
1 The Relevance of Regeneration

The concept of regeneration has gained significant attention in recent years as a powerful approach to creating thriving socio-ecological systems (Konietzko et al. 2023). By embracing regenerative principles, we can effectively tackle global environmental challenges through minimising harm, restoring and revitalising ecosystems, and achieving a net positive impact (Morseletto 2022). Regeneration as a concept goes beyond narrow interpretations of sustainability and resilience. While sustainability usually focuses on meeting present needs without compromising the future (Brundtland 1987), and resilience aims to withstand and recover from disturbances (Sayer et al. 2013; Standish et al. 2014; Capdevila et al. 2021; Wyss et al. 2022), regeneration as an approach seeks to have a continuous net positive impact on the environment, health, society, and the economy (Polman and Winston 2021; Hahn and Tampe 2021). While a narrow interpretation of sustainability may concern the mitigation of negative impacts (‘less bad’), regeneration endeavours to go beyond that (Reed 2007) by actively reversing past damage through renewal, nurturing the ecosystem, and enhancing well-being (‘more good’). Regenerative approaches recognise humans as active participants in the broader ecosystem, transforming the concept of sustainability into a more comprehensive and impactful paradigm that emphasises holistic engagement and collaboration (Mang et al. 2016).

Inclusive definitions of the circular economy go beyond the efficient use of resources to also include the active improvement of the natural environment (Ellen McArthur Foundation 2013; Konietzko et al. 2020; Bocken and Geradts 2022). Regeneration has been identified as a key strategy of the circular economy by the editors of this book (Çetin et al. 2021). While other circular economy strategies typically involve minimising waste and closing material loops, regeneration adds an extra layer of value by actively restoring and revitalising ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity, and promoting the well-being of both the environment and communities. This is necessary to prevent further environmental damage, already evident in the significant decline in biodiversity (Almond et al. 2022; Naeem et al. 2022) and the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather patterns and the melting of ice caps (IPCC 2022).

Regeneration goes beyond environmental considerations as it offers comprehensive and interconnected design and construction practices that empower us to generate societal and economic benefits. Through recognising the interdependencies among domains such as finance, agriculture, design, ecology, economy, sustainability, and broader societal issues (Wahl 2016), we have the opportunity to be inspired by nature and harness its self-healing and self-organising abilities to foster symbiotic relationships with natural ecosystems (Mang and Reed 2012).

In the built environment, examples of regenerative approaches include buildings as carbon sinks, self-repairing or pollution-cleaning envelopes, green facades and roofs, the use of regenerative materials, and building approaches that support biodiversity and renewable energy generation (Konietzko et al. 2023; Churkina et al. 2020). At the 18th International Architecture Exhibition (Venice Biennale), for example, the Belgian ‘In Vivo’ pavilion showcased an innovative application of mycelium as a regenerative building material, defining regeneration as the ‘process of reversing programmed obsolescence’ (Fakharany 2023) (Fig. 15.1).

Fig. 15.1
A photograph of the square tiles placed on the walls of the Vivo pavilion. The tiles depict a rough texture comprising bright patches and dark dots of varying sizes on the surface.

The In Vivo Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. Mycelium, used as a regenerative building material, is kept alive so that the walls can self-repair

Regeneration in the built environment, however, is not limited to biological and ecological approaches. It must also actively improve both the natural environment and human activities, recognising the collaborative role of humans in the ecosystem and applying it at various scales (Attia 2018). To integrate environmental restoration, social development, economic revitalisation, and urban transformation into the built environment, we need to address social inequalities, stimulate green economic growth (Terzi 2022), and build inclusive cities in which people can co-evolve (Mang et al. 2016). Regenerative design fosters symbiosis between human activities and the natural environment, promoting ecological balance and resilience in order to create a harmonious future in which humans and nature thrive together (Watson 2019).

While models for nature regeneration have long been discussed, the consideration of regeneration as a tenable model for adoption by business and policymakers is much more recent. Konietzko et al. (2023: 1) have proposed a comprehensive definition and framework for regenerative business models to enable organisations to focus on planetary health and societal well-being. They suggest that businesses ‘create and deliver value at multiple stakeholder levels—including nature, societies, customers, suppliers and partners, shareholders and investors, and employees—through activities promoting regenerative leadership, co-creative partnerships with nature, and justice and fairness’. By doing so, businesses can aim for a net positive impact.

