
1 Introduction

Procedure contracts [27, 46, 47] are a well-known way to decompose program verification. In this approach, each procedure f is specified independently with pre- and postconditions or other invariants. To verify f, one needs only the contracts, not the implementations, of the procedures called by f.

Contract languages have been developed for many programming languages. These include the Java Modeling Language (JML) [38] for Java and the ANSI C Specification Language (ACSL) [10] for C. A number of tools have been developed which (partially) automate the process of verifying that a procedure satisfies its contract; an example for C is Frama-C [18] with the WP plugin [9].

In this paper, we explore a procedure contract system for message-passing parallel programs, specifically for programs that use the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) [45], the de facto standard for high performance computing.

Our contracts apply to collective-style procedures in these programs. These are procedures f called by all processes and that are communication-closed: any message issued by a send statement in f is received by a receive statement in f, and vice-versa. The processes executing f coordinate in order to accomplish a coherent change in the global state. Examples include all of the standard blocking MPI collective functions [45, Chapter 5], but also many user-defined procedures, such as a procedure to exchange ghost cells in a stencil computation. (We will use the term collective as shorthand for collective-style when there is no chance of ambiguity.) These procedures are typically specified informally by describing the effect they produce when called by all processes, rather than the effect of an individual process. They should be formally specified and verified in the same way.

Developers often construct applications by composing collective procedures. As examples, consider the Monte Carlo particle transport code OpenMC [53] (over 24K lines of C++/MPI code) and module in the algebraic multigrid solver AMG [62] (over 35K lines of C/MPI code). Through manual inspection, we confirmed that every function in these codes that involves MPI communication is collective-style.

We begin in Sect. 2 with a toy message-passing language, so the syntax, semantics, and theoretical results can be stated and proved precisely. The main result is a theorem that justifies a method for verifying a collective procedure using only the contracts of the collective procedures called, as in the sequential case.

Section 3 describes changes needed to apply this system to C/MPI programs. We handle a significant subset of MPI that does not include (“wildcard”) receives. This means program behavior is largely independent of interleaving [55]. There are enough issues to deal with, such as MPI datatypes, input nondeterminism, and nontermination, that we feel it best to leave wildcards for a sequel. A prototype verification system for such programs, using the CIVL model checker, is described and evaluated in Sect. 4. Related work is discussed in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we wrap up with a discussion of the advantages and limitations of our system, and work that remains.

In summary, this paper makes the following contributions: (1) a contract theory for collective message-passing procedures, with mathematically precise syntax and semantics, (2) a theorem justifying a method for verifying that a collective procedure conforms to its contract, (3) a contract language for a large subset of MPI, based on the theory but also dealing with additional intricacies of MPI, and (4) a prototype verification tool for checking that collective-style MPI procedures conform to their contracts.

2 A Theory of Collective Contracts

2.1 Language

We describe a simple message-passing language MiniMP with syntax in Fig. 1. There is one datatype: integers; 0 is interpreted as false and any non-zero integer as true. A program consists of global variable declarations followed by (mutually recursive) procedure definitions. Global variables may start with arbitrary values. Each procedure takes a sequence of formal parameters. The procedure body consists of local variable declarations followed by a sequence of statements. Local variables are initially 0. Assignment, branch, loop, call, and compound statements have the usual semantics. Operations have the usual meaning and always return some value—even if the second argument of division is 0, e.g. Operators with ‘ ’, described below, occur only in the optional contract.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

MiniMP syntax

A procedure is executed by specifying a positive integer n, the number of processes. Each process executes its own “copy” of the code; there is no shared memory. Each process has a unique ID number in \(\textsf {PID} =\{0,\ldots ,n-1\}\). A process can obtain its ID using the primitive pid; it can obtain n using nprocs.

The command “send data to dest” sends the value of data to the process with ID dest. There is one FIFO message buffer for each ordered pair of processes \(p\rightarrow q\) and the effect of send is to enqueue the message on the buffer for which p is the ID of the sender and q is dest. The buffers are unbounded, so send never blocks. Command “recv buf from source” removes the oldest buffered message originating from source and stores it in variable buf; this command blocks until a message becomes available. A dest or source not in \(\textsf {PID} \) results in a no-op.

A procedure f with a contract is a collective procedure. The contract encodes a claim about executions of f: if f is called collectively (by all processes), in such a way that the precondition (specified in the requires clause) holds, then all of the following hold for each process p: p will eventually return; p’s postcondition (specified in the ensures clause) will hold at the post-state; all variables not listed in p’s assigns clause will have their pre-state values at the post-state; and if q is in p’s waitsfor set then p will not return before q enters the call. These notions will be made precise below.

Global variables and the formal parameters of the procedure are the only variables that may occur free in a contract; only globals may occur in the assigns clause. A postcondition may use to refer to the value of expression e in the pre-state; may not occur in this e. Pre- and postconditions can use to refer to the value of e on process i. These constructs allow contracts to relate the state of different processes, and the state before and after the call.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

cyc: a MiniMP program

Example 1

The program of Fig. 2 has two procedures, both collective. Procedure g accepts an argument k and sends its value for global variable x to its right neighbor, in a cyclic ordering. It then receives into local variable y from its left neighbor q, adds k to the received value, and stores the result in x. The contract for g states that when p exits (returns), the value of x on p is the sum of k and the original value of x on q. It also declares p cannot exit until q has entered. Procedure f calls g nprocs times. Its contract requires that all processes call f with the same value for k. It ensures that upon return, the value of x is the sum of its original value and the product of nprocs and k. It also declares that no process can exit until every process has entered.

