
figure a
figure b

1 Introduction

Soot is a program analysis framework for Java and Android. It has been popular in academia for prototyping novel static and dynamic analysis approaches, many of which have been published at international conferences  [1, 3, 5, 6, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 29]. In 2000 [30], Soot was introduced as an optimization framework for Java. Back then, when just-in-time compilers were still in their infancy, ahead-of-time optimization of Java code was a major field of research. Over the years, the research community’s interest has been dominantly shifting to static code analysis, for diverse purposes. Soot remained relevant due to some of its strengths, particularly its popular intermediate representations.

One of the core features of Soot is its main intermediate representation (IR), Jimple [31]. When seeking to perform program analysis on Java, both bytecode and source code are usually suboptimal representations to work with. Java bytecode represents a program to be executed, using a stack-based instruction set. Java source code, on the other hand, represents it on a higher level, using nested scopes and control-flow constructs for better readability. Soot’s Jimple IR is a so-called three-address code representation [13] that combines the best of both worlds: It uses local variables instead of a stack. This simplifies data-flow equations because all values that an operation consumes or produces are readily accessible through its operands. It also uses explicit control flow without nesting, i.e., solely through conditional or unconditional gotos. In result, every Jimple instruction is atomic, there can be no nesting. Complex source-code statements, which perform multiple consecutive operations, e.g. a numerical computation with a subsequent cast, are broken down into multiple individual IR instructions. This enables the creation of simple control flow graphs (CFGs), which one can then use to analyze a method’s control and data flow with relative ease.

Furthermore, Soot offers multiple algorithms, with varying degrees of precision and complexity, for constructing call graphs. They resemble an essential data structure for performing inter-procedural static analysis, as it models how a program’s methods call one another. For object-oriented programming languages like Java, call graph construction is particularly challenging. This is because in Java method calls are virtual by default, in which case their call target is dependent on an object’s runtime type. A reference variable’s declared type can only bound the possible call targets. To resolve call targets precisely one must compute all of the variable’s possible runtime types. A popular way to do this is through pointer analysis. Soot provides such call graph computation through its pointer analysis framework Spark.

Over the years, Soot has frequently been extended to incorporate new features, and, in doing so, even early on it became clear that some of its design decisions were suboptimal, yet hard to remedy after the fact. For instance, Soot has always been all-round monolithic. It heavily uses the singleton design pattern, causing strong coupling, and it always sought to be both a command line tool and a library, causing sometimes conflicting views on who owns the thread of control. In Soot, everything can be accessed and manipulated via the singleton “scene”. This forbids keeping multiple scenes in memory, and any sensible parallelization. Soot also contains many features that by now are considered obsolete, e.g. other barely used IRs and an outdated source-code frontend, which are hard to remove without breaking useful but untested functionality.

This paper presents Soot ’s successor framework SootUp. With SootUp, we aim to keep the most important features of Soot, yet to also overcome its major drawbacks. We designed SootUp as a modular library. This allows one to pick out the necessary modules for a specific use case. For instance, clients that only require bytecode analysis would add a dependency to the bytecode frontend module. This is possible due to SootUp ’s core module being a generic implementation that allows plugging in frontends for arbitrary programming languages. Instead of a singleton scene object, SootUp introduces the concept of views, where each view may hold a different version of the analyzed program, or different programs altogether. To enable safe parallelization and caching, the new Jimple IR is immutable by default, allowing instrumentation only at certain safe points. At the time of writing, SootUp ’s most recent release is v1.1.2Footnote 1 and SootUp is open-sourced at GitHub.Footnote 2

To summarize, this paper presents the following contributions:

  • The design decisions behind SootUp ’s architecture that accommodate current research requirements,

  • a demonstration of its new API, which aims for better usability,

  • suggestions for Soot-based analysis tools on how to switch to SootUp, and

  • the roadmap for further development of SootUp.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the design decisions that shaped SootUp. In Section 3, we demonstrate the new API on example use cases. In Section 4, we list currently supported tools and discuss how to upgrade tools to use SootUp. In Section 5, we explain SootUp ’s development process and how one can contribute to it. We present the future work in Section 6, related work in Section 7 and conclude with Section 8.

