
1 Introduction

In Part I of this compendium on WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies on human milk it was shown that human milk has served for many decades as a suitable matrix to assess the overall exposure of the general population to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (Fürst 2023). In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated two exposure studies on concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) in human milk. After the adoption of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in 2001, WHO and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) agreed to collaborate in joint studies starting in 2004 to support the implementation of the Convention by assessing its effectiveness as required under its Article 16. Between 2000 and 2019, WHO and UNEP performed five global studies on concentrations of POPs in human milk with the participation of 82 countries, 50 of them participating in more than one study (Malisch et al. 2023a). The countries were allocated to one of the five UN Regional Groups, namely, African Group, Asia and Pacific Group, Latin American and Caribbean Group, Eastern European Group, and Western European and Others Group (Table 1).

Table 1 Countries from the five United Nations Regional Groups (the African Group, the Asia-Pacific Group, the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Eastern European Group, and the Western European and Others Group) participating between 2000 and 2019 in WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies [Note that Cyprus is included in the Asia-Pacific Group and Australia, Israel, New Zealand, and USA are included in the “Western European and Others Group”]

An overview of the Stockholm Convention, the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) and its implementation by regional and global monitoring reports is given by (Šebková 2023). Human milk is a core matrix under the GMP. The objective of human biomonitoring within the GMP, which includes the WHO- and/or UNEP-coordinated human milk studies, is to identify temporal and, as appropriate, spatial trends in levels of POPs in humans to evaluate the effectiveness of the Convention.

From 2001 until 2019, the scope of POPs listed by the Stockholm Convention increased from 12 to 30 chemicals (28 chlorinated or brominated, 2 perfluorinated substances). Many of these chemicals have numerous congeners, homologous groups, isomeric forms, and transformation products, which significantly extends the number of recommended analytes. Furthermore, two POPs proposed for listing in 2019 were of interest (medium-chain chlorinated paraffins [MCCP] and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid [PFHxS]) and included on a preliminary basis. Thus, over time the surveys covered an increasing number of analytes of interest (UNEP, 2019). For the human milk samples of the 2016–2019 period, results for the complete set of 32 POPs of interest for the Convention until 2019 are available (including decabromodiphenylether [BDE-209] and short-chain chlorinated paraffins [SCCP] as listed in 2017, dicofol and perfluorooctanoic acid [PFOA] as listed in 2019, PFHxS as proposed for listing in 2019 and adopted in 2022, and MCCP as under review by the POPs Review Committee) (Table 2)—a unique characteristic among the core matrices.

Table 2 Chemicals and analytes recommended for analysis of the core matrix “human milk” (as of 2019, 30 listed POPs and two chemicals of interest proposed for listing)

The data are publicly available in the Data Warehouse of the Stockholm Convention Global Monitoring Plan (GMP DWH) (GMP DWH 2020).

This chapter presents summarizing conclusions of the WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies and key messages.

2 Efficient and Effective Tool with Global Coverage as Key Contributor to the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP)

Generally, the concept of the WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies of human milk has four basic elements (Malisch et al. 2023a):

  1. (i).

    Collection of a large number of individual samples from mothers guided by the criteria of the standardized WHO/UNEP protocols, under the supervision of a National Coordinator in each country

  2. (ii).

    Preparation of pooled (physically averaged) samples that are considered to represent the average levels of POPs in human milk for a country or subpopulation/region of that country at the time of sampling, using equal aliquots of individual samples

  3. (iii).

    Analysis of these pooled samples in designated Reference Laboratories to achieve a high degree of reliability and comparability of the analytical results

  4. (iv).

    Repeated participation of countries allowing conclusions on temporal trends

This concept has a number of advantages.

2.1 Possibility to Determine the Complete Set of Analytes of Interest

As no multi-method exists allowing to determine all POPs of interest to the Stockholm Convention by one single method, various analytical methods have to be applied. Due to the relatively high fat content of human milk and the large volume of the pooled (composite) sample, sufficient sample material was available to apply different methods for determination of all 30 POPs listed until 2019 and the two POPs proposed for listing (as of 2019). Consequently, results for this complete set of 32 POPs and related analytes of interest for the Convention are available for this core matrix for the 2016–2019 period.

2.2 Assurance of the Reliability and Comparability of Results over a Long Period (2000–2019) for the Wide Range of Analytes of Interest

The guidance document on the GMP for POPs addresses numerous factors that might affect the measured concentrations of POPs in environmental samples. Sampling design is considered to be an important factor. For most POPs, the precision of chemical analysis is generally believed to constitute only a minor part of the total variance in monitoring time-series of environmental data where sample variation is expected to be large, much larger compared to laboratory precision. This is especially true when the same accredited laboratory is used throughout the whole series (as in this case). In contrast, if different laboratories carry out the analysis from year to year, it could seriously decrease or challenge the possibility to evaluate time-series of POPs. This is also true if the same laboratory changes its methodology (UNEP 2007; UNEP 2015; UNEP 2019).

To minimize possible sources of variation for time trend analysis of POPs for the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention, the concept of the WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies builds on two factors:

  1. 1.

    Minimization of possible sources of variation from the sampling design (see the above listed basic elements of the concept [i] for collection of a large number of individual samples fulfilling protocol criteria and [ii] preparation of pooled samples considered to be representative for a country or subpopulation at the time of sampling)

  2. 2.

    Minimization of the variation from chemical analysis (see basic step [iii] mentioned above regarding the performance of the analyses of the pooled samples at the Reference Laboratories)

The determination of small changes in levels of POPs is necessary and requires that variability and uncertainty in the sampling process be minimized as far as possible, while maintaining an adequate number of qualified donors. Therefore, the revised WHO protocol guidelines for the 2004–2007 study and subsequent rounds called for the recruitment of 50 individual donors per pooled sample in countries with up to 50 million population. It is recognized that some flexibility is necessary for countries with smaller populations and/or low birth rates. In some cases, reducing the number of donors was unavoidable. On the other hand, huge countries with populations well over 50 million are encouraged to prepare a second pooled sample (or more) if feasible.

