
1 Introduction

Unstructured or semi-structured data such as news articles and social media posts contain a significant amount of human knowledge. Analyzing such vast amounts of data enables several stakeholders from different domains to obtain insights and inform their decision-making, for instance, business traders that need up-to-date information about new developments and first responders that benefit from timely witness reports on social media. In some cases, we can leverage the structured metadata associated with some of these documents such as the geolocation of posts or the timestamp of news articles, but it is generally challenging to gain insights into the actual content comprising text data.

The field of visual analytics (Thomas and Cook 2005; Keim et al. 2010) particularly aims at solving such complex problems of analyzing and exploring large amounts of data with often open and ill-defined goals. It combines the domain knowledge and intelligence of human experts with interactive visualizations that are sourced from advanced automated data analytics and machine learning models. If we want to harvest news reports and social media posts for timely insights using visual analytics, we need efficient algorithms to deal with the volume of the data, we need to extract information from unstructured data such as text, we need to integrate and combine this information with additional metadata such as geolocations into interactive visualizations, and we need to develop adaptive visualizations and streaming-aware algorithms that can deal with dynamic data sources. This chapter outlines recently proposed visual analytics approaches to tackle the said challenges.

2 Analyzing the Temporal Evolution of Text Data with PyramidTags

Making sense of large document corpora is a challenging endeavor, since it is inherently difficult for machines to grasp the meaning of natural language. Visual analytics approaches that combine methods of automatic information retrieval and data analytics with interactive visualizations help to tackle such challenges by incorporating human expertise and human interpretability. However, it remains challenging to provide a comprehensive overview of large amounts of text data such as news articles or social media posts due to the unstructured nature of the data, the variety of how people express similar things, and the inherent ambiguity of natural languages.

PyramidTags (Knittel et al. 2021c) proposes a novel tag layout for exploring large document collections such as tweets that aims at providing analysts with an overview of the content at hand and the temporal evolution of its themes without introducing hard clusters or topics. The approach utilizes an optimization process to place extracted relevant keywords and keyphrases from articles or posts onto a two-dimensional plot such that related tags ideally appear close to each other, while it is also possible to infer in which date ranges tags mostly appear in the dataset based on their position on the map (Fig. 6.1).

Fig. 6.1
A word cloud denotes a set of words in different sizes and styles. The words are arranged in the timeline from the seventeenth of February to the first of March.

PyramidTags aims at providing an interactive overview of large document collections. This is an example of the main visualization based on 70,000 news articles published in late January 2020

2.1 Processing and Objectives

PyramidTags first extracts the top k relevant keywords and keyphrases from the document collection using ELSKE (Knittel et al. 2021b), a fast keyphrase extraction library specialized in summarizing text collections. These tags serve as a summary of the content, and the way how they are placed on the two-dimensional tag map should support analysts making sense of the data with a date-aware, context-aware, and word-order-aware layout. In a second step, we process the dataset again to infer which tags are related based on how often and how close they appear in the same paragraph, whether there seems to be a preferred reading order of tag pairs (e.g., John — Doe vs. Doe — John), as well as in which date ranges tags and tag pairs mostly appear.

The resulting data structure informs the subsequent layouting process, which optimizes an objective function using particle swarm optimization (Kennedy and Eberhart 1995). Minimizing this function therefore corresponds to finding a balanced trade-off between different objectives such as that (1) related tags are placed nearby, (2) the position of the tag conveys the associated date range, (3) the preferred reading order is preserved for important pairs (if applicable), and (4) tags should not overlap.

2.2 Triangular Layout

One of the defining aspects of PyramidTags is its triangular layout, which aims to convey the temporal evolution of the extracted tags. Each tag is associated with a specific date range in which it mainly appears in the data (we may have several tags with the same text in case they appear in distinct clusters of date ranges). The vertical position on the map corresponds to the duration of this range, and the horizontal position to the mid-point of the said date range. At the bottom of the visualization, we place a timeline that depicts the entire date range of the dataset. For instance, if a word mainly appears on a specific date in the data, it is placed at the bottom of the map, right above the corresponding date in the timeline. On the other hand, if words or phrases appear in most of the articles, they are placed at the center-top of the visualization. Analysts should be able to infer this date range by spanning a right triangle from the tag to the timeline at the bottom. With this layout, we can visualize associated time spans of data points without relying on animations, which helps analysts to hypothesize about relevant events since tags that are mentioned during similar date ranges are also placed in the same neighborhood.

