For curves \(\gamma \colon [a,b] \to \mathbb {R}^n\) there is an analog \(\kappa \colon [a,b] \to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)of the curvature function of a plane curve. In the context of unit speed curves, this function \(\kappa \) determines \(\gamma \) up to an orientation-preserving rigid motion of \(\mathbb {R}^n\). Before we can define \(\kappa \), we have to study parallel normal vector fields along a curve in \(\mathbb {R}^n\).

1 Parallel Transport

Definition 4.1

Let \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) be an immersion with unit tangent field \(T\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\). Then a smooth map \(Z\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) is called a normal field for \(\gamma \) if

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \langle Z(x),T(x)\rangle =0\end{aligned}$$

for all \(x\in [a,b]\). The \((n-1)\)-dimensional linear subspace \(T(x)^\perp \) is called the normal space of \(\gamma \) at x.

If \(Z\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) is a normal field for \(\gamma \), then we can split its derivative \(Z'\) into its tangential part and its normal part:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Z'=\lambda T + W\end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}\) is a smooth function and W is another normal field. It turns out that \(\lambda (x)\) can be computed from \(Z(x)\) alone, without taking the derivative of Z: differentiating the expression \(\langle Z,T\rangle =0\) we obtain

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \lambda=\langle Z',T\rangle = -\langle Z,T'\rangle.\end{aligned}$$

The scalar product \(\langle Z',Z\rangle =\frac {1}{2}\langle Z,Z\rangle '\) measures how the length of Z changes along \(\gamma \). A component of \(Z'\) orthogonal to Z and T indicates a rotation of Z around the tangent T. If Z has constant length and there is no such twisting, Z is called parallel:

Definition 4.2

A normal field\(Z\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) along a curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) with unit tangent field \(T\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) is called parallel if there is a function \(\lambda \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}\) such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Z'=\lambda T.\end{aligned}$$

There is a parallel normal field Z for every immersion \(\gamma \) and all such fields come in an \((n-1)\)-parameter family:

Theorem 4.3

Given a vector\(W\in T(a)^\perp \)in the normal space of a curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)at a, there is a unique parallel normal field\(Z\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)of\(\gamma \)such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Z(a)=W.\end{aligned}$$

If\(Z,Y\)are two parallel normal fields along\(\gamma \), their scalar product\(\langle Z,Y\rangle \)is constant.


If Z is a parallel normal vector field along \(\gamma \) with \(Z(a)=W\), then differentiating the equation \(\langle Z,T\rangle =0\) yields \(\langle Z',T\rangle + \langle Z,T'\rangle =0\) and, using \(Z'=-\langle Z,T'\rangle T\), we see that Z solves the linear initial value problem

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Z(a)&=W \\ Z'&=\langle Z,T\rangle T' -\langle Z,T'\rangle T.\end{aligned} $$

By the Picard-Lindelöf theorem, such a solution is unique, which proves the uniqueness part of our claim. For the existence part, let Z be the solution of the above initial value problem. For any further solution Y  of the above differential equation we have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \langle Z,Y\rangle'&=\langle Z',Y\rangle +\langle Z,Y'\rangle\\&= \langle \langle Z,T\rangle T'-\langle Z,T'\rangle T,Y\rangle +\langle Z, \langle Y,T\rangle T'-\langle Y,T'\rangle T\rangle\\&=0.\end{aligned} $$

and therefore the scalar product \(\langle Z,Y\rangle \) is constant. In particular, \(Y=T\) is such a solution, so \(\langle Z(a),T(a)\rangle =0\) implies \(\langle Z,T\rangle =0\). Therefore Z is a normal field, in fact a parallel one. â–ˇ

If \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) is a curve and W is a vector in \(T(a)^\perp \), for every \(x\in [a,b]\) we can use the parallel normal field Z with \(Z(a)=W\) to “transport” W to a normal vector \(Z(x)\in T(x)^\perp \). This parallel transport map