The Reference Laboratory for chlorinated and brominated POPs in the period 2000–2019 was the CVUA Freiburg, Germany, and for perfluoroalkyl substances in the period 2009–2019 was at Örebro University, Sweden. Accuracy depends on systematic errors and random components. “Trueness” (closeness of the agreement between the expectation of a test result or a measurement result and a true value) and “Precision” (closeness of the agreement between independent test/measurement results obtained under stipulated conditions) are used to describe accuracy and are therefore important criteria for assessment of reliability of analytical methods. Three articles in Part II of this compendium demonstrate the application of a comprehensive long-term analytical quality control to achieve a high degree of reliability for chlorinated and brominated POPs and to estimate trueness and long-term precision (including as key elements, e.g. procedural blanks, use of fortified material, numerous quality control samples as an in-house reference material, duplicate analyses, and successful participation in proficiency tests) (Malisch and Schächtele 2023; Hardebusch et al. 2023; Schächtele et al. 2023a). The analytical methods for perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were published separately (Sadia et al. 2020; Fiedler and Sadia 2021; Fiedler et al. 2022).

2.3 Cost-Effectiveness

In all WHO- and UNEP-coordinated exposure studies of human milk, only pooled samples were used for analysis. By analysis of one or a few representative pooled human milk samples for a country, an estimate of the average human body burden can be obtained, which is the result of long-term exposure in the respective different countries. The analysis of one or a few pooled human milk samples considered to be representative is far less expensive than the analysis of a high number of individual samples, particularly for PCDD and PCDF or chlorinated paraffins. Thus, this approach is very cost-effective.

2.4 Capacity Building and Global Human Milk Bank

Since 2005, the WHO guidelines for organization, sampling, and analysis specified the collection of 50 individual samples of 50 ml each. For the analysis of analytically simple POPs, such as organochlorine pesticide POPs and marker PCB, a 25 ml aliquot of each individual sample was taken and sent to a qualified laboratory chosen by the National Coordinator, usually in the country. For the pooled sample, the remaining 25 ml from each of the 50 individual samples were used to make one pooled sample and shipped frozen to CVUA Freiburg as the Reference Laboratory for chlorinated and brominated POPs for the 2000–2019 surveys. Of this pooled sample, an aliquot was sent to the PFAS Reference Laboratory at Örebro University.

The option to have individual samples analysed for the initial organochlorine pesticide POPs and marker PCB in a competent national laboratory and the analysis of pooled samples by the Reference Laboratory, is a contribution to capacity building, particularly in developing countries. The comparison of the mean of the individual samples for these analytes with the result of the Reference Laboratory serves as an external check, as the average of the results of the individual samples should be the same as the result of the pooled sample, which is prepared from equal aliquots of the individual samples. Analysis of individual samples for the analytically simple POPs also provides information on the range of levels and geographic distribution, especially when a high value is encountered.

After analysis, any remaining pooled sample was stored at CVUA Freiburg in the Global Human Milk Bank at −20 °C. This bank is used when new POPs are added to the Stockholm Convention to allow for a retrospective analysis.

2.5 Conclusion

Table 3 provides an overview on the number of countries participating in all seven rounds of WHO- and/or UNEP-coordinated exposure studies performed between 1987 and 2019, including the 82 different countries participating between 2000 and 2019, and the respective coverage of POPs, including the determination of all 30 listed POPs and two POPs recommended for listing analysed in the 2016–2019 round. All these studies were performed based on collection of individual samples from mothers according to sampling protocol criteria, the preparation of pooled samples considered to be representative for a country or subpopulation, and analysis in Reference Laboratories.

Table 3 Number of countries and coverage of POPs in seven rounds of WHO- and/or UNEP-coordinated exposure studies performed between 1987 and 2019

As a conclusion, the WHO/UNEP surveys are the largest global surveys on human tissues with a harmonized protocol spanning the longest time period and carried out in a uniform format. Thus, these studies are an efficient and effective tool to obtain reliable comprehensive data sets for this GMP core matrix and a key contributor to the Stockholm Convention.

3 Regional Group Differentiation

Results presented in this compendium are shown for United Nations Regional Groups. The concentrations of individual POPs were compared between and within regions, however, they are not intended for ranking of individual countries. For some POPs, a wide range of concentrations with up to three orders of magnitude between lower and upper concentrations was found, even for countries in the same UN Regional Group. Some countries had levels within the usual range for most POPs, but high concentrations for a certain POP. Findings of concentrations in the upper third of the frequency distribution may motivate targeted follow-up studies rather than if the observed level of a POP is found in the lower third of frequency distribution. However, the levels of concentrations have also to be seen in context with the sampling period and POPs use patterns/history in each country.

Comprehensive articles in Part III and Part IV of this review book present the complex discussion for the 32 POPs of interest in detail. Further, two selected examples (PCB and DDT) below illustrate some important regional aspects. For the convenience of readers, the supplementary information for this article (appendix, section “Regional Differentiation”) contains short summaries of regional aspects also for other selected POPs: (i) Toxic equivalents [TEQ] of PCDD/PCDF and dioxin-like PCB [WHO2005-TEQ]); (ii) beta-HCH; (iii) HCB; (iv) dieldrin; (v) PBDE; (vi) PFOS; and (vii) chlorinated paraffins. For all other POPs and the detailed discussion refer to the articles mentioned above.

3.1 PCB

The range of concentration levels detected for PCB (expressed as the sum of 6 indicator PCB [ΣPCB6]) in 232 pooled human milk samples from 82 countries collected between 2000 and 2019 varied approximately between 1 and 1000 ng/g lipid. The highest concentrations were found in the Eastern European Group (median of 121 ng/g lipid and maximum of 1009 ng/g lipid), followed by the group of Western European and Other States (median 75 ng/g lipid, maximum 467 ng/g lipid). In all other groups, considerably lower PCB levels were found (median between 15 and 22 ng/g, maximum lower than 100 ng/g lipid) (Fig. 1). Note that Australia, Israel, New Zealand, and the USA are included as “Others” in the Western European and Others Group; in these countries, lower PCB concentrations were found comparable to non-European countries. Overall, observed PCB concentrations were considerably higher in Europe than in the other geographic regions.

