
1 Introduction

The purpose of public relations in CRC 871 was to inform the public about the obtained insights, newly developed technologies, and the concept of an automated and integral control of regeneration processes of complex capital goods. Therefore, the already established public relations activities have been further differentiated regarding the respective target group, intensified and consolidated. The public relations work in CRC 871 of today consists of numerous successful activities, measures and contacts which are based on the work in the first and the second funding periods of CRC 871. For example, the website was devised at the beginning of the first funding period together with an advertising agency. On this website information about the goals and the research priority as well as about events and publications is available. The content has been updated continually and has now, during the third funding period, been further developed and broadened, also because of the Covid pandemic. Additionally, campaigns and events also are a part of the public relation activities of CRC 871, in order to present the content to a wide public. To accomplish this different target groups have been specified: the expert audience, the general public and the potential young talents who are still in school.

The public relations work of CRC 871 has been developed with the Communications and Marketing of the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). The department supports the CRC 871 when writing texts or articles for public relation activities. This has mainly been accomplished by one appointee who is in charge of supporting all the CRCs of LUH in their scientific communication and who has proven to be extremely helpful. Furthermore, the department’s means of distributing press releases and event notifications have been used for the CRC 871 as well. Additionally, there was a close partnership with “Uni Transfer” for hosting events or participating in events. For example, the CRC 871 was part of the Hannover Messe in 2019 and “Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft” (science night) in 2018. Within the framework of the promotion of young talents the CRC 871 cooperated closely with the Student Advisory Services of LUH and the university equal opportunity office “ChancenVielfalt” in inviting pupils and teachers (“Schüler-Lehrer-Tag”), in visiting numerous schools with the “Leibniz-JuniorLab” and the “Mädchen-und-Technik-Kongress” (conference on girls in technology) (Sect. 4.1). Additionally, the newly deduced learning and teaching contents (Sect. 4.2) has been developed and put to test concertedly with the Institute of Special Education (IFS) Department “Sachunterricht und Inklusive Didaktik”, the Institute for Didactics of Mathematics and Physics (IDMP), and Institute for Vocational Sciences in Metal Technology (IBM) of the LUH. Also, in order to develop a new concept of public relations in CRC 871 due to the Covid pandemic there was a collaboration with the dean's office of mechanical engineering (chapter “Non-destructive Characterization of Coating and Material Conditions of Heavily Stressed Turbine Components”).

Within the framework of subproject Ö of CRC 871, the aim was to transfer the complex topic of CRC 871 into contexts close to everyday life, enabling primary and early secondary school pupils in the subjects of science and physics/natural sciences to become acquainted with the basic ideas of the CRC 871 and the working methods of scientists today. In the past 3½ project years, teaching units were developed and tested, evaluated and further developed with teachers in primary and lower secondary school lessons. In the area of physical education, the central results of the lesson development led to the conception of a picture book story and a related digital application (app), in order to connect the chosen everyday context of the CRC 871 topic (‘repairing instead of throwing away') with the concrete working methods in the CRC 871 for pupils. For secondary level I, there is a tried and tested business game for 4–5 lessons and units on machines and troubleshooting as well as on repairing and upgrading headphones. In addition, there are materials on repairing zips for the primary grades and the beginning lessons at general education schools. The materials are compiled in loanable boxes for schools. The focus of the work so far has been on the development side (including a trial of the developed materials at schools in the city and region of Hannover). However, the supra-regional significance of the topic ‘repair and recycling’ as a social task and as a possible future occupational field has so far only been developed in rudimentary form for teaching in primary and secondary schools. Despite an increasing vocational orientation in schools, there are few concrete points of contact to the field of repair and recycling as a vocational field. At the same time, however, reference is made again and again to the existing shortage of skilled workers, so that an early linking of such topics is already necessary at primary level. The focus of the work so far has been on the development side (including a trial of the developed materials at schools in the city and region of Hanover). However, the supra-regional significance of the topic ‘repair and recycling’ as a social task and as a possible future occupational field has so far only been developed in rudimentary form for teaching in primary and secondary schools. Despite an increasing vocational orientation in schools, there are few concrete points of contact to the field of repair and recycling as a vocational field. At the same time, however, reference is made again and again to the existing shortage of skilled workers, so that an early linking of such topics is already necessary at primary level (Sect. 4.2).

2 Adaptation of Public Relations Because of the Consequences of the Corona-Pandemic

With the onset of the Corona pandemic and the associated restrictions on events, many of the planned public events could no longer be held. In 2020 and 2021, access restrictions to the university buildings meant that only very limited events could take place, which led to the cancellation of many of the events. Also, due to the discontinuation and conversion of school lessons, activities such as a school tour could not be implemented during this time. In order to continue public relations work under the conditions of the pandemic, new concepts were developed in CRC 871 in cooperation with the central institutions of LUH and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. First of all, a dialogue took place on which activities were feasible under the conditions of the pandemic and could continue to be used meaningfully in the period after the pandemic. In addition, the actions were evaluated in terms of their acceptance and effect on the target group of young people. As a result, it was found that especially activities in the virtual space can be carried out safely and are well accepted by the target group. In addition, it was found that the formats planned so far for the virtual space (homepage, image films) were not sufficient to address the target group. Furthermore, the format of image films does not appear to attract the desired attention of young people and is rather perceived as an advertising measure that does not reflect reality.

