
1 Introduction

The world is rapidly changing, and the transportation and mobility industry is no exception. Mobility, a paramount part of modern society, helps people to access jobs, education, healthcare, and other destinations. There has been a significant shift in thinking about mobility, with a growing emphasis on sustainability and the need to reduce the environmental consequence of transportation. Mobility is an essential aspect of modern society, encompassing everything from personal transportation to public transit, logistics, and infrastructure. With the rapid advancements in technology, mobility is undergoing a significant transformation, with new technologies and services emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way we move [1,2,3]. Mobility has seen a surge in development over the past few decades, and it is worthwhile to follow the latest trends in recent years.

One of the most significant development and trends in mobility is the transition toward electric vehicles (EVs) from internal combustion engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are powered by batteries rather than fossil fuels, and they produce zero emissions while in operation [1, 4, 5]. Thus, EVs are more sustainable options compared to traditional fuel-powered vehicles. Additionally, the cost reduction of batteries and advancements in charging infrastructure make EVs a more reasonable choice for all people.

Furthermore, another trend in mobility is the rise of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, which allow individuals to hail a ride from their smartphones and pay for it through the app, making transportation more accessible and convenient for many people, especially in urban areas where public transport may not be as well-developed [1, 6]. However, the convenience of ride-sharing comes with a cost, as these services have been criticized for exacerbating traffic congestion and air pollution. Also, the rise of ride-sharing has led to a decrease in public transportation and personal car ownership, which can negatively impact the environment and the economy [7]. Additionally, the employment status of ride-sharing drivers has also been a topic of debate, as some argue that they should be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. Despite these challenges, ride-sharing continues to grow in popularity and is expected to impact the future of transportation significantly.

The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: toward the electrification of mobility is presented in Sect. 1.2. Section 1.3 presents the e-mobility and future trends. Electromobility charging infrastructure is given in Sect. 1.4. Section 1.5 discusses the importance of 5G technology in mobility and its applications. Finally, the future trends in mobility are presented in Sect. 1.6.

2 Toward the Electrification of Mobility

Electrification will play an essential role in the modification of the transportation and mobility industry and has offered major opportunities in recent years, including the environmental impacts and CO2 emission reductions of transportation [1, 4]. In general, mobility electrification refers to the use of electric power for transportation, such as electric vehicles, electric bikes, and electric scooters. The shift to e-mobility has been increasing in recent years; however, several factors, as presented in Fig. 1.1, enhance such a transition.

Fig. 1.1
An illustration of driving mobility electrification. It includes government policies, advancement in technology, increase in charging infrastructure, and growing consumer demand.

Factors driving mobility electrification

Several factors reinforce mobility electrification as follows [7,8,9]:

Government policies and incentives: Many countries have implemented policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, such as tax breaks, grants, and subsidies.

Advancements in technology: The new development and improvements in battery technology have directed to cost reduction of batteries. Also, the introduction of new modules of fast and ultrafast charging has surpassed the so-called “range anxiety” issue of new e-mobility customers. Thus, electric vehicles are a more reasonable and affordable option for a wider range of customers.

Growing consumer demand: The transportation sector is one of the main responsible actors for climate emissions. As the concerns about climate change have grown, more people have become aware of the negative environmental impact of transportation as well. Therefore, more consumers have been choosing e-mobility, particularly electric vehicles, which are considered a sustainable alternative compared to traditional ones.

Increase in charging infrastructure: Governments and private companies are investing in the development and expansion of charging stations, both in residential and public spots, to sustain the growth of e-mobility. These investments resulted in finding more charging stations in cities and on roads in many countries.

Government and industry entities will persist in working together to promote further mobility electrifications in various areas. The availability of charging infrastructures requires to be expanded to provide more convenience for consumers to charge their EVs outside their homes as well. The improvement in the range and performance of electric vehicles reduces consumer concerns about long-distance travel with electric vehicles. The development of a thorough strategy for end-of-life battery management minimizes the environmental impact of EV batteries. Finally, customers’ concerns regarding the cost, recent advances in electric vehicle performance, and sustainability of e-mobility need to be constantly updated.

3 E-Mobility and Future Trends

E-mobility refers to any means of transportation (electric vehicles, electric bikes, electric scooters) that work by electric power. E-mobility is considered a sustainable option compared to conventional diesel and gasoline vehicles since it produces no emissions while in operation and can be powered by renewable energy sources (RESs) such as wind and solar energy, which significantly reduce the carbon footprint of transportation.

