
1 Introduction

A full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, cruel combat operations, and continuous rocket firing of civil infrastructure and peaceful cities of Ukraine by the Russian Federation significantly increased the number of citizens who have partially or completely lost mobility (Felix, 2023). Today, Ukrainian society faces numerous challenges related to providing barrier-free access to education, employment, and administrative services for various low-mobility groups. Creating an unobstructed living environment in public spaces and infrastructure remains crucial.

Targeted audiences for state strategies, policies, measures, and projects to implement an inclusive living environment include those who have lost mobility due to the conflict and internally displaced persons from occupied territories. Additionally, around 80 million people in the EU are affected by some degree of disability, emphasizing the need to share experiences in accessibility to ensure full and equal participation in society.

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) aims to improve the functioning of the internal market for accessible products and services by removing barriers created by divergent legislation (Directive 2019/882).

 Currently, efforts by state institutions, private entities, and civil society in Europe and worldwide focus on key areas: (1) transport; (2) information communications; (3) urban infrastructure; (4) education; (5) labor market and employment (Zubchenko et al., 2020).

These practices align with the UN's sustainable development goals, particularly Goal 11, which aims to ensure inclusivity, security, and resilience of cities and settlements (United Nations, 2023), as well as with statements for persons with disabilities on different levels. In total, there are eight priority areas of effort which could be identified based on the UN Sustainable Goals.

 The accessibility of goods and services, promotion of auxiliary devices, and ensuring full use of EU citizenship benefits (such as eliminating barriers to public life and leisure and providing quality community services) should be studied and discussed. Employment accessibility increases participation of people with disabilities in the labor market, where they are currently underrepresented. This accessibility is linked to education and training, promoting lifelong inclusive learning. Social protection, including support for decent living conditions, combating poverty and social alienation, and ensuring equal access to healthcare, plays a crucial role in social and economic development.

And the eighth priority is external actions meaning promotion of the relevant agenda within the EU Extension Programs and International Development Programs (EGA, 2023; EUR-Lex, 2000, 2011; ICED, 2017; Lecerf, 2019).

Ukraine's social sphere is directly focused on on developing an inclusive society to support the social adaptation of people with war-related disabilities, civilians, and isolated refugees.

Considering the high level of digitalization in Ukraine, the use of digital media tools to ensure accessibility and inclusivity in all areas of everyday life is incredibly effective. Technological progress has made it possible to create special tools and devices that help people with special needs to orient in the world. Ukraine has already implemented several initiatives for providing specialized technologies to citizens with special needs, including several programs with a joint motto “Innovation for Inclusion”, which provides an increase in funding for the development of specialized software and devices (Davydenko, 2023).

The main role of digital media tools is to help support accessibility and inclusion in Ukraine. Given the current situation in Ukraine, there is significant interest in foreign practices in the field of accessibility (Zubchenko et al., 2020) in the following areas: (1) social; (2) economic; (3) civic; (4) physical and digital, universal design of appropriate infrastructure (urban environment, electronic services).

The purpose of the study is to synthesize and categortize digital tools and media resources that ensure accessibility in Ukraine. Using digital tools to address accessibility issues for those affected by hostilities is appropriate given Ukraine's advanced digitalization. This chapter aims to share practical Ukrainian experiences using digital media tools for inclusion and accessibility. The unique experiences from the two-year war period could make a pivotal contribution to existing knowledge due to their unprecedented nature.

Structurally, this study consists of the following sections. Section 1 addresses the relevance of the research topic. Section 2 includes the literature review and observations on providing accessibility and inclusion within the modern environment. Section 3 outlines the purpose, tasks, and research methodology, and Sect. 4 covers the main research results. Conclusions and prospects for further research are presented in Sect. 5.

2 Literature Review

Proper application and use of digital technologies can deliver outcomes for people and societies (Kennedy, 2023). Digital transformation will eventually lead to a complete digital twin incorporating all digitalization solutions into one virtual eco-system which will benefit all consumers (Vrana & Singh, 2021). In this section we highlight the positive aspects of the impact of digital technologies on society due to the accessibility of information and space.

