the model simulation. In this section, we present the AsmetaV tool, which allows for performing scenario-based validation. Each scenario is a description of external actor actions and reactions of the system [18], which can be used to check the correct behavior of the model. Scenarios can be launched by using the button V shown in Fig. 6. Additionally, if the button V\(\mathtt {_C}\) is pressed, AsmetaV keeps track of the rules covered by the scenario.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

AsmetaV commands

Scenarios are written in the Avalla language, and saved as .avalla files, as for the example reported in Listing 2 for the ASMETA ground model of the Pill-Box reported in Listing 1. The scenario models a simple assumption cycle for the pill in the first drawer. Initially, the Pill-Box has all the LEDs OFF, so no pill has to be taken (line 8-10). In the second step, we set the deadline for the pill in the first drawer as hit (line 17) and, after the execution of a step, the scenario checks whether the pill has been marked as one of those to be taken (line 20). Then, after a new execution step, we check that the LED corresponding to the first drawer is ON (line 25). Finally, after the patient has taken the pill, the scenario verifies whether all the LEDs have been turned OFF (line 35-37).

figure ab

Scenario Name. The first line of the scenario defines its name. For instance:

figure ac

Unlike the ASMETA specification, the scenario name is not required to match the file name.

Loading AsmetaL Specifications. Each Avalla scenario is executed against an ASMETA spec. Thus, after having defined the scenario name it is essential to specify which ASMETA model to load. This is done by using the load command, followed by the relative or absolute path of the .asm file (including its extension):

figure ad

Setting Monitored Functions. Monitored functions are read by the machine from the environment. When performing scenario-based validation, the user may supply the values for monitored or shared functions through the set command. These functions are then used as input signals to the system. For instance:

figure ae

is used to set the monitored function pillDeadlineHit for the drawer1 to false.

Step Execution. After having set the value for the monitored functions of interest, an ASMETA computation step (i.e., the reaction of the system) can be launched by using the step command. Additionally, Avalla supports the execution of multiple steps using the stepUntil command, until a specified Boolean condition becomes true.

Checking Controlled Functions. Executing an ASMETA specification step will lead to the update of the internal state of the ASMETA model. The check command is used to inspect property values in the current state of the underlying model. For instance:

figure af

checks that the controlled function drawerLed for the drawer1 is OFF. When executing an Avalla scenario, the AsmetaV validator captures any check violation, and, if none occurs, it finishes with a “PASS” verdict (“FAIL” otherwise).

AsmetaL Code in Avalla Scenarios. Avalla scenarios support basic set commands. However, users may want to set ASMETA functions by using a more complex set of instructions, e.g., rules previously defined in the ASMETA specification or by parallelizing the update. Thus, scenarios allow for including AsmetaL commands with the exec keyword. For instance, the following Avalla code

figure ag

can be replaced by

figure ah

Note that this command would have been wrong if written in an AsmetaL specification, as pillDeadlineHit is a monitored function and it should not be set by the system. However, when AsmetaV simulates the scenario, a new ASMETA spec is created, and the monitored functions are converted to controlled ones, whose value is set to that specified in the Avalla scenario (either with a set command or with the exec command).

Scenario Modularization. The user can exploit modularization also during scenario building. Indeed, it is possible to define blocks, i.e., sequences of set, step, and check, that can be recalled using the execblock command when writing other scenarios that foresee the same sequence of Avalla commands.

Exporting and Animating Scenarios. Avalla scenarios can be exported from the AsmetaA tool, so that an animation session can automatically be repeated multiple times (see the “export to Avalla” button in Fig. 5). Similarly, AsmetaV supports the execution of scenarios through animation, by using the button V\(_\texttt{A}\) shown in Fig. 6. This allows users to control execution, enabling step-by-step scenario execution.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

