1 Introduction

Neural networks are very successful in various applications, most notably in image recognition tasks [14]. However, neural networks are also vulnerable to adversarial example attacks [17, 33]. In an adversarial example attack, an attacker slightly perturbs the input to mislead the network. Many attack models and different kinds of perturbations have been considered for neural networks implementing image classifiers [15, 26, 33]. The most commonly studied perturbations are \(L_p\) perturbations, where p is 0 [9, 40], 1 [10], 2 [4, 33] or \(\infty \) [4, 15]. For \(L_p\) perturbations, the attacker is given a small budget \(\epsilon \) and the goal is to find a perturbed input in the \(L_p\ \epsilon \)-ball that causes misclassification.

In response to adversarial attacks, many verifiers have been proposed to reason about the robustness of neural networks in a given neighborhood of inputs. Most deterministic robustness verifiers analyze robustness in \(L_\infty \ \epsilon \)-balls [2, 13, 21, 25, 32, 34], while some deterministic verifiers analyze \(L_2\ \epsilon \)-balls [19, 22] or \(L_1\ \epsilon \)-balls [38, 41]. Probabilistic verifiers, often leveraging randomized smoothing [6], have been proposed for analyzing \(L_{p}\ \epsilon \)-balls for \(p\in \{0,1,2,\infty \}\) [11, 23, 28, 39]. Other verifiers analyze neighborhoods defined by semantic or geometric features (e.g., brightness or rotation) [3, 20, 24]. An existing gap is deterministically verifying robustness in \(L_0\ \epsilon \)-balls, for a small \(\epsilon \), also known as robustness to few pixel attacks. In \(L_0\ \epsilon \)-balls, \(\epsilon \) is the number of pixels that can be perturbed. Since \(\epsilon \) is an integer (as opposed to a real number), we denote it as t. \(L_0\ t\)-balls consist of discrete perturbations, unlike many other attack models whose perturbations are continuous. Thus, their analysis is a challenging combinatorial problem. Theoretically, robustness verification of an \(L_0\ t\)-ball can be reduced into a set of robustness verification tasks over \(L_\infty \) neighborhoods, each allows a specific set of t pixels to be perturbed. However, this approach is infeasible in practice for \(t>2\), since the number of the \(L_\infty \) neighborhoods that need to be proven robust is \(v\atopwithdelims ()t\), where v is the number of pixels. To illustrate, for MNIST images, where \(v=784\), the number of neighborhoods is \(1.6\cdot 10^{10}\) for \(t=4\), \(2.4\cdot 10^{12}\) for \(t=5\), and \(3.2\cdot 10^{14}\) for \(t=6\). That is, every minimal increase of t (by one) increases the neighborhood size by two orders of magnitude.

A recent work proposes a deterministic \(L_0\) robustness verifier for few pixel attacks, called Calzone [30]. Calzone builds on two main observations. First, if a network is robust to perturbations of a specific set of k pixels, then it is also robust to perturbations of any subsumed set of these pixels. Second, often \(L_\infty \) robustness verifiers can analyze robustness to arbitrary perturbations of k specific pixels, for values of k that are significantly larger than t. They thus reduce the problem of verifying robustness in an \(L_0\ t\)-ball to proving robustness in a set of \(L_\infty \) neighborhoods defined by a set of k-sized pixel sets, subsuming all possible sets of t pixels. To compute the k-sized pixel sets, they rely on covering designs [16, 35]. Given parameters (vkt), a covering is a set of k-sized sets that cover all subsets of size t of a set \([v]=\{1,\ldots ,v\}\) (e.g., the pixel set). Covering designs is a field in combinatorics providing construction techniques to compute coverings. The challenge is to compute a covering of minimal size. While many covering constructions have been proposed, computing an optimal covering is an open combinatorial problem for most values of v, k and t. Further, most best-known coverings for \(t>3\) are far from the best general lower bound, known as the Schönheim bound [29]. This severely impacts the analysis time of Calzone. In practice, Calzone often does not complete within the five hour timeout when analyzing \(L_0\ 5\)-balls. To scale, it is crucial to lower the number of analyzed sets. While there are effective covering constructions renowned for the small coverings they compute, they are limited to specific values of v and k, which are incompatible for the analysis of \(L_0\) robustness. Since Calzone treats covering constructions as black-box, it is limited to rely on analysis-compatible coverings and cannot benefit from these effective constructions.

To boost the robustness verification of few pixel attacks, we propose a new covering type, called a covering verification design (CVD), tailoring covering designs for \(L_0\) robustness verification. CVD relies on a highly effective construction to obtain an analysis-incompatible covering and partially induces it to an analysis-compatible covering, where sets can have different sizes. Although the exact sets and their sizes depend on a random choice, we prove that the mean and variance of the set sizes are independent of this choice and have closed-form expressions. Partially inducing this effective construction has been proposed before [27], however it has been proposed for another combinatorial design, requiring a bound on the maximal set size in the covering, unlike CVD. We demonstrate that the sizes of CVDs are lower by 8% for \(t=4\) and by 15% for \(t=5\) than the respective Schönheim lower bound. This improvement, enabled by considering a new type of coverings, is remarkable for scaling \(L_0\) robustness analysis. To date, for analysis-compatible values of v and k and for \(t \ge 3\), it is impossible to obtain an optimal covering design, and even if we obtained it, its size is at least the Schönheim bound. In particular, Calzone’s considered coverings are larger by 4x than the Schönheim lower bound for \(t=4\) and by 8.4x for \(t=5\). While promising, CVDs raise a practical challenge: their construction as well as their final size introduce a high memory overhead. Further, to minimize the analysis time, the verifier chooses between multiple coverings. However, the total memory overhead makes it infeasible to store these coverings in a covering database without limiting their size (like Calzone does).

We introduce CoVerD, an \(L_0\) robustness verifier, boosting Calzone’s performance by leveraging CVDs. CoVerD has two main components, planning and analysis. The planning component predicts the CVD that will allow it to minimize the overall analysis time. To reduce the memory overhead, it predicts the best CVD out of many candidates, without constructing the candidates. This prediction relies on estimating the set size distribution of a candidate covering, using our expressions for the mean and variance. The analysis component constructs the chosen CVD. The challenge is that the original covering that is being induced may be too large to fit the memory. To cope, CoVerD induces the covering while constructing the original covering. Further, it constructs on-the-fly a partitioning of the CVD so that the analysis can be parallelized over multiple GPUs. Another advantage of the on-the-fly construction is that CoVerD does not need to prepare coverings for every image dimension in advance. This both saves memory consumption and makes CoVerD suitable for any image classifier, without requiring to precompute coverings for new image dimensions, as Calzone requires.

We evaluate CoVerD on convolutional and fully-connected networks, trained for MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10. CoVerD is faster than Calzone in verifying robust t-balls on average by 2.8x for \(t=4\) and by 5.1x for \(t=5\). Further, CoVerD scales to more challenging t-balls than Calzone. In particular, it verifies some 6-balls, which Calzone does not consider at all, within 42 minutes.

