1.1 Definition of Engineering Education

Engineering is a broad discipline that applies scientific and mathematical principles to design, develop, build, and maintain structures, machines, systems, and processes. It involves the application of technical knowledge and skills to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions for various fields and industries.

Engineers use their expertise to bridge the gap between scientific theories and practical applications. They apply scientific principles, such as physics and mathematics, along with their understanding of materials, mechanics, and systems to design, analyze, and improve technological systems.

Engineering encompasses various specialties or fields, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, computer engineering, and many more (Fig. 1.1). Each field focuses on specific areas and applications. Still, they all share a common goal of designing and creating solutions that meet specific needs or objectives.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

Engineering fields (in alphabetical order)

Engineers are involved in all project stages, from research and planning to design, construction, testing, production, and maintenance. They work collaboratively with professionals from other disciplines and industries to ensure their designs are safe, efficient, and cost-effective.

The impact of engineering can be seen in numerous aspects of everyday life, from the construction of buildings and infrastructure to developing transportation systems, communication networks, medical devices, renewable energy technologies, and much more. Engineers play a crucial role in driving technological advancements and shaping our world.

Engineering education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies in the various fields of engineering. It involves formal study and training that prepares individuals to become professional engineers. Engineering education typically occurs at universities, colleges, or technical institutions and follows a structured curriculum.

The main objective of engineering education is to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics, science, and engineering principles. Students learn theoretical concepts and practical applications through lectures, laboratory work, and hands-on projects. The curriculum typically includes courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, and specialized engineering disciplines based on the student’s chosen field.

Engineering education also emphasizes problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and design principles. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to solve complex engineering problems and develop innovative solutions. They may also learn about project management, teamwork, communication skills, and ethical considerations in engineering practice.

In addition to classroom learning, engineering education often includes internships, co-op programs, or industry collaborations, allowing students to gain practical experience and apply their skills in real-world settings. These opportunities enhance students’ understanding of engineering practice and provide valuable exposure to professional work environments.

Ultimately, engineering education aims to produce competent and well-rounded engineers capable of designing, analyzing, and implementing solutions to address societal needs and challenges in various engineering fields.

1.2 The Role of Engineering Education

Engineering education plays a vital role in shaping the modern world by providing individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to solve complex problems, develop innovative technologies, and improve the quality of life of people worldwide. A well-trained engineering workforce can improve innovation and technology development, thus increasing competitiveness in the global market [1]. In addition, engineering education is critical for developing new products, processes, and services necessary for sustainable economic growth [2].

Engineering education faces several challenges (Fig. 1.2) that must be addressed to prepare graduates for the future. The engineering education system must keep up with the latest technological advancements, promote industry-academia collaboration, provide quality education, promote diversity and inclusion, and provide opportunities for lifelong learning to produce skilled and competent engineers who can meet the demands of the industry.

Fig. 1.2
figure 2

Challenges for engineering education

The engineering curriculum should be updated regularly to reflect the latest technological advancements. The engineering education system must ensure that graduates possess the skills and knowledge to face the challenges of the ever-evolving technological landscape [3]. It requires the development of new courses, the integration of emerging technologies into the curriculum, and the identification of new areas of research.

The lack of collaboration between industry and academia is a significant challenge in engineering education. The industry needs skilled professionals to remain competitive, and academia needs to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. Collaboration between these two sectors can help bridge the gap and provide students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience [4].

Quality education is critical to the success of engineering students [5]. However, many institutions struggle to provide students with quality education due to factors such as lack of funding, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of qualified faculty. These factors can have a detrimental effect on the quality of education provided to students. As a result, graduates may not possess the necessary skills to excel in the industry.

The engineering field lacks diversity [5], with a low representation of women and underrepresented minorities. This lack of diversity limits the perspectives and ideas that students can bring to the table, hindering the development of innovative solutions to engineering problems. The engineering education system must take steps to address this challenge by promoting diversity and inclusion and providing equal opportunities for all students.

The engineering field constantly evolves, and engineers must continually improve their skills and knowledge to remain competitive. The engineering education system must incorporate lifelong learning opportunities [6] into the curriculum to ensure that graduates are prepared to meet the demands of the ever-changing technological landscape.

1.3 Labor Market Requirements

In today’s rapidly changing technological landscape, engineering graduates face increasing demands from the labor market. Industry requires skilled professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the modern world. To meet the demands of the labor market, engineering graduates need to possess several essential skills. These skills include but are not limited to technical knowledge; problem-solving skills; communication skills; collaboration skills.

Engineering graduates must have a strong foundation in technical knowledge related to their field of study. It includes knowledge of the latest technologies and tools used in the industry.

Engineering graduates must possess excellent problem-solving skills to tackle the challenges faced by the industry. They must be able to identify problems, analyze data, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

Communication skills are critical for engineering graduates, as they need to be able to communicate effectively with team members, clients, and stakeholders. They must be able to present their ideas and findings clearly and concisely.