With these findings, a new media concept was developed in close cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which could be used by both the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the CRC 871 to continue public relations work under the conditions of the pandemic. The concept envisaged creating a broader media presence consisting of shorter videos with content on the research work in CRC 871, virtual tours of the experimental facilities and an expansion of the use of the CRC 871 homepage. The concept was supplemented by the content-related work in subproject “Ö” to create opportunities to present the content of CRC 871 in the area of schools and education. In addition, efforts were still made to hold in-person events. The specific measures that were implemented are the following:

  • Expansion and maintenance of the homepage

  • Creation of a channel on the video platform YouTube for the CRC 871

  • Design of a virtual tour through the experimental facilities of CRC 871

  • Creation of an infrastructure for creating short films together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Generation of virtual content for the production of teaching material in the school sector

  • Implementation of in-person events taking into account the restrictions of the Corona pandemic.

For the expansion and maintenance of the CRC 871 homepage, the existing structures were implemented in a new layout and the section containing the news and the description of the contents of the Collaborative Research Centre were specifically revised and their maintenance intensified. Furthermore, possibilities were established, for example, to integrate the virtual tours and the videos of the CRC 871's YouTube channel. By setting up our own channel on YouTube, several goals were achieved: On one hand, the overall visibility of the CRC 871 was increased by its presence on the YouTube video platform, and on the other hand, the very good infrastructure on the platform made it possible to avoid setting up redundant structures for putting the videos online and managing them. In addition, the videos on YouTube are very compatible with all kinds of end devices, so that the content can be shared and distributed quickly. In addition, the videos can be easily integrated on many popular online platforms and in the social media sector. This created the possibility to use the produced videos from CRC 871 efficiently and effectively for public relations. The videos could also be integrated in the area of the virtual tours and complement the possibility of visiting the experimental facilities in the CRC 871 in three dimensional spheres. The environment of the virtual tours also allows other media to be integrated, e.g., posters in PDF format. In order to be able to create these virtual environments and videos, the infrastructure had to be created first. For this purpose, the necessary material was compiled in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which already had experience in this field. Care was taken not to create redundancies with material that could already be contributed from the basic equipment of the faculty. In order to be able to produce videos and images spontaneously and extensively, a camera and lighting equipment were purchased and the staff of CRC 871 were introduced to the creation of media content in a seminar. This made it possible to create and implement high-quality content for public relations work even under pandemic conditions directly from the CRC 871.

This work was combined with the creation of new forms of communicating CRC 871 content to young pupils (as described in Sect. 4.2). For this purpose, among other things, interviews were conducted by pupils (2021) with the scientific staff and researchers from the CRC 871 during a visit of a class from the inclusive Otfried-Preußler-school. These interviews had been prepared beforehand in classroom sessions and then conducted at the Production Technology Centre at the Mechanical Engineering Campus in Garbsen in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The results were then integrated into an interactive app (see Sect. 4.2) and are also available on the CRC 871 YouTube channel. Furthermore, the described acquisitions and implementations of the concept were also used in the final colloquium, which was held as a hybrid event both in-person and online due to the pandemic. The lectures were recorded in English beforehand and in German during the event and made publicly available via the YouTube channel and links on the homepage. The same was done for the virtual tour.

3 Public Relations for the Professional Public and Industrial Stakeholders

Within the framework of CRC 871, a novel approach for the maintenance and repair of complex capital goods has been developed. Due to the broad interdisciplinary orientation, the developed methods and the findings of the individual subprojects are of interest to scientists and industrial research and development engineers from various disciplines. They have already been informed on the topic by articles in specialist journals and by presentations of the subprojects at scientific conferences. In addition, there has been and still is a constant professional exchange and knowledge transfer with various industrial companies on a bilateral basis. The CRC's novel approach uses methods that are classically only applied in product and manufacturing development, and transfers them to model-based or evidence-based decisions in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) and scientifically extends them to the often more complex conditions of the stressed components and engines and their regeneration.

