
1 Introduction

Technological progress significantly influences the development of systems supporting access to information and data visualization. Increasing the access paths to the sense of sight, and changing perception of the real environment, by providing additional information generated by computer systems against the background of the natural world, is crucial for applying augmented reality (AR) in different domains of life [1,2,3]. The study of the ways of communicating and interacting with augmented reality elements is an essential subject of research undertaken on many levels and fields of application of AR. The use of this technology is changing the way we work. AR fulfills the function of supporting activities performed physically by providing the user with a visual perception beyond the real world [4, 5]. AR allows you to enrich the real world with additional content, such as video or image, which allows the user to perform activities simultaneously in the real and digital world. Special attention is given to the use of AR in industrial applications [6].

There is a potential to further enrich the experience and usability of the AR Head-mounted devices (HMD AR) in the industrial context with gestural interaction and input. This would be especially helpful for monitoring and maintaining the reach of ongoing processes in measurement data, where HMD AR brings the extra value of freeing hands from the need to constantly hold the devices, a requirement for smaller AR-enabled equipment such as tablets. Gesture interaction with hands-free devices, like touch screen surfaces, is widely explored in literature [7]. However, as the understanding how the context of use influences gesture interaction with 3D data is still challenging, we designed an experiment conducted in both lab conditions as well as in situ with real industrial flow rig settings. This exploratory study investigates how users would interact with the measurement data of a 3D nature with the aid of HoloLens HMD in different settings.

2 Related Work

The interaction issue with AR systems has been well investigated. From this point of view, we can analyse users in terms of interaction with objects/data visible in augmented reality. Most researchers focus only on visualizing objects/data and developing better methods for gesture recognition. However, interaction with the augmented reality world also includes interaction with AR objects or datasets and directly influencing their form to analyse information hidden in objects or datasets.

2.1 Gestural Interaction and Data Visualization in AR Systems

The comparison of interaction in AR systems, between hand gesture-based interaction and multi-touch interaction, in terms of visual contexts, shows the advantage of hand gestures. [8]. Hand gesture interaction is faster than multi-touch interaction in regard to task completion time. There have been studies conducted to determine which gestures are the most intuitive for users [9]. Performing movements such as scaling, moving, deleting and approving are often used during user studies. However, the common approach is to show directly what the user should achieve and then they must make a move by which they want to achieve a specific goal. Additionally, gestural interaction is investigated on a general, universal object without special purposes; what causes tasks to be dedicated to object manipulation without a wider, determined aim. Such gesture interaction can cause a lack of understanding of the full interaction of users with the problem posed to solve and limit natural user interactions with AR data. Another study worth noting is the research on stock exchange data visualization and its use in AR [10]. The 3D representation of financial data with hand gesture interaction was only evaluated in the possibility of data analysis regarding limited time and fulfilling tasks.

An interesting gesture study involved the manipulation of different scale objects, rotating a house, and rearranging its rooms [11]. Authors explored how the scale of AR affects the gestures people expect to use to interact with 3D holograms. It was shown that one or two hands gestures were applied depending on the manipulated object size. In the case of large objects, the participants used both hands and, in the case of small objects, they did it with two fingers. The tasks were not complex and consisted of a sequence of separate gestures. The objects and work with objects were not analysed, only gestures.

2.2 Augmented Reality in an Industrial Setting

The direct application of the AR system in industry is widely researched, yet seldom implemented. The possibility of using popular modern AR systems based on mobile devices such as smartphones/tablets and smart glasses (Apple ARKit, Google ARCore, and Microsoft HoloLens) in an industrial context was investigated in terms of localisation quality in a large industry area [12]. The impact of using AR systems during device assembly instead of using a paper manual is also widely examined [13,14,15]. The most important limitation to be noted is the effort involved in creating a manual in AR compared to a paper one and considering the possibility of a serious mistake. Augmented Reality has also been tested in monitoring industrial flow processes. It has found application in drug diagnosis and simulations [16] or in-situ analysis and monitoring of measurement data analysis and monitoring [17]. As shown [18], most AR applications in the industry involve assembly processes by providing instructions to users on how to perform scheduled activities. These include remote assistance, improved user safety in industry space, or industrial process inspection & monitoring on site making. Some of the technologies involved relate to different sizes of displays (primarily tablets), projected AR views, and HMD use.

3 Experimental Study Description

The main goal of the study is to reveal what kind of gestures participants will use when conducting 3D data analysis in augmented reality and if there will be any differences depending on the context by recruited (n = 20) participants. The prototype AR app was based on 3D data model visualisation supporting baseline performance and enabling basic manipulations helpful for fundamental tasks performed with the data in normal conditions [19]. The chosen datasets were the electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) type [20, 21] for the gravitational flow in the silo-discharging process. Figure 1 presents both in-lab, in situ experimental space as well as types of projected AR visuals that can be treated as two types of interface alignments [22]. The observations and interviews were conducted during 20 experiment sessions. 15 sessions were conducted within lab conditions -- an empty classroom space. The remaining 5 took place in situ, at the semi-industrial tomography flow measurement lab. Each session started with a brief introduction to the tomography system and image interpretation in the context of the process.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(Source: Personal collection)

Visualisations of application used in laboratory (A & C) experimental conditions. A: in situ silo flow 3D AR projection; B: Horizontal slice of time series flow topogram; C: in lab tomography visualisations projected as free AR holograms.