2 Design Decisions

We next discuss the main design decisions that underly SootUp, and how they address some of the major shortcomings of Soot. We introduce the new architecture and excerpts of the new API.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of SootUp ’s Architecture. White boxes are Java modules.

2.1 Modular Architecture

SootUp ’s most notable architectural difference from its predecessor is the clear separation of its components into independent modules. Figure 1 shows its architectural overview. One of the goals of the new architecture is to allow SootUp to be used as a language-independent static analysis framework. It is not tightly coupled to any programming language. The most recent release (v1.1.2) includes frontends for Java bytecode, Java source code and a now generic, i.e., language-independent form of Jimple. We delegate the language support to external frontend providers and expect them to extend the generic Jimple. This is a significantly different mechanism than Soot had offered for language support before. Previously, to analyze programs not in Java, one needed to convert their code to the (Java-specific) Jimple. With SootUp, instead one defines language-specific features by extending the core set of Jimple language constructs.

The core module encapsulates the main functionality based on the generic Jimple. It defines the Jimple language constructs such as expressions, constants and statements. The statements make up control-flow graphs (CFGs), which may be forward, backward, mutable or immutable. The CFGs are representations for the bodies of SootMethods. SootMethods constitute SootClasses, the backbone of SootUp ’s core object model. All of these objects are accessible through Views.

We have conceptualized the View as the main interface the user interacts with. In the case of a single view, this corresponds to the Scene object in Soot. Because of the Scene’s singleton nature, running multiple analyses simultaneously was virtually impossible in Soot  [16]. SootUp overcomes this drawback by allowing as many Views as desired to co-exist.

Additionally, SootUp comes with a new extensible Call Graph framework. It allows plugging in arbitrary strategies for resolving virtual method dispatches. These strategies could vary, for instance, to optimize the precision or scalability, which are often tweaked using different Pointer Analysis algorithms. Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis is one of the most successful methods for detecting bugs and security vulnerabilities. SootUp supports out-of-the-box context-sensitive data-flow analysis using the popular Heros  [4] dataflow analysis framework.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

SootUp ’s On-Demand Class Loading Mechanism

2.2 On-Demand Class Loading

While Soot loads all SootClasses that are referenced in a currently resolving SootClass, SootUp is designed with a layer of indirection. SootUp makes use of identifiers to reference actual, possibly already loaded, instances of a respective SootClass and stores those identifiers that reference other SootClasses, SootMethods or SootFields. This decreases unnecessary computations of unused SootClasses, i.e. those which are referenced but whose contents are not of interest. Doing so, additionally, enables parallel class loading. Because the loading of a class does not depend on the loading of the classes that it references, each class can be loaded independently. As a side effect, it renders the concept of phantom classes, known from Soot, obsolete, as its purpose is to create a facade SootClass in case of missing a class definition of a referenced SootClass. This case is now cleanly handled by the View, which simply returns no further information.

Figure 2 models SootUp ’s new on-demand class loading mechanism. The View is the central access point that streamlines the resolving and caching process. The caching strategy can be configured by using one of the cache providers. FullCache is the default option, which suffices in most cases where the cache does not need to be freed. Alternatively LRUCache manages the cache based on the least recent use and MutableFullCache gives the control of the cache to the client. After obtaining a SootClass, by querying it with its unique identifier (ClassType) from the View, one can obtain its SootMethods and SootFields that are cached within the SootClass.

2.3 Focus on an Intuitive API

Soot ’s users often complain about a lack of documentation. Its issue tracker is filled with "how to"Footnote 3 questions. We believe the underlying problem is, primarily, its complicated API design. Based on our past experience, when developing SootUp, an intuitive API design has always been strongly in focus.