2 Background

In this section, we define the problem of verifying robustness of an image classifier in an \(L_0\ t\)-ball and provide background on Calzone [30].

\(L_0\) Robustness Verification. We address the problem of determining the local robustness of an image classifier in an \(L_0\ t\)-ball of an image x. An image classifier N takes as input an image x consisting of v pixels, each ranges over [0, 1] (all definitions extend to colored images, but omitted for simplicity’s sake). It returns a vector consisting of a score for every possible class. The classification the classifier N assigns to an input image x is the class with the maximal score: \(c_x=\texttt {argmax}(N(x))\). We focus on classifiers implemented by neural networks. Specifically, our focus is on fully-connected and convolutional networks, since many \(L_\infty \) robustness verifiers can analyze them [2, 13, 21, 25, 32, 34]. However, like Calzone, CoVerD is not coupled to the underlying implementation of the classifier and can reason about any classifier for which there are \(L_\infty \) robustness verifiers that it can rely on. The problem we study is determining whether a classifier N is locally robust in the \(L_0\ t\)-ball of an input x, for \(t\ge 2\). That is, whether every input whose \(L_0\) distance from x is at most t is classified by N as x is classified. Formally, the t-ball of x is \(B_t(x)=\{x' \mid ||x'-x||_0 \le t\}\) and N is locally robust in \(B_t(x)\) if \(\forall x'\in B_t(x).\ \texttt {argmax}(N(x'))=\texttt {argmax}(N(x))\). We note that the \(L_0\) distance of two images is the number of pixels that the images differ, that is \(||x'-x||_0 = |\{i \in [v]\mid x_i \ne x_i'\}|\) (where \([v]=\{1,\ldots ,v\}\)). In other words, an \(L_0\) perturbation to an image x can arbitrarily perturb up to t pixels in x.

Calzone. Calzone, depicted in Fig. 1, is an \(L_0\) robustness verifier. It verifies by determining the robustness of a classifier N in all neighborhoods in which a specific set of pixels S is arbitrarily perturbed, for every \(S \subseteq [v]\) of size t. Namely, to prove robustness, it has to determine for every such S whether N classifies the same all inputs in the neighborhood consisting of all images that are identical to x in all pixels, but the pixels in S. We denote this neighborhood by \(I_S(x)=\{x' \in [0,1]^v \mid \forall i\notin S.\ x'_i=x_i\}\). Such neighborhoods can be specified as a sequence of intervals, one for every pixel, where the \(i^\text {th}\) interval is [0, 1] if \(i\in S\) (i.e., it can be perturbed) or \([x_i,x_i]\) if \(i\notin S\) (i.e., it cannot be perturbed). Most existing \(L_\infty \) robustness verifiers can determine the robustness of such interval neighborhoods. However, verifying \(v\atopwithdelims ()t\) interval neighborhoods, one for every selection of t pixels to perturb, is practically infeasible for \(t>2\). Instead, Calzone builds on the following observation: if N is locally robust in a neighborhood \(I_{S'}(x)\) for \(S'\subseteq [v]\) of size \(k>t\), then N is also robust in every \(I_{S}(x)\), for \(S\subseteq S'\) of size t. This observation allows Calzone to leverage covering designs to reduce the number of neighborhoods analyzed by an \(L_\infty \) verifier. Given three numbers (vkt), for \(t\le k\le v\), a covering C(vkt) is a set of blocks, where (1) each block is subset of size k of [v] and (2) the blocks cover all subsets of [v] of size t: for every \(S\subseteq [v]\) of size t, there is a block \(B\in C(v,k,t)\) such that \(S\subseteq B\). Coverings are evaluated by their size, |C(vkt)|, where the smaller the better. We next describe the components of Calzone: analysis, planning and covering database.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The Calzone \(L_0\) robustness verifier.

Calzone’s Analysis. Calzone begins the analysis by obtaining a covering \(C(v,k_1,t)\) from its covering database, where \(k_1\) is determined by the planning component (described shortly). It pushes all blocks in the covering into a stack. It then iteratively pops a block S from the stack and verifies the robustness of N in \(I_S(x)\) by running GPUPoly [25]. GPUPoly is a sound \(L_\infty \) robustness verifier which is highly scalable because it performs the analysis on a GPU. However, it relies on a linear relaxation and thus may fail proving robustness due to overapproximation errors. If it determines that \(I_S(x)\) is robust, Calzone continues to the next block. Otherwise, Calzone performs an exact analysis or refines the block. If \(|S|= t\), Calzone invokes a sound and complete mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) verifier [34]. If it determines that \(I_S(x)\) is not robust, Calzone returns non-robust, otherwise Calzone continues to the next block. If |S| is greater than t, Calzone refines S by pushing to the stack all blocks in a covering for S and t. The blocks’ size is \(k_{i+1}\), which is the block size following the current block size \(k_i=|S|\), as determined by the planning component. The covering is obtained by retrieving from the covering database the covering \(C(|S|,k_{i+1},t)\) and renaming the numbers in the blocks to range over the numbers in S (instead of [|S|]), denoted as \(C_S(|S|,k_{i+1},t)\). If Calzone observes an empty stack, it returns robust. This analysis is proven sound and complete. To scale, Calzone parallelizes the analysis over multiple GPUs (for GPUPoly) and CPUs (for the MILP verifier). Technically, the first covering is split between the GPUs, each independently analyzes its assigned blocks and refines if needed.

Calzone’s Planning. The planning determines the block sizes of the first covering and of the refinements’ coverings. These are given as a K strategy, a decreasing series \(k_1>\ldots > k_m\), where \(k_1\le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}=99\) and \(k_m=t\). Calzone predicts the K strategy that minimizes the overall analysis time using dynamic programming, defined over the analysis time of the first covering, the average fraction of blocks that will be refined, and the analysis time of the refined blocks. This computation requires GPUPoly’s success rate and average analysis time for neighborhoods \(I_S(x)\), for all \(|S|\le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}\). These are estimated by sampling \(n_\text {samples}=400\) sets S for every \(k\le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}\) and submitting their neighborhood \(I_S(x)\) to GPUPoly.

Calzone’s Covering Database. As described, the analysis obtains coverings from a database. This database has been populated by obtaining well-optimized coverings from online resources and extending them for large values of v and k using general covering constructions. Because of these general constructions, the database’s coverings tend to be far from the Schönheim bound [29], the best-known general lower bound, especially for large values of v (the image dimension). This inefficiency results in longer analysis, since more blocks are analyzed.