Fig. 1
A box and whisker plot depicts the summation P C B 6 for nanogram by gram versus African, Asia-Pacific, Latin American and Caribbean, Eastern European, and Western European and others. The highest value is Eastern European, and the lowest value is Latin American and Caribbean.

Range of concentrations of the sum of 6 Indicator PCB (ΣPCB6) among UN Regional Groups (ng/g lipid, upper bound; N = 232 pooled samples from 82 countries) [Box plot; minimum and maximum: as circles; fifth and 95th percentile: as whiskers; lower (25–50%) and upper (50–75%) quartiles, separated by the line for the median: as box; mean: as asterisk]

Figure 2 illustrates the regional differentiation (indicating the five UN Regional Groups by different colours) with temporal tendencies over the five rounds. Between 2000 and 2003, the majority of participants were European countries. Later, WHO and UNEP encouraged countries of other groups to participate through special programmes. As shown above, European countries had by far the highest ΣPCB6 concentrations. This is supported by the results of the 2000–2003 round, when only Eastern and Western countries were found in the upper third and middle part of the frequency distribution. The 2004–2007 round also showed considerably higher non-dioxin-like PCB concentrations in European countries. In these rounds, the highest ΣPCB6 concentrations were found in samples from the Czech and the Slovak Republics. In one of the three pooled samples submitted by the Czech Republic in 2001, the highest concentration of 1009 ng/g was found. The median of the three submitted samples was 502 ng/g. However, the PCB concentrations in samples of these two countries decreased considerably to 109 ng/g in the Czech Republic and 78 ng/g in the Slovak Republic in the samples from 2019. For a detailed discussion, see Part III of this compendium (Malisch et al. 2023b).

Fig. 2
An error bar graph of sum 6 indicator P C B in nanogram per gram for five U N regional groups, from 2000 to 2019. The highest bar values are marked 621 and 1009.

Results of the 2000–2019 surveys for the sum of 6 Indicator PCB (ΣPCB6) in 232 pooled human milk samples from 82 countries of the five UN Regional Groups (with split of the Asia-Pacific Group into two subgroups Asia and Pacific Islands) indicated by different colours and classified into five periods of sample submission (ng ΣPCB6/g lipid). Whiskers indicate the range of concentrations found in the pooled samples around the median concentration, if two or more samples were submitted by a country in a certain period

3.2 DDT

The highest median levels of DDT (expressed as “DDT complex”: sum of all detected analytes, calculated as DDT [Malisch et al. 2023c]) were found in the African Group (517 μg DDT complex/kg lipid), followed by the Eastern European Group (449 μg DDT complex/kg lipid), the lowest median levels in the Western European and Others Group (147 μg DDT complex/kg lipid) (Fig. 3). However, large differences were seen between countries even in the same region. In the African Group, the range of DDT complex concentrations stretched over three orders of magnitude with a minimum of 17 μg/kg lipid found in 2019 in one country and a maximum of 23,500 μg/kg lipid found in 2012 in another country. The DDT complex concentrations in the Asia-Pacific Group covered a range between 189 and 8500 μg/kg lipid.

Fig. 3
A box and whisker plot depicts D D T in micrograms per kilogram versus 5 U N regional groups. The highest value is African and the lowest value is Western European and others.

Range of concentrations of DDT (expressed as μg DDT complex/kg lipid) in human milk among UN Regional Groups (N = 134 country results [using the median, if results for two or more pooled samples are available in a certain period] from 82 countries, comprising the five periods from 2000–2019) [Box plot; minimum and maximum: as circles; fifth and 95th percentile: as whiskers; lower (25–50%) and upper (50–75%) quartiles, separated by the line for the median: as box; mean: as asterisk]

In all UN Regional Groups, the median of the DDT complex concentrations was higher in the 2000–2003 period than in the 2016–2019 period. However, in the three rounds in-between, a considerable variation within the regions was observed; caused by the variation of countries participating in a certain UN Regional Group in a certain period. In this way, the elevated concentrations in the 2008–2011 period were found in Tajikistan (8500 μg DDT complex/kg lipid) and on the Solomon Islands (4760 μg DDT complex/kg lipid), and in the 2012–2015 period in Ethiopia (23,500 μg DDT complex/kg lipid). However, the 2019 samples from the Solomon Islands and Ethiopia showed considerable downward trends with 1390 and 7100 μg DDT complex/kg lipid, respectively (Fig. 4). For a detailed discussion, see Part III of this compendium (Malisch et al. 2023c).

Fig. 4
A bar graph of D D T in human milk depicts micrograms per kilogram versus five U N regional groups of Africa, Asia-pacific, Latin American and Caribbean, Eastern European, Western European and others, from 2000 to 2019. The marked highest values are 8500, 23500, and 7100.

Concentrations of DDT (expressed as μg DDT complex/kg lipid) in human milk from 82 countries of the five UN Regional Groups for five periods from 2000 to 2019 (N = 134 country results [using the median, if results for two or more pooled samples are available in a certain period])

4 Assessment of Time Trends

The estimation of time trends based on data from different countries reported in the literature is difficult, as different sampling concepts were applied and the comparability of the analytical results is not always clear (Fürst 2023). However, for the long-term, the aim of the WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies is to support the Convention’s implementation by providing data to the effectiveness evaluation as required under Article 16. Therefore, as explained above in subsection 2.2, possible sources of variation for time trend analysis were minimized by the concept building on the two factors (sampling design; performance of the analyses of the pooled samples at the Reference Laboratories).

For the evaluation of time trends, participation in different sampling periods is necessary. Countries were encouraged to participate repeatedly. The first sampling period is conducted to determine baseline concentrations for POPs in randomly selected individual samples of human milk and pooled samples made from them. A second sampling period should be conducted with a similarly selected cohort, e.g. four or five years later (or other time period deemed appropriate). Future samplings should be undertaken at regular intervals and the monitoring of human milk for POPs should be considered a long-term activity.

To provide reliable and comparable monitoring information for the Parties to the Stockholm Convention, the GMP guidance document proposed a quantitative objective for temporal trend studies: These studies should be able to detect a 50% decrease in the levels of POPs within a 10-year period (UNEP 2015; UNEP 2019). However, in distinction from this goal for abilities of temporal trend studies to detect changes over time, there is no stipulation of a quantitative goal for the rate of reduction/decrease in POPs levels by the Convention. The Convention’s objectives are either to eliminate or to restrict production, use, and releases, depending on the annex where a chemical is listed, but the rate of decline is nowhere specified.