AsmetaMA command

8 Model Review

ASMETA supports a form of static analysis of a model to automatically capture typical modeling errors such as inconsistent updates or dead specification parts (transition rules that are never triggered) due to overspecification. We called such a kind of static analysis about model quality automatic model review and it is carried out by the AsmetaMA tool [3], which can be executed by clicking on the button shown in Fig. 7. This tool checks the presence of seven types of errors by using suitable meta-properties specified in CTL and verified using the model checker AsmetaSMV (see Sect. 9). Figure 8a shows the selection of the seven meta-properties in AsmetaMA. An example of meta-property is MP1, which checks the presence of inconsistent updates. Figure 8b reports an example of inconsistent update revealed by AsmetaMA on the same example reported in Sect. 6.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

AsmetaMA usage

9 Formal Verification Through Model Checking

Fig. 9.
figure 9

AsmetaSMV command

Besides validation, the ASMETA toolset supports the user in the properties’ verification activity by the tool AsmetaSMV  [2]. Properties are written in terms of propositional formulas over the machine’s signature, preceded by the keyword ctlspec or ltlspec. For this purpose the libraries CTLLibrary.asm and LTLLibrary.asm must be imported, so for each CTL/LTL operator an equivalent AsmetaL Boolean-valued function is defined. The following example shows a CTL property (with the temporal operator AG \(\varPhi \) - globally \(\varPhi \)) for the Pill-Box ground model, i.e. a propositional formula that must hold in all reachable states:

figure ai

These properties are then automatically translated into a model of the symbolic model checker NuSMV [20], used to perform the verification. If the ASMETA model contains infinite or time domains, the NuXmv [19] model checker is preferred. The choice of the model checker is performed in Eclipse from the ASMETA \(\rightarrow \) AsmetaSMV preferences. The buttons shown in Fig. 9 are used to verify the specification: the first button translates the specification into a model for the model checker without executing it, and the second translates and executes the specification using the selected model checker. The output of the model checker is pretty printed in terms of elements of the ASMETA signature. If the property is positively verified, the AsmetaSMV tool prints out on the Eclipse console that the property is true:

figure aj

Otherwise, assuming the property is false, it returns a counterexample. If we want to verify that a pill in drawer1 is always taken when the pill deadline hits, we can write the following property:

figure ak

When running the model checker, the property is false because it can happen that the pill in drawer1 will never be taken (the function isPillTaken(drawer1) is never set to true), and the counterexample in Listings 3 is printed.

figure al

10 Model Refinement

After having performed the activities presented in the previous sections, the model can be refined and the desired level of detail can be achieved. Here we report details of the two model refinements introduced in Sect. 4, and we highlight the differences between the ground model and the refined models.

10.1 Time Handling: pillbox_time

Modeling. The first model refinement we propose consists in explicitly modeling time passing, which is left abstract in the pillbox_ground model, by introducing the timer tenMinutes to capture the requirement stating that the LED stays on for 10 min after the scheduled time to take the pill. Dealing with timers requires importing the predefined time library and setting a suitable timer as an element of the abstract domain Timer:

figure am

The time library provides the user with several features to check whether a timer is expired (see the use of the predicate expired(tenMinutes) in rule r_take in the pillbox_time model to control the expiration of timer tenMinutes) and to reset a timer (see the use of the predefined rule r_reset_timer[tenMinutes] in rule r_pillToBeTaken of pillbox_time model). Using a timer always requires initializing the timer’s duration and its starting time; in the pillbox_time model, the duration of the timer tenMinutes is set to 600 time unit (seconds, in this case) and its starting time is equal to the current time (e.g., taken as monitored value from the Java virtual machine).

figure an

This model is an example of vertical model refinement, where concepts or behaviors previously left abstract are modeled in detail. Here the monitored function pillDeadlineHit is refined by the homonymous derived function that relates the time of a pill consumption with the current time. The value of the function time_consumption is set, for each pill/drawer, in the initialization section of the pillbox_time model, as follows:

figure ao

The behavior of the rule r_choosePillToTake is refined by adding the new rule r_pillToBeTaken to turn on the led and reset the timer tenMinutes if the led is off. The behavior of rule r_setOtherDrawers is also refined by marking a pill to be taken if its time of consumption is reached and by resetting the timer (of a drawer with red led) if the pill has been taken or the timer of ten minutes waiting has expired.