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(x)\colon T(a)^\perp \to T(x)^\perp\end{aligned}$$

is obviously linear, and by Theorem 4.3 it is in fact orthogonal, i.e. it preserves scalar products. Moreover, each normal space \(T(x)^\perp \) carries an orientation in the sense that a basis \(W_1,\ldots ,W_{n-1}\) of \(T(x)^\perp \) is called positively oriented if

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \det(W_1,\ldots,W_{n-1},T(x))>0.\end{aligned}$$

If \(W_1,\ldots ,W_{n-1}\) is a positively oriented basis of \(T(a)^\perp \) and \(Z_1,\ldots ,Z_{n-1}\) are parallel normal fields with \(Z_j(a)=Y_j\) then the map

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x\mapsto\det(Z_1(x),\ldots,Z_{n-1}(x),T(x))\end{aligned}$$

is continuous and never zero. Therefore, for all \(x\in [a,b]\) we have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \det(Z_1(x),\ldots,Z_{n-1}(x),T(x))>0\end{aligned}$$

and the map \(P(x)\) is orientation-preserving. We summarize this as follows:

Definition 4.4

Given a curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) and \(x\in [a,b]\), the orientation-preserving orthogonal map \(P(x)\colon T(a)^\perp \to T(x)^\perp \) defined above is called the parallel transport from the normal space \(T(a)^\perp \) to the normal space \(T(x)^\perp \).

By Theorem 4.3, each vector \(Z(x)\) of a parallel normal field has the same length. Therefore, we can use parallel normal fields Z in order to displace a curve \(\gamma \) by a fixed distance \(\epsilon =|Z|\), without introducing unnecessary twisting:

Definition 4.5

If Z is a parallel normal field along a curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) and the derivative of

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tilde{\gamma}=\gamma+Z\end{aligned}$$

vanishes nowhere, then the \(\tilde {\gamma }\) is called a parallel curve of \(\gamma \).

For a curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) the continuous (but not necessarily smooth) function

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \left|\frac{dT}{ds}\right|\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb{R}\end{aligned}$$

is called the absolute curvature of \(\gamma \). If \(\epsilon >0\) is such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{\epsilon}>\max \left\lbrace\,\left|\frac{dT}{ds}(x)\right|\,\, \bigg\vert\,\, x\in [a,b]\,\right\rbrace\end{aligned}$$

and Z is a parallel normal field with \(|Z|=\epsilon \) then by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \frac{d(\gamma+Z)}{ds}=\left(1+\left\langle Z,\frac{dT}{ds}\right\rangle\right)T \neq 0.\end{aligned}$$

Therefore, if we pick a vector \(W\in T(a)^\perp \) with sufficiently small norm and define Z as the parallel normal field Z with \(Z(a)=W\), then \(\gamma +Z\) will be a parallel curve for \(\gamma \).

As an application, we always visualize a curve in \(\mathbb {R}^3\) by thickening it, which means that we chose a suitable collection of \(W\in T(a)^\perp \) with small length and draw the union of the corresponding parallel normal fields. Most of the time we use a small circle centered at the origin in \(T(a)^\perp \), but different choices (as in Fig. 4.1) are also possible.

Fig. 4.1
A thickened G-shaped open curve with a hollow space at the center.

A closed curve in the normal space \(T(a)^\perp \) is used to build a thickened version of \(\gamma \) by parallel transport

2 Curvature Function of a Curve in \(\mathbb {R}^n\)

We saw in Sect. 3.1 that, up to rigid motions of \(\mathbb {R}^2\), the geometry of a unit speed curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^2\) is completely determined by its curvature function \(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}\). Here we will define a similar curvature function \(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\) for any unit speed curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\). To define \(\kappa (x)\), we use parallel transport to transfer the normal vector \(T'(x)\in T(x)^\perp \) to the normal space \(T(a)^\perp \). Afterwards we use an orthonormal basis of \(T(a)^\perp \) in order to identify \(T(a)^\perp \) with \(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\).