The CRC 871 was present at the Hannover Messe (Industrial exhibition in the city Hannover, Germany) 2019. There, the staff were able to present the CRC's research topics to a broad public as well as to decision-makers from politics and industry. Due to the pandemic, the Hannover Messe was cancelled in the following years and could therefore no longer be used for public relations. Instead, the overarching contents of CRC 871 were presented at international conferences, which had a clear technical reference to the regeneration of capital goods, but were not limited to only one discipline represented in CRC 871. For instance, the findings could be successfully presented at the international conference “Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines” in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Also, as the only participant from the field of research, the CRC 871 and its findings were presented to a specialist audience at national conferences in Germany that explicitly address users, such as the “TÜV Süd Predictive Maintenance” conference in 2019. A keynote speech on system demonstrator from CRC 871 was also given at the Machine Innovations Conference 2020.

Furthermore, in order to inform the specialist public about new findings in the CRC, staff members have regularly presented the results of the subprojects at subject-specific international conferences. The publications are compiled on the CRC 871 homepage. The presentation of the general content and the subject-specific content of CRC 871 at conferences has also led to numerous direct contacts with companies and institutions, which have been used for professional exchange and/or to initiate cooperation and even transfer projects.

In addition to direct contact with potentially interested partners, general articles were also placed in non-specialist formats, i.e., in the “Uni Magazin” of LUH or an intranet article at the industrial partner MTU, which was also published in a publication in the associated “AEROREPORT” magazine.

4 Public Relations Within the Framework of the CRC 871 with Focus on Young People Promotion

4.1 Events and Affiliations

From September, 23th–28th 2018, a school tour called “LeibnizLAP” and which focussed on the CRC 871 was carried out in cooperation with the central university institution “uniKIK”. Four schools in the Magdeburg area were visited and the contents of the CRC 871 were specifically presented to pupils. The school tour was aimed at 7th and 8th graders from grammar schools. The schools Dr. Frank Gymnasium, Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Madgeburg, Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium and Sportgymnasium Magdeburg took part. In order to convey the findings of the CRC 871 to the pupils, experiments and content were developed based on individual research projects. In particular, in addition to the theory on efficient regeneration of complex capital goods, parts of this knowledge could be directly experienced through an experiment in a wind tunnel.

On September 25th 2019, the third CRC 871 “Schüler-Lehrer-Tag” (“Pupil-Teacher-Day”) was held under the name “Forschung macht Schule” (“Research goes to School”) together with the central university institutions “UniKIK” and the Central Student Advisory Service of Leibniz University Hannover. The aim was, on one hand, to get high school students interested in technology in general, and in particular in topics of the CRC 871. On the other hand, teachers were shown examples of how they could possibly enrich mathematics, physics and/or chemistry lessons with current issues from research through simplified scientific experiments from the topics of CRC 871 and the simulation game (see also Sect. 4.2). The event lasted the whole day and the pupils were able to experience the contents of CRC 871 in groups and choose three out of six different available experiments. All experiments were inspired by questions that have also been worked on within the CRC 871. Therein, for instance experiments on lift in a simple wind tunnel could be carried out. Also, experiments on the subject of vibration were conducted on an airfoil and the influence of different air-gas compositions on combustion was investigated. The simulation game developed for work in schools (see Sect. 4.2) and a setup for optical measurement were also used. Experiences from previous funding periods were incorporated and results from network meetings of teachers and educationalists were used to further improve the experiments and materials of the “Schüler-Lehrer-Tag” in terms of content and didactics. A total of 73 students and 4 teachers from the three schools Gymnasium Stolzenau, Kooperative Gesamtschule Pattensen, and Berufsbildende Schulen II from Wolfsburg took part in the event. A direct evaluation by means of questionnaires at the end of the event, showed that the experiments improved the understanding of the contents of the CRC and generally increased the interest in a technical course of studies.

In order to further increase the visibility of the CRC 871 among female pupils, the CRC 871 participated in the Girls and Technology Day in 2019–2021. The Girls and Technology Day also involves female pupils working on scientific questions and thereby teaching them about research content.

4.2 Development of Didactic Materials for a Future-Oriented Science and Technology Teaching in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools

Within the framework of subproject Ö of CRC 871, the aim was to transfer the complex topic of CRC 871 into contexts close to everyday life, enabling primary and lower secondary school pupils in the subjects of science and physics/natural sciences to become acquainted with the basic ideas of the CRC 871 and the working methods of scientists today. In the past 3.5 project years, teaching units were developed and tested, evaluated and further developed with teachers in primary and lower secondary school lessons. In the area of physical education, the central results of the lesson development led to the conception of a picture book story and a related digital application (app), in order to connect the chosen everyday context of the CRC 871 topic (‘repairing instead of throwing away’, see Seume et al. 2019) with the concrete working methods in the CRC 871 for pupils.

For secondary level I, there is a tried and tested business game (Fig. 1) for 4–5 lessons and units on machines and troubleshooting as well as on repairing and upgrading headphones. In addition, there are materials on repairing zips for the primary grades and the beginning lessons at general education schools. The materials are compiled in loanable boxes for schools (Fig. 2). The focus of the work so far has been on the development side (including a trial of the developed materials at schools in the city and region of Hannover).