3 Our Approach: Covering Verification Designs

To scale Calzone’s analysis, it is crucial to reduce the number of blocks that are analyzed by GPUPoly or the MILP verifier. A dominant contributor to this number is the size of the first covering, for two reasons. First, the first covering is over a large v (the image dimension), thus its size is significantly larger than the sizes of coverings added upon refinement, which are over significantly smaller v (typically \(v\le 80\) and at most \(v\le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}\)). Second, the first covering has an accumulative effect on the number of refinements, and consequently it dominates the analysis time. Reducing this size is theoretically possible by relying on finite geometry covering constructions [1, 16, 27], which are renowned for computing very small coverings. However, finite geometry coverings are limited to (vkt) triples in which v and k are defined by related mathematical expressions over t. In Calzone’s analysis, the first covering has to be defined over a given v (the image dimension) and t (the number of perturbed pixels). Thus, for some values of v and t, there is no finite geometry covering. For the other values, there are very few values for k, leading to long analysis either because they are large and have a low success rate, triggering many refinements, or small and have very large coverings. We propose to tailor induced coverings for \(L_0\) robustness analysis in order to leverage finite geometry coverings. To this end, we introduce a new type of a covering design, called a covering verification design (CVD). We next provide background on finite geometry coverings and induced coverings. We then define partially-induced coverings and our new covering type. We discuss its properties, its effectiveness, and the practical challenges in integrating it to \(L_0\) verification.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The Fano Plane.

Finite Geometry Coverings. Finite geometry covering constructions are widely known for obtaining small (sometimes optimal) coverings [1, 16, 27]. Popular finite geometry constructions rely on projective geometry (PG) or affine geometry (AG). We focus on PG, but our approach extends to AG. A PG construction views the problem of constructing a covering for a given (v, k, t) from a finite geometry point of view, where v is the number of points in the geometry. It constructs coverings by computing flats (linear subspaces) of dimension \(t-1\), each containing k points. Since every t points from [v] are contained in at least one flat [27], the flats provide a covering. Figure 2 shows the Fano plane, a well-known example. In this example, there are \(v=7\) points, the flats are of dimension \(t-1=1\) (the lines and the circle), each containing \(k=3\) points. The set of flats forms a covering, where each flat is a block: \(C(7,3,2)=\{\{1,2,3\},\{1,4,6\},\{1,5,7\},\{2,4,7\},\{2,5,6\},\{3,4,5\},\{3,6,7\} \}\). PG coverings exist for triples where \(v=\frac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\) and \(k=\frac{q^t-1}{q-1}\), for a prime power q and \(m\ge t\ge 2\) (it also exists for \(m=t-1\), but then \(v=k\), which is unhelpful to our analysis). Because PG is restricted to such triples, Calzone cannot effectively leverage it for the first covering, whose v and t are given. This is because for common image dimensions (e.g., \(v=784\) for MNIST and \(v=1024\) for CIFAR-10), there are no suitable q and m. Even if there are suitable q and m, there are very few possible k values, which are unlikely to include or be close to an optimal value of k. Thus, either they are smaller than an optimal k, leading to larger coverings and a longer analysis time, or that they are larger than an optimal k and have a lower success rate, leading to many refinements, resulting, again, in a longer analysis time. For example, for \(v=364\) and \(t=5\), the only suitable values are \(q=3\) and \(m=5\) (i.e., \(364=({3^{5+1}-1})/({3-1})\)), namely there is only one triple for these values of v and t. In this triple, \(k=({3^5-1})/({3-1})=121\). Since \(k\approx \frac{v}{3}\), neighborhoods \(I_S(x)\) for which \(|S|=121\) are not likely to be robust, thus such k is likely to have a low success rate. Induced coverings [16] enable to leverage finite geometry coverings for other (vkt) triples, as next explained.

Induced Coverings. Given \(v\le v'\) and \(k\le k'\), a covering \(C(v',k',t)\) can be induced to form a covering C(vkt) [16]. The induced covering is obtained in three steps. First, we select a subset of numbers of size v, denoted \(L\subseteq [v']\), and remove every \(l\in [v']\setminus L\) from every block in \(C(v',k',t')\). This results in a set of blocks of different sizes that covers all subsets of L of size t [27, Lemma 1]. This follows since every subset \(S\subseteq L\) of size t is a subset of \([v']\) and thus there is \(B\in C(v',k',t)\) such that \(S\subseteq B\). The first step removes from B only numbers from \([v']\setminus L\) and thus S is contained in the respective block to B after this step. The next two steps fix blocks whose size is not k. The second step extends every block whose size is smaller than k with numbers from L. The third step refines every block whose size is larger than k to multiple blocks of size k that cover all of its subsets of size t. This step significantly increases the number of blocks, unless the number of blocks larger than k is negligible. We note that these steps provide a covering over the numbers in L (i.e., \(C_{L}(|L|,k,t)\)). A covering for (|L|, kt) can be obtained by renaming the numbers to range over [|L|].

Partially-induced Covering. Our new covering design is an instance of a partially-induced covering. A partially-induced covering is the set of blocks obtained by the first step, where the blocks cover all subsets of L of size t and are of different sizes. For example, for the Fano plane and \(L_1=\{4,5,6,7\}\), the partially-induced covering is: \(C_1 = \{\{\}, \{4,6\}, \{5,7\}, \{4,7\}, \{5,6\}, \{4,5\}, \{6,7\}\}\), while for \(L_2=\{1,2,3,4\}\), it is: \(C_2 = \{\{1,2,3\}, \{1,4\}, \{1\}, \{2,4\}, \{2\}, \{3,4\}, \{3\}\} \). Partially-induced coverings have two benefits in our setting: (1) by not extending blocks whose size is smaller than k, we increase the likelihood that GPUPoly will prove their robustness, and (2) by not refining blocks whose size is larger than k, we (a) preserve the number of blocks as in the original covering, (b) provide GPUPoly an opportunity to verify these blocks, and (c) rely on the optimal refinement sizes (computed by the dynamic programming) for blocks that GPUPoly fails proving robustness. Our covering design partially induces PG coverings, to obtain additional benefits for \(L_0\) robustness verification.

Covering Verification Designs. Given the number of pixels v and the number of pixels to perturb t, a covering verification design (CVD) is the set of blocks obtained by partially inducing a PG covering \(C(v',k',t)\), where \(v\le v'\), using a random set of numbers \(L\subseteq [v']\) of size v. The numbers in the blocks can later be renamed to range over [v]. For example, since the Fano plane is a PG covering, the partially-induced coverings \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are CVDs. A CVD has two important properties. First, it is a partially-induced covering and thus has all the aforementioned advantages in our setting. In particular, its size is equal to the size of the original covering, which is highly beneficial since CVD induces from PG coverings, known for their small size. Second, although different sets L lead to different block size distributions, we prove that the mean block size and its variance are the same regardless of the choice of L. Further, we identify closed-form expressions for them and show that the variance is bounded by the mean. For example, although the block size distributions of \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are different, they have the same average block size (\(\frac{12}{7}\)) and the same variance (\(\frac{24}{49}\)). This property has practical advantages: (1) it allows us to estimate the block size distribution (Sect. 4.2), and (2) since the variance is bounded by the mean, the smaller the mean block size, the less likely that there are very large blocks, which are less likely to be proven robust by GPUPoly. To prove this property, we rely on the fact that PG coverings (and AG coverings) are also a combinatorial design called a balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) [7, Part VII, Proposition 2.36]. We next describe BIBD and then state our theorem on its mean and variance.