2.2 Semantics

Semantics for procedural programs are well-known (e.g., [2]), so we will only summarize the standard aspects of the MiniMP semantics. Fix a program P and an integer \(n\ge 1\) for the remainder of this section. Each procedure in P may be represented as a program graph, which is a directed graph in which nodes correspond to locations in the procedure body. Each program graph has a designated start node. An edge is labeled by either an expression \(\phi \) (a guard) or one of the following kinds of statements: assignment, call, return, send or receive. An edge labeled return is added to the end of each program graph, and leads to the terminal node, which has no outgoing edges.

A process state comprises an assignment of values to global variables and a call stack. Each entry in the stack specifies a procedure f, the values of the local variables (including formal parameters) for f, and the program counter, which is a node in f’s program graph. A state specifies a process state for each process, as well as the state of channel \(p\rightarrow q\) for all \(p,q\in \textsf {PID} \). The channel state is a finite sequence of integers, the buffered messages sent from p to q.

An action is a pair \(a=\langle e,p\rangle \), where e is an edge \(u{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{\alpha }}v\) in a program graph and \(p\in \textsf {PID} \). Action a is enabled at state s if the program counter of the top entry of p’s call stack in s is u and one of the following holds: \(\alpha \) is a guard \(\phi \) and \(\phi \) evaluates to true in s; \(\alpha \) is an assignment, call, return, or send; or \(\alpha \) is a receive with source q and channel \(q\rightarrow p\) is nonempty in s. The execution of an enabled action from s results in a new state \(s'\) in the natural way. In particular, execution of a call pushes a new entry onto the stack of the calling process; execution of a return pops the stack and, if the resulting stack is not empty, moves the caller to the location just after the call. The triple \(s{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a}}s'\) is a transition.

Let f be a procedure and \(s_0\) a state with empty channels, and in which each process has one entry on its stack, the program counter of which is the start location for f. An n-process execution \(\zeta \) of f is a finite or infinite chain of transitions \(s_0{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_1}}s_1{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_2}}\cdots \). The length of \(\zeta \), denoted \(\textsf{len}(\zeta )\), is the number of transitions in \(\zeta \). An execution must be fair: if a process p becomes enabled at some point in an infinite execution, then eventually p will execute. Note that, once p becomes enabled, it will remain enabled until it executes, as no process other than p can remove a buffered message with destination p.

A process p terminates in \(\zeta \) if for some i, the stack for p is empty in \(s_i\). We say \(\zeta \) terminates if p terminates in \(\zeta \) for all \(p\in \textsf {PID} \). The execution deadlocks if it is finite, does not terminate, and ends in a state with no enabled action.

It is often convenient to add a “driver” to P when reasoning about executions of a collective procedure f. Say f takes m formal parameters. Form a program \(P^f\) by adding fresh global variables \(x_1,\ldots ,x_{m}\) to P, and adding a procedure

figure g

By “execution of \(P^f\),” we mean an execution of main in this new program.

2.3 Collective Correctness

In this section, we formulate conditions that correct collective procedures are expected to satisfy. Some of these reflect standard practice, e.g., collectives should be called in the same order by all processes, while others specify how a procedure conforms to various clauses in its contract. Ultimately, these conditions will be used to ensure that a simple “stub” can stand in for a collective call, which is the essential point of our main result, Theorem 1.

In formulating these conditions, we focus on the negative, i.e., we identify the earliest possible point in an execution at which a violation occurs. For example, if a postcondition states that on every process, x will be 0 when the function returns, then a postcondition violation occurs as soon as one process returns when its x has a non-zero value. There is no need to wait until every process has returned to declare that the postcondition has been violated. In fact, this allows us to declare a postcondition violation even in executions that do not terminate because some processes never return.

Fix a program P and integer \(n\ge 1\). Let \(\mathcal {C}\) be the set of names of collective procedures of P. Let \(\zeta \) be an execution \(s_0{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_1}}s_1{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_2}}\cdots \) of a procedure in P. For \(i\in 1..\textsf{len}(\zeta )\), let \(\zeta ^i\) denote the prefix of \(\zeta \) of length i, i.e., the execution \(s_0{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_1}}\cdots {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_i}}s_i\).

Collective Consistency.

The first correctness condition for \(\zeta \) is collective consistency. To define this concept, consider strings over the alphabet consisting of symbols of the form \(\textsf{e}^f\) and \(\textsf{x}^f\), for \(f\in \mathcal {C}\). Given an action a and \(p\in \textsf {PID} \), define string \(T_p(a)\) as follows:

  • if a is a call by p to some \(f\in \mathcal {C}\), \(T_p(a)=\textsf{e}^f\) (a is called an enter action)

  • if a is a return by p from some \(f\in \mathcal {C}\), \(T_p(a)=\textsf{x}^f\) (a is called an exit action)

  • otherwise, \(T_p(a)\) is the empty string.

Now let \(T_p(\zeta )\) be the concatenation \(T_p(a_1)T_p(a_2)\cdots \). Hence \(T_p(\zeta )\) records the sequence of collective actions—enter or exit actions—taken by p.

Definition 1

An execution \(\zeta \) is collective consistent if there is some \(p\in \textsf {PID} \) such that for all \(q\in \textsf {PID} \), \(T_q(\zeta )\) equals or is a prefix of \(T_p(\zeta )\). We say \(\zeta \) commits a consistency violation at step i if \(\zeta ^{i-1}\) is collective consistent but \(\zeta ^i\) is not.

