
figure a

1 Introduction

Hybrid systems (HSs) provide a robust mathematical specification in modeling cyber-physical systems (CPS) with their unique fusion of continuous physical dynamics and discrete switching behaviors. Many CPSs are often complex and safety-critical which necessitates intricate control specifications. Switching controller synthesis offers a formal guarantee of the given specification of HS. Its applications include attitude control in aerospace [3], aircraft collision-avoidance protocols in avionics [43], and pacemakers for treating bradycardia [53], etc.

With the escalating complexity of CPSs [44, 45, 54], the specifications required to ensure their proper functionality grow increasingly intricate. Among these, the importance of timing constraints becomes paramount [48, 49]. This is evident in various scenarios, from orchestrating synchronized reactions in chemical processing [12] to ensuring seamless operations in multi-robot systems [24]. In this context, Signal Temporal Logic (STL), a rigorous formalism for defining linear-time properties of continuous signals [27], is exceptionally well-suited for specifying intricate timing constraints and qualitative properties of CPSs.

However, switching controller synthesis for HSs against STL specifications is not well addressed in the literature. The primary challenge arises from the complex interactions between continuous behaviors and discrete transitions. A common technique to synthesize switching controllers for HSs with complex specifications is the abstraction-based method [26, 28]. This technique involves abstracting the continuous state space of each mode into a finite set of states, which often results in the loss of precise timing information for each mode. Consequently, the abstraction-based technique struggles with timing constraint analysis in the abstracted state space. In contrast, Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) based technique [34] for switching controller synthesis against STL specification can provide precise timing information, but this method faces challenges in handling the intricate interactions of diverse discrete transitions between modes.

In this paper, we considered the switching controller synthesis problem for HSs against a fragment of STL specification, which essentially corresponds to a reach-avoid problem with timing constraints. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that uses STL to specify HSs with both discrete transitions and continuous dynamics. Similar work in [39] focused only on HSs with discrete time dynamics in each mode, significantly simplifying the problem. The key idea behind our approach involves iteratively computing a sequence of state-time sets (xt), state x and time t. These sets ensure that an HS, starting from state x at time t, adheres to the STL specification within a certain number (i.e., the number of iterations) of switches. The state-time sets are computed explicitly when the dynamics of the HSs are constant, and are inner-approximated when the dynamics are non-constant. Based on the state-time sets, we propose a sound and relatively complete method to synthesize a switching controller that satisfies the STL specification. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of this approach.

The main contributions can be summarized as follows: (i) We conceptualize state-time set for HSs. (ii) We propose a methodology to synthesize switching controllers for HSs against a fragment of STL specification. (iii) We develop a prototype to demonstrate the efficiency and practical applicability of our methodology.

Organization. Section 2 gives an overview of our approach, Sect. 3 provides a recap of important preliminaries and formally defines the problem. We illustrate the calculation of the state-time sets in Sect. 4. Based on the state-time sets, Sect. 5 shows how to derive switching systems against a STL specification. In Sect. 6, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method through several examples. We discuss related work in Sect. 7 and draw conclusion in Sect. 8.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An overview of our method

Due to space restrictions, proofs and benchmark details have been omitted, which can be found in an extended version of this paper [40]. Source code and examples of this paper can be found at Figshare:

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Reactor System

2 An Illustrative Prelude

Example 1

In the reactor system depicted in Fig. 2, liquid is continuously consumed by the reaction and is replenished through pipe P. The system alternates

between modes of adding liquid (\(\boldsymbol{q_1}\)) and exclusively consuming it (\(\boldsymbol{q_2}\)). The objectives are to keep the liquid level, h, between 0 and 4 meters, and to ensure that h remains between 3 and 5 meters at a certain point during a critical reaction phase - time interval 3 to 4, for proper interaction with the reactor rod R. These objectives can be given as an STL formula .    \(\lhd \)

We present the core idea behind our approach in Fig. 1. Initially, we compute the state-time set \(X_q^i\) iteratively. As shown in the upper block of Fig. 1, the set \(X_q^i\) encompasses states in mode q from which \(\varphi \) can be satisfied within i switches (as detailed in Sect. 5). Once these state-time sets are determined, the switching controllers can be synthesized using the methods outlined in Alg. 1 and Alg. 2.

