1 Introduction

We consider the problems posed by modern retail payments in the context of the perceived need for compromise between regulatory compliance and consumer protections. Retail payments increasingly rely on digital technology, including both e-commerce transactions via the Internet and in-person electronic payments leveraging payment networks at the point of sale. With cash, customers pass physical objects that are in their possession to merchants. In contrast, electronic payments are generally conducted by proxy: Customers instruct their banks to debit their accounts and remit the funds to the bank accounts of their counterparties. For this reason, non-cash retail payments expose customers to a variety of costs and risks, including profiling, discrimination, and value extraction by the custodians of their assets.

A good central bank digital currency (CBDC) would empower individuals to make payments using digital objects in their possession rather than accounts that are linked to their identities, affording them verifiable privacy and control over their digital payments. However, many existing CBDC proposals require either a centralised system operator or a global ledger. Centralised systems entail risks both for the users of the system as well as for the system operators, and global ledgers present performance bottlenecks as well as an economically inefficient allocation of transaction costs.

We present a system architecture for retail payments that allows transactions to take place within a local context, avoiding the problems associated with performance bottlenecks and centralised system operators. We show how assets that represent obligations of central banks can be created and exchanged, without requiring a central system operator to process and adjudicate all of the transactions, and without undermining the portability of money throughout the system or the ability for regulators to ensure compliance.

Although our proposal takes a decentralised approach to processing transactions, money within our system intrinsically relies upon a trusted issuer. This could be the central bank itself, but it could also be a co-regulated federation, such as a national payment network or the operators of a real time gross settlement system. Specifically, the issuer is trusted to oversee the processing of redemptions, wherein CBDC assets are accepted as valid by their recipients.

Our proposal is fully compatible with the function of existing private-sector banks. The architecture provides an effective solution for a variety of different use cases, including those that are sensitive to regulatory compliance requirements, transactional efficiency concerns, or consumer affordances such as privacy and control. We begin with an examination of the properties required to support such use cases.

The remainder of this article is organised as follows. Section 2 identifies the properties that a payment system should have as a foundation for a robust set of technical requirements, Sect. 3 specifies the design of our proposed architecture, Sect. 4 offers a model for how to deploy and manage a central bank digital currency (CBDC) system using our architecture, Appendix F describes several use cases that demonstrate the special capabilities of our proposed design, Appendix G compares our design to other payment systems, and Sect. 5 provides a summary.

2 Payment System Desiderata

To be broadly useful for making payments, and particularly to satisfy the requirements of central bank digital currency, a payment system must have the properties necessary to meet the demands of its use cases. We list the asset-level and system-level desiderata below. In Appendices A and B, we further describe these properties and use cases, and show that they are indeed required.

  • Asset-level desiderata

    1. 1.


    2. 2.

      Self-contained assets

    3. 3.

      Mechanical control

    4. 4.


    5. 5.

      Choice of custodian

    6. 6.

      Choice to have no custodian

    7. 7.


    8. 8.

      Efficient lifecycle

  • System-level desiderata

    1. 9.

      Privacy by design

    2. 10.

      Self-determination for asset owners

    3. 11.

      Local transactions

    4. 12.

      Time-shifted offline transactions

    5. 13.


    6. 14.

      Monetary sovereignty

    7. 15.

      Regulatory compliance

Next, we translate the asset-level and system-level desiderata into specific technical and institutional capabilities that are necessary to support a suitable payment system. We begin by identifying the technical requirements for an institutionally supportable digital currency that provides verifiable privacy for consumers, and which does not force consumers to trust additional actors:

  • Blind signatures. Consumer agents must implement blinding and unblinding with semantics similar to the blind signatures proposed by Chaum in his original article [3] and further elaborated in his more recent work with the Swiss National Bank [4]. Specifically, it must be possible for users to furnish a block of data to an issuer, ask the issuer to sign it, then transform the response into a valid signature on a new block of data that the issuer has never seen before and cannot link to the original block of data. This allows transactions that do not link the identity of the sender to the identity of the recipient, as a way to achieve privacy by design (9).

