So, he fell down on the bridge on his front, and I jumped in just grabbed his wrists and I lay on his back. People came and started hitting him and punching his head and I was shouting, “No, don’t hit him, don’t hit him”.

I shifted my body weight to protect Khan’s head. And that was an interesting thing because reflecting on that I’m really proud of that, because we had isolated the threat and it’s just barbaric to hit a man who can’t defend himself.

Darryn Frost is a survivor of the London Bridge Attack 2019 and a co-founder of ‘Own Merit’. In 2023, he received a Queen’s Gallantry Medal for his brave actions on 29 November 2019. On that day, he risked his own life to stop an armed attack by Usman Khan. Despite the horrific nature of the attack, Frost continued to see Khan as a human being. When police arrived at the scene, they shot the attacker.

Photograph by Alejandro Acin, Visual Artist, Designer and Educator,