3 Notations and Problem Formulation

Notations. Let \(\mathbb {N},\mathbb {R},\) and \(\mathbb {R}_{\ge 0} \) denote the set of natural, real, and non-negative real numbers, respectively. Given vector \(x \in \mathbb {R}^n \), \(x_i\) refers to its i-th component, and \(p\,[x\!=\!u ]\) denotes the replacement of x by u for any predicate p where x serves as a variable.

Differential Dynamics. We consider a class of dynamical systems featuring differential dynamics governed by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the form \(\dot{\boldsymbol{x}} = f(\boldsymbol{x})\), where f is a continuous differentiable function. Given an initial state \(x_0\in \mathbb {R}^n \), there exist a unique solution \(\boldsymbol{x}:\mathbb {R} _{\ge 0} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^n \) in the sense that \(\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) = f(\boldsymbol{x} (t))\) for \(t\ge 0\) and \(\boldsymbol{x} (0) = x_0\).

Switched Systems. A switched system is defined as a tuple \(\varPhi = (Q, F, \texttt{Init}, \pi )\), where

  • \(Q \triangleq \{\,q_1, q_2,\dots , q_m\,\}\) is a finite set of discrete modes.

  • \(F \triangleq \{\, f_q\mid q\in Q\,\}\) is a set of vector fields, and each mode \(q\in Q\) endows with a unique vector field \(f_q\) which specifies how system evolves in mode q.

  • \(\texttt{Init} \subseteq \mathbb {R}^n \) is a set of initial states.

  • \(\pi :\texttt{Init} \rightarrow (\mathbb {R} _{\ge 0} \rightarrow Q)\) is a switching controller. The controller maps each initial state \(x_0\in \texttt{Init} \) to a piecewise constant function \(\pi (x_0)\), which in turn maps a time t to the corresponding control mode \(\pi (x_0)(t)\).

Given any initial state \(x_0\), the dynamics of the switched system \(\varPhi \) is governed by equation \( \dot{\boldsymbol{x}} (t) = f_{\pi (x_0)(t)}(\boldsymbol{x} (t))\) with initial condition \(\boldsymbol{x} (0) = x_0\).

Signal Temporal Reach-Avoid. We consider a fragment of signal temporal logic, namely signal temporal reach-avoid formula (ST-RA for short). The syntax of ST-RA is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} &\phi \mathrel {::=}~ \mu (x,t) \ge 0 ~|~ \lnot \phi ~|~ \phi \wedge \phi \\ &\varphi \mathrel {::=}~ \phi _1 \,\mathcal {U}_I\, \phi _2 \end{aligned}$$

where \(\phi \) is a Boolean combination of predicates over x and time t, \(I \triangleq [l,u]\) is a closed time interval for some \(0\le l\le u\). Intuitively, an ST-RA formula \(\varphi \) expresses the requirement that the system should reach \(\phi _2\) while avoid leaving \(\phi _1\) within time frame I. The semantics of ST-RA formula, in alignment with STL, is defined as the satisfaction of a formula \(\varphi \) with respect to a signal \(\boldsymbol{x} \) and a time instant t.

Remark 1

Compared with the standard signal temporal logic (STL) [27], ST-RA formula does not allow nested “until” operator, this makes ST-RA formula a fragment of STL.

Formally, given function \(\boldsymbol{x} :\mathbb {R} _{\ge 0}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^n \) (termed signal) and time \(\tau \), the satisfaction of \(\varphi \) at \((\boldsymbol{x}, \tau )\), denoted by \((\boldsymbol{x},\tau ) \models \varphi \), is inductively defined as follows:

figure c

Intuitively, the subscript I in the until operator \(\mathcal {U}_I\) defines the timing constraints under which a signal must reach \(\phi _2\) while avoid leaving \(\phi _1\).

Given a ST-RA formula \(\phi \), we say a switched system \(\varPhi = (Q,F, \texttt{Init}, \pi )\) models \(\varphi \), denoted by \(\varPhi \models \varphi \), if \((\boldsymbol{x}, 0) \models \varphi \) for any trajectory \(\boldsymbol{x} \) starting from initial set \(\texttt{Init} \). We now formulate the problem addressed in this paper.