Although regeneration may currently seem distant from being a mainstream business practice, investing in regenerative innovations holds the potential to enhance resource security, lower costs, and gain a competitive advantage in the long run. However, achieving equitable and resilient systems requires collaboration across diverse fields (Bocken and Geradts 2022; Polman and Winston 2021). By forming partnerships and leveraging collective knowledge, we can enhance positive feedback loops to put into action principles of repair, renewal, flexibility, adaptability, harmonisation, reconciliation, and resilience within self-organising local systems. To effectively tackle uncertain challenges, it is crucial to embrace complexity, employ new tools, and consider context-specific interventions. Adopting a regenerative approach can help us address these complex problems. Such an approach has the potential to both facilitate adaptation to climate change (e.g. through the cooling effects of green roofs) and serve as a means of mitigating and repairing environmental damage (e.g. through emissions-capturing facade materials or natural habitat-improving design).

Designing buildings in a regenerative manner is crucial not only for the welfare of the natural environment but also for human health (Coady 2020). Climate change-induced heat waves, storms, air pollution, and contamination directly affect human well-being. Incorporating nature-inspired elements and strategies into building design, such as natural landscapes, natural ventilation systems, and regenerative materials, can improve air quality, reduce pollution, and mitigate the urban heat island effect. These design approaches create healthier indoor and outdoor environments, ultimately enhancing the overall well-being of occupants. By prioritising symbiotic (i.e. mutually beneficial) relationships with nature, buildings can protect and enhance human health while fostering a regenerative future where both the environment and humanity can thrive.

2 Examples of Regeneration in the Built Environment

Several strategies can be implemented to embody the principle of regeneration in the circular built environment. These include stimulating human–nature co-habitation and local biodiversity through the creation of shared spaces. By adopting these strategies, the circular built environment can embrace regeneration as a core principle. Many examples of regenerative architecture already exist at the material, product, building, neighbourhood, and community scale.

Regenerative approaches at the material scale involve not only using sustainable and renewable materials in construction and infrastructure projects, but also developing self-repairing or environment-improving materials. The concrete of the Pantheon in Rome provides inspiration for developing materials that can heal themselves: its ‘lime clasts’ create mineral deposits, which give the concrete self-healing properties (Seymour et al. 2023). Regenerative materials should use healthy (non-hazardous) and renewable (e.g. bio-based materials) resources, such as the mycelium used for the Venice Biennale in 2023 (Heisel 2017; Bitting et al. 2022).

Regenerative strategies at the product scale focus on designing and creating products that use or generate renewable materials, turn waste into resources, and enhance the natural habitat for plants and animals. Green roofs, also referred to as living roofs or vegetated roofs, are examples of regenerative building products. Their vegetation improves air and water quality, reduces the urban heat island effect, minimises stormwater runoff, improves energy efficiency by providing insulation, and enhances aesthetics (Wang et al. 2022; Calheiros et al. 2022). Vertical gardens, green facades, and urban farming have similar regenerative benefits (Rodrigues do Amaral 2020). One example is building materials that capture greenhouse gas emissions from the air (Dring and Schwaag 2021). Through the conversion of wood waste into biochar, a negative emissions technology, CO2 stored by trees remains permanently locked in a stable form. Such materials replace environmentally harmful substances in a true end-of-life solution, as materials can safely return to the earth or be transformed into biochar after decades of use. Finally, facades and roofs can also be products that generate and store renewable energy locally in communities (e.g. through solar power). In fostering sustainable and equitable access to clean energy, these products empower communities and contribute to the restoration, self-sufficiency, and well-being of both the natural environment and its inhabitants.

Regenerative practices at the building scale aim to create structures that actively contribute to environmental enhancement and improve the quality of life of the occupants, for example, through on-site renewable energy generation, water conservation and treatment, natural lighting, and ventilation. Vernacular architecture often incorporates passive systems that achieve regeneration goals, while integrating digital technologies has the potential to further enhance outcomes, if done well. While achieving a completely regenerative building is challenging, there are notable instances in which buildings have incorporated regenerative systems, such as integrating on-site renewable energy generation, using smart sensors to adjust lighting and climate based on occupancy, harvesting rainwater, and generally setting new standards for environmental responsibility in terms of design and operation. One example of such a building is The Edge in Amsterdam (Wakefield 2016; Jalia et al. 2022).

