
1 Introduction

The marketing world is undergoing constant change, driven by technological advances and the rise of the digital age. Digital platforms are of paramount concern to major companies, bringing substantial transformation to conventional roles within different business sectors [1]. Businesses that used digital platforms experienced strong growth. E-commerce and software have reached a market value of over $700 billion, turning into a model for economic growth [2]. In Algeria, statistics from “Digital report 2023” indicate that in January there were 32.09 million Internet users, corresponding to an Internet penetration of 70.9%. Social media users numbered 23.95 million, equating to 52.9% of the population. Moreover, there were 48.53 million active mobile connections, exceeding the total population at 107.2%; providing a propitious environment for e-commerce platforms.

Inbound marketing is distinctive for its user-centric orientation, aiming to draw the user to the company rather than initiating an active process to request them. It is widely recognized as the predominant marketing strategy for creating eye-catching content [3]. Conceptually, it’s a lead discovery marketing strategy, focusing on online activities that make it easier for customers to find products or services that fit their needs using techniques such as SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing [4].

The inbound approach also constitutes a direct implication for boosting customer confidence in e-commerce [5] and the findings of the recent study by Erdmann and Ponzoa [6] confirmed that E-commerce optimizes Digital Inbound Marketing in terms of adjusting the set of techniques used according to the company. In this sense, digital inbound requires very precise audience targeting and quality communication to connect with potential customers via valuable materials and experiences to entertain and inform the audience with content they themselves are looking for [7].

Vinerean and Opreana [8] frame inbound marketing as the process of reaching and converting qualified consumers by creating and pursuing organic tactics in online contexts. Bezhovski [9] in turn notes that the idea behind inbound marketing is to use marketing tactics that will try to gain the interest of prospects and pull them (bring them) to the company (website) rather than trying to push the advertising message to them and wait for their reaction.

To boost inbound traffic into e-commerce platforms, SEO is commonly the first choice. However, excessive reliance on a single acquisition channel is risky. Therefore, the use of social networks as a complement is essential to disseminate content on e-commerce platforms. The main challenge, nevertheless, often lies in the limited time and investment devoted to social media. To optimize the use of time, it is imperative to carefully select the social networks on which to be active first [10].

To outline the adoption of inbound marketing, this paper will attempt to analyze the inbound marketing tools currently used by e-commerce platforms that have successfully adopted inbound approaches. Hence, we intend to use this research to answer the following central question: How can inbound marketing be adopted on e-commerce platforms to maximize potential return?

2 Methodology

In light of technological developments and the expansion of the e-commerce sector in Algeria over the past few years, we turned our attention to the platforms most used by Algerian web users. E-commerce platforms are entirely web-based, which means that their success certainly stems from their online activities, with inbound marketing being one of the main levers. This choice was motivated by managers’ positive assessment of the success of inbound marketing in driving traffic, converting leads, concluding purchases, and building customer loyalty.

Various methods are available for conducting a Netnographic study, including participant observation, non-participant observation, and online interviews. Our methodological choice fell on non-participant observation, which is limited to reading exchanges between members, unlike participant observation, where the researcher is actively involved in debates to encourage the emergence of new topics [11]. This choice is explained by the fact that this method is adapted to our study context, given that the content analysis of most inbound marketing tools remains observable. This approach is also of considerable importance as it will enable us to carry out analyses objectively, without any subjective orientations that might be provoked by the managers of the platforms studied if we were to conduct interviews. Furthermore, the Netnographic study will allow us to reflect reality as transcribed by Internet users and to track their interests and commitments, particularly on social networks.

This work presents two case studies of two well-known and widely used e-commerce platforms in Algeria (Yassir and Jumia DZ), for which digital inbound marketing is a key lever in their strategy. To achieve this, we followed the Netnography steps as detailed by Kozinets [12]. We attempt to summarize them below:

  • Input: Selection of relevant platforms and understanding of their culture prior to data collection. To do this, we resorted to researching the top 10 E-commerce platforms in Algeria on the net.