A period of at least 10–15 years is estimated to be necessary to detect significant temporal changes of moderate size for most POPs. For example, a change of 7% per year would be necessary for a 50% decrease over 10 years. Furthermore, at least 4 to 5 years of monitoring would be necessary to give reliable estimates taking into account random within- and between-year variation and other components of variance (UNEP 2019). In addition, the rate of decrease will vary among POPs. Moreover, the reduction rates depend on the concentration range (levels above or in the range of background contamination), see subsection 4.1 “DDT” in the following.

The estimation of time trends based on comparison of median or mean concentrations in UN Regional Groups in the five studies by classification into equal four-year periods between 2000 and 2019 provides a first orientation. However, the variation of countries participating in a certain UN Regional Group in a certain period can influence the median or mean concentrations. In particular, if the number of countries differs considerably between periods or if quite high concentrations are found in a sample submitted by a country with single participation in a certain period, the resulting median or mean can be distorted. Thus, it is more precise to only use results from countries with repeated participation in these studies: This allows drawing conclusions on temporal trends, which are not potentially influenced by these possible factors.

In the following, short summaries of three examples of the “initial POPs” (DDT; PCB; Toxic equivalents of PCDD/PCDF and dioxin-like PCB [WHO2005-TEQ]) and of one emerging POP (chlorinated paraffins [CP]) illustrate these important aspects for conclusions on time trends. For the convenience of readers, more examples are given in the supplementary information (appendix, section “Assessments of Time Trends”): (1) beta-HCH; (2) HCB; (3) PBDE; (4) PFOS. For other POPs and the full view, comprehensive articles appear in Part III and Part IV of this compendium.

4.1 DDT

As general estimation of time trends, the median of the DDT complex concentrations of all country results (N = 134) shows a decrease of 72% from the 2000–2003 period (median for 16 countries: 445 μg/kg lipid) to the 2016–2019 period (median for 43 countries: 125 μg/kg lipid). The downward trend between these two periods was found in all regions, but with considerable differences among regions and a great variation among the three rounds in-between, as illustrated by Fig. 5. In all groups, the median of the DDT complex concentrations was higher in the 2000–2003 period than in the 2016–2019 period. However, in the three rounds in-between, a considerable variation within UN Regional Groups was observed; obviously with a substantial maximum in Latin American and Caribbean countries in the 2004–2007 period and elevated levels also in Africa at that time period. If calculated as the mean of all country results, the DDT complex concentration was higher in the 2000–2003 period than in the 2016–2019 period in all regions except Africa. Again, in the three rounds in-between, a considerable variation was observed, with a substantial maximum in Africa in the 2012–2015 period. This shows that the mean is misleading, if substantial maxima occur (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5
A multi-line graph depicts D D T median concentrations in micrograms per kilogram, from 2000 to 2019. The lines fluctuate and decline. The value of G R U L A C reaches the highest at 2700.

Time trends for median concentrations of DDT (expressed as μg DDT complex/kg lipid) in human milk in the five UN Regional Groups (with split of the Asia-Pacific Group [APG] into two subgroups Asia and Pacific Islands; GRULAC = Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries; EEG = Eastern European Group; WEOG = Western European and Others Group) in five periods between 2000 and 2019 based on all country results (using the median, if results for two or more pooled samples are available in a certain period) from 82 countries

Fig. 6
A multi-line graph depicts D D T mean concentrations in micrograms per kilogram, from 2000 to 2019. The fluctuating lines labeled Africa, A P G or Asia, A P G or Pacific, G R U L A C, E E G, W E O G, and all decline in 2016 to 2019 period. Africa reaches its highest value of 8000 from 2012 to 2015.

Time trends for mean concentrations of DDT (expressed as μg DDT complex/kg lipid) in human milk in the five UN Regional Groups (with split of the Asia-Pacific Group [APG] into two subgroups Asia and Pacific Islands; GRULAC = Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries; EEG = Eastern European Group; WEOG = Western European and Others Group) in five periods between 2000 and 2019 based on all (N = 134) country results (using the median, if results for two or more pooled samples are available in a certain period) from 82 countries

As a result, the median, mean, and ranges of DDT complex concentrations found in the UN Regional Groups in five periods over these 20 years cannot be used directly to derive continuous time trends. The main problem is the variation of countries and the low number of countries participating from a certain UN Regional Group in a certain period, in particular, if a country with a very high concentration participated in a single period: This could have a considerable effect on median or mean concentrations for this UN Regional Group in that period. The substantial maximum in Latin American and Caribbean countries in the 2004–2007 period was caused by high DDT concentrations found in Haiti in 2005 (2830 μg/kg lipid) as only country of this UN Regional Group in this period; however, in Haiti, these concentrations decreased considerably in the following years (in 2011: 574 μg/kg lipid, in 2015: 263 μg/kg lipid). The maximum of the mean values in African countries in the 2012–2015 period was caused by the high DDT concentration in human milk from Ethiopia in 2012 (23,500 μg/kg lipid; participating as one of three African countries in this period). However, also in Ethiopia, the DDT concentrations decreased considerably until 2019 (7100 μg/kg lipid). For more information and discussion of the findings of DDT in UN Regional Groups, see (Malisch et al. 2023c).

The assessment of time trends based only on results of countries with repeated participation allows more certainty in drawing the conclusions, and therefore is advisable for the evaluation of changes over time for the effectiveness evaluation for the purpose of Article 16. Figure 7 illustrates the temporal tendencies observed in 44 countries of the five UN Regional Groups that participated in the survey two or more times. In nearly all countries, decreasing tendencies are observed, with a median of 59% decrease over the years between the first and the last participation.

Fig. 7
A bar graph depicts the development of D D T in human milk in micrograms per kilogram lipid from 2000 to 2019. The double-headed arrow indicates 5 U N regional groups. The marked highest values are 23500, 7100, and 2800.