For the rest of this section, assume \(\zeta \) is collective consistent.

The sequence of actions performed by p in \(\zeta \) is divided into segments whose boundaries are the collective actions of p. More precisely, given \(i\in 0..\textsf{len}(\zeta )\) and \(p\in \textsf {PID} \), define \(k=\textsf {seg} _p(\zeta , i)\) to be the number of collective actions of p in \(a_1,\ldots ,a_i\). We say p is in segment k at state i.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Representation of a 3-process execution of \(\texttt {cyc} ^f\) of Fig. 2. \(\textsf{e}^f=\) enter (call) f; \(\textsf{x}^f=\) exit (return from) f; \(\textsf {s}=\) send; \(\textsf {r}=\) receive. The execution has no collective errors and ends in a state with one buffered message sent from process 1 to process 2.

Example 2

In program cyc of Fig. 2, there is a 3-process execution \(\zeta \) of \(P^f\) illustrated in Figure 3. The execution is collective consistent: \(T_p(\zeta )\) is a prefix of \(T_1(\zeta )=\textsf{e}^f\textsf{e}^g\textsf{x}^g\textsf{e}^g\textsf{x}^g\textsf{e}^g\textsf{x}^g\textsf{x}^f\) for all \(p\in \{0,1,2\}\). A process is in segment 0 at any point before it executes \(\textsf{e}^f\); it is in segment 1 after executing \(\textsf{e}^f\) but before executing its first \(\textsf{e}^g\); and so on. At a given state in the execution, processes can be in different segments; e.g., when process 2 is in segment 1, process 1 is in segment 3 and process 0 is in segment 2.

Precondition and Postcondition Violations.

We now turn to the issue of evaluation of pre- and postconditions. Let f be a collective procedure in P with precondition \(\textsf {pre} (f)\) and postcondition \(\textsf {post} (f)\). Let \(V_f\) be the union of the set of formal parameters of f and the global variables of P. As noted above, these are the only variables that may occur free in \(\textsf {pre} (f)\) and \(\textsf {post} (f)\). An f-valuation is a function \(\alpha :\textsf {PID} \rightarrow (V_f\rightarrow \mathbb {Z})\). For each process, \(\alpha \) specifies a value for each free variable that may occur in \(\textsf {pre} (f)\) or \(\textsf {post} (f)\).

For any expression e that may occur as a sub-expression of \(\textsf {pre} (f)\), and \(p\in \textsf {PID} \), define \(\llbracket e\rrbracket _{\alpha ,p}\in \mathbb {Z}\) as follows:

figure h

This is the result of evaluating e in process p. Note how shifts the evaluation context from process p to the process specified by \(e_2\), allowing the precondition to refer to the value of an expression on another process.

Evaluation of an expression involving , which may occur only in \(\textsf {post} (f)\), requires a second f-valuation \(\beta \) specifying values in the pre-state. The definition of \(\llbracket \cdot \rrbracket _{\alpha ,\beta ,p}\) repeats the rules above, replacing each subscript “\(\alpha \)” with “\(\alpha ,\beta \)”, and adds one rule:

figure k

Say \(1\le i\le \textsf{len}(\zeta )\) and \(a_i\) is an \(\textsf{e}^f\) action in process p. Let \(r=\textsf {seg} _p(\zeta ,i)\) and

$$ Q=\{q\in \textsf {PID} \mid \textsf {seg} _q(\zeta ,i)\ge r\}, \alpha ':Q\rightarrow (V_f\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}), $$

where \(\alpha '(q)(v)\) is the value of v on process q in state \(s_{j(q)}\), and j(q) is the unique integer in 1..i such that \(a_{j(q)}\) is the r-th collective action of q in \(\zeta \). (As \(\zeta \) is collective consistent, \(a_{j(q)}\) is also an \(\textsf{e}^f\) action.) In other words, \(\alpha '\) uses the values of process q’s variables just after q entered the call. Now, \(\alpha '\) is not an f-valuation unless \(Q=\textsf {PID} \). Nevertheless, we can ask whether \(\alpha '\) can be extended to an f-valuation \(\alpha \) such that \(\llbracket \textsf {pre} (f)\rrbracket _{\alpha ,q}\) holds for all \(q\in \textsf {PID} \). If no such \(\alpha \) exists, we say a \(precondition violation \) occurs at step i.

Example 3

Consider program cyc of Fig. 2. Suppose process 1 calls f(1) and process 2 calls f(2). Then a precondition violation of f occurs with the second call, because there is no value that can be assigned to k on process 0 for which and both hold.

If \(a_i\) is an \(\textsf{x}^f\) action, define Q and j(q) as above; for any \(q\in Q\), \(a_{j(q)}\) is also an \(\textsf{x}^f\) action. Let \(\alpha '(q)(v)\) be the value of v in q at state \(s_{j(q)-1}\), i.e., just before q exits. Define \(k(q)\in 1..j(q)-1\) so that \(a_{k(q)}\) is the \(\textsf{e}^f\) action in q corresponding to \(a_{j(q)}\), i.e., \(a_{k(q)}\) is the call that led to the return \(a_{j(q)}\). Define \( \beta ':Q\rightarrow (V_f\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}) \) so that \(\beta '(q)(v)\) is the value of v on q in state \(s_{k(q)}\), i.e., in the pre-state. A postcondition violation occurs if it is not the case that there are extensions of \(\alpha '\) and \(\beta '\) to f-valuations \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) such that \(\llbracket \textsf {post} (f)\rrbracket _{\alpha ,\beta ,q}\) holds for all \(q\in \textsf {PID} \).