For instance, in Fig. 6.1, the tags diamond princess and cruise ship appear at the top of the map, indicating that the discussion about the Covid-19 cases on the said cruise ship was in the news during most of the depicted date range, whereas storm dennis and flooding are placed at the bottom-left around the first day of the 2-week date range.

2.3 Interactions and Document Retrieval

If users hover over certain tags, a lightly colored trapezoid visualizes the associated date range of the respective tag. While the optimization process tries to place related tags nearby, due to the inherent information loss of projecting data to two-dimensional spaces, not all tags that are close to each other are necessarily related, and there might be tags placed further away that are nevertheless related. The system therefore shades all other tags on the map depending on how related they are to the currently hovered tag (the more opaque, the less related). Users can also select one or several keywords by clicking on them. For instance, Fig. 6.2 shows an example in which the analyst has selected three tags (A). PyramidTags will then list the most related documents that contain the chosen selection of words or phrases, ranking the results based on the number of occurrences and the relative position of keywords to each other in the document (B). Users may also retrieve individual documents (C).

Fig. 6.2
A chart has 3 parts, a to c. a denotes a word cloud highlighting 3 keywords, which are Bloomberg, Warren, and debate. B denotes a table with the details of the dates, title, source, and relevancy. C denotes the screenshot of a news article.

Once one or several tags are selected (A), the PyramidTags system shades terms based on how related they are to the selected keywords. For each tag, a colored trapezoid visualizes the associated date range in which the respective term mostly appears in. The system also provides a list of related documents (B) from which individual documents can be retrieved (C)

3 Leveraging Geodata to Scale the Visual Analysis of Posts

When dealing with large amounts of streaming text data, we can leverage geographical references to scale the analysis (e.g., the current position of the person that has just posted the respective tweet). Such geo-tags not only provide additional context to the textual content; we can also use them to cluster items and their content in a geospatial way, providing several important benefits. We can visualize content on top of a geographical map to help analysts focusing on specific regions of instance, drastically reducing the actual amount of data analysts have to cope with. Grouping content by geographic region may also help with providing thematic aggregations, as people in the same region within a certain time span may also have a higher chance of posting content with similar topics (e.g., football match in a city). Another advantage is that we can compare metadata and extracted aggregated information of documents with a spatial-aware baseline (e.g., typical occurrences of tags within a region). This also helps to develop anomaly detection algorithms, for instance, to notify first responders in a very timely manner about evolving situations.

ScatterBlogs (Thom et al. 2012, 2015; Bosch et al. 2013) is a visual analytics approach that proposed to leverage the geographical annotations of tweets in these ways to scale the visual analysis of streaming posts. Case studies with domain experts from crisis management groups and critical infrastructure companies underlined the need for such systems so that analysts can obtain important additional information in real time regarding critical situations, despite the apparent learning curve and the need for specialized human labor to monitor this channel (Thom et al. 2015). However, they also showed that the velocity of newly published posts, even regarding specific events, and the dynamically evolving nature of the content itself (e.g., novel hashtags) still pose significant challenges for analysts and the development of such interactive monitoring systems (Fathi et al. 2020).