Theorem 4.6

Let\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)be a curve with unit tangent T and parallel transport maps\(P(x)\colon T(a)^\perp \to T(x)^\perp \). Then there is a unique smooth map\(\Psi \colon [a,b]\to T(a)^\perp \)such that for all\(x\in [a,b]\)we have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(x)(\Psi(x))=-\frac{dT}{ds}(x).\end{aligned}$$

\(\Psi \)is called theHasimoto curvatureof\(\gamma \).

See Sect. 5.3 for the details on Hasimoto’s contribution. The Hasimoto curvature determines \(\gamma \) uniquely:

Theorem 4.7

Given a point\(\mathbf {p}\in \mathbb {R}^n\), a unit vector\(S\in \mathbb {R}^n\)and a smooth map\(\Psi \colon [a,b]\to T(a)^\perp \), there is a unique unit speed curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)such that\(\gamma (a)=\mathbf {p}\), \(\gamma '(a)=S\)and\(\Psi \)is the Hasimoto curvature of\(\gamma \)(see Fig.4.2).

Fig. 4.2
A rectangular field, T of a superscript perpendicular, contains the Hashimoto curvature gamma. A trajectory from the center extends to the right and is labeled gamma.

The Hasimoto curvature \(\Psi \) of a curve \(\gamma \) indicated as a blue curve in \(T(a)^\perp \)


First we prove uniquess of \(\gamma \). Let \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) be a curve with the desired properties. Choose an orthonormal basis \(W_1,\ldots ,W_{n-1}\) of \(T(a)^\perp \) such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \det(W_1,\ldots,W_{n-1},T(a))=1\end{aligned}$$

and define \(\kappa _1,\ldots \kappa _{n-1}\) by

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \Psi=\kappa_1 W_1+\ldots + \kappa_{n-1}W_{n-1}.\end{aligned}$$

Let \(Z_1,\ldots ,Z_{n-1}\) be the parallel normal fields along \(\gamma \) such that \(Z_j(a)=W_j\) for all \(j\in \lbrace 1,\ldots ,n-1\rbrace \). Then

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (Z_1,\ldots,Z_{n-1},T)\colon[a,b]\to \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\end{aligned}$$

solves the initial value problem

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (Z_1,\ldots,Z_{n-1},T)(a)&=(W_1,\ldots,W_{n-1},S)\\ (Z_1,\ldots,Z_{n-1},T)'&=\left(\kappa_1 T,\ldots,\kappa_{n-1}T,-\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}\kappa_j Z_j\right)\end{aligned} $$

and is therefore uniquely determined by \(\mathbf {p}\), S and \(\Psi \). In particular, T is uniquely determined and so is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x\mapsto \gamma(x)=\int_a^x T.\end{aligned}$$

For existence, we can use the above initial value problem to define the vector fields \((Z_1,\ldots ,Z_{n-1},T)\). At \(x=a\) these vectors are orthonormal and their pairwise scalar products solve the system of linear differential equations

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \langle T,T\rangle'&= -2\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}\kappa_j\langle T, Z_j\rangle \\ \langle T,Z_j\rangle' &= \kappa_j\langle T,T\rangle -\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \kappa_i\langle Z_i,Z_j\rangle \\ \langle Z_i,Z_j\rangle' &= \kappa_i \langle T,Z_j\rangle +\kappa_j\langle Z_i,T\rangle. \end{aligned} $$

We can interpret this as an initial value problem for the functions \(\langle T,Z_j\rangle \), \(\langle T,T\rangle \) and \(\langle Z_i,Z_j\rangle \). The functions \(\langle T, Z_j \rangle = 0, \langle T, T\rangle = 1, \langle Z_i, Z_j\rangle = \delta _{ij}\) solve this initial value problem, and by Picard and Lindelöf such a solution is unique. Therefore, \((Z_1,\ldots ,Z_{n-1},T)\) stay orthonormal. So by integration of T we obtain a unit speed curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) with \(\gamma (a)=\mathbf {p}\) and \(\gamma '(a)=S\). \(Z_1,\ldots Z_{n-1}\) are parallel normal fields along \(\gamma \) with \(Z_j(a)=W_j\). Because we already know that \(T'=-\sum _{j=1}^{n-1}\kappa _j Z_j\), this implies that \(\Psi \) is indeed the Hasimoto curvature of \(\gamma \). □