  • Distributed ledger. Participants in a clearing network overseen by a central bank must have access to a suitable distributed ledger technology (DLT) system [5] that enables them to collectively maintain an immutable record that can be updated with sufficient frequency to provide transaction finality that is at least as fast as domestic bank wires. This helps ensure both durability of assets (1) and self-determination for users (10) as described in Section 2.

  • Open architecture. The system must fully support the semantics for digital currency specified by Goodell, Nakib, and Tasca [2]. Specifically, we assume that retail users of digital currency have access to non-custodial wallets that satisfy certain privacy and accessibility requirements described in Appendix B, specifically requirements (6), (9), (10), and (13).

  • Fungible tokens. The digital currency tokens themselves must satisfy the fungibility requirement (7) described in Appendix A.

  • Institutional controls. System operators must possess capabilities that support the policy requirements described in Appendix B, specifically requirements (14) and (15).

Moving to a digital form of currency brings a variety of potential benefits when compared to paper currency, including cryptographic signatures, cryptographic shielding, flexible semantics, reduced management costs, and being able to efficiently transfer units of currency over large distances.

However, it is also important to re-capture some of the benefits of physical currency. In order to have self-contained assets with custodial choice, we need a representation for our assets that is unforgeable, stateful, and oblivious:

  • Unforgeable. Every asset must be unique, and it can only be created once. No set of adversarial actors can repeat the process of creating an asset that has already been created. Note that this requirement is different than a "globally unique identifier", which is merely unlikely to be reused by an honest actor, but which any adversarial actor can reuse for any other asset. True unforgeability requires that once an asset is created, it is impossible to reuse its identifier for any another asset. This property is required for durability (1), custodial choice (5), the choice to have no custodian (6), local transactions (11), and time-shifted offline transactions (12).

  • Stateful. Every asset has its own independent state, and as the state of an asset changes over time, the asset remains unique and unforgeable. No set of adversarial actors, including non-issuer owners, can create a second version of the asset with a different state. Note that this requirement precludes using any kind of “access control token”, such as an HMAC, signed attestation, or even a blinded signature scheme asset, which cannot accumulate state over time and must be returned in precisely the same form as created. The requirements of self-contained assets (2), mechanical control (3), and delegation (4) necessitate that assets maintain their own state.

  • Oblivious. Once finality is achieved following the transfer of an asset to a new owner all of the previous owners, including the issuer, have no obligation to know any aspect of its future state changes and transfers. There is no residual risk to the new owner that the transaction will be undone by either a previous owner or the system itself. Note that encryption does not suffice: there must be no requirement to inform previous owners that state changes have occurred, and previous owners must not be required to do any extra work to accommodate those changes. Otherwise, the self-determination (10) and efficient lifecycle (8) requirements would be compromised.

    Paper bank notes are a good example of obliviousness. No entity knows where every bank note is, or what everyone’s billfolds hold. If anyone, including the mint, were guaranteed to know this information, then it would prevent paper money from being useful in many of its required use cases. Although obliviousness and privacy are closely related, obliviousness is really about efficiency: It is acceptable for the mint to know where some bills are and the contents of some billfolds.

These qualities combine together to provide assets, referred to as USO assets in this document, that have very similar qualities to paper currency. While assets embodying these qualities are not readily available at this time, this is an area of active study and promising results. Given such assets in combination with the technologies mentioned above, our architecture is able to fulfill the complete list of requirements for a payment system. In particular, CBDC created using our architecture can meet the use case demands of paper currency as well as the demands of electronic payment systems in a single architecture, without requiring trusted hardware or heavyweight consensus systems.

The requirement for a USO asset to be stateful means it must be able to prove its state has finality. The requirement for a USO asset to be oblivious means that the asset must carry a proof of provenance (POP) that allows it to demonstrate its validity on its own, as no other part of the system is required to have it. The requirement for a USO asset to be unforgeable means this proof carries the same weight as if it came directly from the issuer itself, so the issuer acts as the integrity provider of the POP.