The participants were required to perform 4 tasks (as described in Table 1.), with no time constraints. They were encouraged to speak out loud about what they wanted to do and how, which allowed researchers to gather more data by making notes on their comments. Afterwards, semi-structured interviews were recorded, and the observations were archived.

Table 1. Short descriptions of the four tasks prepared for each participant to complete.

4 Results Overview

The results of the 4 conducted tasks lead us to indicate 4 main aspects of interactions: (i) location and position of user relative to the projected object, (ii) projected object displacements, (iii) object rotation and (iv) slicing & extracting sub-elements to get deeper insight into the projected visuals (as illustrated on Fig. 2).

Each of the identified gesture and interaction groups was analysed further to look for patterns throughout the study session and form conclusions and recommendations:

  1. (i)

    localisation and positioning: obtained results have shown that participants were less eager to move around the cylinder rather than just looking at the cylinder. Occasionally, they tried to move closer to the visualization, yet no significant differences between lab and in situ industrial conditions were observed.

  2. (ii)

    displacement: Most of visual objects displacement moves were one-hand driven, except when in real in situ conditions where users tend to use both hands for object grabbing and manipulation. Notably, we identified individual cases where participants utilized index finger pointing gestures for moving the object to the desired destination.

  3. (iii)

    rotation: Most of the participants performed this task with the implemented gesture of rotation by grabbing the object with two hands, yet a considerable portion of users tried to rotate the object with one hand as well.

  4. (iv)

    slicing & extracting: extracting single images from the stack of images (3D data) was observed in more complex tasks (T2 and T3). Again, for in situ conditions users tend to use both hands while generally one-hand interaction was preferred by the participants. Notably, slicing was the most diverse action in regard to preferred gestures proposed by the users. While single finger gestures were noticed for empty lab condition, no single finger gestures were observed in situ.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(Source: Personal collection)

Visual representation of the actions of the user - moving and rotating the part of the 3D object during gestural interaction with 3D AR data.

Figure 3 shows the mean rating of each category evaluated by users and the mean weight each category has, with the width of the bar indicating the weight [23]. Based on the graph we note that on average the physical and temporal demand were not the highest rated, we also can note that performance is the most highly rated and weighted category, which indicates that most users were preoccupied by their performance during the tasks. The frustration is also very highly weighted, which indicates that for a lot of users the frustration was important. Overall, mental demand is not rated highly, which is promising for implementation of the technology, as it shows that the complexity of the tasks did not increase because of HoloLens, although effort is one of the two highest rated categories.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(Source: Personal collection)

Bar chart showing the mean rating of each category measured in the NASA TLX and their mean weight.

5 Discussion and Conclusions

This exploratory study demonstrated patterns of possible use of HMD AR technology for the specific, industrial flow inspection application. Initial results revealed that behavior of a group of users while interacting gesturally with a virtual 3D data visual might be different for safe, lab conditions than for real industrial settings. In open space situations, where there are little to no potential risks while using the application, users tend to focus more on optimal solutions like operating with one hand. Analysis of data connected with object movement gestures shows that when creating an AR application for an industrial environment, it is important to implement grabbing functionality for both 1 and 2 hands.

Some minor problems revealed in the study might have been associated with the following factors such as: big-scale silo and its projections size coupled with limited HoloLens display area; habits of using everyday touchscreen gestures designed for flat, tangible surfaces that are not fully transformable to in-the-air space; etc. In the context of designing for HoloLens 2, the focus should be on improving the comfort of work. Some users have reported that wearing goggles is uncomfortable. They had them on their heads for about 10–15 min. Long work in the goggles may be problematic for users due to the uncomfortable mounting on the head.

The most frustrating problem for the user was the absence of recognition of the gestures they wanted to use. It made subsequent attempts more nervous. Despite a few shortcomings, users were enthusiastic about AR and how to use it. This points to the fact that along with the popularization of Augmented Reality in everyday life, they will show a desire to immerse themselves in it. Main conclusions derived from this study are as follows:

  • Significant difference between the gestural interactions performed by the participants within a neutral and an industrial environment was spotted in.

  • There are physical and technical limitations of HoloLens HMDs. Hence the context of working within the industrial settings must be considered when designing a particular solution.

  • There might be some benefits of simultaneous implementation of several different types of gestures for the same operation/command/task to accommodate the needs of different users.

Results suggest further exploratory research on this topic is recommended. Revealed patterns show we can highlight a need to mix single- and two-hand- gestures while building applications for industrial use. Furthermore, it was noticed that some users treat working with a 3D dataset as working with a physical object, while others treat it as a flat touchscreen-alike visual. Some differences were observed when comparing the users’ behavior in a semi-industrial settings and in an empty room to be further investigated in the future. All the examined cases suggest the need to consider both the surroundings and the context, when designing augmented reality applications for industrial settings. Furthermore, it would be interesting to explore possible combinations of the gestural interaction with some other sensing technologies, such as EMG [24] or ultrasound-based [25], to involve some machine learning algorithms [26, 27] for optimising the mixture of gestural, voice and traditional input [28] as well as further explore eye-tracking modality to track attention and performance of the users [29,30,31].