Overview of the development of DDT concentrations in human milk (μg DDT complex/kg lipid) over time between 2000 and 2019 for 44 countries of the five UN Regional Groups that participated two or more times

The reduction rates in countries should be seen in context and discussed within the total concentration range: A differentiation among levels above or within the range of the background contamination seems to be necessary. If high levels are found, sources might be detected which could be eliminated, as e.g. described for Ethiopia (Gebremichael et al. 2013). However, at low/background levels, other factors, e.g. secondary contamination of feeds and food via long-range atmospheric transport and subsequent bioaccumulation, cannot be influenced locally.

It should also be noted that a limited number of data points of concentrations over the period of 2000–2019 are available from the individual countries which prevents the determination of statistically significant individual temporal trends in most cases. Nevertheless, existing data do indicate decreasing or increasing tendencies in POP concentrations. Furthermore, pooling of/combining data collected in regions allows deriving statistically significant time trends in the UN Regional Groups and overall globally.

For the 44 countries with repeated participation, the overall decrease of POP concentrations per 10 years was calculated by the non-parametric linear Theil–Sen trend estimator (Sen 1968; Theil 1992). Secondly, a method for deriving the regional group trend as a median of trends in countries within the group was used (“median method”) (for methods of statistical data treatment, see Malisch et al. 2023d). A statistically significant overall decrease within a 10-year period between 50% and 80% was achieved for DDT levels in the African Group, the Asian-Pacific Group and the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries, and at a global level. Lower decrease rates were observed in the Eastern European Group and the Western European and Others Group, which had banned DDT much earlier. As the median of the five UN Regional Groups, a decrease per 10 years by 58% was found for DDT (Table 4). For more details, see (Malisch et al. 2023e).

Table 4 Overall decrease (%) of DDT concentrations (calculated as DDT complex) in human milk in the five UN Regional Groups and worldwide (computed using all samples submitted by countries with repeated participation)

4.2 PCB

As shown above (subsection 3.1), in comparison to other geographic regions, European countries had by far the highest ΣPCB6 concentrations (Indicator PCB) in the 2000–2019 period. This period can be expanded by the inclusion of results for non-dioxin-like PCB of the first (1987–1988) and second (1992–1993) rounds of WHO-coordinated exposure studies (WHO 1989, 1996), to cover in total about three decades. For the assessment of temporal trends based only on countries with repeated participation, data from 25 European countries are available, of which 15 countries participated already in the 1987–1988 and/or the 1992–1993 round (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
A bar graph depicts the summation P C B 6 of Eastern and Western European and others in nanogram per gram lipid versus countries, from 1987 to 1988, 1992 to 1993, and 2000 to 2019. The highest value is 800 in Czechia from 1992 to 1993. The lowest value is 20 in New Zealand from 2008 to 2011.

Overview of the development of Indicator PCB concentrations (ng ΣPCB6/g lipid; country results as median of multiple sample results, if two or more pooled samples were submitted in a certain period) over time between 1987 and 2019 for 25 countries of the Eastern European and Western European and Others Regional Groups that participated two or more times

At the end of the 1980s and early 1990s, ΣPCB6 concentrations in European countries were in a range up to 800 ng/g lipid and decreased until 2019 to concentrations mostly below 100 ng/g lipid. After detection of PCB in environmental samples in 1966 and measures taken since the 1970s, significant reductions were already achieved in the 1990s. Therefore, a decrease of ΣPCB6 concentrations in human milk by up to 95% was achieved since the end of the 1980s and resulting in low background levels observed in 2019.

Also, in most countries from the other UN Regional Groups, a decrease between different periods was observed, but these decreases began at considerably lower concentrations (below about 100 ng/g lipid). Similarly to 15 European countries, two Asian countries (Vietnam, Thailand) were monitored over three decades (with first participation already in the 1987–1988 POPs exposure study), whereas the studies in some African, Latin American and Caribbean countries comprise at best two decades (with first participation in the 2000–2003 or 2004–2007 study) but rather a decade—starting from the 2008–2011 survey round (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9
A bar graph depicts the summation P C B 6 for Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean in nanogram per gram lipid versus counties, from 1987 to 1988, 1992 to 1993, and 2000 to 2019. The highest value is in Vietnam from 1987 to 1988. The lowest value is in Ethiopia from 2016 to 2019.

Overview of the development of Indicator PCB concentrations (ng ΣPCB6/g lipid; country results as median of multiple sample results, if two or more pooled samples were submitted in a certain period) over time between 1987 and 2019 for 32 countries of the African Group, the Asia-Pacific Group and the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries that participated two or more times

In the majority of UN Regional Groups and at a global level, a decrease between 50% and 70% within a 10-year period was achieved for the levels of ΣPCB6. The Latin American and Caribbean countries had lower ΣPCB6 concentrations in comparable periods, obviously resulting in lower decrease rates. This is an indication that the decrease might be faster in regions with higher concentration, compared to a slower decrease in less polluted regions. All trends were statistically significant (p-value <0.001) (Table 5).

Table 5 Overall decrease (%) of Indicator PCB (ΣPCB6) concentrations in the five UN Regional Groups and globally (computed using all samples submitted by countries with repeated participation)

For details of the first general estimation of temporal trends from all 82 countries participating between 2000 and 2019, see (Malisch et al. 2023b); for assessment of time trends only of 57 countries with repeated participation in WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies performed between 1987 and 2019, see (Malisch et al. 2023d).

4.3 Toxic Equivalents of PCDD and PCDF (WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ [2005])

As for non-dioxin-like PCB, also for PCDD and PCDF data are available from the first two rounds of human exposure studies coordinated by WHO in the mid-1980s and 1990s to determine the concentrations of PCB, PCDD, and PCDF in human milk. As dioxin-like PCB were of interest starting from the second WHO round (1992–1993), time trends for total TEQ (WHO2005-TEQ) can be derived only beginning with that period. Therefore, the time trends for WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ (calculated using the toxic equivalency factors [TEF]) proposed in 2005 [WHO2005-TEF] [van den Berg et al. 2006]; for calculation and use of the terms for sum parameters for toxic equivalents including “WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ [2005]”, see Malisch et al. 2023b) are summarized, which can be derived beginning with the 1987–1988 period covering again about three decades. For the assessment of temporal trends of PCDD and PCDF based only on countries with repeated participation, data from 19 countries (15 European and New Zealand, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam) are available, which participated already in the 1987–1988 and/or the 1992–1993 round (Fig. 10). In the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany with highest WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ concentrations in the 1987–1998 period, a decrease of about 90% was achieved until the 2012–2015 or 2016–2019 period.