Social accessibility ensures that individuals and social groups have appropriate conditions to participate in community life, cultural development, leisure activities, and self-expression. It aims to create equal opportunities and free access to education throughout life, including retraining and skill acquisition (Yasenovska et al., 2023; Zubchenko et al., 2020). Social accessibility also promotes Social Cohesion in communities. EU documents define social accessibility as the ability to provide overall well-being, minimize irregularities, avoid marginalization, overcome differences and divisions, and satisfy the means of achieving well-being for all members of society.

Economic accessibility provides conditions and opportunities for employment, obtaining financial and other resources for entrepreneurship of such social groups as young people, women with children under 6 years, the elderly, and persons with disabilities (Albadawi, 2022; Zubchenko et al., 2020).

The concept of civil accessibility involes ensuring that all discriminated and excluded social groups have access to decision-making processes, especially on issues directly affecting them. Civil accessibility also promotes equal participation of male and female citizens in political processes and the operation of political institutions (Ienin & Kuhta, 2022; Zubchenko et al., 2020).

 Leading democratic states pay considerable attention to the implementation of principles of good governance (Davydenko, 2023) in public administration, particularly through establishing digital communication systems that set new standards for civic relationships. This approach is recognized as crucial for human capital development and for practically implementing the concept of “equal opportunities” (Arts, 2017), where everyone has a fair opportunity to realize their potential and fulfill their aspirations.

Physical and digital accessibility means the creation and implementation of appropriate standards, plans, projects, reconstruction, etc. (Davydenko, 2023; Zubchenko et al., 2020). The environment (public buildings and public places), transport, and services (including public and online services) at the community and state levels should be physically accessible to all social groups, including people with disabilities, the elderly, parents with children up to 6 years, etc. In many economically developed countries, physical and digital accessibility is realized through the concept of universal physical and digital infrastructure design.

2.1 European-Specific Background

2.1.1 Germany

In Germany, the implementation of inclusive and barrier-free access to employment provides two instrumental goals: advanced training and general awareness (through structural changes and demographic tendencies, the need for highly skilled workers in the future) and further improvement (Zubchenko et al., 2020). Some measures help to improve the interaction of different entities in the labor market. The main goal is to provide more opportunities to categories of citizens (persons with disabilities, older people, mothers with children under 6 years, and young people) who are less represented in the labor market (Lecerf, 2019). These groups are a part of the general program that is implemented in stages.

The National Action Plan 2.0 on the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (BMAS, 2016) involves efforts from not only the ministries and departments within the social sector but also from all other federal ministries across 13 areas. These areas include work and employment; education; rehabilitation, health, and care; family, children and young people; culture, sports, and leisure; housing; protection of the rights of women and the elderly; personal and transport mobility; ensuring socio-political participation; protection of personal rights; international cooperation; and public awareness.

In Germany, the “Education in the Digital World” Strategy, which includes a dedicated section on digital education (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2022) aims to continuously deepen and develop digital skills even after graduation, professional training, or higher education. Digital educational environments enable personalized learning tailored to individual needs and goals. Additionally, digital development impacts not only the learning process but also leads to progressive changes in teacher qualifications at all levels and improvements in infrastructure.

2.1.2 Denmark and Sweden

In Sweden, it is worth emphasizing the state support of employment of persons with disabilities and employers who employ them (through the Swedish Public Employment Service). For example: (1) individually adapted assistance when applying for a job provided by individuals/structures that have an agreement with the service; (2) personal support in the workplace or during training (providing a personal representative or assistant); (3) financial compensation for special conditions (adapted to special needs workplace and work schedule) to the employer who employs a person with disabilities; (4) providing literature and translator to persons with visual or hearing impairments (an employer may apply for a grant if a person with a disabled person is employed or learned which requires translation of sign language, translation of written materials, signing a translation, recording professional literature on audios, etc.) (Zubchenko et al., 2020). Similar mechanisms of subsidies and fiscal preferences for employers are also available in Denmark.