Problem Formulation. Suppose there exists a finite set of control modes \(Q = \{\, q_1, q_2, \dots , q_m\,\}\) and associated vector fields \(F = \{\, f_{q_1}, f_{q_2}, \dots , f_{q_m}\,\}\). Each mode \(q\in Q\) is associated with a vector field \(f_q\) that governs the system’s behavior in mode q. Let \(\varphi = \phi _1 \,\mathcal {U}_I\,\phi _2\) be an ST-RA formula, a natural question is how to design a system that incorporates mode \(q\in Q\) as subsystems, while ensuring any trajectory of the system satisfies \(\varphi \). To address this, we formulate the problem as follows.

figure d

Remark 2

The solutions to the above synthesis problem is inherently non-unique and may encompass trivialities, such as the one only with an empty initial set. Therefore, our goal is to identify a system with a nontrivial initial set \(\texttt{Init} \).

4 State-Time Set and Its Calculation

This section dedicates to synthesize a switched system \(\varPhi \) that satisfies the given ST-RA formula \(\varphi = \phi _1\, \mathcal {U}_I\, \phi _2\). The key idea behind our approach is to compute a sequence of state-time sets \(\{X_q^i\}_{q\in Q}\) for \(i\in \mathbb {N}\), where \(X_q^i\) denotes the set of all \((x,\tau )\) such that starting from x at time \(\tau \) in mode q, the system can be driven to reach \(\phi _2\) while satisfying \(\phi _1\) within i times of switches. In what follows, we first formally propose the concept of state-time sets and show how to calculate it explicitly. Subsequently, leveraging these state-time sets, we demonstrate the synthesis of a switched system that satisfies \(\varphi \) in Sect. 5.

4.1 State-Time Sets

The concept of state-time set is formally summarised by the following definition.

Definition 1

(State-time Sets). For any \(i\in \mathbb {N} \) and any \(q\in Q\), let \(X_q^i\) denote the set of all state-time pairs \((x,\tau )\) such that there exists a controller \(\pi (x) :[\tau ,\infty )\rightarrow Q\), satisfying

  1. (i)

    \(\pi (x)(\tau ) = q\), and the piecewise constant function \(\pi (x)\) contains at most i discontinuous points;

  2. (ii)

    , where \(\boldsymbol{x} \) is the solution of ODE \(\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) = f_{\pi (x)(t) } (\boldsymbol{x} (t), t) \) over \([\tau ,\infty )\) with \(\boldsymbol{x} (\tau ) = x\), and for any interval \(I = [l,u]\).

Intuitively, condition (ii) suggests that the system can be driven to reach \(\phi _2\) while satisfying \(\phi _1\) from x at time \(\tau \), and condition (i) indicates that the system initially remains in mode q, and the switching controller undergoes no more than i switches. From the above definition of state-time sets, the following results can be derived:

Corollary 1

The following properties hold for the state-time sets \(\{X_q^i\}_{q\in Q}\):

  1. 1.

    For any \(q\in Q\), \(\{X_q^i\}\) is monotonically increasing, i.e. \(X_q^0 \subseteq X_q^1 \subseteq X_q^2 \subseteq \cdots \).

  2. 2.

    For any \(i\in \mathbb {N} \) and any \(x \in X_q^i [t \!=\!0]\), x can be driven to satisfy , i.e. there exists a switching controller \(\pi \), such that , where \(\boldsymbol{x} \) is the trajectory starting from x at time 0 under controller \(\pi \), and \(X_i^q [t \!=\!0] \triangleq \{x \mid (x,0)\in X_i^q\}\) is the projection of \(X_i^q\) into \(t = 0\).

  3. 3.

    \(\displaystyle \cup _{i\in \mathbb {N}} \cup _{q\in Q} X_q^i[t\!=\!0]\) is the set of all states that can be driven to satisfy .

According to Cor. 1, the state-time sets encompass the initial set of the switched system that we intend to synthesize. However, the state-time set and controller defined in Def. 1 are not given explicitly. To address this, we first elucidate the process of calculating the state-time sets.

The subsequent result establishes a relationship between the sets \(\{X_q^i\}_{q\in Q}\) and \(\{X_{q}^{i-1}\}_{q\in Q}\), forming the foundation for the inductive computation of state-time sets.

Theorem 1

Follow the notations as before, we haveFootnote 1

  1. 1.