Fig. 1
A photograph of the worksheet for the business game, featuring two plastic boxes, a screwdriver, a drill machine, and other tools used for repairing and troubleshooting.

Worksheet for the business game

Fig. 2
A photograph of three forms of materials used in a business game. Two hands are visible holding various tools, indicating preparation for or engagement in the game.

Materials for the business game in boxes

However, the supra-regional significance of the topic ‘repair and recycling’ as a social task and as a possible future occupational field has so far only been developed in rudimentary form for teaching in primary and secondary schools. Despite an increasing vocational orientation in schools, there are few concrete points of contact to the field of repair and recycling as a vocational field. At the same time, however, reference is made again and again to the existing shortage of skilled workers, so that an early linking of such topics is already necessary at primary level. The focus of the work so far has been on the development side (including a trial of the developed materials at schools in the city and region of Hannover). However, the supra-regional significance of the topic ‘repair and recycling’ as a social task and as a possible future occupational field has so far only been developed in rudimentary form for teaching in primary and secondary schools. Despite an increasing vocational orientation in schools, there are few concrete points of contact to the field of repair and recycling as a vocational field. At the same time, however, reference is made again and again to the existing shortage of skilled workers, so that an early linking of such topics is already necessary at primary level.

4.2.1 Subject-Specificity Aims at Complexity

The task of science education is to support pupils in “understanding their natural, cultural, social and technical environment in a factual way, to open it up on this basis in an educationally effective way and to orientate themselves in it, to participate and to act” (GDSU 2013, 9).

In this way, the subject matter of the subject of physical education at the primary level and also of physical education at the secondary level aims at complexity. This means that educational content is to be selected in such a way that it

  • “presuppose the recognition of the identity and integrity of person and thing,

  • that they imply didactic processes of reciprocal development under the premises of uniqueness and exemplariness, connection to reality and phenomenological accessibility,

  • that they demand developed knowledge and skills, problem- and science- orientation, relevance to the present and to the life-world, and

  • that they enable pupils to gradually understand the nature of the world and to act responsibly in it: independently and self-determinedly, critically co-determining and ultimately also co-responsible in its implementation” (Lauterbach 2020, 152).

It is therefore necessary that complex societal issues find their way into lessons already at primary and secondary level. This demand is not new; the didactician Wolfgang Klafki already formulated so-called key problems in the 1980s, which should guide the selection of content in lessons. These key problems reflect social challenges of the present and presumably the future. In a 1985 publication, for example, he listed the peace issue, the environmental and ecological issue, socially produced inequality, the dangers and possibilities of the new technical control, information and communication media, as well as the subjectivity of the individual and the phenomenon of I-You relationships among the typical epochal issues of our time. However, the didactic approach to these questions has shown that complex issues are massively reduced in the classroom. Mehren and others state: “At present, learning groups often 'solve' the problems of the world in 45 minutes because the subject matter is oversimplified” (Mehren et al. 2014, 5). It is therefore necessary to develop didactic implementation possibilities that maintain the complexity of topics and at the same time enable students to access this complexity.

4.2.2 Repairing Instead of Throwing Away—Didactic Significance of a Complex Topic

Repairing technical things from everyday life is currently gaining increasing social significance. It is seen as a 'new social movement' and marked as the beginning of a developing ‘repair society’ (cf. Heckl 2013). Repairing as an activity that can be carried out by every citizen is thus “an expression of a growing technical maturity” (Krebs/Schabacher/Weber 2018, 10), which in particular also takes up the goals of sustainable management. According to Baier et al. (2016), this movement is characterised by an ethical interest that seeks to counter capitalist structures with “subsistence, participation, care and post-growth” (Krebs/Schabacher/Weber 2018, 10).

Furthermore, the representatives of the movement are united by the “commonality of a ‘Do-it-together’ (DIT) and the associated sharing of things” (ibid.) as well as the possibility of creating general access to repair knowledge, which is supported in particular by the internet.

However, the transformation process towards a sustainable society is an enormous challenge in which Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) plays a major role. The basis for sustainability-oriented values and norms as well as for corresponding social practices is a fundamental knowledge of sustainable strategies as well as the acquisition of competences that have the potential for their implementation.

The repair movement as part of the sustainability movement stands for a highly topical and at the same time ancient pattern that is still a natural part of social practice in many countries, but is being “reinvented” at the same time in western industrial nations. Repair is as old as technology itself. Even the tools of Stone Age people were repaired or used in other ways when they became blunt or a part of the blade broke off. Because the acquisition of necessary resources and the production of an object or tool required a high degree of energy, endurance and skill, the useful life of artefacts was extended in many ways until the 20th century. The introduction of mass production had the effect, among other things, of increasing the efficiency of production and consequently making products more affordable. The outsourcing of production to low wage countries accelerated the change to a throwaway society. The fact that modern societies are now rediscovering repair can be understood as a response to the consequences of an immoderate consumer society that lives beyond its means not only materially but also emotionally (cf. ibid.). For example, (online) trade has recently been criticised because many goods returned as returns were not resold but destroyed.