E-mobility is a promising solution for decreasing harmful pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. However, maximizing the environmental benefits of e-mobility depends on the source of electric energy used to charge the vehicles, the manufacturing process of EVs, and the disposal of the battery at the end of its life span. Additionally, more strategies are required to achieve zero-emission transportation than only the transition to e-mobility, including sustainable urban planning, bike-sharing, and expanding public transportation systems to decrease the overall dependence on personal motorcars.

One of the main trends in e-mobility is the increasing adoption of electric vehicles since battery technology has advanced; the cost of batteries decreased from $1000 per kWh in 2010 to $227 per kWh in 2016, and it is predicted that it will be lower than $100 per kWh by 2030 [10]. As a result of the reduction in battery costs, the number of electric vehicles on the roads has significantly increased. Many countries, such as European countries, have set ambitious targets for replacing traditional cars with electric versions in the coming years. Another trend in e-mobility is the development of charging infrastructure. As more electric vehicles are in operation, it becomes increasingly necessary to have a reliable and convenient charging infrastructure. Many governmental and private companies are investing in developing charging stations, both in residential and public, to satisfy future needs of charging e-mobilities ubiquitously.

Further development in e-mobility technology is expected to emerge in the near future, as it is summarized in Fig. 1.2. Currently, EVs have a limited driving range; however, since there are many advancements in battery technology and capacity, EVs are expected to have a more extended driving range. Ultrafast and wireless charging are other important predictions in e-mobility technology to provide more convenience for drivers to charge their vehicles on the go or without physical connections [11]. Smart charging technology allows scheduling the electric vehicles charging smartly, considering the electricity demands and prices or the electric grid pressure in peak hours. Another interesting aspect of the future of e-mobility is vehicle-to-everything (V2X) solutions that enable EVs to transmit their surplus energy to electric grids, houses, buildings, or any other energy consumption destinations [12, 13]. Finally, thanks to advanced artificial intelligence, autonomous electric vehicles will not only increase the efficiency of mobility but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Fig. 1.2
An illustration of future of e mobility. It includes wireless charging, ultra fast charging, smart charging, electric autonomous vehicles, and vehicle to everything.

Expected future trends in e-mobility

The future of e-mobility includes using electric vehicles and steady technological advancements to support them. As the demand for electric vehicles grows, the development of charging infrastructure will become increasingly important. In the future, it is expected to see more convenient and efficient charging options such as wireless charging, ultrafast charging stations, and even faster home charging systems. Furthermore, electric vehicles will be integrated with autonomous and connected vehicle technologies, allowing for more seamless integration into smart cities and a more efficient transportation system with zero carbon emissions.

4 Electromobility Charging Infrastructure

The charging infrastructure for e-mobility is defined as the charging stations and equipment required to charge electric vehicles, including both home charging and public charging stations. The accessibility and availability of charging infrastructure are the key factors in speeding up the transition to e-mobility. Table 1.1 presents the different current types of charging infrastructure [4, 14, 15]. Level 1 charging is the slowest and safest type of charging, usually used for overnight charging at home. Level 2 charging charges an EV in several hours and is widely operated in public charging stations. Finally, DC fast charging harnesses high power in order to recharge an electric vehicle (EV) in a few minutes. This type requires a specific protection system for monitoring and communication between EV charging equipment and the vehicle.

Table 1.1 Different types of charging infrastructure

There are several challenges and limitations associated with the expansion of charging infrastructure:

  • High costs: The installation and maintenance of charging stations can be expensive, and governments and private companies may solely be keen to invest in them if they guarantee adequate demand. Therefore, identification of best locations for charging stations and choosing the best charging infrastructure type are necessary to address this concern.

  • Limited accessibility: In some locations, mainly remote regions or rural, it can be challenging to install charging stations due to a lack of available electricity or other infrastructure.

  • Charging station compatibility: There is no universal standard for EV charging; for example, the EV plug-in type or charging connector differs across geographies and models. Thus, not all charging stations are compatible with all EVs in operation, which can cause inconveniences and confusion for customers.

Governmental and industrial organizations have strong cooperation to overcome these challenges by developing comprehensive solutions and actions. For instance, many countries focus on standardizing charging equipment to ensure compatibility with all EVs. Also, many funds are offered to research and development divisions so as to improve charging station technology and reduce the costs of creation, installation, and maintenance.