Figure 3 shows the process of setting up a Project, creating a View and accessing a SootMethod object. First, users create an AnalysisInputLocation that points to a target program’s path. Second, they create a Project by specifying the target language. The Project can be used to create a View. At this point, the View knows where the target program is located and which language frontend needs to be used to load its classes.

The View loads the elements of the target program only when they are queried, and memoizes them through configurable caching providers enabled by the new immutable IR design. The memoization is fine-grained, it works at the level of field, method, interface and modifier definitions. SootUp can create references to all of these objects via a corresponding language-specific IdentifierFactory. The references, i.e., the identifiers, are then used to access the queried elements of the target program.

Class types and signatures (for methods and fields) are considered global identifiers, across possibly concurrent instances of Projects and Views. They are created and pooled by the singleton instance of IdentifierFactory to reduce memory consumption. Additionally, it is cheaper to invoke hashCode() and equals() on the identifiers than on the IR objects that the identifiers reference.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

SootUp ’s API for Creating a View and Accessing a SootMethod

2.4 Library by Default

Soot had always been designed to be a standalone CLI (command-line interface) tool. This meant that it was expected to own the thread of control, which often hindered a tight integration of Soot into integrated development environments (IDEs) or CI/CD pipelines, which are themselves frameworks and expect to own the thread of control as well. Also, a CLI aggregates all of the underlying functionality and makes it accessible via a single channel. This requires bundling everything together and contradicts our goals of providing lean modules.

To avoid this, we have conceptualized SootUp as a library by default. In SootUp, clients can depend on individual modules. For instance, to access the CFGs of a compiled program’s methods, one needs to add a dependency to the Java Bytecode Frontend and Core modules. Further module dependencies can gradually be added later on when needed.

The library nature allows the clients to own the thread of control. This is preferable, especially, when using SootUp for other purposes than program analysis, or when using it as part of other analysis frameworks. SootUp also provides rather sophisticated functionality as a framework, with inversion of control, for instance when building call graphs or performing dataflow analyses.

Yet, SootUp is not quite stateless. As shown in Figure 3, the state is managed mainly by the IdentifierFactory and View. View instances keep references to all the memoized objects, they are not garbage collected unless the client releases the reference to the View. IdentifierFactory, on the other hand, maintains the global state of unique identifiers statically. It is the only singleton in SootUp, which might be shared across different views. In other words, if the client terminates then only the state in the IdentifierFactory will be retained.

2.5 Immutable IR by Design

Soot was designed as a program optimization tool. Its main purpose was to enable the analysis and transformation of method bodies. As the research trend has shifted from program optimization to program analysis, we believe there is limited use in still maintaining mutable objects in a mutable IR.

Mutable objects are not easily shared between several entities. One needs to constantly account for unintended changes. They very much complicate parallelization at any level. To counter this problem, we have designed SootUp ’s Jimple IR to be immutable by default. This assures that there are no accidental modifications and that values can be safely shared and cached.

figure c

To ensure immutability we have slightly adjusted the API as well. Many classes do not have setters anymore, they have withers instead. Withers still allow modifications via new object copies with modified properties. Listing 1.1, for instance, shows how one can still modify the statements of a method body.

2.6 Changes to Jimple

Originally, Jimple was designed to be an IR for program optimization to fit Soot ’s primary use case. Since the purpose of SootUp has been shifted towards program analysis instead of optimization, we adjusted the Jimple IR towards this purpose. For efficiency reasons, a Java compiler compiles any switch statement to either a tableswitch or a lookupswitch bytecode instruction. Since the distinction is needed to transform the optimized Jimple back to bytecode, Jimple also made a distinction between tableswitch and lookupswitch statements. However, virtually all program analyses will treat both kinds of statements identically. Because of this, in SootUp both statements have been merged into a single switch statement, simplifying analysis implementations.