While repair work was still carried out by all social classes in preindustrial societies, repairing and the use of things has changed. “In rich mass-consumption societies, repairing is no longer a household strategy that encompasses the household goods, but rather a thing-specific devotion to the preservation of individual things that are considered worthy of repair, depending on their respective value” (ibid., 15). This is because, at the same time as the ownership of things has changed, things that have been sorted out can now be disposed of again with little effort (cf. ibid.). In addition, consumers today lack the possibilities to repair things because, for example, spare parts are not available or the purchase of a new appliance is far below the cost of repair. In poorer societies, on the other hand, the activity of repairing is considered very important because it allows goods that are difficult to obtain to be used for longer or to be kept as a resource (‘means of exchange, spare parts store’, cf. ibid., 19). Likewise, the continued use of used clothing and household appliances in particular is a way of dealing with things in everyday life in poorer regions of the world.

Although the ‘repair’ movement understands the activity of repairing in such a way that everyone should and can be enabled to carry it out, formal “technical knowledge about the construction and functioning of the objects to be repaired is important for repair, which is marked, among other things, by structured overviews of possible defects (so-called 'fault trees’)” (cf. ibid., 25). (cf. ibid., 25). Added to this is longstanding experiential knowledge in handling these tools, which comes into play in the everyday practice of repairing and maintaining things: “This kind of knowledge is by no means merely intuitive, but is characterised by situational flexibility: the ability to choose between different knowledge resources—the intimate knowledge of different materials, construction methods and sensuously experienced error markers—in the interaction with the objects and work settings to be repaired” (ibid., 25).

Thus, different forms of mending can be distinguished, highlighting the respective intentions and goals of a repair and emphasising the social significance of this topic:

  • “the practices of mending in relation to practices of replacement.

  • the practices of waiting (with a view to the future of the object) in relation to the practices of repairing (with a view to the current malfunction, dysfunctionality of a thing)

  • questions of material-material re-use (recycling) versus practices of re-use (repairing)

  • Procedures of workarounds and repurposing as a question of ‘actual’ and ‘inauthentic’ repairs

  • Relation of making and repairing” (ibid., 27).

The theme of ‘repairing’ is representative of processes of social change as a whole, which can be seen in particular in technical developments. These highlight the importance of technical issues for a future society (cf. Graube/Mammes 2016, Binder 2020). And so society's interest in technology and the associated changes is also high, with around 58% of the German population dealing with technical issues and considering them important. However, the majority of those surveyed take a critical view of the associated changes: almost half hope for an improvement in their personal quality of life (49.9%, acatech/TechnikRadar 2020), but many also fear that technical changes will lead to problems (26.7%, ibid.). At the same time, 45.5% trust that future technical solutions can help to overcome present-day problems such as hunger, poverty and climate change (ibid.). In order to be able to participate in social processes, it is important to deal with technical topics and challenges. At the same time, the way in which technical issues and topics occur in people's everyday lives makes it difficult to engage in a reflective debate: “Constructive mechanisms are hardly accessible to experience. Toys are mostly closed products and offer little opportunity for personal discovery; it is not possible to dismantle them without destroying them. Fully automated production processes are no longer visible to the end consumer and therefore cannot be traced. The increasing digitalisation that shapes people's everyday lives (e.g. driverless means of transport, self-service checkouts in supermarkets and public libraries, etc.) makes it difficult to understand technical processes. Due to the lack of transparency without educational processes, it is hardly possible to participate in social developments in a responsible manner and to develop individual evaluation skills” (Landwehr/Mammes/Murmann 2021, 7).

These contexts require the implementation of technical learning and education processes in a comprehensive sense and from the very beginning in order to enable children and young people to “use, understand, evaluate and assess technology and to use technical concepts and processes to read problems” (ibid.). The aim is to initiate technical literacy, which includes the acquisition of differentiated technical competences as well as the development of reflected attitudes and attitudes towards technical issues. Technical education also contributes to the development of the personality, because “whoever has solved a technical problem experiences himself as a successful agent, he not only gains knowledge about technology, but at the same time about himself, about his technology- specific productivity and creativity, his dexterity and strength” (Wiesmüller 2021, 33).

The following competencies were formulated both in the Perspective Framework for Teaching Science (GDSU 2013) as well as in other expert reports, which are to be exemplified in technical science teaching at the primary level:

“Central areas of knowledge are therefore

  • Knowing technical inventions

  • Recognising technical functional relationships

  • Appropriate use of tools

  • Producing objects themselves (planning, designing and executing)

  • Analysis and modelling

  • Observing, trying out, assembling, disassembling, recreating, constructing, reflecting

  • Drawing processes of planning and construction

  • Creating models from structured and unstructured material

  • Transfer of acquired knowledge and experience

  • Identifying the function and proper use of everyday objects by oneself

  • Carry out maintenance and repair work

  • Assessing and evaluating the quality of products

  • Evaluate technology and technical innovations (human, social, economic, ecological aspects)” (Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher 2012, 10; cf. also GDSU 2013, 65f.).