In Denmark, the principles underlying the national well-being model of national and social protection system include active social measures, feedback from recipients (involving citizens in policymaking and decision-making, especially at the local level), and cooperation between state and municipal bodies and other social players (private companies and public organizations) (Zubchenko et al., 2020). This approach addresses the social problems of each citizen in a broader context, enabling decisions that closely meet the needs of target social groups. For example, flexible access to the labor market can be tested to harmonize family life and work for women with children, people with disabilities, the elderly, and other low-mobility groups.

 Examining Denmark's municipal strategy, particularly Copenhagen;s integration policy, reveals four thematic blocks: a good start of life for children and young people; an inclusive labor market; support for  of vulnerable groups and areas; and economic and social involvement. Each thematic block has a designated municipal structure responsible for it, but inclusivity is understood as a shared responsibility between  the authorities and citizens . Denmark had made significant  achievements in infrastructure projects, exemplified by “Yes, Copenhagen” Copenhagen (Connecting Copenhagen) which is recognized as the world's best “smart city”  project (2013).

2.1.3 The UK

In the UK, lifelong education is considered crucial for overcoming inequality and career growth barriers, ensuring employees possess the necessary skills. State and local programmes emphasise the importance of broadening labor market representation to include not only persons with disabilities but also mothers with young children, veterans of military service, older adults, guardians and teenagers transitioning out of care. The British experience highlights the importance of communication in fostering social cohesion and inclusivity. The Government Communication Service acts as an intermediary between state bodies, municipal structures, representatives of local communities, media, and civil society organizations. It offers a variety of tools to enhance communication and communication competence, webinars, thematic research, guides, and publications in blogs from advanced government communicators). Significantly, the Government Communication Service aims for “World Leadership in Integration of Practices in Diversity and Inclusion,” and it has a dedicated strategy for equality, diversity, and inclusion. Additionally, the UK government portal,, provides a guide for employers on hiring persons with disabilities and health problems, with regular updates to reflect legislative changes (Zubchenko et al., 2020).

2.1.4 Finland and Norway

The governments of Finland and Norway focus on active qualification activities for both workers and employees. Additionally, employees retain their wages during training, retraining, or advanced training programs. These practices align with the ecommendations of the European Commission’s “A New Skills for Europe” (EAEA, 2017) on vocational education and training. This agenda aims to promote specific working and transitional skills, facilitate the transition from school to work and address sectoral, regional and local needs. It also worth emphasizes efforts to increase the attractiveness of vocational careers, and the flexibility and quality of the vocational education system in collaboration with employers and considering their requirements.

Finland's civic and communication practices are noteworthy, where both at the national and local levels adhere to the principle of “Noting About Us Without Us” (Zubchenko et al., 2020). This principle ensures that a significant proportion of measures in the field of inclusion and accessibility are developed and controlled by the recipients of social services and their representative organizations. Additionally, the Finnish approach emphasizes engagement with primary local civil society institutions, fostering real communication. This process helps legitimize governmental decisions during policy formulation and increases public trust in the authorities.

Norway’s policies, emphasize qualitative communications based on the principle of inclusivity and universal design, integral to the government's policy of equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policies (Kirkpatrick, 2023). The goal of of public communication policy is to update, simplify, and improve the public sector,  by focussing on user needs, the development of digital skills, and increasing the involvement of all citizens in public life. Universal design  is the core of these priorities enabling individuals to thrive in everyday life regardless of illness or social, psychological, or physical characteristics (Kryklii, 2022).

2.1.5 Poland and Estonia

In Poland, every employer must pay a special contribution to the rehabilitation fund for persons with disabilities. These funds are used to create and to equip workplaces for people with disabilities (Zubchenko et al., 2020). Additionally, employers can receive full or partial reimbursement from the state for expenses related to hiring people with disabilities. The state also offers various benefits to these enterprises, including tax breaks and subsidies for the production of goods or the provision of services. Employers are exempt from mandatory contributions if they employ a certain number of persons with disabilities.