Engineering graduates must be able to work effectively in teams, collaborate with colleagues, and build strong working relationships.

Regarding technical skills in mechanical engineering, which play a vital role in various industries, some key areas of labor market demands are described below (Fig. 1.3).

Fig. 1.3
figure 3

Key areas of labor market demands

The advent of advanced manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing, computer numerical control (CNC) machining, and robotic automation, has significantly influenced the labor market demands for mechanical engineers. There is a growing need for engineers who can design and optimize manufacturing processes, work with robotic systems, and integrate automation solutions for increased productivity and efficiency.

The global focus on sustainability and environmental conservation has led to an increased demand for mechanical engineers who can develop and implement sustainable solutions. It includes designing energy-efficient systems, developing renewable energy technologies, optimizing resource utilization, and ensuring environmental compliance in manufacturing processes.

Mechanical engineers with expertise in thermal and fluid systems are highly sought after in industries such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), automotive, aerospace, and energy.

Integrating robotics and mechatronics into various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation, has created a demand for mechanical engineers with expertise in these areas. The labor market highly values the ability to design and control robotic systems, develop intelligent machines, and integrate mechanical and electronic components.

Mechanical engineers play a crucial role in product design and development. There is a demand for graduates who can conceptualize, design, and prototype innovative products, conduct feasibility studies, and apply engineering principles to ensure the final product’s functionality, reliability, and manufacturability.

In conclusion, the labor market demands for engineering graduates are constantly evolving, and engineering education institutions need to prepare students to meet these demands by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills. It requires a collaborative effort between the industry and academia to bridge the gap and ensure that engineering graduates possess the skills required to succeed in the workforce.

1.4 New Technologies in Engineering Education

Engineering education has long relied on traditional teaching methods such as lectures, textbooks, and hands-on projects. Many generations of engineers have clearly proven that these methods are effective. However, with the advent of new technologies such as augmented reality (AR) [7], mixed reality (MR) [8], and virtual reality (VR) [9], there is an opportunity to change the way engineering education is conducted and improve its effectiveness by increasing student engagement and presenting complex issues more clearly.

The AR and VR market is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. With technological advancements and increasing adoption across various industries, the market is projected to expand steadily. According to forecasts, the AR and VR market is estimated to continue its upward trajectory, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 48.8% from 2020 to 2025, with estimated revenue reaching 161.1 billion by 2025 [10].

These technologies belong to the reality-virtuality continuum [11] and are increasingly used for entertainment and as a tool that supports education. The reality-virtuality continuum is a concept that represents the spectrum of experiences ranging from the physical reality we perceive to the virtual reality that is entirely computer-generated.

At one end of the continuum is a physical reality, which refers to the real-world environment we perceive through our senses. It includes the tangible objects, people, and events that exist in the physical world. In this state, our experiences are entirely grounded in the real world, and our senses provide us with direct and unmediated information.

Moving along the continuum, we encounter augmented reality (AR), which blends virtual elements with the physical environment. AR technology has significantly impacted engineering education, improving students’ understanding of engineering concepts and enhancing their problem-solving skills. Engineering education institutions embrace AR technology to improve teaching methodologies and prepare students for the labor market. AR overlays computer-generated sensory inputs, such as visuals, sounds, or haptic feedback, onto our real-world perception. This technology enhances our perception and understanding of the physical environment by providing additional information or digital content that augments our senses. Examples of AR applications include smartphone apps that overlay virtual information on real-time camera views.

Further, along the continuum, we reach mixed reality (MR), also known as hybrid reality. MR merges virtual objects with the physical environment to allow users to interact with both. Unlike AR, which overlays virtual content onto the physical world, MR seamlessly integrates virtual and real-world elements, creating an environment where physical and digital objects coexist and interact in real time. This technology enables users to perceive and manipulate virtual objects as part of the physical world, leading to immersive and interactive experiences.

Finally, at the far end of the continuum is virtual reality (VR), which completely replaces the physical world with a computer-generated virtual environment. VR technology uses head-mounted displays (HMDs) and other sensory devices to create an immersive and interactive digital world that users can explore and experience by users. In VR, users are fully immersed in a computer-generated environment, and their physical surroundings are blocked out, leading to a higher sense of presence and immersion.

The reality-virtuality continuum provides a framework for understanding the different levels of immersion and interaction between the real and virtual worlds. It illustrates how technology can augment or modify our perception of reality, from enhancing our real-world experiences with virtual content (AR) to fully immersing us in virtual environments (VR). This continuum has significant implications for various fields, including entertainment, education, training, simulation, and communication, as it offers a range of possibilities to create diverse and engaging experiences.