These objectives are clearly supported by education policy, because an expansion of STEM education in general and technical education in particular is associated with the expectation that this will interest children and young people in these topics at an early and sustainable stage and thus also in future occupational fields in this area. In this way, the shortage of skilled workers caused by demographic change and the lack of interest in studying technology-oriented subjects is to be countered early and comprehensively (cf. MINT Action Plan BMBF 2019a). For example, the subject of computer science is rarely offered in the upper school and is not perceived as attractive by young people (only 1% of young people choose an advanced course in computer science, only 15% of whom are girls); the above-average number of first-year students in STEM subjects compared to other countries contrasts with a high number of dropouts (cf. acatech/MINT-Nachwuchsbarometer 2021). These aspects focus in particular on the implementation of gender-sensitive technical education. This is because girls still show significantly less interest in STEM-related issues and have significantly less confidence in dealing with them (with comparable performance in these school subjects, cf. ibid.). Thus, the aim is to address technical issues in class in a way that is detached from social stereotypes regarding technology, in order to place technology and gender in a relationship that is not presented and perceived as a given, but as a variable that is “constructed in social interactions” (Gilbert 2021, 72).

4.2.3 Technical Learning in Science and Physics Lessons/natural Sciences

Such a demand for technical learning can already be successfully implemented in primary school science lessons. Studies have shown (Mammes 2001, Möller 1991, Tenberge 2002, among others) that children's original interest in technical questions can be taken up in lessons in such a way that they are “able to solve [...] demanding technical problems” (Beinbrech 2014, 120). It is therefore possible to formulate technology-related problems for pupils, for which they develop concrete solutions by designing and building them using their own constructions, among other things. However, the competences to be developed in technical education do not only include the realisation of own constructions, also with the help of the professional use of certain techniques and tools, and their testing, but also the reflection on their functioning and quality (cf. Kosack et al. 2015). For example, many physics curricula include the treatment of technical machines and devices such as the electric motor or the lifting crane. Often, the focus is on understanding the principal mode of operation (e.g. motor as an all-current motor, function of individual components) of often elementary motors. The construction of motors from individual parts by pupils, the extension of the treatment to real motors and, if the motor is chosen appropriately, also the implementation of troubleshooting in the technical area in regular lessons (cf. e.g. Friege 2018), is also possible. Other examples concern the construction and use of modern sensor technology in everyday life, such as strain gauges or smoke detectors.

To date, however, studies on the implementation of technical content in school curricula or the consideration of 'technology' as an independent subject point to a “large gap between the social relevance of technical education and its reality in schools” (Binder 2020, 13). The content of technical education is integrated into the subjects of science and crafts at the primary level and into physics and science lessons at the secondary level, and is linked to other topics and subject-specific approaches. The objectives and questions of technical contexts can thus be developed from an interdisciplinary understanding. This offers the opportunity to consider questions such as 'teaching to assess the consequences of technology' in an interdisciplinary way and thus to reflect on technical progress from many perspectives (cf. Grunwald 2016, 34). However, this is also accompanied by the challenge of ensuring that technical issues are not regarded as mere appendages of other topics and that the independence of this content area is lost.

In view of the structural, curricular conditions for technical education, it is a challenge to integrate technical education content into primary school science lessons and secondary school science and technology lessons (cf. acatech/MINT-Nachwuchsbarometer 2021). Teachers are faced with the task of implementing STEM education that is fit for the future, in particular by linking technical topics and objectives to the con-tent areas and objectives of other subjects. Studies make it clear that technical content is thus given little consideration in educational processes. This has a lasting effect on the formation of interests and career choices of children and young people with regard to these topics. In an extensive empirical study, pupils were asked about the target areas of physics lessons. The results show that (a) the target area of occupation (how people work in certain physical/technical occupations) is clearly underrepresented compared to the target areas of society, science and everyday life, and (b) the interests of the pupils are clearly greater than the actual teaching on offer (cf. Häußler et al. 1998). In addition, in series such as ‘The Big Bang Theory’ or ‘Breaking Bad’, scientists (and also engineers) are portrayed as nerds and arouse considerable interest, especially among young people. Spitzer (2019), citing Kessels and Hannover (2002), notes: “The stereotypes conveyed, however, are not merely an image of scientists, they also shape decisions such as course choice or career choice of students” (Spitzer 2019, 4, after Kessels and Hannover 2002).