    Given any \(q\in Q\), \((x,\tau )\in X_q^0\) if and only if

    $$\begin{aligned} (\boldsymbol{x}, \tau ) \models \phi _1\, \mathcal {U}\, (\phi _2\wedge (t\in I)) \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\boldsymbol{x} \) is the solution of ODE \(\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) = f_{q } (\boldsymbol{x} (t), t) \) over \([\tau ,\infty )\) with \(\boldsymbol{x} (\tau ) = x\).

  2. 2.

    Given any \(q\in Q\), for any \(i\ge 1\), \((x,\tau )\in X_{q}^i\) if and only if

    $$\begin{aligned} \exists q'\ne q\in Q, \;(\boldsymbol{x},\tau ) \models \phi _1\, \mathcal {U}\, X_{q'}^{i-1} \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\boldsymbol{x} \) is the solution of ODE \(\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) = f_{q } (\boldsymbol{x} (t), t) \) over \([\tau ,\infty )\) with \(\boldsymbol{x} (\tau ) = x\).

For any formula \(\psi (u,v)\), let \(\texttt{QE} \left( \exists u,\, \psi (u,v)\right) \triangleq \{ v\mid \exists u,\, \text {s.t. } \psi (u, v)\text { holds} \} \) denote the set of all v for which \(\exists u,\, \psi (u,v)\) is true. Utilizing this notation, the state-time sets can be represented inductively.

Theorem 2

For any \(q\in Q\), suppose the solution of ODE \( \dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) = f_q (\boldsymbol{x} (t)) \) with initial x at time \(\tau \) is denoted by \(\varPsi (\,\cdot \, ; x, \tau , q)\), then the state-time sets can be inductively represented by

$$\begin{aligned} &X_q^{0}= \texttt{QE} \left( \exists \delta \ge 0,~ \Big (\phi _2[(x,t)\!=\!(\varPsi (t+ \delta ;x, t, q),t+\delta )] \wedge (t + \delta \in I)\Big ) \right. \\ &\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \wedge \left. \Big ( \forall 0\le h\le \delta ,\, \phi _1 [(x,t)\!=\!(\varPsi (t+ h;x, t, q),t+h)]\Big ) \right) \nonumber \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} & X_q^{i}=\bigvee _{q'\ne q} \texttt{QE} \left( \exists \delta \ge 0,~\left( X_{q'}^{i-1}[(x,t)\!=\!(\varPsi (t+ \delta ;x, t, q),t+\delta )]\right) \right. \\ &\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \wedge \left. \Big ( \forall 0\le h\le \delta ,\, \phi _1 [(x,t)\!=\!(\varPsi (t+ h;x, t, q),t+h)]\Big ) \right) \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

for any \(q\in Q\) and any \(i\in \mathbb {N} \).

Remark 3

When \(\psi (u,v)\) consists of a Boolean combination of polynomial inequalities, a decidable procedure, such as cylindrical algebraic decomposition [2], exists for computing \(\texttt{QE} \left( \exists u,\, \psi (u,v)\right) \). This procedure exhibits a complexity that is double exponential with respect to the number of variables involved.

Remark 4

Our methodology essentially shares the idea of backward induction in controller synthesis for timed games [9]. However, our approach diverges in two key aspects: (1) the safety/target sets and timing constraints are intricately interwoven in ST-RA formula, necessitating their concurrent consideration at each step of the induction process; (2) our method operates within an infinite-dimensional space due to the continuous nature of the state space, in contrast to the backward induction for timed games, which is confined to a finite set of k-polyhedra.

4.2 Computing/Approximating State-Time Sets

Although Thm. 2 offers an inductive representation of \(X_q^i\), the explicit computation of Eqs. (3) and (4) are challenging. This difficulty arises from two main factors: (i) the necessity to explicitly solve the ordinary differential equation in each mode, and (ii) the high complexity of \(\texttt{QE} \), and the potential inclusion of non-elementary functions (such as exponential functions) in Eqs. (3) and (4), for which a generally decidable procedure to solve \(\texttt{QE} \) may not exist.

To address the difficulties outlined above, we categorize the dynamics into constant and non-constant systems. For the constant dynamics, its solution can be directly computed, and there exists a decidable procedure to solve \(\texttt{QE} \) with a complexity polynomially dependent on the formula length. For the non-constant dynamics, due to their high complexity, we forego an explicit solution for the state-time set and instead demonstrate a method to approximate this set.