Regenerative approaches at the neighbourhood scale enhance social equity, resilience, and environmental well-being through natural landscape design, walkability, public transportation, and regenerative infrastructure. Regeneration involves holistic urban planning through the integration of interconnected systems and regenerative principles into governance. Regenerative cities prioritise inclusivity, environmental restoration, and economic prosperity for all residents. For example, Singapore’s Garden City vision emphasises biodiversity, air quality, and water quality; Copenhagen’s infrastructure vision incorporates wind energy generation, walkability, cyclability, and inclusive public spaces; and Medellin’s ‘Corredores Verdes’ (Green Corridors) and electric transportation vision fosters biodiversity, inclusivity, emissions sequestration, and air pollution reduction (Newman 2014; Reflow 2022; Zingoni dec Baro 2022; Copenhagen City 2014; Future of Cities 2023).

Other regenerative strategies consider the natural environment at the community scale. Improving outdoor spaces can transform misused or unused areas into public spaces that benefit local communities. Cleaning wastewater through regenerative design strategies, for example, promotes the restoration and enhancement of ecosystems and the preservation of water resources. The East Kolkata Wetlands exemplify the regenerative design strategy of sewage management by integrating indigenous practices of aquaculture (Watson 2019). By channelling sewage through a network of interconnected ponds, these wetlands utilise the natural purification capacity of aquatic plants and microorganisms to clean the water, while simultaneously providing a fertile habitat for fish farming (Saha 2019). Other wastewater treatment technologies employ a series of tanks that support vegetation and diverse organisms. These innovative systems mimic natural wetland processes to effectively treat wastewater, fostering ecological regeneration and promoting sustainable water management practices (Watson 2019).

In the context of a regenerative built environment, Fig. 15.2. establishes a connection between the above-mentioned examples and the layers of change. Inspired by the concept of shearing layers, introduced by architect Frank Duffy and further elaborated by Stewart Brand (Brand 1995), a regenerative built environment is understood to be composed of multiple layers that can be dynamically transformed and adapted over time to enhance their environmental, social, and economic performance. The concept of shearing layers can be applied to the various components and systems of regenerative buildings, emphasising the importance of considering different rates of change and adaptability in their design and operation.

Fig. 15.2
A diagram and 6 photographs. The diagram depicts concentric pentagons over a dark thick base. The photographs are labeled as space plan, services, stuff, structures, site, and skin.

Examples of regenerative strategies for the built environment, connected to the shearing layers of Brand, clockwise starting from the upper left: (a) mycelium as interior finishes as shown in the 2023 Venice Biennale’s Belgian pavilion, (b) urban farming systems (© BIGH), (c) mycelium equipment such as lamps (© PermaFungi), (d) solar and green roofs (© Biosolar Roofs), (e) aquaculture (© Anku), and (f) living root bridges (© Arshiya Urveeja Bose)

Reinstating the symbiotic coexistence between nature and the man-made world involves dissolving the boundaries that separate the two realms (Sayer et al. 2013; Watson 2019; Wyss et al. 2022). Throughout history, ancient buildings have harmoniously responded to climate, ecology, culture, and location (Wahl 2016). Such structures use natural methods of heating, cooling, ventilation, and construction that have stood the test of time. These buildings became an expression of their communities, reflecting their unique surroundings. However, by contrast, modern architecture often neglects this vital relationship with the environment, resulting in a cookie-cutter approach that disregards local context. Rather than reverting to the lifestyle of our ancestors, we can embrace systems thinking to enhance traditional practices by integrating digital technologies in the construction industry, thereby improving efficiency, streamlining processes, and optimising outcomes for better project management and delivery (Binder 2007; Wyss et al. 2022).