Waitsfor Violations.

We now explain the waitsfor contract clause. Assume again that \(a_i\) is an \(\textsf{x}^f\) action in process p, and that k is the index of the corresponding \(\textsf{e}^f\) action in p. The expression in the waitsfor clause is evaluated at the pre-state \(s_{k}\) to yield a set \(W\subseteq \textsf {PID} \). A waitsfor violation occurs at step i if there is some \(q\in W\) such that \(\textsf {seg} _q(\zeta ,i)<\textsf {seg} _p(\zeta ,k)\), i.e., p exits a collective call before q has entered it.

Correct Executions and Conformance to Contract.

We can now encapsulate all the ways something may go wrong with collective procedures and their contracts:

Definition 2

Let P be a program, \(\zeta =s_0{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{a_1}}s_1\cdots \) an execution of a procedure in P, and \(i\in 1..\textsf{len}(\zeta )\). Let p be the process of \(a_i\) and \(r=\textsf {seg} _p(\zeta ,i)\). We say \(\zeta \) commits a collective error at step i if any of the following occur at step i:

  1. 1.

    a consistency, precondition, postcondition, or waitsfor violation,

  2. 2.

    an assigns violation: \(a_i\) is an exit action and the value of a variable not in p’s assigns set differs from its pre-state value,

  3. 3.

    a segment boundary violation: \(a_i\) is a receive of a message sent from a process q at \(a_j\) (\(j<i\)) and \(\textsf {seg} _q(\zeta ,j)>r\); or \(a_i\) is a send to q and \(\textsf {seg} _q(\zeta ,i)>r\), or

  4. 4.

    an unreceived message violation: \(a_i\) is a collective action and there is an unreceived message sent to p from q at \(a_j\) (\(j<i\)), and \(\textsf {seg} _q(\zeta ,j)=r-1\).

The last two conditions imply that a message that crosses segment boundaries is erroneous. In particular, if an execution terminates without collective errors, every message sent within a segment is received within that same segment.

Definition 3

An execution of a procedure is correct if it is finite, does not deadlock, and has no collective errors.

We can now define what it means for a procedure to conform to its contract. Let f be a collective procedure in P. By a \(\textit{pre}(f)\)-state, we mean a state of \(P^f\) in which (i) every process has one entry on its call stack, pointing to the start location of main, (ii) all channels are empty, and (iii) for all processes, the assignment to the global variables satisfies the precondition of f.

Definition 4

A collective procedure f conforms (to its contract) if all executions of \(P^f\) from \(\textit{pre}(f)\)-states are correct.

Note that any maximal non-deadlocking finite execution terminates. So a conforming procedure will always terminate if invoked from a \(\textit{pre}(f)\)-state, i.e., ours is a “total” (not “partial”) notion of correctness in the Hoare logic sense.

2.4 Simulation

In the sequential theory, one may verify properties of a procedure f using only the contracts of the procedures called by f. We now generalize that approach for collective procedures. We will assume from now on that P has no “collective recursion.” That is, in the call graph for P—the graph with nodes the procedures of P and an edge from f to g if the body of f contains a call to g—there is no cycle that includes a collective procedure. This simplifies reasoning about termination.

If \(f,g\in \mathcal {C}\), we say f uses g if there is a path of positive length in the call graph from f to g on which any node other than the first or last is not in \(\mathcal {C}\).

Given \(f\in \mathcal {C}\), we construct a program \(\overline{P^f}\) which abstracts away the implementation details of each collective procedure g used by f, replacing the body of g with a stub that simulates g’s contract. The stub consists of two new statements. The first may be represented with pseudocode

figure n

This nondeterministic statement assigns arbitrary values to the variables specified in the assigns clause of g’s contract, as long as those values do not commit a postcondition violation for g. The second statement may be represented

figure o

and blocks the calling process p until all processes in p’s wait set (evaluated in p’s pre-state) reach this statement. This ensures the stub will obey g’s waitsfor contract clause. Now \(\overline{P^f}\) is a program with the same set of collective procedure names, and same contracts, as \(P^f\). A simulation of f is an execution of \(\overline{P^f}\).

Theorem 1

Let P be a program with no collective recursion. Let f be a collective procedure in P and assume all collective procedures used by f conform. If all simulations of f from a \(\textit{pre}(f)\)-state are correct then f conforms.

Theorem 1 is the basis for the contract-checking tool described in Sect. 4.2. The tool consumes a C/MPI program annotated with procedure contracts. The user specifies a single procedure f and the tool constructs a CIVL-C program that simulates f by replacing the collective procedures called by f with stubs derived from their contracts. It then uses symbolic execution and model checking techniques to verify that all simulations of f behave correctly. By Theorem 1, one can conclude that f conforms.

A detailed proof of Theorem 1 is given in [43]. Here we summarize the main ideas of the proof. We assume henceforth that P is a collective recursion-free program.

Two actions from different processes commute as long as the second does not receive a message sent by the first. Two executions are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a finite number of transpositions of commuting adjacent transitions. We first observe that equivalence preserves most violations:

Lemma 1

Let \(\zeta \) and \(\eta \) be equivalent executions of a procedure f in P. Then

  1. 1.

    \(\zeta \) commits a consistency, precondition, postcondition, assigns, segment boundary, or unreceived message violation iff \(\eta \) commits such a violation.

  2. 2.

    \(\zeta \) deadlocks iff \(\eta \) deadlocks.

  3. 3.

    \(\zeta \) is finite iff \(\eta \) is finite.