Fig. 10
A bar graph depicts W H O-P C D D or P C D F-T E Q versus countries from 1987 to 1988, 1992 to 1993, and 2000 to 2019. The highest value is 43 in the Netherlands from 1987 to 1988. The lowest value is 2 in Spain from 2016 to 2019. The values are approximated.

Overview of the development of WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ (2005) concentrations (pg/g lipid; country results as median of multiple sample results, if two or more pooled samples were submitted in a certain period) over time for countries with repeated participation in WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies between 1987 and 2019 and first participation in the first or second round

In the UN Regional Group with Western European and other countries with relatively high WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ concentrations in human milk in the 1987–1988 and 1992–1993 rounds, a decrease of 51% over 10 years was achieved. Most Eastern European countries participated for the first time in the 1992–1993 period with on average lower WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ concentrations in human milk than in Western European countries; for this group the decrease within a 10-year-period was 35%. Large differences between the decrease calculated by the Theil–Sen method or the median method indicate a considerable variation between countries in that region. Lower decrease rates were observed in some countries, but this has to be seen in context with the quite low initial levels in these countries. Therefore, these regional trends have also to be seen in context with the variation among participating countries. As median of the five UN Regional Groups, a decrease per 10 years by 48% was found for WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ (Table 6). For more details and for the assessment of temporal trends of total TEQ (WHO2005-TEQ), see (Malisch et al. 2023d).

Table 6 Overall decrease (%) of WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ concentrations in the 5 UN Regional Groups and globally (computed using all samples submitted by countries with repeated participation)

4.4 Chlorinated Paraffins

Average CP levels have increased between two time spans (2009–2014 vs 2015–2019) in four out of the five UN Regional Groups: in the African Group (AFR), the Asia-Pacific Group (ASPAC), the Eastern European Group (EEG), and the Group of Latin America and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC) (Fig. 11). On the other hand, average CP levels in the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) seem to have decreased in the latter time period, with a comparatively close grouping of the results. As only two data points per country were available, it is not possible to derive statistically significant time trends for individual countries but statistically not significant temporal tendencies (Krätschmer et al. 2023).

Fig. 11
A box and whisker plot depicts the sum of C P in nanograms per gram lipid, for 5 U N regional groups, from 2009 to 2019. A S P A C values from 2015 to 2019 has the maximum values. A S P A C values from 2009 to 2014 has the minimum values.

Range of sum of CP determined in pooled human milk samples from the 2009–2019 period of WHO/UNEP-coordinated human milk studies. 27 of the samples collected before 2015 were only analysed for their total CP content, for all other samples, SCCP and MCCP levels were reported. AFR: Africa, ASPAC: Asia-Pacific Group, EEG: Eastern European Group, GRULAC: Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries, WEOG: Western European and Others Group (including Australia)

Temporal trends over a ten-year period of the CP levels in the five UN regional groups were assessed by the Theil–Sen method. No significant changes in CP levels were observed in the African and GRULAC groups as a whole, while a decrease by 63% was calculated in the WEOG group over 10 years (p = 0.001). In contrast, in the Asia-Pacific and Eastern European regional groups an increase of CP over a decade by up to 200% was calculated (p < 0.010). The ten-year-trend globally, based on all 84 results of 57 countries covering the period between 2009 and 2019, indicated an increase of total CP in human milk by 30% (p < 0.001) (Table 7) (Krätschmer et al. 2023). This indication of increasing CP levels in the background contamination of human milk is cause for concern.

Table 7 Overall decrease (%) of total CP concentrations in the 5 UN Regional Groups and worldwide (computed using all individual samples). Negative decreases are to be read as increase. (n = number of samples)

5 Relative Importance of POPs

Another important aspect is the share of the individual 30 POPs and 2 additional chemicals proposed for listing in “total POPs concentrations”. Results for the complete set of these “30 plus 2” POPs of interest are available for the core matrix “human milk” for the 2016–2019 period—a unique characteristic among the core matrices under the GMP. For discussion of the relative importance (“ranking”), the following differentiation is necessary:

  • The lipophilic chlorinated and brominated POPs are reported on lipid base. Here, dioxin-like compounds (PCDD, PCDF, and dioxin-like PCB contributing to toxic equivalents [TEQ]); furthermore PCN, which according to peer reviewed publications have also dioxin-like toxic toxicity, have to be determined in the pg/g range, whereas the other chlorinated and brominated POPs are usually determined in the ng/g (=μg/kg) range.

  • The more polar perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) data are usually reported on product base (as pg/g fresh weight) or on volume base (ng/L).

5.1 Dioxin-Like Compounds

In the 44 samples submitted in the 2016–2019 period, total TEQ (WHO2005-TEQ) resulting from PCDD, PCDF, and dioxin-like PCB were in the range 1.29–11.6 pg/g lipid (median: 3.90 pg/g lipid). On average, 73% resulted from PCDD and PCDF (range 44–92%; median: 2.63 pg WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ/g lipid, range 1.02–9.97 pg/g lipid) and 27% from dioxin-like PCB (range 8–56%; median: 1.00 pg WHO-PCB-TEQ/g lipid, range 0.27–3.70 pg/g lipid) (Malisch et al. 2023b).

With regard to dioxin-like compounds (DLCs), at present there is no health-based guidance value (HBGV) available for the breastfed infant. Although formally these HBGVs have been set to protect human health for a lifetime exposure period, much of the underlying experimental data focus on the perinatal and/or childhood period. Therefore, it is justifiable to use these HBGVs for early life and shorter than lifetime exposures, e.g. breastfeeding. With this approach the present HBGVs for DLCs were generally exceeded one order of magnitude or more in industrialized countries over the period 2000 to 2019. If HBGVs of 1 or 0.1 pg TEQ/kg/day are used to calculate toxicological acceptable levels of DLCs in human milk, it can be estimated that such levels will not be reached before, respectively, 2030 or 2050. When the subtle adverse health effects of DLCs in the breastfed infant reported in the 1990s were compared with benefits of breastfeeding for the infant and mother, it is concluded that benefits grossly outweigh the potential adverse health. Therefore, it is concluded that the WHO has rightfully encouraged breastfeeding for the last decades (van den Berg et al. 2023).