Smart and sustainable city technologies strengthen a symbiotic relationship with the local environment and community while scaling up circular economy principles (Allam and Takun 2022; Hota et al. 2023). Net positive buildings equipped with advanced technologies can share surplus resources like energy, water, and food with their surroundings. Smart grid technologies enable ‘prosumers’ to trade surplus energy within their neighbourhoods, promoting a localised and sustainable energy ecosystem. Smart contracts, along with digital platforms like Pando, facilitate the purchase and receipt of local renewable energy within communities (Kirli et al. 2022). Smart cities can enable the efficient scaling up of regenerative architectural practices by leveraging digital technologies like smart grids, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology (Gligoric et al. 2019; Bugaj et al. 2022).

3 Digital Technologies Towards a Regenerative Built Environment

The wide array of digital technologies explored in this book has the potential to significantly contribute to a regenerative future for the built environment. Technologies that offer opportunities for stakeholders to collaborate in bringing about a more environmentally conscious and regenerative future include building information modelling (BIM), digital twinning, geographic information systems (GIS), smart cities, the Internet of Things (IoT), reality capture and scanning technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), data templates and material passports, computational design tools, digital fabrication, extended reality (XR), and blockchain, among others.

BIM and digital twins (see Chap. 1) contribute to regenerative architecture by providing a collaborative platform for stakeholders to optimise sustainable designs. By integrating data on materials, energy consumption, and life cycle analysis, BIM enables real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and resource optimisation. Digital twinning enhances this by accommodating past and present states of the building, providing temporal insights for informed decision-making. Together, BIM and digital twins support a data-driven and holistic approach to creating buildings that contribute to a regenerative future for the built environment.

GIS (see Chap. 2) supports the development of regenerative cities and regions by analysing spatial data to optimise resource flows and to conduct infrastructure planning for regenerating natural areas. By mapping and visualising natural resources, waste streams, material flows, and transportation networks, GIS enables policymakers and urban planners to locate recycling centres, optimise waste collection routes, design decentralised renewable energy systems, and predict patterns for building materials’ reuse and regeneration (Raghu et al. 2022). GIS may play a crucial role in understanding global riverbed drying, aiding in the development of improved water management strategies (Yao et al. 2023). GIS can support the implementation of regenerative practices for safeguarding and restoring watersheds in an increasingly urbanised built environment (Cotler et al. 2022). Smart cities can play a crucial role in shaping a regenerative future by leveraging intelligent infrastructure, such as smart grids, efficient transportation systems, and smart buildings. Additionally, the implementation of IoT sensors and data analytics enables real-time monitoring and analysis of various parameters, facilitating informed decision-making for resource management and urban planning. By fostering citizen engagement and participation through digital platforms, smart cities can empower individuals to actively contribute to regenerative practices and promote a sense of community ownership.

Reality capture and scan-to-BIM technologies (see Chap. 3) allow for the cataloguing of existing buildings and construction sites, including their materials and components. By creating accurate digital representations of physical assets, these technologies enable effective inventory management, as well as the monitoring and tracking of regenerative materials. Reality capture technologies also enable the precise documentation and preservation of historic structures. LiDAR scanning, for instance, can create highly detailed 3D models of heritage buildings, capturing intricate architectural details. This data can aid in the restoration process, ensuring the accurate replication of original features and materials while supporting sustainable preservation practices. Moreover, facility managers can use reality capture and scan-to-BIM to track maintenance needs and simulate scenarios to optimise building performance. This helps identify opportunities for energy savings, predictive maintenance, and resource allocation.

AI algorithms (see Chap. 4) can analyse vast amounts of data related to material properties, market demand, and life cycle analysis to predict the potential for reuse, recycling, and regeneration in the built environment (Raghu et al. 2022). By identifying patterns and trends, AI enables stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding material selection, design for disassembly, and end-of-life strategies. AI-powered systems can also optimise supply chains and enhance circularity by matching supply with demand, thus facilitating the exchange of reusable and regenerative materials and products. AI can play a significant role in creating matchmaking algorithms that facilitate regenerative architecture and infrastructure. By analysing enormous quantities of information regarding project requirements, resources, and stakeholders, AI can identify potential synergies and connections that align with regenerative principles. For example, AI can analyse geographical data – such as climate conditions, available resources, and local regulations – to tailor specific regenerative design strategies – such as integrating renewable energy systems, optimising water management techniques, or promoting biodiversity – to the unique characteristics of a location. AI can leverage its data-processing capabilities to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders. By creating platforms or algorithms that connect architects, engineers, developers, material suppliers, governments, and communities, AI can foster an exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions that drive regenerative design.