Constant Dynamics. Suppose the dynamics within each mode \(q \in Q\) is constant, and both \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are Boolean combinations of linear inequalities, Eqs. (3) and (4) can be effectively solved using readily available solvers, such as Z3 [10]. Thm. 2 directly implies the following result.

Corollary 2

Following the notations as before, suppose the dynamics within each mode is constant, i.e. \(f_q = a_q\) for any \(q\in Q\), and both \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are Boolean combinations of linear inequalities, then \(\{X_q^i\}_{q\in Q}\) can be inductively solved by Eqs. (3) and (4) with \( \varPsi (t; x, \tau , q) = x + (t-\tau )\cdot a_q\).

Remark 5

Although \(\texttt{QE} \) on polynomial constraints is double-exponential in general [2], constant dynamics facilitate a relatively efficient (polynomial in formula length) solving procedure. This comes from the following observation: (1) the \(\texttt{QE} \) procedure in Eqs. (3) and (4) operates in polynomial time when the constraints are linear and involve only a single existential and a single universal variable [46, Thm 6.2]. (2) if \(X_{q}^{i-1}\) is linear for all \(q\in Q\), then \(X_{q}^i\) is also linear.

We now illustrate the computation process of \(X_q^i\) via the following example.

Example 2

Let’s reconsider the reactor system in Exmp. 1. The reactor system consists of two modes \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) with \(f_{q_1} = 1\), \(f_{q_2} = -1\), and the liquid level requirement is .

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The state-time sets calculation of the reactor system in Exmp. 1. The state-time sets reach a fixpoint after 2 iteration.

Based on Eqs. (3) and (4), the state-time sets we calculate are illustrated in Fig. 3. The procedure reaches a fixpoint within 2 iterations for any \(q\in Q\).    \(\lhd \)

Non-constant Dynamics. Assuming that the dynamics are non-constant, the exact computation of Eqs. (3) and (4) may prove to be overly complex or potentially undecidable. We thus seek to inner-approximate the state-time sets. According to Thm. 1,

  • \(X_q^0\) is the set from which the system in mode q will satisfy \(\phi _1\, \mathcal {U}\, (\phi _2\wedge (t\in I))\);

  • \(X_q^i\) is the set from which the system in mode q will satisfy \(\phi _1\, \mathcal {U}\, X_{q'}^{i-1}\) for some \(q'\in Q\).

We identify that the crucial element for inner-approximating the state-time sets lies in employing a method that finds sets from which the system will satisfy a classical ‘until’ or ‘reach-avoid’ formulaFootnote 2. Numerous studies have explored this issue; in this paper, we employ the approach proposed in [52].

Theorem 3

(Inner-approximation of Reach-avoid Set [52]). Given dynamic system , safety set \(\psi _1 \subseteq \mathbb {R}^n \) and target set \( \psi _2 \subseteq \mathbb {R}^n \). If there exists continuously differentiable function \(v(x):\overline{\psi _1}\rightarrow \mathbb {R} \) and \(w(x):\overline{\psi _1} \rightarrow \mathbb {R} \), satisfyingFootnote 3

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \nabla _{x} v(x) \cdot f(x) \ge 0, \quad \forall x\in \overline{\psi _1\setminus \psi _2},\\ & v(x) - \nabla _{x} w(x)\cdot f(x) \le 0, \quad \forall x \in \overline{\psi _1\setminus \psi _2},\\ & v(x) \le 0,\quad \forall x\in \partial \psi _1, \end{aligned}\right. \end{aligned}$$

then any trajectory starting from \(\{x\mid v(x)\ge 0\}\) satisfies formula \(\psi _1\, \mathcal {U}\,\psi _2\).

Remark 6

The synthesis of function v(x) and w(x) can be reduce to a SDP problem. For a detailed formulation, we refer the reader to [52].

Since the state-time sets \(X_q^{i}\) depend on both the state x and time t, we first lift the dynamics of each mode to a higher dimension that incorporates time t. Specifically, the dynamics in mode q are transformed into \(\left( \dot{x}, \dot{t}\right) = (f_q,1)\). Subsequently, employing Thms. 3 and 1, we can inductively inner-approximate the state-time set \(X_q^i\). The resulting approximation is denoted by \(\widetilde{X_q^i}\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The state-time sets approximation of temperature controller system

Example 3

Consider a temperature control system featuring two modes, \(q_1\) and \(q_2\), with dynamics given by \(f_{q_1} = 20 - 0.2x - 0.001x^2\) and \(f_{q_2} = -0.2x - 0.001x^2\),

where x represents the temperature. The control objective is defined by the ST-RA formula .