Another novelty in SootUp ’s Jimple is the added support for language extensibility. SootUp is designed to be an analysis framework that not just supports Java, but also other programming languages as well. To allow for this multi-language support, a basic Jimple IR has been implemented in a generic way that allows for easy extension with language-specific features. For the Java implementation, we extended this basic Jimple IR with import statements and annotations, two features that are highly specific to the Java language. Annotations are supported by extending Jimple ’s class type definition. Just like in Java source code, import statements improve the readability of Java-Jimple statements. Java-Jimple now allows referring to simple class names by defining their fully qualified names as imports. Likewise, basic Jimple can be extended to support features specific to other languages, e.g. JavaScript or Python.

3 Demonstration

In Section 2.3, we provided a glimpse of the new API. In this section, we demonstrate the new API with a set of most common use cases.

3.1 Setup

The code snippet in Listing 1.2 shows the starting point in SootUp to build an analysis project. The project builder requires two inputs: (1) the language of code to be analyzed and its version, as SootUp supports multiple languages; (2) the location of the analysis target. In this example, we are setting the analysis language as Java with version 8 and adding a Java classpath analysis input location that points to the analysis target. Note that one can add multiple analysis input locations to the project builder. The Java bytecode frontend accepts any of the Java archive formats (JAR or WAR), Android packages (APK), ZIPs or individual .class files. The Java source and the Jimple frontends accept .java and .jimple files respectively. To resolve a given class, the view will inspect all of the given analysis input locations.

figure d

3.2 Obtaining a Method Body

Assume the target code example in Listing 1.3. Following the API usage in Section 2.3, next we need to obtain a reference to the target class. To do so, as shown in Listing 1.4, we get the IdentifierFactory from the view at Line 6. We obtain the target class type at Line 7 and likewise the target method’s signature at Line 8. A class is rather straightforward to identify, i.e. with a string corresponding to its fully qualified name, e.g. "org.example.Main" in this example.

figure e

Identifying methods requires a bit more information, as one needs to specify its containing class type, name, return type and parameter list to uniquely identify it. In this example, we use the target class type (ct) that we have created, set the name as "run" and return type as "void". It is important to refer to any class type with its fully qualified name. For instance, while in Java it suffices to write String[] args to define the parameters as a string array, SootUp needs the definition as java.lang.String[].

figure f

The method signature that we created (mSig) can now be used to query the actual method object from the view. This is shown at Line 10 in Listing 1.5. As the new API follows the modern Java best practices, view.getMethod() returns an optional, at Line 11, we therefore test this optional for its presence and obtain the methods body. At Line 12, we output all the statements of the method.

figure g

3.3 Call Graph Generation

A call graph models the calls between the methods of a target program, which makes it an essential data structure when performing interprocedural program analyses. SootUp ’s new call graph framework is based on a generic notion of a CallGraphAlgorithm, which can be extended by specific call graph algorithm implementations. The call graph algorithms only need to specify how they resolve a call. Resolving can be based on the static class hierarchy (e.g. CHA [7], RTA [2]) or based on sophisticated pointer analyses [17].

figure h

Listing 1.6 shows an example of call graph generation using the new API. Since the view maintains all the classes and methods, it needs to be passed to the call graph algorithm, e.g. the ClassHierarchyAnalysisAlgorithm at Line 13. The call graph algorithm is initialized at Line 14, by specifying the entry method, which returns a CallGraph object. The call graph can be queried for method reachability, e.g. at Line 15, or can be iterated by retrieving the calls from the entry method, e.g. at Line 16.

3.4 Body Interceptors

Body interceptors in SootUp replace the concept of transformers in Soot. They essentially allow modifying method bodies, for instance, to add, remove or replace statements. As with the other objects, methods are immutable by default. Therefore, in SootUp any modifications to the method body must be performed during the body-building phase.

figure i

Listing 1.7 shows an example of specifying a body interceptor. In this example the DeadAssignmentEliminator is specified. The body interceptors must be defined as part of the class loading options, as they are applied during class loading. The options are passed during the view creation.