  • Platform’s selection: Once we had the platforms list, we had to select the ones to study. We also took care to ensure that the selected platforms had a core inbound marketing team. To this end, we searched the LinkedIn managers profiles and obtained their confirmation.

  • Method and period chosen: the choice of non-participant observation was made after careful consideration of the results objectivity it could provide, in contrast to interviews with managers, which could lead the analysis to fewer objective findings. The choice of the period from March to May 2023 coincides with the religious occasions and social events that Algeria experienced during it, leading to an increase in platform’s engagement and web user interaction.

Our Netnographic study was carried out over a three-month period (March, April, and May 2023) with the aim of capturing changes and developments from one month to the next. Moreover, we relied on traffic data from Similarweb on both platforms, obtained through free registration.

3 Results

3.1 Brief Overview of the Studied Platforms


Algeria’s first ride hailing service app created in 2017 ( It is available in 50 cities across Algeria, Canada, France, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal and South Africa is continuously expanding. The app now has over 8 million users and 130,000 partners.

Jumia DZ.

Algeria’s leading E-commerce site, created in 2012 ( Jumia is considered the leader in online sales in Algeria. By 2022, the application will have more than 100,000 sellers offering a wide range of on-demand products and services: household appliances and electronics, fashion, children’s toys, men’s and women’s clothing, as well as services such as hotel and airline reservations, meal delivery and more.

3.2 First Case: Yassir

See (Table 1).

Table 1 Yassir platform observatory analysis results

3.3 Second Case: Jumia DZ

See (Table 2).

Table 2 Jumia DZ platform observatory analysis results

4 Discussion and Conclusion

The aim of our study was to analyze inbound marketing practices on e-commerce platforms in Algeria, with a particular focus on Yassir and Jumia DZ. Via a non-participant observation Netnographic methodology and the examination of traffic statistics from Similar Web, we identified several recommendations that could help e-commerce platform managers improve their online performance and better reach their target audience.

  • Graphics and navigation: e-commerce sites need to be simple and straightforward to use, with a user interface that makes navigation effortless. The combination of bright colors and floating icons can capture users’ attention and make the experience more pleasant. Fluid use and clear ordering information further enhance user satisfaction.

  • Unnecessary distractions: To promote conversion, it’s essential to avoid unnecessary distractions on call-to-action buttons and landing pages. A streamlined interface that emphasizes products or services and encourages decision-making is highly recommended.

  • Lead generation and indirect interaction: An effective inbound marketing strategy involves engaging users to indirectly exchange information. This might be accomplished by proposing compelling content or special promotions. Creating subtle interaction is a powerful way of generating interest and strengthening customer relationships.

  • Search Engine Optimization: To increase online visibility, e-commerce platforms need to prioritize organic search. The use of relevant keywords and the implementation of SEO techniques are vital to achieving high search engines ranking position.

  • Visual content and calls to action: Eye-catching visual content, particularly videos and infographics, can be a powerful way of promoting offers and grabbing users’ attention. Designing distinct call-to-action buttons for each targeted action streamlines navigation and encourages users to initiate appropriate action.

  • Target engagement: Getting closer to the target audience via company news, e-commerce platforms can create a stronger bond with the audience. The creation of insightful, engaging content linked to current events can spark interest and foster interaction.

By implementing the above guidelines, e-commerce platforms can reinforce their online presence, attract more customers, and offer an enhanced user experience. Significantly, these tips can be adapted to suit the specificities of the Algerian market in order to maximize their potential effectiveness. Ultimately, further research could deepen our understanding of them and assess their impact on actual market performance.

In short, the adoption of inbound marketing could be a valuable path for e-commerce platforms, not only to attract traffic and convert it but also to conclude purchases and build customer loyalty throughout the conversion tunnel, as detailed by Stéphane Truphème [13].

In conclusion, we would like to point out that this study is merely a synthesis of the results of a lengthy research project related to an ongoing doctoral thesis on the use and impact of inbound marketing on the conversion process. This research covers a wide range of other companies, notably e-commerce platforms.