In Estonia, civil communication is regarded as a cross-sector platform that makes it possible to achieve social progress in all related fields (Kryklii, 2022). The role of information and communication technologies is emphasized not only for establishing quality e-governance and providing administrative services, but also in generating innovations, attracting foreign investments, creating new jobs and promoting inclusive businesses for the whole population (including vulnerable and low-mobility groups). At the same time, considerable attention is also paid to cybersecurity and personal data protection.

Considering this European experience, Ukraine, amidst the full-scale Russian invasion, should ensure the maximum inclusivity and accountability particularly in education and employment and access to basic social services for internally displaced persons from temporarily occupied territories, as well as for those with reduced mobility due to hostilities or rocket attacks.

3 Research Methodology

To achieve the research goal of generalizing and systematizing digital tools and media resources that ensure accessibility in Ukraine, the first step involves analyzing scientific literature (Carrington, 2022; Mullin et al., 2021 etc.) and European regulations. This analysis aims to generalize the approaches of several European countries regarding accessibility and inclusion in modern environments and examine the Ukrainian legal framework concerning digitalization.

Data analysis in the research was conducted using qualitative research methods, specifically through observations, descriptive methods, and thematic analysis. The research focuses on  systematizing  digital tools and media resources in Ukraine to meet the accessibility needs of internally displaced people and those with special needs affected by the hostilities in Ukraine. For this study, individuals with special needs include people with disabilities, those with limited mobility, and those with specific physical needs.

4 Research Results

In September 2019, a public presentation of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Digital State brand took place. Thus, the actual implementation of legislative changes in the “digital” industry should take place with the participation of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Digital State.  The European Commission's comprehensive program document, “The Single Digital Market for Europe,” outlines three main areas that serve as guidelines for Ukraine: improving internet access for consumers and enterprises, creating appropriate regulatory conditions for advanced digital networks, and developing the digital economy through investments, interoperability, and standardization. In our view, the primary challenges in establishing a digital society and state in Ukraine include bridging the digital divide, enhancing cybersecurity, advancing e-learning and media education, fostering an information culture, and building trust, among other issues.

We agree with the opinion of V. Pylypchuk, who states that “information security and protection of personal data are the main problems of our state, because information and computer technologies significantly increase the risks of violation of the privacy of personal data due to the fact that they involve the accumulation and storage of data not on computer hard drives, and on remote servers, with the subsequent possibility of using a large, territorially and technologically distributed amount of information (data) about a specific person” (Pylypchuk, 2016).

Digitization of Ukraine aims to achieve the following goals (Law of Ukraine, 2018):

  • acceleration of economic growth and attraction of investments;

  • transformation of economic sectors into competitive and efficient ones;

  • technological and digital modernization of industry and the creation of high-tech industries;

  • accessibility for citizens of the advantages and opportunities of the digital world;

  • implementation of human resources, development of digital industries and digital entrepreneurship.

In accordance with the goals listed above and the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018‒2020”, the following principles can be identified on which the digitalization of society is currently based (Law of Ukraine, 2018):

  1. (1)

    digitalization should provide every citizen with equal access to services, information, and knowledge provided on the basis of information, communication, and digital technologies;

  2. (2)

    digitalization should be aimed at creating advantages in various spheres of life. This principle involves improving the quality of health care services and education, creating new jobs, developing entrepreneurship, agriculture, transport, protecting the environment and managing natural resources, raising the level of culture, helping to overcome poverty, preventing disasters, guaranteeing public security, etc.;

  3. (3)

    digitalization is carried out through the mechanism of economic growth by increasing efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness from the use of digital technologies. This principle provides for the achievement of digital transformation of economic sectors, spheres of activity, their acquisition of new competitive qualities and properties. All-encompassing digitalization aims at the comprehensive and deep transformation of existing analogy economic and social systems and spheres into new value and quality for their efficiency, development, ease of use, etc.;