If \(\zeta \) commits a collective error when control is not inside a collective call made by f (i.e., when f is the only collective function on the call stack), we say the error is observable. If the error is not observable, it is internal. We say \(\zeta \) is observably correct if it is finite, does not deadlock, and is free of observable collective errors.

We are interested in observable errors because those are the kind that will be visible in a simulation, i.e., when each collective function g called by f is replaced with a stub that mimics g’s contract.

When \(\zeta \) has no observable collective error, it can be shown that a collective call to g made within \(\zeta \) can be extracted to yield an execution of g. The idea behind the proof is to transpose adjacent transitions in \(\zeta \) until all of the actions inside the call to g form a contiguous subsequence of \(\zeta \). The resulting execution \(\xi \) is equivalent to \(\zeta \). Using Lemma 1, it can be shown that \(\xi \) is also observably correct and the segment involving the call to g can be excised to yield an execution of g. The next step is to show that extraction preserves internal errors:

Lemma 2

Assume \(\zeta \) is an observably correct execution of collective procedure f in P. Let \(g_1,g_2,\ldots \) be the sequence of collective procedures called from f. If a transition in region r (i.e., inside the call to \(g_r\)) of \(\zeta \) commits an internal collective error then the execution of \(P^{g_r}\) extracted from region r of \(\zeta \) is incorrect.

A corollary of Lemma 2 may be summarized as “conforming + observably correct = correct”. More precisely,

Lemma 3

Let f be a collective procedure of P. Assume all collective procedures used by f conform. Let \(\zeta \) be an execution of \(P^f\). Then \(\zeta \) is correct if and only if \(\zeta \) is observably correct.

To see this, suppose \(\zeta \) is observably correct but commits an internal collective error. Let r be the region of the transition committing the first internal collective error of \(\zeta \). Let g be the associated collective procedure used by f, and \(\chi \) the execution of \(P^g\) extracted from region r of \(\zeta \). By Lemma 2, \(\chi \) is incorrect, contradicting the assumption that g conforms.

Next we show that observable errors will be picked up by some simulation. The following is proved using extraction and Lemma 3:

Lemma 4

Suppose f is a collective procedure of P, all collective procedures used by f conform, and \(\zeta \) is an execution of \(P^f\). If \(\zeta \) has an observable collective error or ends in deadlock then there exists an incorrect simulation of f.

Since infinite executions are also considered erroneous, we must ensure they are detected by simulation:

Lemma 5

Suppose f is a collective procedure of P, and all collective procedures used by f conform. If \(\zeta \) is an infinite execution of \(P^f\) with no observable collective error then there exists an incorrect simulation of f.

Finally, we prove Theorem 1. Assume f is a collective procedure in P and all collective procedures used by f conform. Suppose f does not conform; we must show there is an incorrect simulation of f. As f does not conform, there is an incorrect execution \(\zeta \) of \(P^f\) from a \(\textit{pre}(f)\)-state. By Lemma 3, \(\zeta \) is not observably correct. If \(\zeta \) is finite or commits an observable collective error, Lemma 4 implies an incorrect simulation exists. Otherwise, Lemma 5 implies such a simulation exists. This completes the proof.

3 Collective Contracts for C/MPI

In Sect. 3.1, we summarize the salient aspects of C/MPI needed for a contract system. Section 3.2 describes the overall grammar of MPI contracts and summarizes the syntax and semantics of each new contract primitive.

3.1 Background from MPI

In the toy language of Sect. 2, every collective procedure was invoked by all processes. In MPI, a collective procedure is invoked by all processes in a communicator, an abstraction representing an ordered set of processes and an isolated communication universe.Footnote 1 Programs may use multiple communicators. The size of a communicator is the number of processes. Each process has a unique rank in the communicator, an ID number in \(0..\textit{size}-1\).

In Sect. 2, a receive always selects the oldest message in a channel. In MPI, a point-to-point send operation specifies a tag, an integer attached to the “message envelope.” A receive can specify a tag, in which case the oldest message in the channel with that tag is removed, or the receive can use , in which case the oldest message is. MPI collective functions do not use tags.

MPI communication operations use communication buffers. A buffer b is specified by a pointer p, datatype d (an object of type ), and nonnegative integer count. There are constants of type corresponding to the C basic types: , etc. MPI provides functions to build aggregate datatypes. Each datatype specifies a type map: a sequence of ordered pairs (tm) where t is a basic type and m is an integer displacement in bytes. A type map is nonoverlapping if the memory regions specified by distinct entries in the type map do not intersect. A receive operation requires a nonoverlapping type map; no such requirement applies to sends. For example, the type map \(\{(\texttt {int} ,0), (\texttt {double} , 8) \}\), together with p, specifies an int at p and a double at (char*)p+8. As long as \(\texttt {sizeof(int)} \le 8\), this type map is nonoverlapping.

The extent of d is the distance from its lowest to its highest byte, including possible padding bytes at the end needed for alignment; the precise definition is given in the MPI Standard. The type map of b is defined to be the concatenation of \(T_0,\ldots ,T_{\textit{count}-1}\), where \(T_i\) is the type map obtained by adding \(i*\textit{extent}(d)\) to the displacements of the entries in the type map of d. For example, if count is 2, \(\texttt {sizeof(double)} =8\) and ints and doubles are aligned at multiples of 8 bytes, the buffer type map in the example above is

$$ \{(\texttt {int} ,0), (\texttt {double} ,8), (\texttt {int} ,16), (\texttt {double} ,24)\} .$$

A message is created by reading memory specified by the send buffer, yielding a sequence of basic values. The message has a type signature—the sequence of basic types obtained by projecting the type map onto the first component. The receive operation consumes a message and writes the values into memory according to the receive buffer’s type map. Behavior is undefined if the send and receive buffers do not have the same type signature.

