
1 Introduction

Dance is a non-verbal form of communication, where through movement it offers people the opportunity to express themselves, to teach, to inspire, to have fun and to interact with each other, while it has been found that it can change the mood of people and relieve negative emotions [1].

In addition to the positive effects on the physical and mental health of the individual, traditional dance contributes to the preservation and reproduction of local traditions and the promotion of areas/destinations that attract people to attend or participate in dance events. Based on the above, traditional dance has been highlighted as a cultural asset that also has a significant impact on the tourism development of destinations [2].

The purpose of this research is to investigate the motivations for participation in dance groups, the criteria for participation in dance festivals and the factors that shape their tourist choices when participating in dance events with tourist content. The study intends to contribute to a more complete understanding of the phenomenon and at the same time provide dance event organizers with the necessary knowledge to formulate appropriate practices and policies for both the better preparation of dance events and their more effective utilization in the development efforts of tourism destinations.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Cultural Tourism and the Importance of Dance Tourism in Tourism Development

It is observed that in recent years forms of tourism, which have as their unique elements the sea, the sun and relaxation, are losing ground to new forms of tourism that appear in the market aiming either to attract tourists with special interests or to enrich the experience of traditional tourists [3]. In order to maintain and develop the tourism product, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic and the suspension of business operations, it is considered appropriate to create and promote specialized forms of tourism [4].

One of the forms of tourism that is on the rise is Cultural Tourism where it includes trips that are culturally motivated and based on the intention of individuals to visit cultural heritage sites, archaeological sites, actively participate in events, festivals, etc. [5]. According to estimates, it constitutes about 37% of global tourism and is expected to grow continuously at an annual rate of 15% [6]. Part of Cultural Tourism, Dance Tourism seeks to enrich the leisure time of tourists with new—often experiential—cultural experiences from the place they have visited. In this way, visitors gain direct knowledge of the traditions and culture that a destination carries [7]. Dance Tourism can provide an unforgettable tourism experience for the visitor because through cultural exchange, the spirit is uplifted, experiences are created and cultural education is combined with entertainment [8]. In this way, a positive attitude is created in the visitor about the destination and, in addition to cultural development, a competitive tourism advantage is added to the region, contributing socially and economically [6].

During the organization of a dance festival in a region, visitors stay overnight in accommodation according to their budget, have meals in restaurants, organize visits to monuments or museums, participate in group activities and make purchases. All of the above generate significant revenues, create jobs, increase entrepreneurship and stimulate the local economy [9, 10], while contributing to the mixing of locals and guests and create unique experiential experiences [11].

2.2 Traditional Dances and Motivations for Participation

According to the theory, motivation is defined as the internal state that drives an individual to act and/or maintain a particular behavior [12], while motivational performance is inextricably linked to motivation, the process through which an individual will achieve his or her goals. Incentives and the process of motivation are related to the pleasure and satisfaction that one person enjoys through performing an activity and coverage of the needs [13].

The decision of individuals to participate in traditional dance learning groups is influenced by several factors such as: improved health, social recognition, escape from everyday life, etc. [14]. However, the individual factors that determine individuals' decision to participate in dance activities are related to their internal motivation and the expectations/needs they wish to satisfy [15, 16].

Factors such as social appeal, fun, the possibility of making friends, maintaining good health, etc., can influence the participation of members in dance learning groups [17], while two other very important factors are the enjoyment that the person feels (feeling that they are doing an interesting activity) and the feeling that they can become even better at an activity, e.g. by learning new dances. Consequently, the individual is motivated by the fact that he/she will be able to go to a higher level, participate in events and feel an important member of a group [18].

The participation of individuals in tourism activities that focus on active participation in dance festivals and events is intertwined with the fundamental characteristics of traditional dances, such as: continuous entertainment, rhythmic music and the expression of emotions by the dancers. Furthermore, the dance event is combined with tourism and therefore, the individual's desire to participate in the event is due to factors such as the ambition to experience a different environment to gain experience, the desire to visit the event, the desire to be part of a different environment, the desire to be part of a different culture, and the desire to be part of a different culture.

In conclusion, the possibility of gaining new experiences, learning new dances, meeting new people and cultures (e.g., culture, traditions, traditional cuisine, monuments, etc.) are important factors that increase individuals' motivation to make a trip to participate in a dance event [19].

3 Research Methodology

Following on from the above, the primary research focused on the below research objectives:

  1. (a)

    What is the profile of members participating in traditional dance learning groups?

  2. (b)

    What are the motivations that lead members to participate in traditional dance learning classes?

  3. (c)

    How are their attitudes towards travelling for dance purposes shaped?

The methodology of the research chosen is in the category of quantitative research, a structured questionnaire was used and the data were analyzed through the use of the statistical program IBM SPSS 28.