BIBD. Given positive integers \((v,b,r,k,\lambda )\), a BIBD is a set of b blocks, each is a subset of [v] of size k, such that every \(i \in [v]\) appears in r blocks and every \(i\ne j \in [v]\) appear together in \(\lambda \) blocks. For example, the Fano plane is a BIBD with \(v=7,b=7,r=3,k=3,\lambda =1\). This is because it has \(b=7\) blocks, each block is a subset of \([v]=\{1,\dots ,7\}\) of size \(k=3\), every number in \(\{1,\dots ,7\}\) appears in \(r=3\) blocks and every two different numbers appear together in \(\lambda =1\) block. Given a BIBD with parameters \((v',b,r,k',\lambda )\), we define a partially-induced BIBD for \(v\le v'\) by selecting a subset of numbers \(L\subseteq [v']\) of size v and removing every \(l\in [v']\setminus L\) from every block in the BIBD (empty blocks or repetitive blocks are kept). While the distribution of the induced blocks’ sizes depends on L, the mean block size and its variance depend only on \(v,v',k'\).

Theorem 1

Given a \((v',b,r,k',\lambda )\)-BIBD, for \(v'>1\), and \(1\le v\le v'\), for every \(L\subseteq [v']\) of size v, the mean \(\mu _{v',k',v}\) and variance \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2\) of the block sizes in the partially-induced BIBD satisfy:

  1. 1.

    \(\mu _{v',k',v} = \frac{vk'}{v'}\)

  2. 2.

    \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2 = \mu _{v',k',v} \left( 1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}-\mu _{v',k',v}\right) = \frac{vk'}{v'} \left( 1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}-\frac{vk'}{v'}\right) \)

  3. 3.

    \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2\le \mu _{v',k',v}\)


  1. 1.

    We prove \(\mu _{v',k',v} = \frac{vk'}{v'}\).

Since \(|L|=v\) and r is the number of occurrences of every number in all blocks, the sum of the sizes of the induced blocks is vr. By counting arguments, for a BIBD it holds that \(rv' = bk'\) [7, Part II, Proposition 1.2], and so \(r=\frac{bk'}{v'}\). That is, the sum of the induced blocks’ sizes is \(\frac{vbk'}{v'}\). The mean is obtained by dividing by the number of blocks b: \(\mu _{v',k',v}=\frac{vk'}{v'}\).

  1. 2.

    We prove \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2 = \mu _{v',k',v} \left( 1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}-\mu _{v',k',v}\right) \).

Let \(Z\in {\mathbb {N}_0}^b\) be a vector such that, for every \(n\in [b]\), \(Z_n\) is the size of block n in the partially-induced BIBD. It can be written as \(Z = A^Tx_L\), where A represents the BIBD and \(x_L\) the set L, used for partially inducing the BIBD. The matrix A is a \(v'\times b\) incidence matrix, where \(A[m,n] = 1\) if m is in block n and \(A[m,n]=0\) otherwise. The vector \(x_L\) is a \(v'\)-dimensional vector, where \(x_L[m]=1\) if \(m\in L\) and \(x_L[m]=0\) otherwise. Thus, the average of the squares of the block sizes, denoted \(\mathbb {E}[Z^2]\), is \(\mathbb {E}[Z^2]= \frac{1}{b}\left( \sum _{n=1}^{b}(A^Tx_L)_n^2\right) = \frac{1}{b}\Vert A^Tx_L\Vert _2^2\) (1).

By the variance definition, \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2=\mathbb {E}[Z^2] - \mu _{v',k',v}^2\). Thus, we need to show: \(\mathbb {E}[Z^2]=\mu _{v',k',v} (1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1})= \frac{vk'}{v'}(1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1})=\frac{k'}{v'}v+\frac{k'(k'-1)}{v'(v'-1)}v(v-1) \). By counting arguments [7], we have \(\frac{k'}{v'}=\frac{r}{b}\) and \(\frac{k'(k'-1)}{v'(v'-1)}=\frac{\lambda }{b}\). Namely, it suffices to show: \(\mathbb {E}[Z^2]=\frac{1}{b}\left( rv + \lambda v(v-1)\right) \). By (1), we can show \(\Vert A^Tx_L\Vert _2^2 = r v + \lambda v(v-1)\). We prove by induction on \(v=|L|\) that \(\Vert A^Tx_L\Vert _2^2 = r v + \lambda v(v-1)\):

Base For \(v=1\), we show \(\Vert A^Tx_L\Vert _2^2 = r \cdot 1+ \lambda \cdot 1\cdot 0\): Since \(v=|L|=1\), by definition of a BIBD, the vector of the induced blocks’ sizes Z has r ones and the rest are zeros. Thus, \(\Vert Z\Vert _2^2=r\). Since \(Z=A^Tx_L\), the claim follows.

Induction hypothesis. Assume that the claim holds for every \(1,\ldots ,v\).

Step Let \(L\subseteq [v']\) such that \(|L|=v+1\). Pick some \(i\in L\) and define \(L'=L\setminus \{i\}\) of size v. We get \(x_{L}=x_{L'}+e_i\), where \(e_i\) is the \(i^\text {th}\) standard unit vector. Thus:

$$\Vert A^Tx_{L}\Vert _2^2 = \Vert A^T(x_{L'}+e_i)\Vert _2^2 = \Vert A^Tx_{L'}\Vert _2^2 + \Vert A^Te_i\Vert _2^2 + 2\left\langle A^Tx_{L'},A^Te_i\right\rangle $$
  • By the induction hypothesis, \(\Vert A^Tx_{L'}\Vert _2^2= rv + \lambda v(v-1)\).

  • Since \(e_i\) can be viewed as \(x_{L''}\) for some \(L''\) of size 1, we get \(\Vert A^Te_{i}\Vert _2^2= r\).

  • We show \(\left\langle A^Tx_{L'},A^Te_i\right\rangle = x_{L'}^T\left( AA^T\right) e_i=\lambda v\): Since A is an incidence matrix of a BIBD, \(AA^T\) is the matrix with r on the diagonal and \(\lambda \) elsewhere [7, Part II, Theorem 1.8]. Therefore, \(\left( AA^T\right) e_i\) is a vector whose entries are \(\lambda \) except for the \(i^\text {th}\) entry which is r. The vector \(x_{L'}\) has v ones and 0 on the \(i^\text {th}\) entry (since \(i\notin L'\)). Thus, their dot product is \(x_{L'}^T\left( AA^T\right) e_i = \lambda v\).