3.2 Contract Structure

We now describe the syntax and semantics for C/MPI function contracts. A contract may specify either an MPI collective function, or a user-defined collective function. A user function may be implemented using one or more communicators, point-to-point operations, and MPI collectives.

The top level grammar is given in Fig. 4. A function contract begins with a sequence of distinct behaviors, each with an assumption that specifies when that behavior is active. Clauses in the global contract scope preceding the first named behavior are thought of as comprising a single behavior with a unique name and assumption true. The behaviors may be followed by disjoint behaviors and complete behaviors clauses, which encode claims that the assumptions are pairwise disjoint, and their disjunction is equivalent to true, respectively. All of this is standard ACSL, and we refer to it as the sequential part of the contract.

A new kind of clause, the comm-clause, may occur in the sequential part. A comm-clause begins “mpi uses” and is followed by a list of terms of type . Such a clause specifies a guarantee that no communication will take place on a communicator not in the list. When multiple comm-clauses occur within a behavior, it is as if the lists were appended into one.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Grammar for ACSL function contracts, extended for MPI. Details for standard ACSL clauses can be found in [10].

Collective contracts appear after the sequential part. A collective contract begins “ ” and names a communicator c which provides the context for the contract; c must occur in a comm-clause from the sequential part. A collective contract on c encodes the claim that the function conforms to its contract (Definition 4) with the adjustment that all of the collective errors defined in Definition 2 are interpreted with respect to c only.

A collective contract may comprise multiple behaviors. As with the sequential part, clauses occurring in the collective contract before the first named behavior are considered to comprise a behavior with a unique name and assumption true.

Type Signatures. The new logic type represents MPI type signatures. Its domain consists of all finite sequences of basic C types. As with all ACSL types, equality is defined and == and != can be used on two such values in a logic specification. If t is a term of integer type and s is a term of type , then t*s is a term of type . If the value of t is n and \(n\ge 0\), then t*s denotes the result of concatenating the sequence of s n times.

Operations on Datatypes. Two logic functions and one predicate are defined:

figure y

The first returns the extent (in bytes) of a datatype. The second returns the type signature of the datatype. The predicate holds iff the type map of the datatype is nonoverlapping, a requirement for any communication buffer that receives data.

Value Sequences. The domain of type consists of all finite sequences of pairs (tv), where t is a basic C type and v is a value of type t. Such a sequence represents the values stored in a communication buffer or message. Similar to the case with type signatures, we define multiplication of an integer with a value of type to be repeated concatenation.

Communication Buffers. Type is a struct with fields base (of type void*), count (int), and datatype ( ). A value of this type specifies an MPI communication buffer and is created with the logic function

figure ad

The ACSL predicate is extended to accept arguments of type and indicates that the entire extent of the buffer is allocated memory; predicate is extended similarly.

Buffer Arithmetic. An integer and a buffer can be added or multiplied. Both operations are commutative. These are defined by

figure ah

Multiplication corresponds to multiplying the size of a buffer by n. It is meaningful only when both n and m are nonnegative. Addition corresponds to shifting a buffer by n units, where a unit is the extent of the datatype dt. It is meaningful for any integer n.

Buffer Dereferencing. The dereference operator * may take an b as an argument. The result is the value sequence (of type ) obtained by reading the sequence of values from the buffer specified by b.

The term \(\texttt {*} b\) used in an assigns clause specifies that any of the memory locations associated to b may be modified; these are the bytes in the range \(p+m\) to \(p+m+\texttt {sizeof(} t\texttt {)} -1\), for some entry (tm) in the type map of b.

The ACSL predicate takes a comma-separated list of expressions, each of which denotes a set of memory locations. It holds if those sets are pairwise disjoint. We extend the syntax to allow expressions of type in the list; these expressions represent sets of memory locations as above.

Terms. The grammar for ACSL terms is extended:

figure am

The term is a constant, the number of processes in the communicator; is the rank of “this” process. In the term , r must have integer type and is the rank of a process in the communicator. Term t is evaluated in the state of the process of rank r. For convenience, we define a macro

figure aq

which expands to

figure ar

. This is used to say the value of x is the same on all processes.

Reduction. A predicate for reductions is defined:

figure as

The predicate holds iff the value sequence out on this process is a point-wise reduction, using operator op, of the \(\texttt {hi} -\texttt {lo} \) value sequences \(\texttt {in} (\texttt {lo} )\), \(\texttt {in} (\texttt {lo} +1)\), ..., \(\texttt {in} (\texttt {hi} -1)\). Note in is a function from integer to . We say a reduction, and not the reduction, because op may not be strictly commutative and associative (e.g., floating-point addition).

4 Evaluation

In this section we describe a prototype tool we developed for MPI collective contract verification, and experiments applying it to various example codes. All experimental artifacts, including the tool source code, are available online [43].

4.1 Collective Contract Examples

The first part of our evaluation involved writing contracts for a variety of collective functions. We started with the 17 MPI blocking collective functions specified in [45, Chapter 5]. These represent the most commonly used message-passing patterns, such as broadcast, scatter, gather, transpose, and reduce (fold). The MPI Standard is a precisely written natural language document, similar to the C Standard. We scrutinized each sentence in the description of each function and checked that it was reflected accurately in the contract.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The contract of the function.