Data templates and material passports (see Chap. 5) provide standardised formats for capturing and sharing information about building materials, their composition, and their performance characteristics. By enabling the transparent exchange of information, they promote the reuse, recycling, and responsible sourcing of materials. Through the implementation of material passports, the regenerative potential of a building can be maximised, as materials can be tracked, maintained, and repurposed. Material passports can facilitate the exchange of information and thus the promotion of regenerative materials and practices. Material passports play a crucial role in maintenance and renovation by providing information about the specific materials and components used in a building. This simplifies the process of finding suitable replacements or performing repairs when needed. Material passports ensure that the building’s regenerative qualities are preserved over time, promoting long-term sustainability and minimising unnecessary waste. Material passports for regenerative materials should capture not only the initial state and properties of the material but also its regenerative capabilities. This includes information on how the material grows and responds to damage as well as its ability to self-repair or regenerate over time. The material passport should include details about monitoring and tracking the growth of regenerative materials over their lifespan. Since regenerative materials may require specific maintenance or nurturing to support their growth and regeneration, material passports should also provide guidelines for proper care and maintenance. This can include information on optimal environmental conditions, moisture levels, and any necessary interventions to support the regenerative capabilities of the material.

Computational tools (see Chap. 6), such as parametric design software and generative algorithms, empower architects and designers to optimise building designs for circularity and, in particular, regeneration. These tools enable the exploration of various design options, considering factors such as material efficiency, adaptability, and end-of-life scenarios. By integrating circular design and regenerative design principles from the early stages of a project, computational tools facilitate the creation of buildings that are easily disassembled, have low embodied carbon, and can accommodate future adaptations and regeneration. For more information regarding digital tools towards regenerative design, readers are referred to the extensive discussions by the Rethink Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy or RESTORE group (Naboni et al. 2019). In the book Regenerative Design in Digital Practice, the authors delve into the application of regenerative design principles to buildings and cities, showcasing digital computational design approaches and emphasising the importance of integrating science, big data, and multidisciplinary digital tools into the design process in order to reverse the effects of climate change and enhance the built environment.

Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing (see Chap. 7), offers opportunities to produce customised building components on demand while eliminating material waste. The 3D-printed materials can be recycled or bio-based. For example, tailored fibre placement (TFP) and coreless filament winding (CFW) techniques enable the creation of lightweight architectural solutions using natural fibre-reinforced polymers (NFRP), integrating moulds and frames as active structural elements and leveraging regenerative materials in innovative digital approaches Cutajar et al. 2020).

Robotics (see Chaps. 8 and 9) serve as transformative digital technologies for creating a regenerative built environment as they enable precision, efficiency, waste minimisation, resource use optimisation, customisation, flexibility, and adaptability to unique designs. Robotic systems facilitate scalability and replicability, promoting the widespread adoption of unique regenerative strategies. Robotic fabrication excels in handling complex geometries, enabling the realisation of intricate regenerative designs with regenerative materials. In urban farming, robotics enables a symbiotic coexistence of humans, plants, and robots in cities, integrating robotic agents with edible plants to enhance the urban environment by generating fresh food, improving the microclimate, and promoting local biodiversity (IaaC Robotic Urban Farmers 2022).

Extended reality (XR) (see Chap. 10) serves as a valuable digital technology for creating a regenerative built environment through the integration of regenerative materials and design strategies. XR technologies, including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), offer immersive and interactive experiences that enable stakeholders to visualise and experience regenerative designs before they are constructed. This enhances design collaboration, facilitates informed decision-making, harmonisation, and reconciliation within a community, and reduces the risk of costly errors. XR can simulate the performance and behaviour of regenerative materials, allowing designers to assess their impact on energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and occupant well-being. By providing a virtual testing ground, XR enables iterative design processes and the exploration of innovative regenerative solutions. Combining this with strategy gaming can enable an inclusive community decision-making process for a regenerative future. Indeed, XR can enhance user engagement and education, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of regenerative principles and practices, ultimately supporting the transition towards a regenerative built environment.