Putting it all together: \(\Vert A^Tx_{L}\Vert _2^2 = rv + \lambda v(v-1) + r +2\lambda v = r(v+1) + \lambda (v+1)v\).

  1. 3.

    We show \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2 \le \mu _{v',k',v}\) by showing that \(1+\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}-\mu _{v',k',v}\le 1\). Since \(\mu _{v',k',v}=\frac{vk'}{v'}\), we show \(\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}\le \frac{vk'}{v'}\). We have \(1 \le v \le v'\) and \(1<v'\), thus we get \(\frac{v-1}{v'-1}\le \frac{v}{v'}\). Since \(k'-1\ge 0\), we get \(\frac{(v-1)(k'-1)}{v'-1}\le \frac{v(k'-1)}{v'} \le \frac{vk'}{v'}\).

   \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The ratio of CVD sizes and their respective Schönheim bound vs. the ratio of Calzone’s covering sizes and their Schönheim bound. The black line is ratio 1, i.e., coverings whose sizes are equal to the respective Schönheim bound. (Color figure online)

Size of Covering Verification Designs. CVDs enable us to obtain coverings whose sizes are small, often close or better than their respective Schönheim bound. Given a CVD whose mean block size is a real number k, we define its respective Schönheim bound as the bound for the covering design of \((v,\lceil {k} \rceil ,t)\). Note that this bound is not a lower bound on the size of the CVD, since the CVD can have blocks larger than \(\lceil {k} \rceil \) and thereby be smaller than covering designs for \((v,\lceil {k} \rceil ,t)\). Still, comparing to this bound enables understanding how much smaller our coverings are compared to the coverings considered by Calzone, whose sizes are lower bounded by the Schönheim bound. Figure 3 shows the ratio of the sizes of our CVDs and their respective Schönheim bound and the ratio of the sizes of Calzone’s covering designs and their Schönheim bound. The comparison is for \(v=784\) and \(t=4\) (Fig. 3a) and \(t=5\) (Fig. 3b). We compute CVDs from different PG coverings and the figure shows CVDs whose mean block size k is at least 10. For Calzone, we show all coverings in its database. The plots demonstrate that typically the size of a CVD is smaller or equal to the Schönheim bound, and on average, the ratio is 0.92 for \(t=4\) and 0.85 for \(t=5\). In contrast, Calzone’s coverings are significantly larger than the Schönheim bound, on average the ratio is 4.04 for \(t=4\) and 8.44 for \(t=5\). The plots also show that Calzone has many more coverings than the number of CVDs. This is because Calzone relies on general techniques to compute coverings and thus it can generate a covering for every \(k\le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}=99\) (except that it is limited to coverings with at most \(10^7\) blocks). In contrast, our CVDs induce PG coverings and are thus limited to coverings whose mean block size is given by the expression given in Theorem 1, over \(v'\) and \(k'\) such that there is a PG covering for \((v',k',t)\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

CoVerD: An \(L_0\) robustness verifier.

Challenge: Memory Consumption. The main challenge in computing CVDs is that it requires to compute a PG covering for large values of \(v'\) and \(k'\), which poses a high memory overhead. To illustrate, in our experiments, CoVerD uses a CVD induced from a PG covering for \((v'=1508598, k'=88741, t=5)\). If CoVerD stored this covering in the memory, it would require 124GB of memory, assuming each number in a block takes a byte. To cope, CoVerD computes the partially-induced covering during the PG covering construction. However, even the partially-induced coverings can consume a lot of memory, since the number of blocks can be large. Calzone faced a similar challenge and coped by restricting the size of the covering designs to at most \(10^7\), which allowed it to keep all coverings in the covering database. While CoVerD could take a similar approach, this would prevent it from picking CVDs of larger size which overall may lead to a lower analysis time (since they will require fewer refinements). Instead, CoVerD generates a CVD on-the-fly and uses the covering database only for the refinements, which tend to require coverings of significantly smaller size than the first covering. Another advantage of building the CVD on-the-fly is that it enables CoVerD to analyze any classifier over any image dimension, without any special adaptation. This is in contrast to Calzone, which requires to extend its covering database upon every new image dimension v.

4 CoVerD

In this section, we present CoVerD, our \(L_0\) robustness verifier. We first describe our system and its components and then provide a running example.

4.1 Our System

Figure 4 shows CoVerD that, given an image classifier N, an image x with v pixels, and the maximal number of perturbed pixels t, returns whether N is robust in the t-ball of x. We next describe its planning and analysis components.

Planning. The planning component consists of several steps. First, it samples sets of different sizes k to estimate the success rate and average analysis time of their respective neighborhoods, like Calzone. Since CoVerD considers CVDs, it can observe larger block sizes than Calzone, thus the maximal sampled set size is \(\text {MAX}\_\text {K}=200\), unlike 99 in Calzone. Because of the larger bound, CoVerD is likely to observe many more k values whose success rate is zero. To save execution time while still enabling to determine the success rate and average analysis time of large k values, CoVerD reduces the number of samples after observing \(n_{\text {fail}}\) times k values whose success rate is zero. Second, the planning component relies on Calzone’s dynamic programming for computing a K strategy, but uses it differently. Since CoVerD begins the analysis from a CVD consisting of different sized blocks, there is no single K strategy. Instead, it runs Calzone’s dynamic programming for every \(k \in \{t+1,\dots ,\text {MAX}\_\text {K}\}\) to define a function \(f_{R}\) mapping every set size k to the best set size to use upon a refinement of a set of size k. Then, the planning component iterates over every candidate CVD and picks the best CVD for the analysis. It picks between the candidates without constructing them, as the construction is time and memory intensive and we wish to execute it only for the chosen candidate. To pick the best candidate, it leverages two observations. First, a CVD candidate is uniquely defined by the parameters of the PG covering, (qm) (formally, its parameters are (qmt) but t is identical in all our PG coverings), so it suffices to pick a pair (qm) which can later be used to construct the CVD. Second, to predict the CVD with the minimal analysis time, only the block sizes are needed. In Sect. 4.2, we describe how to estimate a CVD ’s block size distribution dist(qm) and estimate its analysis time \(T_{dist(q,m)}\), in order to predict the best CVD. Given the best candidate \((q^*,m^*)\), it randomly samples an ordered set L of v indices from \(v'\), which is a function of \((q^*,m^*)\).

Analysis. After determining the best \((q^*,m^*)\), L, and the refinement mapping \(f_R\), CoVerD continues to analyze the robustness of the classifier N in the t-ball of the given image x. The analysis constructs the CVD on-the-fly block-by-block. Technically, there is a covering generator that constructs the blocks one-by-one. Every block is pushed to the stack of blocks to verify, and then the analysis proceeds as Calzone. That is, the block is popped, submitted to GPUPoly, and if needed, refinement is executed. After the block is verified (directly or by refinement), the next block in the CVD is obtained from the covering generator. We note that although CoVerD could use CVDs for refinements, the coverings for refinements are smaller than the first covering since these coverings are for triples \((\tilde{v},\tilde{k},t)\) where \(\tilde{v}\) is typically few dozens and at most \(\text {MAX}\_\text {K}=200\), whereas the first covering is for a triple \((\tilde{v},\tilde{k},t)\) where \(\tilde{v}\) is the image dimension. Like Calzone, CoVerD parallelizes the analysis on GPUs. Thus, our covering generator generates disjoint parts of the covering, described in Sect. 4.3.