In the above proof we used a basis of \(T(a)^\perp \) in order to turn \(\Psi \) into an \(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)-valued function \(\kappa \). This function is the promised analog of the curvature function of a plane curve:

Definition 4.8

Let \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) be a unit speed curve with unit tangent T and Hasimoto curvature \(\Psi \). Let \(W_1,\ldots ,W_{n-1}\) be a positively oriented orthonormal basis of \(T(a)^\perp \). Then the function

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \kappa \colon [a,b]\to\mathbb{R}^{n-1},\ \kappa=\begin{pmatrix}\kappa_1\\ \vdots \\ \kappa_{n-1}\end{pmatrix}\end{aligned} $$

defined by

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \Psi =\kappa_1 W_1+\ldots + \kappa_{n-1}W_{n-1}\end{aligned}$$

is called a curvature function of \(\gamma \).

In the case \(n=2\) the positively oriented orthonormal basis of \(T(a)^\perp \) mentioned in the above definition is unique, and therefore each plane curve has a unique curvature function \(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^1=\mathbb {R}\), which is the one we already encountered in Sect. 3.1. It is clear from its definition that for any n the function \(\kappa \) is at least unique up to a rotation of \(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\):

Theorem 4.9

If\(\kappa ,\tilde {\kappa }\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)are curvature functions of the same curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\), then there is an orthogonal\(((n-1)\times (n-1))\)-matrix A with\(\det A=1\)such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tilde{\kappa}=A\kappa.\end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, as in the case of curves in \(\mathbb {R}^2\), for every curvature function \(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\) there is a corresponding curve \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) and \(\gamma \) is unique up to post-composition with an orientation preserving rigid motion of \(\mathbb {R}^n\). Also the following theorem is a direct consequence of Theorem 4.7:

Theorem 4.10

Given a smooth function\(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\), there is a unit speed curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)for which\(\kappa \)is a curvature function. The curve\(\gamma \)is unique up to an orientation preserving rigid motion of\(\mathbb {R}^n\), which means that if\(\tilde {\gamma }\)is another curve having\(\kappa \)as a curvature function, then there is an orthogonal\((n\times n)\)-matrix A with\(\det A=1\)and a vector\(\mathbf {b}\in \mathbb {R}^n\)such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tilde\gamma=A\gamma +\mathbf{b}.\end{aligned}$$

3 Geometry in Terms of the Curvature Function

Let \(\gamma \colon [a,b]\,{\to }\,\mathbb {R}^n\) be a unit speed curve with unit tangent field T and \(W_1,\ldots ,W_{n-1}\) a positively oriented orthonormal basis of \(T(a)^\perp \). Let \(Z_1,\ldots ,Z_{n-1}\) be the corresponding parallel normal fields along \(\gamma \) with \(Z_j(a)=W_j\). Then we can describe every normal field Y  along \(\gamma \) in terms of a function \(y\colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\) as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Y&=y_1 Z_1+\ldots y_{n-1} Z_{n-1} \\ &=\begin{pmatrix}|&&|\\Z_1&\ldots&Z_{n-1}\\|&&|\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}y_1\\\vdots\\y_{n-1}\end{pmatrix}\\&=: Ny\end{aligned} $$

where for \(x\in [a,b]\) the matrix \(N(x)\) has the vectors \(Z_1(x),\ldots , Z_{n-1}(x)\in \mathbb {R}^n\) as its column vectors. In terms of the curvature function \(\kappa \) introduced in Definition 4.8 the derivative of Y  can be expressed as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Y'=\langle \kappa,y\rangle T+Ny'.\end{aligned}$$

In particular, for \(Y=T'\) we obtain

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} T'&=-N\kappa \\ T^{\prime\prime}&= -\langle \kappa,\kappa\rangle T -N\kappa'\\ T^{\prime\prime\prime}&=-3\langle \kappa,\kappa'\rangle T+N\left(\langle \kappa,\kappa\rangle\kappa-\kappa^{\prime\prime}\right).\end{aligned} $$