Blockchain technology (see Chap. 12) can help create a regenerative built environment by facilitating scalable socio-economic-ecological interactions along three lines of inquiry: rethinking data governance, reassessing stakeholder roles and responsibilities, and developing a new approach to the governance of value and ownership (Wang et al. 2023). Blockchain technology can enable secure and transparent data collection, distribution, maintenance, and evaluation in alignment with regenerative principles. To reassess stakeholder roles and responsibilities, blockchain technology can provide a decentralised platform for collaboration and decision-making among diverse stakeholders. Additionally, this technology can facilitate the governance of value and ownership of non-human entities such as buildings and nature, enabling a harmonious coexistence. Overall, the blockchain has the potential to transform governance structures in the built environment by uniting social, economic, and technological aspects to achieve effective regenerative development.

The adoption and effective use of the various digital technologies discussed above can contribute to a regenerative built environment. While incorporating all the digital technologies discussed can contribute to advancing regeneration in the built environment, it is not necessarily mandatory to use all of them simultaneously. The adoption and effective use of any combination of these technologies, depending on the specific needs and goals, can still bring significant benefits and help advance regenerative practices. The key is to identify the most relevant and impactful technologies that align with the objectives of the project or initiative at hand on a case-by-case basis – as is often leading to better design and construction in the built environment. These technologies enable collaboration, optimisation, real-time monitoring, and new methods of design and fabrication, supporting the integration of regenerative principles throughout the life cycle of buildings and infrastructure. It is important to note that the extent to which these digital technologies contribute to a regenerative future depends on how they are implemented and used. While they have the potential to assist in regeneration, their effectiveness relies on thoughtful application and strategic use. Strategic use of digital technologies for regeneration involves thoughtful application based on a needs assessment, careful technology selection, trade-offs assessment, integration planning, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring. A regenerative approach maximises effectiveness, aligns with project objectives, optimises resource allocation, and mitigates risks, ultimately driving positive and measurable change in the built environment. By purposefully leveraging the power of digital technologies in a calculated manner, we have the potential to create a built environment that actively restores ecosystems, fosters well-being for all, promotes biodiversity, enhances social equity and inclusive collaboration, improves community resilience, and cultivates circular building practices more generally.

4 Business Models for a Regenerative Built Environment

Organisations that embrace regenerative business models place a dominant emphasis on the health of the planet and the welfare of society, aiming to create value for multiple stakeholders, including the natural environment and society (Stubbs and Cocklin 2008; Muñoz and Branzei 2021). Regenerative business models share design principles with sustainable and circular models but diverge in their objectives by emphasising planetary health and societal well-being above profit-making and by recognising the dependency of business and society on nature (Konietzko et al. 2023). Successfully implementing regenerative business models necessitates robust policy frameworks that recognise the rights of animals and nature and incorporate true pricing (Fullerton 2015).

Regenerative business models have the potential to revolutionise the built environment by creating and delivering value across multiple stakeholder levels. These models emphasise regenerative leadership and co-creative partnerships with nature, as well as justice and fairness (Konietzko et al. 2023). In this context, digital technologies play a crucial role in enabling and supporting regenerative business models. One key aspect of digital transformation is facilitating effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders in the built environment. Digital platforms and tools can enhance transparency and information sharing, enabling stakeholders to work together towards regenerative goals. Digital technologies help create value that goes beyond individual organisations and benefits the entire ecosystem. Moreover, digital transformation enables the implementation of multi-capital accounting (Fullerton 2015), which allows organisations to capture and account for the various forms of capital involved in the built environment, including natural, social, and economic capital. By adopting a holistic approach to accounting, organisations can measure and optimise their impact across multiple dimensions, aiming for a net positive outcome (Hahn and Tampe 2021).