4.2 Choosing a Covering Verification Design

In this section, we describe how CoVerD predicts the CVD that enables CoVerD to minimize the overall analysis time. We begin with describing the CVD candidates, then describe how CoVerD estimates their block size distributions, and finally explain how CoVerD predicts the CVD leading to the minimal analysis time.

Candidates. A CVD candidate is defined by the PG covering from which it is partially-induced. Recall that a PG covering is defined for triples \((v',k',t)\), where \(v'=\frac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\) and \(k'=\frac{q^{t}-1}{q-1}\) for a prime power q and \(m\ge t\ge 2\). By Theorem 1, given a PG covering, the mean block size of the CVD has a closed-form expression \(\mu _{v',k',v} = \frac{vk'}{v'} = \frac{v(q^{t}-1)}{q^{m+1}-1}\). By this expression, given q, as m increases \(\mu _{v',k',v}\) decreases, and given m, as q increases \(\mu _{v',k',v}\) decreases. Further, this expression approaches 0 for high values of q or m. Thus, to obtain a finite set of candidates, we provide a positive lower bound on \(\mu _{v',k',v}\), denoted \(\text {MIN}\_\text {K}\) (our implementation sets it to t). That is, the finite set of candidates CoVerD considers is:

$$\{(q,m)\in \mathbb {N}^2 \mid q \text { is a prime power},\ m\ge t,\ v'\ge v,\ \mu _{v',k',v}\ge \text {MIN}\_\text {K} \}$$

Estimating the Block Size Distribution. For every CVD candidate, defined by (qm), CoVerD estimates the distribution of its block sizes. While Theorem 1 provides expressions for the mean block size and the variance, it does not define the block size distribution. We empirically observe that our CVDs have the property that the distribution of their block sizes resembles a discrete approximation of a Gaussian distribution with mean \(\mu _{v',k',v}\) and variance \(\sigma _{v',k',v}^2\). The higher the mean and the number of blocks, the higher the resemblance. Figure 5a visualizes this resemblance for a CVD, with \(v=784\), induced from a PG with parameters \(q=17\), \(m=5\), and \(t=5\). We believe this resemblance exists because a CVD is partially-induced from a PG covering given a random set of numbers L. This resemblance may not hold for other choices of L, for example for the choice of L proposed by [27], which compute a partially-induced covering whose maximal block size is bounded (unlike our CVD). Because of this resemblance, we model the block size as drawn from the Gaussian distribution with the true mean and variance \(\mathcal {G}\left( \mu _{v',k',v},\sigma _{v',k',v}^2\right) \). Even if this modeling is imprecise, in practice, it is sufficient to allow CoVerD identify the candidate CVD leading to the minimal analysis time. Formally, given a CVD candidate defined by (qm), the distribution of the block sizes is \(dist(q,m)=\{N^{q,m}_k\mid k \le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}\}\), where \(N^{q,m}_k\) is our estimation of the number of blocks of size k in this CVD. We define the probability that a block size in this CVD is of size k as: \(\mathbb {P}(k-0.5< Z\le k + 0.5)=\varPhi \left( \frac{(k+0.5)-\mu _{v',k',v}}{\sigma _{v',k',v}}\right) - \varPhi \left( \frac{(k-0.5)-\mu _{v',k',v}}{\sigma _{v',k',v}}\right) \), where \(Z\sim \mathcal {G}\left( \mu _{v',k',v},\sigma _{v',k',v}^2\right) \) and \(\varPhi \) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. The number of blocks \(b^{q,m}\) is identical to the number of blocks in the PG covering, which has a closed-form expression [16]. Thus, the estimated number of blocks of size k is: \(\tilde{N}^{q,m}_k = b^{q,m}\cdot \mathbb {P}(k-0.5< Z \le k+0.5)\). To make the estimated number an integer, we define \(N^{q,m}_k\) as the floor of \(\tilde{N}^{q,m}_k\) and add 1 with probability of the remainder: \(N^{q,m}_k = \left\lfloor \tilde{N}^{q,m}_k \right\rfloor + X\) where \(X \sim \text {Bern} \left( \tilde{N}^{q,m}_k - \left\lfloor \tilde{N}^{q,m}_k \right\rfloor \right) \). Figure 5b visualizes how close our estimation of the block size distribution is to the distribution of the CVD shown in Fig. 5a. We note that CoVerD considers a candidate and estimates its block size distribution only if its estimated number of overly large blocks (larger than \(\text {MAX}\_\text {K}\)) is close to zero. Formally, it considers candidates that satisfy \(b^{q,m}\cdot \left( 1- \varPhi \left( \frac{\text {MAX}\_\text {K}-\mu _{v',k',v}}{\sigma _{v',k',v}}\right) \right) \le \epsilon \), where \(\epsilon \) is a small number. This is the reason that \(dist(q,m)=\{N^{q,m}_k\mid k \le \text {MAX}\_\text {K}\}\) consists of estimations only for blocks whose size is at most \(\text {MAX}\_\text {K}\).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Block size distributions.

Predicting the Best CVD. Given the candidates and their estimated block size distributions, CoVerD chooses the CVD which will enable CoVerD to minimize the overall analysis time. To this end, it predicts for every candidate CVD its overall analysis time. The prediction relies on: (1) the estimated number of blocks \(N^{q,m}_k\) of size k, (2) the average analysis time of a block of size k, denoted \(k\_array[k][time]\) (given by the initial sampling), (3) the fraction of the non-robust blocks of size k, which is one minus the success rate of k, denoted \(k\_array[k][success]\) (given by the initial sampling) and (4) the analysis time of refining a non-robust block of size k, denoted T(k) (given by the dynamic programming, as defined in [30]). Similarly to Calzone’s dynamic programming, the analysis time is the sum of the analysis time of verifying all blocks in the CVD and the analysis time of the refinements of the non-robust blocks:

$$T_{dist(q,m)}=\sum _{k=t}^{\text {MAX}\_\text {K}}N^{q,m}_k \cdot \left( k\_array[k][time] + (1-k\_array[k][success])\cdot T(k) \right) $$

This computation ignores blocks of size less than t since they do not cover any subset of size t and need not be analyzed to prove \(L_0\) robustness. After predicting the analysis time of every candidate, CoVerD picks the candidate with the minimal time.