Validation and Verification. As explained in the previous sections, V&V activities can be performed on this refinement level. Since this refinement step considers also the time during the simulation, the simulator (as well as the animator) handles the time using three different approaches for setting the monitored mCurrTimeSecs [10] (see Fig. 10): 1. time is read from the machine using the Java TimeAPI; 2. the user enters the value for time (like for monitored functions); 3. time is automatically increased at each step by a predefined value.  Additionally, ASMETA allows the user to set the preferred time unit.

Regarding property verification, the NuSMV model checker does not support infinite domains (such as in the case of times), so the NuXmv [19] model checker must be used. However, its integration with ASMETA is still under development and not stable, thus, here we do not discuss its use.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

AsmetaS time simulation preferences

10.2 Managing Multiple Pills: pillbox_final

Modeling. A further (and the last that we propose) vertical model refinement specifies the complete Pill-Box functionalities, allowing modeling the requirement that Each drawer contains multiple slots (one for each pill) that are emptied in sequence. To model this requirement we introduce the following controlled functions time_consumption and drugIndex:

figure ap

The former maps each drawer into a sequence of integers, containing the time deadlines expressed in seconds. The latter associates with each drawer an integer indicating the next slot to be emptied in the corresponding drawer. The two functions are initialized accordingly:

figure aq

The derived function pillDeadlineHit is refined to check the pill’s deadline in the drawer’s current slot to be emptiedFootnote 15. The newly derived function isThereAnyOtherDeadline indicates if there is any other pill in the drawer to be taken. This information is used to refine the rule r_setOtherDrawers, which leads to suitably updating the drawer state (led status and drug index) by invoking the (nested and refined) macro call rule r_reset.

Remark. Model refinement must be proved to be correct, i.e., at each refinement step, a refined model must be proved to be a correct refinement of the abstract one. Due to lack of space and to keep this presentation easy to follow, here we skip the proof of correct refinement of models and the application of the AsmRefProver supporting automatic proof of a particular form of model refinement.

11 From an ASMETA Model to Code

As requested by the best practices of model-driven engineering [16], the implementation of a system should be obtained from its model through a systematic model-to-code transformation. ASMETA features a set of tools allowing the automatic generation of C++ code [12] and C++ unit tests, and Java code [9].

figure ar

In the following, we focus on using the Asmeta2C++ tool. It generates C++ code (which is meant to be integrated with other artifacts or directly embedded in the final device) starting from an ASMETA model and, in particular, it produces two files: header (.h) and source (.cpp). The former contains the interface of the source file and the translation of model domain declarations and definitions, function and rule declarations. The latter includes rules implementation, the functions and domain initialization, and the definitions of the functions. Asmeta2C++ is only available as a command line tool and can be executed, in the case of the last refinement, with the following command:

figure as

Additional options for the previous command are available in the Appendices file at

An excerpt of the translation of the Pill-Box case study in C++ is shown in Listings 4 and 5, while the complete version of the source code is available in the replication package. An ASM run step involves executing the main rule and updating the locations. In C++, this is realized through two methods: mainRule() for translating the ASMETA main rule and fireUpdateSet() for updating locations to their next state values. Asmeta2C++ can generate two additional files allowing to embedding the generated class into an Arduino program. Further insights into the translation of ASMETA rules and constructs into corresponding C++ instructions are given in [12].

12 Conclusion

This tutorial provides an overview of ASMETA, an integrated set of tools to describe the behavior of discrete event systems using the ASM formalism. The hands-on approach adopted in this tutorial shows how to combine all the model analysis techniques offered by ASMETA in order to start from a ground or partial specification of the system behavior, and then refine it incrementally into more complete models till leading to transformation to other external analysis models or code. Thanks to the adoption of a set of integrated and easy-to-use tools, like ASMETA, the effort for modeling and analysis with a formal method, like ASM, may be reduced and more software engineers may be convinced of applying the formal method for richer system design and more reliable systems.