Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has the potential to change organization and collaboration in the economy, society, and industry. This chapter introduces the technical background and use cases of DLT. It presents the major innovations originating from DLT since the introduction of the blockchain concept. Furthermore, cryptocurrencies’ historical background as a driver of fully decentralized distributed ledgers is outlined from their origins in the 1990s until the blockchain concept’s introduction in 2009. DLT’s technical principles are introduced to provide a sound understanding. Subsequently, the functioning of DLT is illustrated by means of the Bitcoin blockchain example, which was the first fully decentralized cryptocurrency to not require a trusted authority (i.e., banks). Thereafter, smart contracts and the idea of decentralized applications are explained. Selected use cases for DLT’s application are subsequently discussed. This chapter concludes with a discussion of the prevailing challenges in the field of DLT.
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The term blockchain generation is normally used. However, since blockchain can be considered a DLT concept, the more general term DLT generation is used.
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Turing completeness (named after the British computer scientist Alan Turing) describes a system’s ability to simulate any other Turing machine. Turing completeness enables the use of loops in programming, which is the multiple execution of programing code until a defined condition is fulfilled. The concept of loops is important in programming to increase flexibility and to decrease code duplications.
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Multicasting is a group communication in which data transmission is simultaneously directed at a group of target computers. Multicasting can be a distribution of data from one-to-many devices or from many-to-many devices.
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Further Reading
Buterin V (2014) Ethereum whitepaper—a next generation smart contract & decentralized application platform. https://ethereum.org/669c9e2e2027310b6b3cdce6e1c52962/Ethereum_Whitepaper_-_Buterin_2014.pdf
Glaser F, Bezzenberger L (2015) Beyond cryptocurrencies - a taxonomy of decentralized consensus systems. In: 23rd European conference on information systems. ECIS 2015, Münster, Germany, pp 1–18
Göbel J, Krzesinski AE (2017) Increased block size and Bitcoin blockchain dynamics. In: 2017 27th international telecommunication networks and applications conference. IEEE, Auckland, New Zealand, pp 1–6
Kannengießer N, Pfister M, Greulich M, Lins S, Sunyaev A (2020a) Bridges between islands: cross-chain technology for distributed ledger technology. In: 53rd Hawaii international conference on system sciences. Presented at the 53rd Hawaii international conference on system sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Kannengießer N, Lins S, Dehling T, Sunyaev A (2020b) Trade-offs between distributed ledger technology characteristics. ACM Comput Surv 53(2)
Kannengießer N, Lins S, Sander C, Winter K, Frey H, Sunyaev A (2021) Challenges and common solutions in smart contract development. IEEE Trans Softw Eng 48(11):4291–4318
Leinweber M, Kannengießer N, Hartenstein H, Sunyaev A (2023) Leveraging distributed ledger technology for decentralized mobility-as-a-service ticket systems. In: Proff H (ed) Towards the new normal in mobility. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, pp 547–567
Nakamoto S (2008) Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system
Sunyaev A, Kannengießer N, Beck R, Treiblmaier H, Lacity M, Kranz J, Fridgen G, Spankowski U, Luckow A (2021) Token economy. Bus Inf Syst Eng 63:457–478
Yeow K, Gani A, Ahmad RW et al (2018) Decentralized consensus for edge-centric Internet of things: a review, taxonomy, and research issues. IEEE Access 6:1513–1524
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Sunyaev, A. (2024). Distributed Ledger Technology. In: Internet Computing. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61014-1_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61014-1_8
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-61013-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-61014-1
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