The concentrations of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) were determined in 40 pooled human milk samples from 39 countries (Tschiggfrei et al. 2023). The median concentration of the sum of 26 PCN was 55 pg/g lipid (range 27 to 170 pg/g). Among other adverse biological effects, PCN also show dioxin-like toxicity and this was estimated by calculating the toxic equivalents in these samples using two sets of relative effect potency (REP) values: a set that has been used in earlier human exposure studies, and REPs suggested by Falandysz et al. (2014). The median PCN-TEQ concentration in human milk was 0.07 pg PCN-TEQ/g lipid (range 0.03 pg/g to 0.23 pg/g), when calculated using the human biomonitoring study REPs, and 0.03 pg PCN-TEQ/g lipid (range 0.01 pg/g to 0.10 pg/g), when calculated with other suggested REPs. The vast majority, about 90%, of this TEQ can be attributed to the PCN 66/67 congener pair. The assessment of PCN 66 and PCN 67 in order to obtain confirmed TEFs would be most important for calculations of the dioxin-like toxicity of PCN congeners, followed by PCN 69. Minor contributions to PCN-TEQ concentrations in human milk come from PCN 52/60, PCN 64/68, PCN 70, and PCN 73.

On average, the contribution of PCN-TEQ to the cumulative TEQ (including the overall sum of toxic equivalents of PCDD, PCDF, and dioxin-like PCB [WHO2005-TEQ]) was between 1% and 2%, with a wider range up to 5% for the 39 countries of this study. This is about an order of magnitude lower than the contribution of dioxin-like PCB to the cumulative TEQ (median 26%). In line with the observed higher total PCN concentrations, European countries also showed considerably higher levels of PCN-TEQ than the other regions. PCN-TEQ calculated with REPs used in human biomonitoring studies add on average about 2% to the cumulative TEQ of dioxin-like contaminants in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin American and Caribbean countries and about 4% in European countries. The corresponding contribution of PCN-TEQ calculated with REPs suggested by Falandysz et al. (2014) would be 1% in non-European countries and 2% in European countries.

In addition to the 30 chemicals listed by the Convention and 2 chemicals proposed for listing as of 2019, in 38 pooled samples from 28 countries collected between 2001 and 2009 concentrations of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PBDD/PBDF) were determined to assess their contribution to the total TEQ (WHO2005-TEQ) resulting from PCDD, PCDF, and dioxin-like PCB. PBDD and PBDF provided on average about 10% to the overall TEQ calculated as sum of WHO-PCDD/PCDF-TEQ and WHO-PBDD/PBDF-TEQ, when assuming the same TEFs for brominated congeners as assigned to their chlorinated analogues. No correlations between PCDD/PCDF and PBDD/PBDF, or PBDD/PBDF and PBDEs (calculated as ∑ PBDE6) were found (Kotz et al. 2005; Schächtele et al. 2023b).

5.2 Non-dioxin-Like Chlorinated and Brominated POPs

The range of the non-dioxin-like chlorinated and brominated POPs found in the 2016–2019 survey is illustrated by Figs. 12 and 13. By far highest concentrations were found for DDT and for chlorinated paraffins (total CP including SCCP and MCCP). The maximum found for DDT (7100 ng DDT complex/g lipid) was a factor of 10 higher than the maximum of total CP (700 ng/g lipid for the sum of SCCP and MCCP). However, the median of CP concentrations (116 ng total CP/g lipid) was comparable to the median of DDT concentrations (125 ng DDT complex/g lipid). The high CP concentrations were caused predominantly by MCCP (median 66 ng/g lipid; maximum 536 ng/g lipid), with SCCP concentrations of 51 ng/g lipid as median and 188 ng/g lipid as maximum. PCB as next following group in the ranking had on average an order of magnitude lower concentrations than the total CP concentrations (median 12.7 ng ∑ PCB6/g lipid, maximum 109 ng/g lipid).

Fig. 12
A bar graph with an error bar depicts P O P in human milk in nanograms per gram lipid versus countries from 2016 to 2019. The values are in increasing trends. The highest value of the error bar is 7100.

Range of concentrations of lipophilic chlorinated and brominated POPs in human milk (ng/g lipid) from 43 countries in the period 2016–2019 (median with error bars indicating the minimum and maximum)

Fig. 13
A bar graph with an error bar depicts P O P in human milk in nanograms per gram lipid versus countries from 2016 to 2019. The values are increasing trends. The highest values of error bars are marked 107, 112, 109, 188, 536, 700, and 7100.

Range of concentrations of lipophilic chlorinated and brominated POPs in human milk (ng/g lipid) from 43 countries in the period 2016–2019 (median with error bars indicating the minimum and maximum) (This figure is scaled to 100 ng/g lipid as maximum value allowing a visual comparison also at lower concentration ranges)

Median concentrations between 1.0 ng/g lipid and 3.3 ng/g lipid were found for nonachlor, ∑ PBDE6 (and ∑ PBDE7 including BDE-209), dieldrin, beta-HCH, and HCB; maximum levels between 10 ng/g lipid and 110 ng/g lipid for pentachloroanisole, nonachlor, beta-HCH, HCB, and ∑ PBDE6. The concentrations of other chlorinated and brominated POPs were frequently below LOQ (0.5 ng/g lipid) or, if quantifiable, below 10 ng/g lipid. The quite low concentrations for ∑ PCN26 (median 55 pg/g lipid; range 27 to 170 pg/g) have to be assessed with regard to their dioxin-like toxicity (see above).

Regarding PBDE, deca-BDE (BDE-209) contributed on average about 13% to ∑PBDE7. The contribution of the octa-brominated diphenyl ether (octa-BDE) BDE-197 and nona-BDEs-206, - 207 and -208 to the sum of 25 PBDE was in the range of the six recommended analytes and BDE-209. Therefore, their addition to the list of recommended analytes should be considered (Schächtele et al. 2023b).