Figure 4 presents the result obtained by inner-approximatingFootnote 4 \(X_{q_1}^0\), \(X_{q_2}^0\), \(X_{q_1}^1\), and \(X_{q_2}^0\). Based on the results, we observe that when x is within the range of [20, 80] in mode \(q_1\), the system can satisfy \(\varphi \) without any switching. However, for \(x\in [20, 80]\) in mode \(q_2\), at least one switch is necessary for \(\varphi \) to be satisfied.   \(\lhd \)

Algorithm 1
figure m

. Synthesis of Switched system

5 Synthesizing Switched Systems

In this section, we demonstrate the synthesis of a switched system \(\varPhi \) that conforms to the formula \(\varphi = \phi _1, \mathcal {U}_I, \phi _2\). This synthesis builds on the state-time sets introduced in Sect. 4. We initially outline the synthesis procedure for the switched system in Alg. 1 and subsequently describe the extraction of a switching controller in Alg. 2.

Switched System Synthesis. We now summary the synthesis algorithm in Alg. 1. Given any \(k\in \mathbb {N} \) that serves as a prescribed upper bound of switching time, Alg. 1 inductively calculates/inner-approximatesFootnote 5 state-time sets \(\{X_q^i\}_{q\in Q}\) (line 3, 8), and partition \(X_q^k[t\!=\!0]\) into \(\texttt{Init} (q)^i \triangleq (X_q^i \setminus X_q^{i-1})[t\!=\!0]\) (line 3, 8) for \(i = 0,1, \dots , k\). \(\texttt{Init} (q)^i\) denote the set of states (in mode q) that can be driven to satisfy \(\varphi \) with at least i times of switching (cf. Cor. 1). The initial set is defined by

$$\texttt{Init} = \cup _{q\in Q}\cup _{i=0}^k \texttt{Init}(q) ^i,$$

which contains states that can be driven to satisfy \(\varphi \) within k times of switching, and the switching controller \(\pi \) is synthesized by Alg. 2 (line 12).

Switching Controller Synthesis. For any \(x_0\in \texttt{Init} \), Alg. 2 computes the controller that drives \(x_0\) to satisfy \(\varphi \). Alg. 2 first finds \(\texttt{Init}(q_0) ^l\) that contains \(x_0\) with l be the smallest index (line 1). l is the smallest switching time that can drive \(x_0\) to satisfy \(\varphi \), and the subscript \(q_0\) indicates \(x_0\) first lies in mode \(q_0\).

Algorithm 2
figure n

. Switching controller synthesis

Line 4–10 find the next switching time and switching mode. Let \(\texttt{Reach} (t; x_0, t_0, q)\) denote the over-approximation of the reachable set starting from \((x_0, t_0)\) in mode q at time t. Next switching time \(\widetilde{t}\) and switching mode \(\widetilde{q}\) are chosen to ensure that the system enters \(X_{\widetilde{q}}^{l-j}\) at time \(\widetilde{t}\) in mode \(q_{j-1}\), this is formally encoded by

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt{Reach} ( \widetilde{t} ;x_{j-1},t_{j-1},q_{i-1}) \subseteq X_{\widetilde{q}}^{l-j}[t = \widetilde{t}\,]. \end{aligned}$$

In line 12, the controller \(\pi \) maps \(x_0\) to a piecewise constant function \(\pi (x_0) = (q_0,t_0)(q_1,t_1)\cdots (q_l,t_l) \), which represents a function that maps t to \(q_i\) if \(t_{i} \le t < t_{i+1}\).

Remark 7

Numerous methods are available to estimate the reachable set of a dynamic system [6, 50, 51]. In this paper, we employ Flow* [7], a method based on Taylor model, to over-approximate the reachable set.

Remark 8

Assuming that the dynamics (i.e. \(f_q\)) within each mode remain constant, the reachable set can be explicitly calculated. This, in conjunction with the explicit calculation of state-time sets, is crucial for demonstrating relative completeness in the context of constant dynamics (c.f. Thm. 4).