The ideas regarding possible occupational fields and areas of application are only rudimentarily developed; moreover, female pupils hardly trust themselves to contribute their skills and competences here, even if they show comparable performance in the STEM area as pupils. With regard to the associated necessary competences in the area of digital education, which are particularly important when dealing with technical issues, it is shown, for example, that approx. 33% of all pupils in the eighth grade show weak performance with regard to technology and information-related competences and only approx. 14% of high school graduates are able to systematically research information online and assess it (cf. acatech/MINT Nachwuchsbarometer 2021).

In order to effectively implement technical content in the design of teaching-learning situations of STEM subjects, in addition to taking into account content that currently reflects the societal challenges in relation to technology, approaches are required that enable children and young people to learn working methods via adequate content that enable them to explore, understand, evaluate and assess technical contexts.

Based on the subject area and the objective of the technical sciences, the problem- oriented approach to the design of technical learning processes is of great importance here. Studies on the effectiveness of such teaching concepts also underline this, so that the selection of a problem that is interesting for boys and girls is considered an essential feature of good teaching design. This goes hand in hand with “enabling individual learning and problem-solving paths, providing suitable material for solving the problem and checking the associated partial solutions, [offering] help systems [and] conducting meta conversations as well as problem-solving conversations” (Beinbrech 2014, 124). International curricula and educational standards also focus on problem-solving learning in technical education and are oriented towards the concept of the 'design process' of the ITEA (2007, 237; cited in Kosack et al. 2015, 97). This is “a systematic problem-solving strategy used, given criteria and conditions, to find multiple possible solutions to solve a (technical) problem or to satisfy (technically shaped) needs or wants with the intention of narrowing down the number of solutions towards a final solution” (ibid.). In this context, Kosack et al. emphasise that the ability to solve problems in technical education should be combined with a focus on the creative abilities of students, which are indispensable for the development of technical solutions (cf. ibid., 119f.). Graube brings these demands on the design of technical learning processes together by focusing on the invention of technology as a central target dimension: “Inventing technology can open up a new perspective on technology. Children can recognise that technology is the finding of creative solutions to a technical problem or an end-means relationship and perceive themselves as inventors. The focus is on their own idea and their own solution or product [...]. This makes the variety of possible solutions visible to everyone, where there is no right or wrong, but only solutions that can be evaluated according to certain previously defined criteria. Functionality has priority here, but the creative idea, the appearance, the quality, the production effort, the effects on the environment, etc. can also be included in the evaluation” (Graube 2016, 42). Pupils should be given comprehensive access to technology through the interplay of inventing (constructing), discovering (reconstructing) and uncovering (deconstructing) technical contexts. The perspective of inventing is supplemented by the discovery of functional principles, technical processes, means- purpose relationships (What is it for?) and historical references (cf. ibid.). “The unmasking perspective requires the ability to take on a meta-level. [...] Questioning one's own inventions and the inventions of fellow pupils with a view to what could be better is primarily suitable for this” (ibid.).

The development of contents for technical education processes that have a high social relevance and make it possible to sensitise children and young people to these contents, to interest them and to teach them competences for the formation of technical literacy is an empty space in relation to STEM education. Learning environments need to be developed that take into account the principles of technical education in terms of content and access (hybrid teaching-learning environments with the integration of different for-mats) and thus also take up the goals of digital education contexts across the board. Digital education is understood here as the key to participation in a digital world: at work, as a consumer or as a citizen (cf. KMK 2016, BMBF 2019b). At the same time, new opportunities for and access to education through digitalisation can be used by creating new didactic means, dissemination channels and access to knowledge.

4.2.4 Project Development in the Subject of Science Education (Primary Level)

With a view to possible objectives and the choice of content in an inclusive subject teaching, which sees itself as a multi-perspective subject teaching, the claim to motivate and sensitise children for an enquiring attitude in order to adopt a questioning attitude towards the world (see Pech/Schomaker 2013) is of particular importance. Inclusive teaching that takes this principle of lesson design into account gives space to children's 'real' questions (see Schreier 1989), in which individual interests, an individual approach to the world and subjective meanings are reflected. According to the conceptual self-understanding of contemporary science education, children's motivation to link their individual experience with the world in which they live is the starting point for the planning of science education. Following Wagenschein, it is important to place the child and the object in an educational relationship: “With the child from the object, which is the object for the child” (Wagenschein 1990/2010: 11).

These intentions are taken up with the didactic use of (non-fiction) picture books, which depict a non-fictional reality and thus allow a concrete reference to empirically verifiable events.

In order to take up the previously outlined goals of technical education in physical education, a physical picture book (Fig. 3) was developed here, which is supplemented by an app. The story of the picture book picks up on the topic of CRC 871 in the sense of ‘repairing instead of throwing away’. A group of children prepares for a camping trip and discovers that the zip of the tent no longer works. Readers are encouraged to join the children in the story in discovering different ways to repair everyday objects. The story continues in an app accessible via a QR code in the book (Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 3
A photograph of the front page of a comic book titled Alles Kaputt. It includes five children three boys and two girls. One boy holds a screwdriver, another has a bag, and another has a football. One of the girls has a dog with her.