The range below 5 ng/g lipid can be seen as background concentrations of non-dioxin-like chlorinated and brominated POPs. Background concentrations are defined as that portion of the measured human milk levels that is found in the absence of specific sources and therefore is not attributable to a known exposure, e.g. to use of the chemical of interest or to emissions within the study area. In contrast to findings of high concentrations, e.g. after use of chemicals, and/or after a sufficient long withdrawal period (measures restricting their manufacture and use) for many POPs, the levels are described as “low background levels”. However, the term “background level” does not imply per se any level of safety. With respect to potential adverse effects, risk assessments need to consider many factors, including the toxicity of the chemical of interest and the determined concentration range (van den Berg et al. 2016). Further, due to observed levels, targeted research should look at the balance among potential adverse effects against positive health aspects for the breastfed infants for three groups of POPs (dioxin-like compounds; non-dioxin-like chlorinated and brominated POPs; PFAS) regarding potentially needed updates of the WHO guidance.

The relative share of SCCP and MCCP concentrations in addition to remaining 28 chlorinated and brominated analytes as listed in 2019 is illustrated by Fig. 14 (Krätschmer et al. 2023). The Stockholm Convention on POPs was sorted into two groups:

  • Pesticide group: aldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, DDT, dicofol; dieldrin, endosulfan, endrin, heptachlor, alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta-HCH; gamma-HCH; mirex, pentachlorobenzene, pentachlorophenol (including pentachloroanisole) and toxaphene

  • (Other) Industrial chemicals and by-products: hexabromobiphenyl (HBB), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), HCB, hexachlorobutadiene; PBDE (tetra- and pentabromodiphenyl ether; hexa- and heptabromodiphenyl ether; decabromobiphenyl ether), PCB, PCDD, PCDF, and PCN

Fig. 14
Five pie charts depict summation P O P in nanograms per gram lipid at n = 16, 11, 13, 10, and 7. In A F R and A S P A C, summation M C C P has the highest value. In G R U L A C, summation S C C P has the highest value. In W E O G and E E G, other industrial chemicals has the highest value.

Median sum of all POPs analysed in pooled human milk samples from 2015–2019, sorted by UN regions and broken down into Stockholm Convention POPs groups (bar charts) and further into components of the “industrial chemicals” POPs group (pie charts). AFR: Africa, ASPAC: Asia-Pacific Group, EEG: Eastern European Group, GRULAC: Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries, WEOG: Western European and Others Group

SCCP and MCCP (proposed to be listed to the Convention) dominated over the POPs grouped as industrial chemicals and by-products in the African, the Asia-Pacific and the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Groups. For European countries, the contrary was observed—proportion of “other industrial POPs and by-products” (mainly PCB) in the sum of concentrations of all POPs was much higher than that of SCCP and MCCP, respectively.

Individual samples (from individual donors) can provide additional information on the distribution of exposures and on factors possibly contributing to such exposure. Compared to pooled samples, they can span a broad range of concentrations. If significantly elevated levels are found in pooled samples, a follow-up survey/monitoring is usually recommended; if levels are quite low, no particular additional effort would generally seem to be necessary. Given the design of the milk studies, i.e. analysis of pooled samples, the dominance of SCCP and MCCP in comparison to levels of most other POPs in UN Regional Groups gives cause for concern. If the pooled samples from mothers without any known major POPs contamination sources already show this consistent pattern with a dominance of CP, individual samples (e.g., from local population close to POPs emission sources, as a result of exposure to consumer products or from the domestic environment) might be even markedly higher. The lactational intake of SCCP and MCCP of the breastfed infant in the microgram scale resulting from the mothers’ dietary and environmental background exposure should therefore motivate targeted follow-up studies and further regulatory efforts (or, in the case of MCCP, any, e.g. restriction in products) (Krätschmer et al. 2023).

5.3 Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

As mentioned above, PFAS concentrations are reported on product basis and therefore cannot be compared with concentrations of lipophilic POPs determined on lipid basis. 44 samples from 42 countries collected in the period 2016–2019 were analysed for PFAS. Within this group, the PFOS concentrations were in a wide range of <6.2–212 pg/g fresh weight (fw) (median: 13.2 pg/g fw) and the PFOA concentrations in a quite narrow range of 6.2–37.4 pg/g fw (median: 15.8 pg/g fw). PFHxS concentrations in 40 samples were below LOQ (<5.5 pg/g fw); four samples had concentrations between 7.3 pg/g fw and 111 pg/g fw (Fiedler and Sadia 2021).

6 Overall Conclusions

The concept of the WHO UNEP-coordinated exposure studies with standardized protocols for preparation of pooled samples considered to be representative for a country or subpopulation in a country and analysis in designated Reference Laboratories provides reliable and comparable data for POPs for human milk. Such studies have been performed over three decades (starting in 1987 with the focus on PCDD/PCDF and PCB and expanding to cover all 30 POPs listed by the Stockholm Convention in 2019 and in addition two other candidate POPs proposed for listing).

For discussion of country-specific results obtained for a certain analyte at a certain time, the three-dimensional picture can be derived by the assessments of the three pillars of this core matrix (Fig. 15): (1) the relative importance (“ranking”) of the analytes of interest (30 listed and 2 candidate POPs proposed for listing as of 2019); (2) regional aspects (at the level of countries, UN Regional Groups or globally), and (3) time trends and their assessments for the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention as requested by its Article 16.

Fig. 15
A pillar chart depicts W H O or U N E P human milk surveys for persistent organic pollutants for 30 listed P O P, and 2 proposed P O P, special aspects for countries, U N regional groups, and global and time trends for article 16 effectiveness evaluation.

Pillars of the WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure studies

The consideration of countries with repeated participation provides the best possible data set for the evaluation of temporal trends and for an assessment of the effectiveness of adopted measures. It is important to continue this existing monitoring arrangement in the same setting to secure sufficient data for reliable time trend assessments in the future. Due to the long half-life of POPs, only long-term trends can give an indication of the effectiveness of measures, and can identify possible problems to allow for targeted intervention.