3.1 Geospatial Clustering of Terms

One of the core ideas in ScatterBlogs is to continuously extract terms that appear unusually frequently in certain geographic regions and visualize them on top of a map such that analysts can get an overview of interesting developments that take place at specific locations. In the beginning, every term (except for stop words) defines a cluster comprising all geo-tagged posts containing the respective term; new received posts are added to these clusters based on the terms they contain. Once the distortion of any such cluster is too high (i.e., the geographic positions of related messages are too widely scattered), we split the cluster using the k-means algorithm (with \(k = 2\)). The system visualizes such dynamic term clusters by placing the respective tags (or representative dots) on a map based on the average geographic position of corresponding posts. The decision which terms to display in which size also incorporates how anomalous the usage of this term is. This score depends on the number of unique users and the geographic density of the corresponding posts, that is, the importance is high if many different users post messages at a specific location. Figure 6.3 depicts the main user interface of the system, visualizing anomalous terms in green on top of a map.

Fig. 6.3
A screenshot highlights 8 different sections labeled A through H. A, C, and E denote timeline charts and highlight different sections. B denotes the origin of the earthquake in Williamsburg. D denotes a table. F indicates a keyword filter. G presents a word cloud, and H indicates a set of values.

Main interface of the ScatterBlogs system (Thom 2015) for visually analyzing geolocated tweets in real time or retrospectively. Terms which exhibit anomalous usage in specific geographic regions are placed on top of a dynamic map visualization to guide analysts to potentially developing situations (B). Analysts can select a subset of tweets (D) based on date ranges (A, C, E), which will also trigger the extraction of topics using LDA (G). The right side allows defining and combines classifiers interactively for filtering messages (F, H)

3.2 Keyword Lens and Topic Modeling

ScatterBlogs provides additional views to support explorative tasks. Analysts can move a lens across the map, which will highlight the most important keywords of posts that were sent in the corresponding geographic regions under the lens. When selecting specific term clusters, a histogram depicts the number of posts over time. Text-based and date/time-based filters can be applied to select a subset of tweets. For such a selection of posts, the system can provide a thematic overview of the content using LDA topic modeling (Blei et al. 2003).

3.3 Interactive Classifier

In addition to keyword-based filtering, ScatterBlogs also offers means to train and apply SVM-based classifiers interactively, which can be mapped to a color and icon to support the visual indication of classified posts. An initial training set can be labeled greedily based on keyword searches and geographic filters. The system then provides visual feedback of the classifier in its current state (e.g., visualization of affected posts on the map) so that analysts can refine them iteratively. It is also possible to combine several such trained classifiers with a visual graph structure (right side of Fig. 6.3) that helps to define Boolean chains.

4 Space-Filling Curves for Visualizing the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Data

In addition to the publishing date, a subset of posts and articles also contain a geographic reference (e.g., location of the tweeter). As outlined in the previous section, such geo-references enable analysts to filter data based on relevant regions, but evolving geographic patterns and anomalies can also hint at interesting developments and inform the decision-making process. The ScatterBlogs system focuses on the real-time analysis of streaming posts, and thus, the temporal aspect is mostly implicitly encoded by the dynamic nature of the visualizations. However, for certain analytical tasks, it might be important to analyze larger time ranges in retrospect. The first section introduced PyramidTags, which applies the triangular layout to visually encode date ranges without animations for exploring vast amounts of social media posts and news articles. However, it is challenging to visualize the temporal evolution of geolocated data without animations, since the two main dimensions are typically already reserved to visually encode the geographic location on a map. Animations, though, need to capture the attention of the analyst over a longer time span and impede comparative analyses. Franke et al. (2021) proposed the use of space-filling curves for visually encoding spatial data into just one dimension so that we can depict the evolution alongside the y-axis.

4.1 Neighborhood-Preserving 1D Projections

The main idea of the approach is to project geographic positions into one-dimensional positions using space-filling curves, such as Hilbert and Morton, while still preserving local neighborhoods to a certain degree. We can then plot a representative scalar value of geo-referenced data points across time in a two-dimensional plot so that analysts can better assess the temporal evolution of geographic neighborhoods, as well as spot spreading patterns, geographic hotspots, similar patterns across different regions, and trendsetters. In a preprocessing step, the system clusters the data points hierarchically based on their spatial position (if the spatial hierarchy is not already given). This clustering allows us to aggregate larger datasets at different levels of spatial granularity and enables analysts to focus their analysis on specific geographic regions, which also aids in the interpretation of the resulting geo-projections.

