
1 Introduction and Literature Review

Seasonality in tourism, characterized by temporal imbalances and uneven tourist flows, is a recognized challenge [1] that gives rise to adverse economic and socio-cultural consequences in off-peak periods, and environmental repercussions during peak seasons [1,2,3]. This phenomenon, which has undergone extensive examination including its definition, distinct characteristics, reasons, effects and strategies aimed at alleviating its impact on tourism destination, is a prominent characteristic of tourism. The current study will try to shed light on the evolution of policies and strategies proposed in academic literature between 2003 and 2023 to address tourism seasonality and will present outcomes from literature analyzed further below.

2 Research Methodology

This paper implements a literature review methodology to identify, assess, and synopsize relevant studies on seasonality in tourism. The review focuses on academic literature published between 2003 and 2023, exploring policies and strategies aimed at addressing seasonality’s impact on the tourism industry. The selected articles are analyzed based on their year of publication and the policies proposed, enabling the identification of trends and advancements in understanding and managing tourism seasonality. Articles on tourism seasonality were gathered from academic databases using a content analysis approach by searching the keywords “seasonality in tourism”, “tourism seasonality policies” and “mitigating seasonality in tourism”. Although this paper mainly discusses recent trends, earlier papers, particularly those published before 2010, were used to establish a foundation and historical context for understanding the evolution of policies and strategies addressing tourism seasonality over the specified period. The following research questions were explored: (1) What are the prevailing policies and strategies proposed in academic literature to address seasonality in tourism from 2003 to 2023? (2) How have recent trends in understanding and managing tourism seasonality influenced the development of policies and strategies over the specified period? (3) How have the approaches to understand and manage tourism seasonality evolved over the past two decades? The selection of the articles was based on their relevance to describing policies to tackle seasonality. The articles were then categorized by proposed policies and strategies on addressing tourism seasonality.

3 Findings and Discussion

This study aims to shed light on the evolving landscape of mitigating tourism seasonality. The selected papers have been categorized based on the policies suggested and the year of publication. Table 1 serves as a repository of insights drawn from scholarly contributions during the specified period. It presents a chronological overview of key policies and strategies proposed by various authors to mitigate seasonality, providing valuable insights into the progressions of trends and strategies aimed at transforming the dynamics of tourism seasonality.

Table 1 Policies and strategies for mitigating tourism seasonality (2003–2023)

Turning the focus towards addressing the questions that guide this study, we begin by examining the range of policies and strategies aimed at addressing tourism seasonality. These include re-branding destinations for year-round appeal, developing niche and special interest tourism activities, promoting cultural and business events during off-peak seasons, emphasizing the importance of innovation, enhancing transportation infrastructure and connectivity, fostering collaboration between public and private sectors, implementing differential pricing and tax incentives, extending peak seasons, and offering alternative and special interest tourism products.

Recent trends in understanding and managing tourism seasonality have led to a shift in focus from merely extending the traditional peak season to adopting more holistic approaches, emphasizing the significance of collaboration among stakeholders and integrating sustainable practices.

Finally, initial approaches primarily revolved around extending the peak season and redistributing demand through staggered holidays or events. However, there is a shift now towards focusing on year-round attraction rather than solely extending peak seasons, including the enhancement of the overall tourism experience and the integration of local communities and stakeholders.

4 Conclusion and Implications

This paper extends the current knowledge by providing valuable insights into the evolution of approaches and trends in understanding and managing seasonality. The findings emphasize a shift from traditional methodologies focused on extending peak seasons to a more nuanced and holistic perspective that integrates sustainability, collaboration, and enhanced visitor experiences. It contributes to the field by offering a better understanding of the diverse approaches that have been proposed to address this complicated phenomenon, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, sustainability and local engagement. As regards the practical implications, this study acts as a guide for policymakers to make informed decisions in tackling the challenges posed by tourism seasonality.

5 Limitations and Future Research Directions

The focus of this study was primarily on policies and strategies while practical implementation challenges and stakeholder perceptions of these policies were not examined. Case studies and empirical investigations are needed to confirm the outcomes of these mitigation strategies in various tourism destinations. Also, future studies could explore the impacts and outcomes of the identified policies within different regional contexts to check their potential and effectiveness.