5 5G Application in Mobility

5G, the fifth and newest generation of mobile technology, has the potential to significantly impact various aspects of society, particularly in terms of mobility [16,17,18,19,20]. Some of the key applications of 5G in mobility include the following:

  • Connected vehicles: 5G networks offer faster and more reliable connectivity compared to previous versions, making it possible for vehicles to communicate with each other and with infrastructure in real time. Consequently, it can improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and make it possible for vehicles to drive themselves.

  • Remote driving: 5G networks have low latency, high bandwidth, and ultra-reliability, which enables the remote control of vehicles and equipment in real time; thus, using 5G enables remote driving and operation of vehicles in dangerous or difficult environments.

  • Intelligent transportation systems: 5G networks can enable the real-time collection and analysis of data from traffic cameras, sensors, and other sources, allowing for the optimization of traffic flow and the reduction of congestion.

  • Automated transportation: The high-speed, low-latency connectivity of 5G networks can support the communication and connectivity needed to operate automated transportation systems, such as drones, self-driving cars, and autonomous buses.

  • Enhanced safety: 5G networks can enable communication between vehicles, infrastructure, and passengers to improve the overall safety of transportation by allowing real-time data exchange and providing faster response times and more accurate information necessary for safety issues.

  • In-vehicle experiences: 5G networks enable faster and more dependable connectivity inside vehicles, promoting new services such as infotainment, online shopping, and streaming high-definition videos. Additionally, 5G networks can provide passengers with high-speed Internet access, allowing them to work or entertain themselves during their journey.

5G networks have the potential to revolutionize mobility by making transportation safer, more efficient, and more convenient. The technology promotes the development of new applications such as connected and automated vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and enhanced in-vehicle experiences, which can help reduce congestion and improve traffic flow and overall mobility ventures.

6 Future Trends

It is likely to see the continued development and expansion of electric vehicles and ride-sharing services in the future. Besides, various other trends are expected to shape the future of mobility, which are listed below.

  • Autonomous vehicles: Self-driving vehicles have the great potential to diminish traffic congestion and accident while additionally making transportation more reliable and accessible to people who are incapable of driving, such as the disabled or elderly. Many scientists and companies are actively working on developing autonomous vehicles, such as Tesla, Uber, and Waymo.

  • Connected vehicles: The advances on the Internet of things and communication technologies, such as 5G, connect vehicles through their sensors and communication devices [16]. The connected vehicles communicate with other vehicles and infrastructures, including traffic lights and road signs, to relieve traffic congestion and enhance the mobility flow.

  • Micromobility: Micromobilities, lightweight vehicles such as electric scooters and bikes, are created for short trips and are becoming increasingly widespread in urban areas to save time and traffic. Furthermore, they are convenient options that not only reduce traffic congestion but also minimize the negative environmental impact of traditional transportation.

  • MaaS (mobility as a service): MaaS is an emerging concept that enables the provisioning of transport services with a single access point for all different types of mobility, including public transportation, bike- and car-sharing, taxis, ride-hailing, and more [21, 22]. Many mobility companies leverage joint digital channels or applications, enabling people to plan and book rides to discourage private vehicle ownership. One of the interesting ideas of MaaS is that users pay a monthly fee to access transportation services rather than pay for each means of mobility separately. Implementing the MaaS concept or eMaaS reduces traffic congestion and lowers pollution.

  • Hyperloop: Hyperloop is a high-speed ground transportation system that uses magnetic levitation technology to move passengers and cargo at speeds up to 1130 km per hour. This system includes connected mobility hubs worldwide through a network of tubes that pods can move in a vacuum at ultrahigh speeds. This concept still needs to be developed because of the limitation of nowadays technology and safety issues. Hyperloop can solve the problem of long-distance travel.

The future of mobility is likely characterized by a shift toward more sustainable and efficient forms of transportation, such as electric vehicles, and micromobility options, such as bicycles and e-scooters. Integrating autonomous vehicles and connected vehicle technologies is also expected to play a key role in shaping the future of mobility. The concept of mobility as a service (MaaS) is also gaining popularity, where transportation is seen as a service and not just a product, allowing for a more seamless, integrated, and convenient user experience. Hyperloop technology, which uses high-speed trains in vacuum-sealed tubes, is also being researched and developed as a new transportation mode. The 5G networks will also play a vital role in the future of mobility by enabling new services such as automated transportation and in-vehicle connectivity. On the other hand, as ride-sharing services become more prevalent, they are likely to significantly impact the way we move around cities, reducing the need for personal car ownership and changing the way we think about transportation. These technological and transportation advancements will significantly help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution and increase accessibility.