4.2 Main Interface

For each aggregation level in the spatial hierarchy, the timeline view (Fig. 6.4 underneath the map) visualizes the temporal evolution of each entity (e.g., aggregated cluster or single data point) alongside the y-axis. The bars correspond to geographic entities in the clustering and are ordered based on their calculated position in the respective space-filling curve. Analysts can select a specific entity to focus on (highlighted by a red border), which will trigger the system to re-order close entities in the detail view at the bottom. The map at the top serves as an aggregated overview of the different geospatial entities based on a specific point in time that users can specify with the slider at the top-right of the interface.

Fig. 6.4
2 screenshots. The upper one highlights a section on the map. The left panel highlights the settings for curve type and radius level. The bottom one denotes a graphical representation within a range of dates from September 2019 to February 2020 and highlights a specific portion.

Space-filling curves help to visualize the temporal evolution of geospatial patterns in local neighborhoods (Franke et al. 2021). The map at the top shows an aggregated view at a specific time, whereas the timeline view underneath depicts the value of each geographic entity in the respective hierarchy layer across time. Analysts can select one of the bars, representing entities in the hierarchical clustering, which will highlight close entities in dark orange

The system supports several methods for computing space-filling curves (top-left panel). Upon hovering over a specific method, the respective curve is plotted on top of the map, and the differences in the ordering of the elements to the currently selected curve are visualized. Several computed metrics help analysts better assess the quality of the projections.

5 Clustering Posts Dynamically to Analyze Posts in Real Time

Leveraging geo-annotations helps to scale the visual analysis of streaming data and enable geo-specific baselines as well as anomaly detection methods. However, while people still post textual geo-references (e.g., names of cities), the percentage of geolocated social media posts has steadily decreased in recent years. Thus, we need different strategies to enable the real-time analysis of social media posts, and we need to facilitate more context-rich analyses of the actual textual content.

To achieve this, Knittel et al. (2022) have proposed a visual analytics system that employs an efficient dynamic clustering algorithm, providing analysts a continuous overview of what people talk about on Twitter. A dynamic visualization of frequently used phrases and a stream of representative posts help analysts to monitor topics they are interested in, and they can also dive deeper into such topics while increasing the resolution of the analysis. Figure 6.5 depicts the main interface of the approach.

Fig. 6.5
An illustration comprising 3 screenshots exhibits the topical overview, frequent phrase visualization, and representative items. The topical overview denotes the counts of different keywords, while frequent phrases are denoted in a horizontal bar chart. The representative items are comments and gifs.

The approach of Knittel et al. (2022) enables large-scale real-time analyses of streaming posts using an efficient dynamic clustering algorithm. The interface provides a thematic overview of what people are currently posting on Twitter (left side). Each row corresponds to one such topic, conveying its size with the length of the bar and the number of posts over time in a small line chart. Once analysts have selected one or several such topics, frequent phrases are continuously extracted and visualized on the right side at the top. In addition to a manageable stream of representative posts underneath, they help to provide a more context-rich visual summary of the streamed content. It is also possible to create filters based on such a topic selection so that the clustering processes and visualizations operate on this filtered stream to enable more fine-grained analyses

5.1 Dynamic Clustering

The system stores each new post in a sliding window of configurable size (e.g., the last 20 minutes) and computes corresponding bag-of-words vector representations (Salton and Buckley 1988). For the dynamic clustering, the approach adapts the k-means clustering algorithm (Lloyd 1982) based on a more efficient implementation for sparse vectors (Knittel et al. 2021a). The idea is to regularly cluster the documents in the sliding window with different cluster sizes while using the centroids from the previous clustering run (if available) to obtain more coherent clusters between runs. The Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) (Davies and Bouldin 1979) determines which of the different clusterings is deemed best. The algorithm then tries to map the final cluster centroids to the ones from the previous run to determine which clusters are actually new, are deprecated, or have just been updated. The system runs two independent clustering processes with different levels of granularity. The more coarse-grained clustering provides a topical overview of the tweets in the window; the more fine-grained clustering facilitates a stream of representative posts.