Remark 9

For non-constant dynamics, since the state-time sets and reachable sets are inner- and over-approximated, there may exist an initial state \(x_0\) that can be driven to satisfy the ST-RA formula, while our method fails to identify a controller.

We now illustrate our approach through two examples.

Example 4

In Exmp. 2, we have obtained the state-time sets \(\{X_{q_1}^i,X_{q_2}^i\}\) for \(i \le 2\), thus, according to Alg. 1 (with \(k=2\)), we have

$$\begin{aligned} &\texttt{Init}(q_1) ^0 = [0,1], & \texttt{Init}(q_1) ^1 = (1,2], & \qquad \texttt{Init}(q_1) ^2 = (2,4]\\ &\texttt{Init}(q_2) ^0 = \emptyset , & \texttt{Init}(q_2) ^1 = [0,4], & \qquad \texttt{Init}(q_2) ^2 = \emptyset . \end{aligned}$$

Based on these sets, we can synthesize a switched system \(\varPhi \) with \(\texttt{Init} = \{h \mid 0\le h\le 4\}\). The corresponding switching controller \(\pi \) is defined by

$$ \pi (x_0) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (q_1,0), & \text {if } 0\le x_0 \le 1\\ ( q_2,0) (q_1, \frac{x_0-1}{2}), & \text {if } 1< x_0 \le 4. \end{array}\right. } $$

   \(\lhd \)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Switching controller synthesis of Exmp. 3

Example 5. Let’s reconsider Exmp. 3, we demonstrate our approach by synthesizing the switching controller for initial state \(x_0=80\) in mode \(q_2\). The reachable set \(\texttt{Reach} (t;x_0,t_0,q_2)\) is represented by green boxes in Fig. 5. We observe the reachable set will enter \(X_{q_1}^0\) for any \(t\in [0,2]\), this implies initial state \(x_0=80\) in mode \(q_2\) can be driven to satisfy \(\varphi \) if the system switches into mode \(q_1\) within time interval [0, 2], i.e. \(\pi (80) = (q_2,0) (q_1,\widetilde{t})\) for any \(\widetilde{t} \in [0,2]\).    \(\lhd \)

The following result states the advantages of our approach.

Theorem 4

(Soundness, Relative Completeness, Minimal Switching Property). Given modes Q, vector fields F, and formula \(\varphi =\phi _1\,\mathcal {U}_I\, \phi _2\), the following results hold:

  1. 1.

    Alg. 1 is sound, that is \(\varPhi \models \varphi \);

  2. 2.

    Alg. 1 is relatively complete for constant dynamics: for any \(x\in \mathbb {R}^n \), if x can be driven to satisfy \(\varphi \) with some controller \(\pi \), then there exists \(k \in \mathbb {N} \)Footnote 6, such that the initial set of the synthesized switched system contains x.

  3. 3.

    The controller synthesized in Alg. 2 features minimal switching property for constant dynamics: for any \(x_0\in \texttt{Init} \), there does not exists any controller \(\pi '\), that can drive \(x_0\) to satisfy \(\varphi \) with switching time (equivalently, number of discontinuous points of \(\pi '(x_0)\)) less than \(\pi (x_0)\).

Remark 10

Suppose the dynamic in each mode can be explicitly solved and there exists a decidable procedure for solving \(\texttt{QE} (\cdot )\) in Eqs. (3) and (4), then Alg. 1 is also relatively complete and the corresponding controller also features minimal switching property.

6 Experimental Evaluation

We develop a prototype of our synthesis method in Python, employing the Z3 solver [10] to explicitly compute the state-time sets for HSs with constant dynamicsFootnote 7. For HSs with linear or polynomial dynamics, we use the semidefinite programming solver MOSEK [30] to approximate the state-time set. The prototype is evaluated on various benchmark examples using a laptop with a 3.49 GHz Apple M2 processor, 8 GB RAM, and macOS 14.3.

Table 1. ST-RA Specifications
Table 2. Empirical results on benchmark examples

As shown in Table 1, our experiments involve five distinct models, with three exhibiting constant dynamics and two exhibiting non-constant dynamics. We adjust the model scale or the ST-RA formula for each model to assess the efficacy of our method under varying conditions. And there are 15 different benchmarks in total included in our study. Table 2 details the empirical results of the benchmarks. In each case, the synthesis process continues iterating until either a fixpoint is achieved or the maximum calculation time of 5 min is met.