Figure 5 shows the contract for the MPI collective function . This function “combines the elements provided in the input buffer of each process...using the operator op” and “the result is returned to all processes” [45]. This guarantee is reflected in line 13. “The ‘in place’ option specified by passing the value to the argument sendbuf at all processes. In this case, the input data is taken at each process from the receive buffer, where it will be replaced by the output data.” This option is represented using two behaviors. These are just a few examples of the tight mapping between the natural language and the contract.

The only ambiguity we could not resolve concerned synchronization. The Standard is clear that collective operations may or may not impose barriers. It is less clear on whether certain forms of synchronization are implied by the semantics of the operation. For example, many users assume that a non-root process must wait for the root in a broadcast, or that all-reduce necessarily entails a barrier. But these operations could be implemented with no synchronization when count is 0. (Similarly, a process executing all-reduce with logical and could return immediately if its contribution is false.) This issue has been discussed in the MPI Forum [17]. Our contract declares, on line 9, that barrier synchronization occurs if \(\texttt {count} >0\), but other choices could be encoded.

In addition to the MPI collectives, we wrote contracts for a selection of user-defined collectives from the literature, including:

  1. 1.

    exchange: “ghost cell exchange” in 1d-diffusion solver [58]

  2. 2.

    diff1dIter: computes one time step in 1d-diffusion [58]

  3. 3.

    dotProd: parallel dot-product procedure from Hypre [23]

  4. 4.

    matmat: matrix multiplication using a block-striped decomposition [52]

  5. 5.

    oddEvenIter: odd-even parallel sorting algorithm [30, 41].

We also implemented cyc of Fig. 2 in MPI with contracts.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The parallel dotProd function from Hypre [23], with contract.

Figure 6 shows the contract and the implementation for dotProd. The functions \(*\) are simple wrappers for the corresponding MPI functions. The input vectors are block distributed. Each process gets its blocks and computes their inner product. The results are summed across processes with an all-reduce. The contract uses the ACSL

figure az

function to express the local result on a process (line 3) as well as the global result (line 13). Thus the contract is only valid if a real number model of arithmetic is used. This is a convenient and commonly-used assumption when specifying numerical code. We could instead use our predicate for a contract that holds in the floating-point model.

4.2 Bounded Verification of Collective Contracts

For the second part of our evaluation, we developed a prototype tool for verifying that C/MPI collective procedures conform to their contracts. We used CIVL, a symbolic execution and model checking framework [57] written in Java, because it provides a flexible intermediate verification language and it already has strong support for concurrency and MPI [44]. We created a branch of CIVL and modified the Java code in several ways, which we summarize here.

We modified the front-end to accept contracts in our extended version of ACSL. This required expanding the grammar, adding new kinds of AST nodes, and updating the analysis passes. Our prototype can therefore parse and perform basic semantic checks on contracts.

We then added several new primitives to the intermediate language to support the formal concepts described in Sect. 2. For example, in order to evaluate pre- and postconditions using expressions, we added a type for collective state, with operations to take a “snapshot” of a process state and merge snapshots into a program state, in order to check collective conditions.

Finally, we implemented a transformer, which consumes a C/MPI program annotated with contracts and the name of the function f to be verified. It generates a program similar to \(\overline{P^f}\) (Sect. 2.4). This program has a driver that initializes the global variables and arguments for f to arbitrary values constrained only by f’s precondition, using CIVL’s $assume statement. The body of a collective function g used by f is replaced by code of the form

figure bc

where wait is implemented using CIVL primitive $when, which blocks until a condition holds. When the CIVL verifier is applied to this program, it explores all simulations of f, verifying they terminate and are free of collective errors. By Thm. 1, the verifier can prove, for a bounded number of processes, f conforms.

Our prototype has several limitations. It assumes no wildcard is used in the program. It does not check assigns violation for the verifying function. It assumes all communication uses standard mode blocking point-to-point functions and blocking MPI collective functions. Nevertheless, it can successfully verify a number of examples with nontrivial bounds on the number of processes.

For the experiment, we found implementations for several of the MPI collective functions. Some of these are straightforward; e.g., the implementation of consists of calls to followed by a call to . Two of these implementations are more advanced: allreduceDR implements using a double recursive algorithm; reduceScatterNC implements using an algorithm optimized for noncommutative reduction operations [12].

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Verification performance for nprocs \(\le \) 5.

We applied our prototype to these collective implementations, using the contracts described in Sect. 4.1. We also applied it to the 5 user-defined collectives listed there. We were able to verify these contracts for up to 5 processes (no other input was bounded), using a Mac Mini with an M1 chip and 16GB memory. For the CIVL configuration, we specified two theorem provers to be used in order: (1) CVC4 [8] 1.8, and (2) Z3 [49] 4.8.17, each with a timeout of two seconds.

Results are given in Fig. 7. For each problem, we give the number of states saved by CIVL, the number of calls to the theorem provers, and the total verification time in seconds, rounded up to the nearest second.

The times range from 4 seconds to 8 and a half minutes. In general, time increases with the number of states and prover calls. Exceptions to this pattern occur when prover queries are very complex and the prover times out—two seconds in our case. For example, matmat, whose queries involve integer multiplications and uninterpreted functions, times out often. It is slower than most of the test cases despite a smaller state space.

Comparing reduceScatter with reduceScatterNC, it is noteworthy that verifying the simple implementation takes significantly longer than the advanced version. This is because the simple implementation re-uses verified collective functions. Reasoning about the contracts of those functions may involve expensive prover calls.