4 Tool Support

Soot-based tools can be upgraded to use SootUp instead, however, depending on their implementation, the upgrading effort may vary. We next present the tools that SootUp currently supports and provides as submodules. We also suggest the roadmap for Soot-based tools for switching to SootUp.

4.1 Heros

Heros [4] enables defining interprocedural dataflow analysis using the IFDS (interprocedural, finite, distributive subset) [24] and IDE (inter-procedural distributive environments) [25] conceptual frameworks. Both frameworks reduce dataflow analysis problems to graph reachability. While IDE well suits the analysis problems with large domains (such as typestate or constant propagation analysis), IFDS is the primary choice for reachability analyses with a small domain (e.g. taint analysis).

figure j

SootUp provides the Heros framework within its analysis submodule. Listing 1.8 shows an example on running an IFDS analysis using Heros. SootUp implements HerosInterproceduralCFG interface with the Jimple-specific JimpleBasedInterproceduralCFG. To instantiate it, the client needs to pass the view and an entry method as shown at line 1. Heros defines IFDS problems as an abstract class with DefaultIFDSTabulationProblem, this is extended by DefaultJimpleIFDSTabulationProblem in SootUp. However, the clients still need to define their custom IFDS analyses with problem-specific lattices, flow-functions and merge operators. An example of a basic IFDS-based taint analysis problem is available in SootUp, which is instantiated at line 4. SootUp extends Heros ’ generic IFDSSolver with the JimpleIFDSSolver by concretizing it with Stmt (equivalent to Unit in Soot) and SootMethod.

4.2 Qilin

Pointer information is an integral part of precise program analyses. Soot ’s pointer analysis frameworks, Spark  [17] and its context-sensitive alternative Paddle  [18], have been popular in academia, as they provide a solid ground for researching novel algorithms. As we observe, however, the research trend is moving towards more sophisticated approaches with increased pointer analysis precision. For instance, context-sensitivity can be applied selectively rather than uniformly across the whole program [19].

Qilin [12] is a state-of-the-art flow-insensitive pointer analysis framework that was recently designed for supporting fine-grained selective context sensitivity while subsuming existing traditional method-level context sensitivity as a special case. Since Qilin is fully written in Java and operates on the Jimple IR of Soot, we were able to seamlessly incorporate Qilin into SootUp as a submodule with only minor engineering efforts. Qilin supports a rich set of pointer analyses such as Andersen’s context-insensitive analysis as implemented in Spark  [17], k-limiting callsite-sensitive analysis [27], k-limiting object-sensitive analysis [22, 28], and other recent advancements in pointer analysis. By providing Qilin as a SootUp submodule, we aim to foster comparative research using a broader set of pointer analysis algorithms.

figure k

Listing 1.9 gives an example of 2-object sensitive pointer analysis using Qilin. In lines 1 and 2 the flavor of pointer analysis is specified and the entry method is set. In line 3 an instance of 2-object sensitive analysis is created which is subsequently executed in line 4. As the pointer analysis in Qilin supports on-the-fly call graph construction, the resulting call graph is retrieved in line 5. In addition, the pointer analysis API in Qilin provides reachingObjects(), for computing the points-to set of any variable and mayAlias(), for checking whether two variables are aliases. Note that Qilin is not part of SootUp ’s current release.

4.3 Roadmap for Other Soot-based Tools

SootUp is not a drop-in replacement for Soot. It is essentially a complete rewrite with a new architecture and API. We therefore primarily recommend SootUp to be used for new projects. However, existing tools that are based on Soot can be upgraded to SootUp with some effort. The SootUp team has been working on upgrading some Soot-based tools to SootUp. So far, we see that the roadmap, and thus the effort, for a specific tool to upgrade to SootUp will differ heavily based on how it is implemented. We have been seeing three recurring patterns: (1) generic tools that do not directly depend on Soot, (2) tools that depend on Soot but work with their own domain objects, (3) tools that depend on Soot and work directly with Soot objects.