Book: title page

Fig. 4
A digital illustration depicts a photo of a school with cartographic representation of many children leaving the school. Students are exiting on bicycles, a girl is in a wheelchair, a guy with a bag is greeting others, and various other children are also visible.

Scenes from the digital application 1

Fig. 5
A photograph of a classroom scene from an application, including a girl writing on a board, a dog, a girl in a wheelchair, and three other boys.

Scene from the application 2

The users are actively involved in the app, explanatory films, tutorials and interviews conducted by students from the project with individual scientists from the CRC 871 connect the everyday context of the story with the concrete content of the CRC 871. It shows how the topic of ‘repairing’ is being researched by scientists at the PZH in Hanover. The book and app were developed together with teachers from the primary school sector and unfortunately only tested in rudimentary form due to the pandemic (Schomaker 2018).

4.2.5 Project Development for Physics/Science Lessons (Secondary Level I)

The development of materials and lessons for physics and science lessons in lower secondary education began with a simulation game on repairing an aircraft engine blade. This was based on tests at the CRC 871's teacher-pupil days and, in particular, a concept was developed for regular lessons and secondary school pupils. In the simulation game, the pupils deal with the analysis of the object to be repaired, develop repair paths and translate these into processes to be carried out. The process of a repair in the economy is reproduced by the pupils taking on different roles (e.g. business manager, mechanic, controller, ...). In addition, the students repair various defects on wooden aircraft turbine blades using different tools. The simulation game is designed for use in 8th-10th grades and has already been tested in elective courses at grammar schools. Other material boxes deal with the concept of machines (Figs. 6 and 7), the construction of everyday machines such as a kitchen mixer or electric knife, and the construction and repair of elementary machines with the help of technology kits. In addition, students can use other material boxes to focus on repairing zips (Fig. 8) and upgrading headphones by investigating the construction and troubleshooting, repairing or upgrading these items.

Fig. 6
A photograph of a blue box containing various tools and materials used for constructing and repairing elementary machines. Visible items include a screwdriver, a kitchen mixer or electric knife, and other materials essential for machine unit assembly and maintenance.

Materials for the machine unit

Fig. 7
A photograph of a model of a kitchen blender illustrates various parts, including the blender box, handle, inner machinery, instruments, and the blender itself.

Model of a kitchen blender as part of the machine unit

Fig. 8
A photograph of components for a zipper unit, a chain, screws, a screwdriver, pliers, and various machine materials, essential for assembly and repair.

Materials for the unit zippers

Within the framework of final theses at Bachelor's and Master's level), various content-related and structural questions regarding the handling and effectiveness of the materials created were investigated. The testing in the schools was massively impaired by the pandemic-related restrictions. Despite the great interest on the part of the teachers, it was hardly possible to carry out the project, as some of the pupils were taught online during the Corona period, the schools were not accessible to external persons for many months and school classes could not come to the university as part of an excursion. However, interested teachers will be able to use the developed materials for the duration of CRC 871.

5 Conclusions

The CRC 871's public relations work has created several opportunities to inform both the public and specific target groups about the contents of CRC 871. The expert public and industrial stakeholders were informed through a wide range of opportunities for participation in conferences and events. This includes, above all, participation in specialist conferences and exhibitions, such as the “Hannover Messe” international fair and the ASME “Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines” conference.

In addition, events and new teaching concepts successfully addressed the target group of young people and schoolchildren. In addition to events held at Leibniz University Hannover, a direct communication of the CRC 871's content to the general public was also ensured through targeted activities, such as the creation of a learning app with interviews prepared and conducted by pupils with CRC 871 staff. In addition, the school subprojects have been incorporated into the publication of an issue of the journal “Grundschule Sachunterricht” with the focus on “Repairing” as well as articles in the journal “Unterricht Physik” with a focus on “Physics and Technology”. The contents of the two subprojects will also be the subject of a one-week teacher training course in November 2022 and will be further developed in qualification work. It has been shown that the materials developed here are a didactically sensible way to address complex topics in lessons with young pupils.

By adapting public relations work to digital content, the restrictions caused by the Corona pandemic were successfully compensated. To this end, staff were empowered to create digital content for public relations by getting specific equipment and training. Together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Leibniz University Hannover, a concept was implemented that led to an increased online presence of the CRC 871. This made it possible, for example, to provide a virtual tour of the experimental facilities and to create videos of content and lectures from CRC 871, and share them to a broad public despite the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic. By integrating and expanding the homepage of the CRC 871 and freely accessible platforms (e.g. YouTube), this content can also be made available beyond the end of CRC 871.