4.3 Constructing a Covering Verification Design

In this section, we present our covering generator that computes a CVD. The covering generator operates as an independent process, one for every GPU, that outputs blocks a-synchronically. At every iteration, every GPU worker obtains a block from its covering generator, analyzes it with GPUPoly, and refines if needed. If the block is robust or its refinement does not detect an adversarial example, the GPU worker obtains the next block from the covering generator. The covering generator relies on the chosen CVD ’s parameters q and m and the ordered set L from the planning component. It computes the PG covering for (q, m, t) block-by-block and induces it to obtain a CVD. Generally, its construction follows the meta-algorithm of generating PG coverings described in [16]. The novel parts are our implementation of inducing blocks immediately upon generating them and partitioning them to enable their analysis to proceed in parallel over the available GPUs. We next describe the covering generator.

figure a

Algorithm 1 shows the algorithm of our covering generator. It takes as input the PG parameters (qmt), an ordered set L of v indices from \([v']\) (where \(v'=\frac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\)), and the GPU index \(i_{GPU}\). As described in Sect. 3, a PG construction for (\(v'\), \(k'\), t) views \(v'\) as the number of points in the geometry. Formally, given the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_q\) of order q, we identify the points of the geometry as a subset \(W\subset \mathbb {F}_q^{m+1}\) of size \(v'\) (technically, these points are representatives of equivalence classes over \(\mathbb {F}_q^{m+1}\), as explained in [16]). To later partially-induce the covering using L, Algorithm 1 maps every index in L to a unique point in W and stores all points (column vectors) in a matrix P (Line 1). Then, Algorithm 1 begins to construct the PG covering by computing flats (linear subspaces) of dimension \(t-1\), each containing \(k'=\frac{q^t-1}{q-1}\) points. As described in [16], every block in the PG covering is a solution (a set of points in W) to \(m-t+1\) independent linear equations over \(m+1\) variables. Such a linear system can be represented as a full rank matrix, where its solutions are vectors in the matrix’s null space. Thus, to compute the blocks in the PG covering, Algorithm 1 defines a set of matrices \(\mathcal {M}\), each is over \(\mathbb {F}_q\), of dimension \((m-t+1)\times (m+1)\), and full rank (equal to \(m-t+1\)). Each matrix has exactly \(k'\) points in W in its null space. These points form a PG block (a flat of dimension \(t-1\)). To avoid block duplication, the matrices in \(\mathcal {M}\) need to have different null spaces. Thus, Algorithm 1 considers matrices in reduced row echelon form, i.e., \(\mathcal {M}\) is all full rank \((m-t+1)\times (m+1)\) matrices over \(\mathbb {F}_q\) in reduced row echelon form (Line 2). The covering generator then iterates these matrices. To avoid a high memory overhead, the matrix \(\mathcal {M}[j]\) is generated only upon reaching its index j. If j belongs to the disjoint part of the given GPU, its induced block is generated (Line 4). To construct a PG block, one needs to compute all the points in the null space of \(\mathcal {M}[j]\). However, the generator requires only the partially-induced blocks. Thus, it immediately induces the block by obtaining all points \(s_i\), for \(i\in [v]\), whose respective point P[ : , i] belongs to the null space of \(\mathcal {M}[j]\). To this end, it defines R as the multiplication of \(\mathcal {M}[j]\) and P (Line 5), forms the induced block by identifying the points that are in the null space of \(\mathcal {M}[j]\) (i.e., every \(s_i\) satisfying \(R[:,i] = \vec{0}\)), and makes the induced block a subset of [v] by mapping every \(s_i\) in the induced block to i (Line 6).

4.4 A Running Example

In this section, we describe a real execution of CoVerD, for an MNIST image, a fully-connected network (6\(\times \)200_PGD in Sect. 5), and \(t=4\). CoVerD begins with the planning component. It first estimates the success rate and average analysis time of blocks. For every \(k\in \{4,5,\dots ,200\}\), it samples blocks S (subsets of [784]) of size k and submits their neighborhood \(I_S(x)=\{x' \in [0,1]^v \mid \forall i\notin S.\ x'_i=x_i\}\) to GPUPoly. Based on all samples for k, it estimates the success rate and the average analysis time. For instance, for \(k=34\) the success rate is \(94.05\%\) and the average analysis time is 16.19ms, while for \(k=41\) they are \(65.85\%\) and 16.96ms. Then, CoVerD runs Calzone’s dynamic programming to map every \(k \in \{5,6,\dots ,200\}\) to the refinement size. For example, \(k=34\) is mapped to 28 and \(k=41\) to 33. Next, CoVerD determines the CVD for the first covering, out of 50 candidates. For each candidate, it predicts the block size distribution and the respective overall analysis time of this candidate. To this end, it computes the mean, variance, and number of blocks using the closed-form expressions. For example, the CVD of the candidate \((q=23,m=4)\) has mean block size 34.087, variance 32.518 and 292, 561 blocks. The CVD of \((q=19,m=4)\) has mean block size 41.263, variance 38.867, and 137, 561 blocks. Although the second candidate has less than half the number of blocks of the first candidate, CoVerD predicts that using the first candidate will enable a faster analysis. This is because its success rate is significantly higher and thus it will require fewer refinements (e.g., the success rate of its mean block size is \(94.05\%\), whereas the second candidate’s success rate of the mean block size is \(65.85\%\)). The estimated analysis times (in minutes) are \(T_{dist(23,4)}=21.20\) and \(T_{dist(19,4)}=27.92\). The last step of the planning component samples an ordered set L of size 784 (the number of pixels in the MNIST image) from \([\frac{23^5-1}{23-1}] = [292561]\). In total, the planning component takes 63.5 s.

Then, CoVerD continues to the analysis component. It starts by creating eight instances of the covering generator (Algorithm 1), one for each GPU. A covering generator creates blocks for its GPU one-by-one, given \(q^*=23\), \(m^*=4\), \(t=4\) and L. For every CVD block S, the GPU worker defines its neighborhood \(I_S(x)\) and submits to GPUPoly. If GPUPoly verifies successfully, the next CVD block is obtained. If GPUPoly fails proving robustness, S is refined. As example, if a block S of size 34 is refined, the analysis pushes to the stack all blocks in the covering \(C_S(34,28,4)\), which is the covering for (34, 28, 4) that is in the covering database, where the numbers are renamed to range over the numbers in S. In this example, GPUPoly is invoked 659, 326 times, where \(44\%\) of these calls are for blocks in the CVD. The maximal size of block submitted to GPUPoly is 62 and the minimal size is 8. In particular, CoVerD did not submit any block of size \(t=4\) (i.e., there are no calls to the MILP verifier). The analysis takes 23.49 min, which is only \(10.8\%\) higher than the estimated time.

5 Evaluation

In this section, we describe the experimental evaluation of CoVerD on multiple datasets and networks and compare it to Calzone.