Generic tools can swiftly be upgraded to SootUp. For instance, the API of the Heros solver provides interfaces based on Java generics. Its interfaces can be extended with concrete tool-specific objects. The only requirement for SootUp to use the IFDS solver was to extend necessary interfaces by providing SootUp-specific objects.

Upgrading tools that use their own domain objects to SootUp is also simple. For instance, Boomerang  [29] and SparseBoomerang  [15], state-of-the-art demand-driven pointer analysis frameworks, implement their core functionality within their own domain objects that correspond to classes, methods and statements. These tools require SootUp ’s objects to be converted to their domain objects via implementing an adapter.

Upgrading tools that work directly with Soot objects is a more complex task. FlowDroid  [1], a popular Android information flow analysis tool, is highly intertwined with Soot. It is hard to determine where exactly the boundaries of FlowDroid are and how to separate it from Soot. Therefore, at this point, we anticipate that FlowDroid and tools of similar nature need a major rewrite to upgrade to SootUp. Nonetheless, we are considering upgrading even FlowDroid to SootUp in the future.

5 Development

We next explain SootUp ’s development process, and how one can extend or contribute to SootUp.

5.1 SootUp’s Development Process

We have incepted SootUp as a greenfield project. This choice not only granted us more freedom to restructure its architecture but also to employ a more modern software development process. Our new development process centers around continuous quality assurance. Soot lacked proper test coverage, which complicated adding new features or any kind of nontrivial refactoring. To overcome this, we made testing an integral part of SootUp from the very beginning. SootUp is loaded with exhaustive unit and regression tests. We continuously observe its test coverage and enforce newly added code to maintain the same level of coverage. SootUp ’s tests currently account for 63.70% line coverageFootnote 4 (9656 out of 15159 lines). To ensure that no new feature breaks or unintendedly changes SootUp ’s behavior, tests are executed for every new commit to SootUp ’s code repository through a continuous integration pipeline.

We seek to make SootUp more accessible to everyone. Our focus on an intuitive API design, as we explained in Section 2.3, is the first step in this direction. Further, we prioritize documentation and make it part of the development process. Our public-facing API elements are required to have Javadoc. Yet, we have learned, considering the questions in Soot ’s issue tracker, that Javadoc alone is not enough. We thus maintain a documentation pageFootnote 5 to elaborate on some of the main concepts of SootUp ’s usage and provide more insight. To make the documentation beginner-friendly, we demonstrate the most common use cases with supporting code examples. From experience, we know that documentation tends to fall behind the most recent development state. To prevent this, we maintain the example code as part of SootUp ’s code repository. By doing so we ensure that the example code always compiles and functions with the most recent state.

SootUp is currently published at Maven Central. We have announced the first release (v1.0.0) in December 2022. Since then, we have been frequently releasing new features and bug fixes, the most recent version (v1.1.2) was published in June 2023. While, due to existing tool dependencies, Soot and SootUp will coexist for a while, the bulk of our maintenance efforts will henceforth be directed toward SootUp rather than Soot.

5.2 Extending and Contributing to SootUp

Concerning community engagement, SootUp will follow in the footsteps of Soot. While SootUp ’s development is currently still carried by Paderborn University, we are open for others to join the team. The main motivation behind our development efforts until the first release was to realize the design decisions laid out in Section 2. Since the first release, we have been focusing more on community feedback, such as bug reports and feature requests. Just like its predecessor, we expect SootUp to be shaped around the needs and contributions of the research community. We are eager to incorporate external contributions and very much welcome feature and pull requests. Repeat contributors may become core development team members with full commit rights.

To maintain an active community, we set up a discussion board on GitHub. This allows the community to participate in Q &As, suggest new ideas or simply discuss in an informal setting. SootUp is open-sourced with a GNU General Lesser Public License v2.1 (LGPL-2.1) [11]. It allows SootUp to be modified as long as the modifications are stated and licensed under the same license.