  4. (4)

    digitalization should contribute to the development of the information society and mass media. The creation of content, primarily Ukrainian, in accordance with national or regional needs contributes to social, cultural, and economic development, as well as strengthening the information society and democracy in general;

  5. (5)

    digitalization should focus on international, European, and regional cooperation with the aim of integrating Ukraine into the EU, entering the European and world markets. Ukraine’s integration into European and global systems and infrastructures is, in particular, the result of conscious and full implementation of information, communication, and digital technologies;

  6. (6)

    standardization is the basis of digitalization, one of the main factors of its successful implementation. Building digital systems, platforms, and infrastructures that are to be used by citizens, businesses, and the state for participation, competition, and success in the global economy and open markets is unacceptable. An exception may be relevant programs in the field of defense and security, in which the application of other standards (national, interstate) is justified;

  7. (7)

    digitalization should be accompanied by an increase in the level of trust and security. Information security, cyber security, protection of personal data, inviolability of personal life and rights of users of digital technologies, strengthening and protection of trust in cyberspace are, in particular, prerequisites for simultaneous digital development and corresponding prevention, elimination, and management of associated risks;

  8. (8)

    digitalization as an object of focal and complex state management. The main tasks on the way to the digitalization of the country are to correct the weaknesses of market mechanisms, to overcome institutional and legislative barriers, to initiate national-level digital transformation projects, to attract relevant investments, to stimulate the development of digital infrastructures, to create need of digital technologies using by citizens, and to develop appropriate digital competencies, creating the right incentives and motivations to support digital entrepreneurship and the digital economy.

All of these principles prove that digitalization of Ukraine is based on the positive influence of digital technologies on society.

The digital services and media resources for internally displaced persons, as well as persons with disabilities affected by the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine should be categorized under educational services, management services, and public services (Kurylyak et al., 2022).

It should be noted that such Ukrainian services are mostly universal and designed for various digitally sensitive groups including adults with disabilities, elderly people, remote students and children with disabilities. These digital platforms often feature navigation options to differentiate usage for different groups. Conversely, mobile applications tend to be more segmented by digital sensitivity. (Davydenko, 2023).

The provision of access to Ukrainians with disabilities or other socially sensitive features through mobile applications has been guided by several regulatory and methodological measures. These include the adoption of the “Basic Standard of Digital Accessibility” and the state's proclamation of the general technological initiative “State in the Smartphone.” (Davyko, Davyko. Castagna, 2023).

4.1 Systematization of Digital Tools and Media Resources in Ukraine

Among management services, the most significant event in recent years in terms of remote service for citizens has been the introduction of an application “Action”. This is a mobile application launched by the Government of Ukraine in 2019 as an initiative of digital inclusion. The application has been created to give citizens a simple and convenient way to access various public services and information online. Its operation  is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree No. 1137 of December 4, 2019 (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2023).

One of the priority goals of the Action Appendix is to enable authorities to provide access to essential services such as passport or driver’s license, business registration, tax payment, and access to social services. By providing these services online, the government hopes to reduce bureaucracy, increase transparency, and increase overall efficiency for all categories of the population (Davydenko, 2023).

In addition to providing access to public services, the Action Annex also contains a number of functions that help people with disabilities  to interact with their community. For example, the program provides access to local news and events, as well as tools to report problems and offer improvements for the community.

The Action Appendix is part of the large-scale effort of the Ukrainian government to promote digital inclusion and extend technology access to all citizens (Davydenko, 2023). In making public services more accessible and convenient, the government hopes to encourage more Ukrainians to use digital technologies and to participate in the digital economy. It is noticeable that this  “Action” Appendix is constantly evolving and providing online access to new and more flexible social services.