However, to bring about a regenerative built environment, new governance approaches are needed. This entails rethinking data governance, ensuring the responsible collection, management, and utilisation of data to inform decision-making and drive positive change. Additionally, reassessing stakeholder roles and responsibilities is crucial to foster collaboration and ensure that all relevant parties are actively engaged in the regenerative process. Furthermore, the governance of value and ownership needs to be reimagined in alignment with regenerative principles. This involves exploring new mechanisms that enable the equitable distribution of benefits and promote sustainable ownership models. By leveraging digital technologies, such as blockchain, organisations can achieve transformative governance that integrates social, economic, and technological aspects to drive effective regenerative development. Digital technology could be used as a governance tool to facilitate scalable socio-economic-ecologic interactions, addressing the three lines of inquiry mentioned earlier (Wang et al. 2023). By leveraging blockchain’s decentralised and transparent nature, stakeholders can collaborate, track, and verify sustainability initiatives and ensure accountability throughout the built environment ecosystem.

Finally, we need ways of assessing the effects of new business models and building project designs. The Living Building Challenge label is an example of an international sustainable building certification programme setting higher standards in the realm of regenerative architecture. It certifies buildings that actively restore and regenerate the environment, promoting self-sufficiency, renewable materials, and healthy indoor spaces. Note that it is essential to recognise that true regenerative outcomes extend beyond a checklist approach due to the holistic nature of regeneration.

In summary, business models for a regenerative built environment embrace digital transformation to create and deliver value at multiple stakeholder levels. Digital technologies enable effective communication, support multi-capital accounting, contribute to the development of new governance approaches, and enable us to tackle complex challenges. More work is needed to truly incorporate intrinsic notions of value beyond financial capital and avoid misleading claims of regeneration and net positive impact. Such claims can be misleading and create a perception of regeneration that may not align with the actual impact or practices employed. To avoid this, it is important for stakeholders, regulators, and consumers to exercise caution, conduct thorough assessments, and demand transparency and accountability in verifying the legitimacy of regeneration claims. Additionally, ongoing efforts are being made by organisations, industry associations, and certifications to establish standards and frameworks that ensure the credibility and integrity of regeneration initiatives.

5 Conclusion

Regeneration goes beyond narrow interpretations of sustainability and resilience, offering a holistic approach to addressing socio-ecological systems. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition and adoption of regenerative practices in the built environment. Many projects are incorporating strategies that go beyond sustainability and aim to restore, rejuvenate, and enhance ecosystems and communities. These practices often involve holistic design approaches, renewable energy integration, resource-efficient systems, circular economy principles, and community engagement. A regenerative built environment requires collaboration among experts from various fields and aims to create positive impacts on the environment, health, society, and the economy. Embracing complexity, uncertainties, and context-dependent interventions is essential for implementing effective regenerative practices in the built environment. It is important to recognise the diverse perspectives and interpretations of regeneration in different fields and contexts, which allow for the development of comprehensive and inclusive solutions.

The adoption of various digital technologies (including BIM, digital twins, GIS, reality capture, AI, data templates, material passports, computational tools, additive manufacturing, robotic fabrication and construction, XR, and blockchain) holds immense potential for enabling regeneration in the built environment. Regenerative business models take a holistic approach to circularity by prioritising net positive value creation and delivery across different stakeholder levels, including society and the natural environment. Digital technologies thus play a crucial role in supporting regenerative business models by facilitating communication, multi-capital accounting, and new governance approaches. These technologies provide opportunities for collaboration, optimisation, visualisation, customisation, resource efficiency, circularity, and interdisciplinary integration.

If used well and for these purposes, digital technologies can contribute to the creation of a built environment that embraces regenerative practices and design strategies. While regenerative practices are gaining momentum, there is still a need for widespread implementation and continued innovation to fully realise its potential in the built environment. The technologies discussed in this book should be put to use to upscale the regenerative potential of the built environment.

6 Key Takeaways

  • Regeneration offers a holistic approach to creating positive impacts in the built environment by combining collaboration, technology, and diverse expertise to foster a sustainable and thriving future.

  • Regenerative architecture and infrastructure actively create positive change by nurturing ecosystems and replenishing the environment, the economy, and society towards an inclusive built environment.

  • Digital technologies have the potential to revolutionise the built environment by enabling collaboration, optimisation, and customisation for a regenerative future.

  • Regenerative business models create value, foster collective leadership, and drive positive impact across all stakeholders.