For exchange, nearly one million states are saved though its implementation involves only two MPI point-to-point calls. This is due to the generality of its contract. A process communicates with its left and right “neighbors” in this function. The contract assumes that the neighbors of a process can be any two processes—as long as each pair of processes agree on whether they are neighbors. Hence there is combinatorial explosion generating the initial states.

For each example, we made erroneous versions and confirmed that CIVL reports a violation or “unknown” result.

5 Related Work

The ideas underlying code contracts originate in the work of Floyd on formal semantics [26], the proof system of Hoare [29], the specification system Larch [27], and Meyer’s work on Eiffel [46, 47]. Contract systems have been developed for many other languages, including Java [25, 32, 38], Ada [5], C# [7], and C [10, 18].

Verification condition generation (VCG) [6, 25, 39] and symbolic execution [35, 36, 51] are two techniques used to verify that code conforms to a contract. Extended static checking is an influential VCG approach for Java [25, 32, 39]. Frama-C’s WP plugin [9, 18] is a VCG tool for ACSL-annotated C programs, based on the Why platform [24]. The Kiasan symbolic execution platform [20] has been applied to both JML and Spark contracts [11].

Several contract systems have been developed for shared memory concurrency. The VCC verifier [15, 16, 48] takes a contract approach, based on object invariants in addition to pre- and postconditions, to shared-memory concurrent C programs. VeriFast is a deductive verifier for multithreaded C and Java programs [31]. Its contract language is based on concurrent separation logic [14]. These systems focus on issues, such as ownership and permission, that differ from those that arise in distributed computing.

For distributed concurrency, type-theoretic approaches based on session types [50, 54, 59] are used to describe communication protocols; various techniques verify an implementation conforms to a protocol. ParTypes [40] applies this approach to C/MPI programs using a user-written protocol that specifies the sequence of messages transmitted in an execution. Conformance guarantees deadlock-freedom for an arbitrary number of processes. However, ParTypes protocols cannot specify programs with wildcards or functional correctness, and they serve a different purpose than our contracts. Our goal is to provide a public contract for a collective procedure—the messages transmitted are an implementation detail that should remain “hidden” to the extent possible.

Several recent approaches to the verification of distributed systems work by automatically transforming a message-pasing program to a simplified form. One of these takes a program satisfying symmetric nondeterminism and converts it to a sequential program, proving deadlock-freedom and enabling verification of other safety properties [4]. Another does the same for a more general class of distributed programs, but requires user-provided information such as an “invariant action” and an abstraction function [37]. A related approach converts an asynchronous round-based message-passing program, with certain user-provided annotations, to a synchronous form [19]. This technique checks that each round is communication-closed, a concept that is similar to the idea of collective-style procedures. It is possible that these approaches could be adapted to verify that collective-style procedures in an MPI program conform to their contracts.

There are a number of correctness tools for MPI programs, including the dynamic model checkers ISP [60] and DAMPI [61], the static analysis tool MPI-Checker [22], and the dynamic analysis tool MUST [28]. These check for certain pre-defined classes of defects, such as deadlocks and incorrectly typed receive statements; they are not used to specify or verify functional correctness.

Ashcroft introduced the idea of verifying parallel programs by showing every atomic action preserves a global invariant [3]. This approach is applied to a simple message-passing program in [42] using Frama-C+WP and ghost variables to represent channels. The contracts are quite complicated; they are also a bespoke solution for a specific problem, rather than a general language. However, the approach applies to non-collective as well as collective procedures.

A parallel program may also be specified by a functionally equivalent sequential version [56]. This works for whole programs which consume input and produce output, but it seems less applicable to individual collective procedures.

Assume-Guarantee Reasoning. [1, 21, 33, 34] is another approach that decomposes along process boundaries. This is orthogonal to our approach, which decomposes along procedure boundaries.

6 Discussion

We have summarized a theory of contracts for collective procedures in a toy message-passing language. We have shown how this theory can be realized for C programs that use MPI using a prototype contract-checking tool. The approach is applicable to programs that use standard-mode blocking point-to-point operations, blocking MPI collective functions, multiple communicators, user-defined datatypes, pointers, pointer arithmetic, and dynamically allocated memory. We have used it to fully specify all of the MPI blocking collective functions, and several nontrivial user-defined collective functions.

MPI’s nonblocking operations are probably the most important and widely-used feature of MPI not addressed here. In fact, there is no problem specifying a collective procedure that uses nonblocking operations, as long as the procedure completes all of those operations before returning. For such procedures, the nonblocking operations are another implementation detail that need not be mentioned in the public interface. However, some programs may use one procedure to post nonblocking operations, and another procedure to complete them; this is in fact the approach taken by the new MPI “nonblocking collective” functions [45, Sec. 5.12]. The new “neighborhood collectives” [45, Sec. 7.6] may also require new abstractions and contract primitives.

Our theory assumes no use of “wildcard” receives. It is easy to construct counterexamples to Theorem 1 for programs that use wildcards. New conceptual elements will be required to ensure a collective procedure implemented with wildcards will always behave as expected.

Our prototype tool for verifying conformance to a contract uses symbolic execution and bounded model checking techniques. It demonstrates the feasibility of this approach, but can only “verify” with small bounds placed on the number of processes. It would be interesting to see if the verification condition generation (VCG) approach can be applied to our contracts, so that they could be verified without such bounds. This would require a kind of Hoare calculus for message-passing parallel programs, and/or a method for specifying and verifying a global invariant.

One could also ask for runtime verification of collective contracts. This is an interesting problem, as the assertions relate the state of multiple processes, so checking them would require communication.