The next and most popular digital service is educational. The universal digital resource for digital services for education in Ukraine (2023) is an innovative tool designed to enhance education delivery in the country. This platform offers a wide range of services and resources for students, teachers, and educational institutions. Key features of the platform include online  access to learning materials such as  textbooks, interactive lessons , and videos. It also incorporates  educational tools and services like Labster, Zoom, Google Workspace, Coursera, Udemy, edX, etc. (Davydenko, 2023). This platform allows students to study remotely at their own pace and at a convenient time, providing greater flexibility and accessibility for individuals with varying digital and social sensitivities, which is particularly crucial during the war.

In addition to resources for students, the platform also offers services for teachers and educational institutions. Teachers can use a platform to create and manage online courses, communicate with students, and track student progress. Educational institutions can use a platform to manage their resources, enroll students, and monitor success. Using the latest technologies and innovative approaches, the platform helps to create a more flexible, affordable, and effective learning environment for both students and teachers.

The third most common type of digital service is universal accessibility. An example of a universal service with the focus on management and self-management was the project EnableMe Ukraine (2022). This is a branch of the international digital platform EnableMe Foundation, which has been working in Ukraine since 2022 providing vital assistance and support for people with disabilities. The non-profit organization of the same name  aims to empower individuals and to give them equal opportunities for social integration and professional development. The foundation's digital platform offers a wide range of services, including online training, vocational training, employment, and psychological support (Davydenko, 2023). These services are designed to help people with disabilities gain the necessary skills and knowledge to lead an independent life and become active members of society.

EnableMe Ukraine was established in response to the war to provide vital information and services and to facilitate communication among people with special needs, including temporarily displaced persons, individuals with chronic diseases, and those with disabilities.

The platform organizers are trying to create a communication community that brings together people and their families to exchange information and resources and support each other. This community-oriented approach ensures that people with high social and digital sensitivity, along with their loved ones, will be able to access the information and services that they need to maintain their independence and quality of life, despite the devastating effects of the war.

One of the most significant impacts of EnableMe Ukraine (2022) is the improvement of employment opportunities for sensitive groups, including internally displaced persons. The vocational training programs have already helped hundreds of people to gain the necessary skills to work in various fields, including IT, hospitality, healthcare, and more. Additionally, the project helped reduce the stigma around disability, contributing to a more inclusive and accepting society.

Electronic support (E-support) is a common and widely used service in Ukraine. This universal government project provides various digital support services to the general population. These services are designed to facilitate the use of digital technologies, promote innovation, and improve access to information and services (Davydenko, 2023).

One of the key areas where e-support is provided in Ukraine is the e-government. The government has made significant investments in digital infrastructure and launched a number of electronic services to facilitate access to public services and information. Citizens can now access public services and information online, including tax returns, apply for social payments, receive official documents, etc.

A special focus in the systematization of digital tools is on the technologies for fast mobile access, particularly mobile applications. These applications are tailored to specific needs based on medical conditions or age making them suitable for people with disabilities, the elderly or those with certain health issues. For example, PocketBraille is a program that allows people with visual impairments to read and write Braille on their smartphones Be My Eyes connects people with visual impairments with volunteer service that can help with information orientation (Right to Protection, 2022). The systematization of special mobile applications is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Systematization of special mobile applications for vulnerable groups

The above list is not exhaustive and may change as new programs appear.

The classification of available applications can be expanded by features or user types, and some applications may cover multiple categories. For example, programs such as Voice Dream Reader and Learning Ally give access to reading materials for vision, dyslexia, and other learning problems, and communication programs such as Ava or Google Live Transcribe provide transcription services in the text time that facilitates people with hearing impaired people who cannot quickly perceive information (Davydenko, 2023). There are multifunctional applications of Be My Eyes, which can help solve various household, reference or  orientation in unfamiliar places.

Mobile programs are also increasingly used in health care for the treatment of chronic diseases and promotion of recreation, return to remission, rehabilitation, and more. For example, MyFitnessPal and FitBit applications help people control their physical activity and nutrition, and HeadSpace and Calm organize and manage meditation and relaxation techniques (Davydenko, 2023).

Table 2 shows a separate, demonstrative in nature, classification of mobile applications for people with different forms of disability, based on the adaptability of these applications to use in Ukraine.