Our empirical results illustrate that our method is capable of effectively synthesizing controllers for models with both constant and non-constant dynamics. Notably, for models with constant dynamics, the iterative process tends to converge to a fixpoint, meaning that a complete controller is achieved. Moreover, the synthesis time for these controllers is significantly influenced by both the scale of the model and the complexity of ST-RA formulas. Specially, our analysis reveals: (i) an increased number of modes (Reactor) or a higher state dimension (CarSeq) both lead to prolonged synthesis times, (ii) more intricate predicates or larger future-reach timeFootnote 8 (WaterTank) results in increased synthesis times. For the third benchmark within CarSeq, the model does not reach a fixpoint, primarily because the large model scale rapidly increase the formula size, posing substantial challenges for the Z3 solver.

When dealing with non-constant dynamics, an approximation method is applied, thereby a fixpoint might not be achievable. The influence of model scale on synthesis time remains consistent with that observed in constant ODE models, as evidenced in Oscillator. Interestingly, the synthesis time for controllers using approximation methods is less affected by the complexity of the ST-RA formula. For example, in Temperature, despite \(\varphi _3\) being more complex than \(\varphi _2\), it requires less synthesis time, primarily because the complexity of SDP is influenced more by state space dimensions than by constraints.

Overall, our method exhibits a high capability in synthesizing switching controller for HSs with various dynamics. It can achieve sound and complete results for constant dynamics within a reasonable time. For more general dynamics, our method can still synthesize a sound result in a reasonable time.

7 Related Work

HSs have been a key research focus in the academic community [47]. The autonomous verification and synthesis of HSs began from timed automata [1]. Subsequently, various mathematical models, including hybrid automata [18, 19], delay differential systems [14, 56], stochastic systems [13, 31], have been employed to reason about HSs. For a survey of these methods, we refer to [11].

In the realm of formal synthesis of HSs, different methods [21, 42] can be classified along several dimensions. (i) Along the designable part of the system, the synthesis problem can be categorized into feedback controller synthesis [38], switching controller synthesis [20, 22], and reset controller synthesis [8, 25, 41]. (ii) Along the properties of interest, the problem can be classified into safety controller synthesis, liveness controller synthesis, etc.

Switching controller synthesis [22], shaping HSs by strategically constraining their discrete behavior, can be categorized into two fundamentally approaches. The first is based on constraint solving [42, 55]. This approach highly dependents on finding suitable certificate templates, which is challenging to generate manually. The other approach is abstraction-based method. Given its capability to easily handle complex temporal specifications, this method has been increasingly adopted in recent research [4, 16, 26].

The synthesis of HSs against reach-avoid type specifications, similar to those discussed in this paper, predominantly focuses on feedback controllers. Notable methods include Counterexample-Guided Inductive Synthesis (CEGIS) [36, 37], optimization-based methods [52], and others [15, 32].

When considering STL as the specification, most works focus solely on the continuous dynamics of HSs. Raman et al. proposed a method to encode the STL specification of a hybrid system into MILP [34]. This method was further employed to synthesize robust controllers [35]. The Control Barrier Function-based method can also extends to synthesize feedback controllers with respect to STL specification [23]. Recently, [29] utilizes reinforcement learning technique to synthesize robust controllers for essential discrete-time systems. To the best of our knowledge, [39] is the only work that considers controller synthesis problem of switched systems against STL specification. However, [39] focuses on synthesizing switch input for the hybrid automata with discrete dynamics, while our work aims at synthesizing switching controllers that determine the switch time for the system.

8 Conclusion

We proposed a novel method to synthesize switching controllers for HSs against a fragment of the STL. Our method iteratively calculates the state-time set for each mode, which services as foundation of the synthesize algorithm. The distinctive feature of our approach lies in its soundness and relative completeness. Our preliminary experiments, leveraging a range of notable examples from existing literature, have effectively demonstrated the method’s efficiency and efficacy.

For future work, we plan to continue to explore in two directions. (i) Enlarge the range of specifications under consideration to encompass general STL formulas featuring nested temporal operators. The primary challenge here is devising a unified, recursive formula reasoning approach for general STL specifications. (ii) Broaden the types of controllers that can be synthesized from the calculated state-time sets.