Implementation and Setup. We implemented CoVerDFootnote 1 as an extension of CalzoneFootnote 2. Experiments ran on a dual AMD EPYC 7713 server, 2TB RAM, eight NVIDIA A100 GPUs and Ubuntu 20.04.1. We evaluate CoVerD on the networks evaluated by Calzone, whose architectures are described in ERANFootnote 3. We consider networks trained for popular image datasets: MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, consisting of \(28 \times 28\) greyscale images, and CIFAR-10, consisting of \(32\times 32\) colored images. CoVerD ’s hyper-parameters are: the maximal block size is \(\text {MAX}\_\text {K} = 200\), the number of samples is initially \(n_{\text {samples}}=400\) and after \(n_{\text {fail}}=10\) failures, it is reduced to \(n_{\text {samples}}=24\), and the bound on the estimated number of overly large blocks is \(\epsilon = 0.01\). Our covering database, used for the refinement steps, contains coverings for \(v,k\le 200\), \(t\le 6\). The covering sizes are restricted to at most 500, 000 blocks. This limitation is stricter than Calzone, which limited to \(10^7\), but in practice this is unnoticeable since CoVerD only uses the coverings for refinements, and even Calzone typically refines to coverings whose size is at most 500, 000. Like Calzone, the database consists of coverings computed by extending coverings from the La Jolla Covering Repository TablesFootnote 4 using construction techniques from [16, Section 6.1]. Additionally, our database includes finite geometry coverings (for \(v,k\le 200\), \(t\le 6\)) and extends coverings using the dynamic programming of [16, Section 5]. Like Calzone, We ran CoVerD with eight GPUPoly instances and five MILP instances, except for the CIFAR-10 network where it ran 50 MILP instances. For the matrix multiplication over finite fields (Algorithm 1), CoVerD relies on an effective library [18] and considers only prime numbers for q (since matrix multiplication is too slow for prime powers).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

CoVerD vs. Calzone on Calzone’s most challenging benchmarks.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

CoVerD vs. Calzone for \(t=4\).

Comparison to Calzone. We begin by evaluating CoVerD on Calzone’s benchmarks (i.e., the same networks, images and timeouts) for \(t\ge 3\). Figure 6 shows the comparison for the most challenging benchmarks of Calzone, and Fig. 7 shows comparisons for \(t=4\) (the plots for \(t=3\) are shown in [31, Appendix A]). For a given network and t, the plot shows the execution time in minutes of CoVerD and Calzone for every t-ball. The x-axis orders the t-balls by CoVerD ’s output: non-robust (in light red background), robust (in light green background), and timeout (in light blue background, e.g., Fig. 7, top). Within each section, the t-balls are sorted by their execution time for clearer visuality. Timeouts, of CoVerD or Calzone, are shown by bars reaching the red horizontal line. The lower part of each bar shows in a lighter color the execution time of the initial sampling (unless it is too short to be visible in the plot). The sampling time is highlighted since Calzone and CoVerD sample slightly differently: Calzone samples 400 sets of size k, for every \(k\le 99\), while CoVerD samples up to \(k\le 200\) and reduces the number of samples after observing ten k values whose average success rate is zero. We note that the other computations of the planning component take a few seconds. The plots’ titles include the speedup in the average analysis time of CoVerD over Calzone for non-robust t-balls (NR) and for robust t-balls (R).

The plots show that, on the most challenging benchmarks (Fig. 6), CoVerD is always faster than Calzone, except for two non-robust t-balls which CoVerD completes their analysis within 140 s. In the plots of Fig. 7, CoVerD is always faster than Calzone except for thirteen 4-balls whose analysis terminates within seven minutes by both verifiers. In the other plots (Fig. 9 in [31, Appendix A]), where \(t=3\), Calzone is sometimes faster, but in these cases the analysis time is typically short. In other words, the significance of CoVerD is in shortening the analysis time of t-balls with long analysis time. On average, CoVerD is faster than Calzone in verifying robust t-balls by 1.3x for \(t=3\), by 2.8x for \(t=4\), and by 5.1x for \(t=5\).

Challenging Benchmarks. Next, we show more challenging benchmarks than Calzone. We evaluate the robustness of three networks for t-balls with larger values of t than Calzone considers, for \(t=5\) and for \(t=6\) (we remind that Calzone is evaluated for \(t\le 5\)). Similarly to Calzone’s most challenging benchmarks, these benchmarks evaluate CoVerD for ten images (misclassified images are discarded) and a five hour timeout. Figure 8 shows CoVerD ’s analysis time. CoVerD completes the analysis for \(73\%\ t\)-balls. Further, it verifies robustness in some 6-balls within 42 minutes. As before, CoVerD is significantly faster for non-robust t-balls.

We provide additional statistics on CoVerD in [31, Appendix A].

6 Related Work

In this section, we discuss the closest related work.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

CoVerD ’s new benchmarks.

Robustness Verification of Neural Networks. Many works propose robustness verifiers for neural networks. Most works focus on local robustness in \(L_\infty \) neighborhoods, defined by a series of intervals [2, 12, 13, 21, 25, 32, 34, 36, 37]. Some verifiers provide a complete analysis, i.e., they determine whether a network is robust in the given neighborhood [12, 21, 34]. These approaches typically rely on constraint solving (SAT/SMT solvers or MILP solvers) and thus they often do not scale to large networks. Incomplete verifiers scale the analysis by over-approximating the non-linear computations of the network (e.g., the activation functions) by linear approximations or abstract domains [13, 25, 32, 36]. Several local robustness verifiers address \(L_2\)-balls, e.g., by computing a bound on the network’s global or local Lipschitz constant [19, 22], or \(L_1\)-balls [38, 41]. Other approaches analyze robustness in \(L_p\)-balls for \(p\in \{0,1,2,\infty \}\) using randomized smoothing [6, 11, 23, 28, 39], providing probabilistic guarantees. To the best of our knowledge, Calzone [30] is the first work to deterministically verify local robustness in \(L_0\)-balls. Other works prove robustness in neighborhoods defined by high-level features [3, 20, 24].

Covering and Combinatorial Designs. CVD is related to several combinatorial designs: the combinatorial design defined by [27], covering designs [16] and balanced incomplete block designs [7]. Covering designs, in particular finite geometry coverings, have been leveraged in various domains, including file information retrieval [27], file organization [1] and coding theory [5]. General combinatorial designs have also been leveraged in various domains in computer science [8].

7 Conclusion

We present CoVerD, an \(L_0\) robustness verifier for neural networks. CoVerD boosts the performance of a previous \(L_0\) robustness verifier by employing several ideas. First, it relies on a covering verification design (CVD), a new combinatorial design partially inducing a projective geometry covering. Second, it chooses between candidate CVDs without constructing them but only predicting their block size distribution. Third, it constructs the chosen CVD on-the-fly to keep the memory overhead minimal. We evaluate CoVerD on fully-connected and convolutional networks. We show that it boosts the performance of proving a network’s robustness to at most t perturbed pixels on average by 2.8x, for \(t=4\), and by 5.1x, for \(t=5\). For \(t=6\), CoVerD sometimes proves robustness within 42 minutes.