Now we are able to generalize the results we obtained in Sect. 3.3 for plane curves:

Theorem 4.11

A unit speed curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\)is torsion-free elastic if and only if there is a constant\(\lambda \in \mathbb {R}\)such that its curvature function\(\kappa \)satisfies

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \kappa^{\prime\prime}+\frac{|\kappa|{}^2}{2}\kappa +\lambda \kappa=0.\end{aligned}$$


By Theorem 2.23, \(\gamma \) is torsion-free elastic if and only if there is a constant \(\lambda \in \mathbb {R}\) such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} 0&= T^{\prime\prime\prime}+3\langle T',T^{\prime\prime}\rangle T+\frac{3}{2}\langle T',T'\rangle T' -\lambda T' \\ &=-N\left(\kappa^{\prime\prime}+\frac{|\kappa|{}^2}{2}\kappa+\lambda \kappa\right).\end{aligned} $$


Here are further examples of how the geometry of \(\gamma \) is reflected in the properties of \(\kappa \):

Theorem 4.12

Let\(\kappa \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)be a curvature function of a unit speed curve\(\gamma \colon [a,b]\to \mathbb {R}^n\). Then:

  1. (i)

    \(\kappa =0\)if and only if the image of\(\gamma \)lies on a straight line.

  2. (ii)

    \(\kappa \)is a non-zero constant if and only if the image of\(\gamma \)lies on a circle.

  3. (iii)

    The image of\(\kappa \)lies in a hyperplane through the origin of\(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)if and only if the image of\(\gamma \)lies in a hyperplane of\(\mathbb {R}^n\).

  4. (iv)

    The image of\(\kappa \)lies in a hyperplane of\(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\)that does not pass through the origin if and only if the image of\(\gamma \)lies in a hypersphere of\(\mathbb {R}^n\)(see Fig.4.3).

    Fig. 4.3
    Two images. 1. A sphere S squared on the left contains an irregular closed curve gamma. 2. A square on the right R squared has a line kappa that extends between the first and the third quadrants through the fourth quadrant.

    The curvature function \(\kappa \) of a curve on \(S^2\) lies on a straight line which does not pass through the origin


Claim (i) is obvious, since the image of a curve lies on a straight line if and only if its unit tangent T is constant. If the image of \(\kappa \) lies in a hyperplane through the origin of \(\mathbb {R}^{n-1}\), there is a unit vector \(\mathbf {a}\in \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\) such that \(\langle \mathbf {a},\kappa \rangle =0\). Then

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (N\mathbf{a})'=-\langle \kappa,\mathbf{a}\rangle=0\end{aligned}$$

so there is a fixed vector \(\mathbf {n}\in \mathbb {R}^n\) such that \(N\mathbf {a}=\mathbf {n}\). We have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \langle \mathbf{n} ,\gamma\rangle'=\langle N\mathbf{a},T\rangle =0\end{aligned}$$

and therefore the image of \(\gamma \) is contained in a hyperplane with normal vector \(\mathbf {n}\). The proof of the converse is left to the reader. This establishes (iii). For (iv), suppose that there is a unit vector \(\mathbf {a}\in \mathbb {R}^{n-1}\) and a number \(r>0\) such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \langle \mathbf{a},\kappa\rangle =\frac{1}{r}.\end{aligned}$$


$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (\gamma-rN\mathbf{a})'=T-r\langle \kappa,\mathbf{a}\rangle T=0\end{aligned}$$

so there is a fixed point \(\mathbf {m}\in \mathbb {R}^n\) such that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \gamma-rN\mathbf{a}=\mathbf{m}\end{aligned}$$

and we have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} |\gamma-\mathbf{m}|=r.\end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the image of \(\gamma \) lies on the hypersphere with center \(\mathbf {m}\) and radius r. Again, the proof of the converse is left to the reader and we have established (iv). For (ii) we use induction on n based on (iii), starting at \(n=2\) where we use (iv). â–ˇ