6 Future Work

SootUp is set to be the successor of the old Soot framework. Soot has been developed and improved for more than 20 years, so there are still multiple analysis utilities that need to be adapted to SootUp. Furthermore, we aim to keep up with advancements in the field of static program analysis and implement support for better callgraph construction approaches and more precise pointer-analysis techniques in SootUp as they are developed.

Being able to analyze Android applications was one of the main reasons for Soot ’s popularity. SootUp currently allows one to analyze Android applications with the help of dex2jar.Footnote 6 This is an interim solution, as dex2jar is no longer actively maintained. In the meantime, we are working on a more robust solution based on Dexpler [3].

SootUp was designed with extensibility for other programming languages in mind. To allow for cross-boundary program analyses, we aim to implement new frontends for other languages. We especially aim at implementing a Python and a JavaScript frontend, due to the popularity of these languages. SootUp ’s IR can be extended to cover at least other languages that, unlike C/C++, do not allow direct pointer accesses. However, language-specific challenges are not out of the scope of this paper and need to be further investigated in the future.

Another goal for SootUp is to provide a means to enable the analysis of partial programs. To process an uncompiled Java source code project using Soot or SootUp, the whole code base of the project, alongside all its dependencies, needs to be available either during compilation or during processing with the source code frontend. However, in some scenarios only part of the code base is available. In the future, we aim to provide support for processing such partial programs. By being able to generate Jimple from only partially available source code and substituting the missing information with either data that can be inferred from whatever is available of the code base or providing a means to additionally specify missing parts.

Performance comparison to Soot or other tools was not possible because one would have to compare two identical analyses within these frameworks. Such analyses are still lacking at the moment. We, nevertheless, compared to Soot on the unit test level. By design, SootUp shows significant performance improvements, particularly in class loading. The immutable IR was also designed to support much faster analyses than what is currently possible with Soot ’s old Jimple IR. In the future, as SootUp-based analyses mature, we will conduct detailed performance evaluations.

In the future, we plan to also perform more evaluations regarding SootUp ’s usability. An API design that is as intuitive as possible for its users was one of the primary considerations when designing SootUp. To validate the API design, we plan to perform user studies with various types of user groups like researchers and software developers. Furthermore, we plan to benchmark SootUp ’s performance and compare it against other analysis frameworks and especially its predecessor.

7 Related Work

Apart from Soot, there are various research-oriented static analysis frameworks. The most notable ones for Java are WALA [32], Doop [5] and OPAL [9]. WALA enables analyzing multiple programming languages such as Java, Javascript, and recently also Python [8]. It focuses on efficient static analysis by using specialized data structures. WALA’s IR is close to JVM bytecode, but in contrast, it is based on SSA (static single assignment). Instead of operand stacks, it uses symbolic registers. SootUp is currently integrated with WALA’s source code frontend, which enables SootUp to support source code in the same capacity as WALA does. Doop was originally developed as a pointer analysis framework. It enables defining static analyses declaratively and uses a Datalog solver. Doop’s IR is also based on Jimple. It could probably be upgraded to SootUp with minor effort. OPAL provides highly configurable static analysis using abstract interpretation. PhASAR [26] is another notable static analysis framework that enables static analysis for C and C++ applications through the LLVM IR. LiSA [10] static analysis library enables novice users to implement static analyses that can target arbitrary languages based on the IMP programming language.

8 Conclusion

We have presented SootUp, a complete overhaul of the popular Soot optimization and analysis framework for Java. SootUp shifts the purpose from optimization to static code analysis and fully modernizes the original Soot implementation. SootUp implements all the lessons learned from the last 20+ years of development and usage of the original Soot framework. It comprises many improvements like a new user-centric API, a fully parallelizable architecture and an new variant of the Jimple intermediate representation offering extensibility for multi-language support. With all these changes and improvements in place, SootUp aims to be a worthy successor of the good old Soot framework and to enable the implementation of modern Java code analyses.