The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions and five-point Likert scale questions. 220 people who have been involved in traditional dances responded to the survey, for the collection of the sample stratified sampling was applied and the questionnaire was distributed in both paper and electronic format. Before the main survey was conducted, a pilot test of the questionnaire was carried out-with 15 tests- which led to the necessary—small-scale—adjustments and the answered questionnaires were not counted in the final sample.

4 Results and Discussion

According to our data, most of the survey participants were female (64.1%), and belong to the age group of 26–45 years (44.5%). The majority of the sample belonged to a dance club (81.4%), paid fees for classes at the school (73.2%) and had been involved in traditional dances for 1–5 years (39.5%).

Survey participants stated that they participate in events 2–3 times a year (44.1%), without spending overnight at the event venue (70.5%) and covering their own expenses (67.3%), which are either up to 50€ (61.3%) or between 50 and 100€ (35.9%).) If they do make an overnight stay, it is mainly for one night (91.4%). Finally, people prefer to travel in summer to attend a dance event (51.8%), with spring being the second preferred period (39.5%).

Regarding the motivation to participate in traditional dance classes, the spiritual benefits (Avg. = 3.92, S.D. = 1.136) offered by dance are the strongest motivation, as through dance they relax from the tension of everyday life (Avg. = 3.96, S.D. = 1.156) and entertainment (Avg. = 3.89, S.D. = 1.217), while the second category of motivation is the physical benefits (Avg. = 3.71, S.D. = 1.345). Participants consider very important that participation in dance groups for learning traditional dances offers moments of relaxation and release, as well as increases mental benefits, due to the reduction of stress experienced in their daily life. Similar findings were also found in studies by Filippou et al. [20], Doulias et al. [21] and Rokka et al. [22]. Both the spiritual and physical benefits of dance have been identified as the most important motivating factors for participation in traditional dance learning groups. Dance skills (M.O. = 3.65, T.A. = 0.965) and strengthening relationships (M.O. = 3.39, T.A. = 0.973) were identified as important motivators, but with a lower level of importance. In a study by Efentaki and Philippou [23] however, the creation of friendly relationships emerged as one of the most important factors, while in the study by Doulias et al. [21] it was observed that women expect to cultivate their dance skills and men attach more importance to social interaction. The variation in the importance of motivation is likely to be due to the mixed sample of the study, which includes foreign informants participating in Greek traditional dance learning groups. In this case, the expectation to develop dance skills is considered the most important factor for group participation. Finally, both from the findings of the present study and other research efforts, it was found that recognizability is not considered an important factor for participation in a dance group, due to collective versus individual promotion. It is evident that the importance of the motivation individuals’ attributes to participating in dance activities is influenced by demographic factors such as gender, sample origin, experience, etc. [7].

Finally, members of traditional dance groups in order to make a trip to participate in a dance event consider it important that there are good services offered at affordable prices (Avg. = 3.87, S.D. = 0.982), the cost of accommodation is affordable (Avg. = 3.83, S.D. = 1.059), the natural environment (Avg. = 3.74, S.D. = 1.057), ease of access to the location (Avg. = 3.70, S.D. = 0. 972), having attractions/monuments/museums (Avg = 3.63, S.D. = 1.101), and staying close to the dance event location (Avg. = 3.55, S.D. = 1.056). They consider visits to markets and shopping centers as a less important factor (Avg. = 2.79, S.D. = 1.298).

5 Conclusions

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations that lead people to participate in traditional dance learning groups and the factors that they consider for their participation in dance festivals that require moving to another destination. These findings can be useful for the promotion of Dance Tourism by the organizers of relevant events and the competent bodies/organizations for the promotion and development of tourist destinations.

In terms of participation motivation, it was found that, spiritual benefits are the most important factor that motivates individuals to participate in traditional dance learning groups, followed by physical benefits. In addition, dance skills and strengthening social relationships were observed to be important motivators but with a lower level of importance.

Traditional dance dancers who travel to participate in dance festivals are found to place a strong emphasis on the overall costs they have to bear. Thus, although they seek to socialize with other dancers, they avoid overnight stays (70.5%). Considering the above, organizers should avoid inviting clubs in remote areas that are not expected to stay overnight at the venue. In addition, traditional dancers carry and pay special attention to cultural values, the organizers should provide them with an overall tourist experience that is part of an enjoyable and new experience influenced by the local tradition of each destination and built within the strict time frame of the dance festival.

The quality-price ratio is also an important factor. Event organisers should take steps to improve this relationship by adopting specific pricing policies for these visitors that will allow them to participate as much as possible, ensuring a return on investment for the destination and its businesses (e.g. mitigating seasonality, enriching tourist experiences, promotion, etc.).

Finally, based on the fact that spring and summer are the desired travel seasons for dancers, dance festivals could be elements to enrich the tourist experience for existing tourists during the summer tourist season, while the tendency of dancers to travel outside the tourist season (e.g. in spring) could contribute as a complementary action to mitigate seasonality.