One of the key benefits of using AR, MR, and VR in engineering education is that they allow students to visualize and interact with complex concepts more tangibly. For example, using AR technology, students can view and manipulate 3D models of complex engineering structures and systems, which can help them better understand how they work. MR technology can enable students to visualize the integration of virtual and physical components in real time, providing a more comprehensive understanding of complex engineering concepts.

Another benefit of using AR, MR, and VR in engineering education is that they can provide a more immersive and interactive learning experience. It can increase student engagement and motivation, improving learning outcomes [12]. For example, VR technology can simulate real-world scenarios, allowing students to practice and apply their engineering skills in a safe and controlled environment [13]. Furthermore, AR, MR, and VR technologies can promote collaboration and interdisciplinary learning [14]. Students can engage in virtual teamwork and co-create solutions to engineering challenges, regardless of their physical location. These technologies also facilitate access to global expertise and resources, allowing students to learn from industry experts and interact with virtual simulations of real-world engineering projects. Collaborative learning experiences enhance problem-solving and communication skills, expose students to diverse perspectives, and promote innovation.

However, implementing AR, MR, and VR in engineering education also presents challenges [15]. One challenge is the cost of developing and implementing immersive content. Creating high-quality immersive content requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can be expensive. However, in recent years, the cost of AR/VR/MR devices has dropped significantly and is no longer such an obstacle as it used to be [16]. Another challenge is the need for specialized training for instructors and students to use these technologies effectively.

Despite these challenges, there is growing evidence of the effectiveness of AR, MR, and VR in engineering education. Studies have shown that AR technology improves student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes [17], indicating the potential of AR technology to improve engineering education. Similarly, studies found that using VR technology improved engineering students’ learning outcomes and participation in the classroom [18].

Regarding MR technology, the study found that with the support of MR technology, students’ abilities in geometric analysis and creativity were significantly improved, especially in their model visualization ability [19].

Immersive technologies such as AR, MR, and VR have the potential to revolutionize engineering education, making it more effective in various ways. These cutting-edge technologies give students a tangible understanding of complex engineering concepts, increase their engagement and motivation, and offer invaluable hands-on experience. Despite potential challenges in implementation, the overwhelming evidence suggests that immersive technologies present effective solutions to the primary obstacles faced by engineering education institutions.

By incorporating immersive technologies into their curricula, engineering education institutions can improve traditional teaching methods and offer hands-on experiential learning opportunities. Moreover, these technologies significantly enhance student engagement and motivation. The findings clearly indicate the need for engineering education institutions to consider embracing AR, MR, and VR seriously. By doing so, these institutions can unlock new dimensions of learning, empower students with practical knowledge, foster creativity and innovation, and ultimately better equip graduates for the dynamic and evolving landscape of the engineering field.

In summary, immersive technologies hold great potential for revolutionizing engineering education. They offer a more tangible understanding of complex concepts, enhance student engagement and motivation, and provide valuable hands-on experience. By embracing these technologies, engineering education institutions can create a transformative learning environment that prepares students to excel in the challenges and opportunities of the modern engineering industry. Therefore, engineering education institutions must adopt immersive technologies as a means to improve teaching quality and better equip students for the changing demands of the labor market.

1.5 Further Development of Engineering Education

Engineering education is continuously evolving to meet the changing demands of society and industry. As engineering becomes more complex and interconnected, there is a growing emphasis on interdisciplinary education. Integrating knowledge and skills from multiple engineering disciplines and incorporating principles from other fields like computer science, biology, and social sciences can better prepare engineers to address real-world problems that require a multidisciplinary approach.

Project-based learning approaches are gaining popularity in engineering education. These approaches involve students working on hands-on, open-ended projects that simulate real-world engineering challenges. This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and communication abilities, as students apply their knowledge to solve complex problems.

Experiential learning methods, such as internships, co-op programs, and industry collaborations, provide students with practical, real-world experience. These opportunities expose students to the challenges and intricacies of engineering practice, allowing them to apply their knowledge in professional settings and develop a deeper understanding of industry expectations.

In addition to technical knowledge, engineering education places greater importance on developing soft skills. Effective communication, teamwork, leadership, ethical considerations, and cultural competence are crucial for engineers collaborating with diverse teams, managing projects, and engaging with stakeholders. Integrating these skills into the engineering curriculum helps produce well-rounded professionals.

Engineering education must keep pace with emerging technologies. Integrating topics like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, robotics, data science, and sustainable design into the curriculum helps students understand and leverage these technologies in their future engineering careers.

Efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in engineering education are crucial. Encouraging participation from underrepresented groups, promoting equal opportunities, and creating inclusive learning environments can help address the existing gender and diversity gaps in engineering and foster a more diverse and inclusive engineering workforce.

By embracing these developments and adapting to the changing needs of society, engineering education can produce highly skilled, adaptable, and socially conscious engineers who are equipped to tackle the complex challenges of the future.