5.2 Topical Overview

The left side of the main user interface (Fig. 6.5) visualizes the topics as computed by the coarse-grained dynamic clustering process. Each row represents one topic, conveying its size with the length of the bar and the number of posts over time in a small line chart, as well as providing a short topic summary with the most important words that define that cluster. Once the clustering has been updated with new posts, the visualization changes dynamically to represent the new state, but in a staggered way so that the mental map is preserved. Each row gets updated step by step (e.g., the lebron topic in Fig. 6.5), visualizing the number of new posts in dark green, the number of removed posts in red, and the number of posts that were moved to a different topic in magenta (while also depicting this flow with curves to the left of the bars). New terms are highlighted in dark green. The speed of this dynamic rollout is adjustable.

5.3 Frequent Phrases and Stream of Representative Posts

Users can select one or several of the main topics on the left, which will update the right side of the interface with more detailed views for summarizing the content of these topics. The system continuously extracts unusually frequent words and phrases in the selection with ELSKE (Knittel et al. 2021b) and lists them on the right side, highlighting new entries in dark green. Below each such phrase, a small barcode-like visualization allows analysts to infer which of these text parts co-occur by mentally overlapping their respective barcodes. The system can also emphasize this overlap in orange if analysts select several such phrases.

Below this view, a stream of posts appears that resembles a typical feed users would also see on Twitter. One of the challenges the case study of Fathi et al. (2020) with emergency managers identified is the dynamic nature of quickly evolving situations, which can easily lead to situations in which the sheer number of published posts related to a specific event or topic can overwhelm analysts. Hence, the idea of the feed below the frequent phrases is that the appearing posts should cover the thematic variety of the selected topics while keeping the number of new posts in a given time span low, ensuring that analysts can focus on a digestible set of posts.

The system selects for each cluster in the fine-grained dynamic clustering process one post that should represent this fine-grained theme by calculating distances between the vector representations with the respective cluster centroid. Due to their similarity with the respective centroids, these representative posts ideally cover a large proportion of tweets in the same cluster, but they should also provide a diverse summary as they were sourced from different clusters in the fine-grained clustering process. If such a representative post has not been added yet, it will be queued up, and a small badge in light blue appears that notifies the user about new posts. For each such post, a small bar chart depicts the number of similar posts, which can also be retrieved if analysts click on the bar.

5.4 Diving into Topics

While the frequent phrases and representative posts already provide more context-rich summaries of the selected topics, the general thematic variety on social media platforms is typically high, so it is challenging to group all posts into just 10 to 20 overview clusters. To alleviate this, the proposed system allows users to gradually dive into topics. After selecting one or several such coarse topics on the left side, analysts can click on the fork button at the top of the interface. This will define a new filter layer, in which only posts that fit the selection will be processed and visualized (it is also possible to create keyword-based filters). As a result, the topical overview on the left and the fine-grained clustering process now only operate on this filtered stream of data, increasing the resolution of the topics and aggregations and, thus, increasing the resolution and specificity of the analysis.

6 Conclusion

Geo-referenced social media posts and news articles are a rich source for harvesting information and knowledge, but the unstructured nature of the main content and the volume, veracity, and velocity of the data pose significant challenges for developing such visual analysis systems. This chapter outlined several recent approaches for tackling these challenges. The ScatterBlogs system scales the visual analysis of streaming geo-referenced posts by continuously extracting terms that exhibit spatiotemporal anomalies. Our proposed dynamic clustering algorithm enables the continuous monitoring of posts even if they are not geo-tagged. PyramidTags is a novel tag map layout for exploring large time-stamped text collections. We further outlined how we can utilize one-dimensional projection methods to visualize geo-referenced time series data such that we can still observe important spatial trends and patterns.

There are several benefits if we can incorporate geographic locations into our analysis, since this allows us to better detect interesting events and helps to filter the content that has to be processed. However, due to the decrease of geolocated documents, we need to develop new strategies and techniques for leveraging geographic references in social media posts and news articles.