Table 2 Mobile applications for people with different forms of disability

As of 2023, the most relevant and most productive were the software applications, implemented, primarily by the domestic “BeWarned” startup. The result of his activity is the latest universal platform to help people with hearing impairments. There are four technical assistants on the platform: Sound Monitor, Connect, Dance і Emergency Call described on Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
A chart of the Be Warned platform for people with hearing impairments. The platform consists of four aspects, Sound Monitor, Connect, Dance, and Emergency Call.

“BeWarned” platform with its technical assistants. Source Built based on Davydenko (2023), Radanliev et al. (2023)

Be My Eyes is intended to assist people with visual impairments or orientation issues. It can be used to contact a volunteer network that can promptly help to solve several household and daily tasks (reading of labels, names of goods, checking their shelf life, etc.).

The advantage of the above applications is that they are available on both iOS platforms and Android and in a short time received high ratings from testers and users. These applications use the sensitivity of the smartphone (microphone, camera) to analyze the processor and the appropriate functional reaction (vibration, sound warnings, flickering, transmission of visual information to the volunteer, which can then help the user in real-time, etc.) (Radanliev et al., 2023). These auxiliary technologies have already improved the quality of life of thousands of people with sensory and motor disorders.

At the same time, “911Help” (Davydenko, 2023) has become one of the most universal mobile apps, filling a previously unmet need in Ukraine. It is an emergency response service that is aimed at improving the urgent and constructive digital response to emergencies in the country. It uses a special mobile app for communication of sensitive users with emergency services in their area, including police, fire service, and ambulance. The application can also track the location of the user and provide emergency services with important information about the history of the user’s disease, his or her special needs, vulnerable areas, and more. The project was developed in response to hostilities.

Available platforms are advanced programs that provide profile or complex functions. The most popular in use are educational and entertaining, which require basic digital skills and often basic English (Table 3).

Table 3 Educational and entertaining digital platforms for people with different forms of disability

Moreover, many video conferencing programs now offer accessibility features (Zoom; Microsoft Teams; Google Meet).

4.2 Interactive Map of Inclusion

Interactive Map of Inclusion “City without borders” (ACMC, 2023). This digital tool catalogs establishments, public spaces, and city infrastructure that have implemented measures for free access for low-mobility groups. The map highlights places where inclusive infrastructure has been created, such as sidewalk ramps, lowered curbs, accessible toilets, and traffic lights with sound signals. As of the end of 2023, approximately 800 locations have been added to the map, which continues to be regularly updated., (Fig. 2) (ACMC, 2023).

Fig. 2
An illustration of an interactive map of inclusion with over 800 marked objects for free access including accessible infrastructures such as ramps, reduced curbs, and toilets.

Source ACMC

Interactive map of inclusion.

The primary goal is to compile spaces on a single platform that at least partially address inclusivity, thereby highlighting the need for nationwide changes. The project's inception stems from the fact that since the beginning of the full-scale war, tens of thousands of Ukrainians have partially or completely lost their mobility. For people with injuries and disabilities obstacles like stairs, high curbs, narrow doors  hinder or prevent movement entirely. This  project is intended to demonstrate that, society can no longer ignore the issues of free movement and access to services. It addresses not only the needs of disabled defenders who fought for the state but also those of civilians affected by Russian military shelling.

5 Conclusion

Social inclusion and creating an accessible environment in Ukraine are certainly extremely relevant issues both during the war and in the post-war recovery period. Unfortunately, the number of Ukrainians, both military and civilian, who have partially or completely lost their mobility due to hostilities and become disabled, is increasing daily. There is an urgent need for social adaptation for both individuals with special needs and internally displaced persons. Utilizing digital tools to provide accessibility in all spheres of life is highly effective and promising in a digitized society. Further research in this area should focus on digital inclusivity to ensure accessibility in education for sensitive populations, including children studying remotely due to war-related reasons (Armstrong et al., 2021)