Obliviousness implies there can be other systems between the asset owner and the integrity provider. These systems serve as relays in the creation of the POP. Relays are common carriers, like network carriers. In fact a relay knows considerably less than a network carrier: it accepts hashes, and emits hashes of those hashes, and by design is completely oblivious to everything else.

3 An Efficient, General-Purpose Architecture for CBDC

In this section we propose a method for creating a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) that supports private payments wherein the owner maintains custody of her digital assets. It achieves the necessary properties for a general purpose payment system described in the previous section by extending the approach proposed by Goodell, Nakib, and Tasca [2] with a new asset model that eliminates the need for global consensus with regard to every transaction. While our new approach requires that the central bank must operate some real-time infrastructure, we show that this requirement can be addressed with a lightweight, scalable mechanism that mitigates the risk to resilience and operational security.

Suppose that a user, Alice, wants to withdraw retail CBDC for her general-purpose use in making retail payments. We assume that the recipient of any payment that Alice makes will require one or more valid tokens from a trusted issuer I containing content k that has been signed using signature function s(kI). We further assume, following the arguments made in earlier proposals for privacy-preserving retail CBDC [2, 4], that she will be able to use a blinding function b, known only to Alice, to request a blind signature on b(k) to which she can apply an unblinding function \(b^{-1}\), also known only to Alice, to reveal the required signature:

$$\begin{aligned} b^{-1}(s(b(k), I))=s(k, I) \end{aligned}$$

The signature s(kI) appearing at the beginning of a USO asset’s history shows that it was generated correctly by the CBDC’s issuer or by one of its delegates, which we shall call minters. Minters are subject to a minting invariant wherein every time a minter satisfies a request for a set of signatures of a particular value, it must also cancel a corresponding set of CBDC assets of equal value, and vice-versa. The function of a minter, therefore, is to recycle CBDC, and not to issue or destroy it.

The proof of provenance of a USO asset allows its recipient to verify that it has the same integrity as if it were in the issuer’s database. These proofs of provenance are a powerful enabling feature for a retail CBDC, since assets can be transacted without the need to maintain accounts. Additionally, the expected costs of operating the issuer’s infrastructure is much smaller at scale than the costs associated with operating traditional distributed ledger infrastructures in which the record of each transaction is maintained in a global ledger.

However, unlike transferring blinded assets in a classical ledger system, whether distributed [2] or not [4], transferring USO assets from one party to another explicitly leaves behind an audit trail that can be used by the bearers of an asset to recognise the asset when it is inspected, transacted or seen in the future. A USO asset’s proof of provenance is permanently updated each time it is transferred to a new recipient. If the same asset were to be associated with multiple transactions, then a single party to any of the transactions would be able to recognise the asset across all of its transactions, which could potentially compromise the privacy of the other parties.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Schematic representation of the CBDC journey from the perspective of a consumer.

It follows that if Alice wants an asset that she can spend privately, she must create it herself. Alice establishes her own USO asset privately, and subsequently populates it with the signature s(kI). Having done this she can then safely transfer the asset to Bob without concern. Figure 1 provides a visualisation of the CBDC journey from the perspective of a consumer.

Once Bob receives the asset from Alice, he has a choice. One option is to transfer it to a bank, perhaps to deposit the proceeds into his account with the bank, or to request a freshly minted CBDC asset as Alice had done earlier. If he chooses to deposit the proceeds into his account, then the bank now has a spent CBDC asset that it can exchange for central bank reserves or use to satisfy requests for new signed CBDC assets from its other account holders. Alternatively, Bob could transfer the CBDC onward without returning it to the bank, bearing in mind that Bob would not be anonymous when he does; see Appendix F.3 for details.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Typical consumer engagement lifecycle. Parallelograms represent USO asset operations.

We organise Alice’s engagement lifecycle with the asset in a five-step process, as shown in Fig. 2:

  1. 1.

    First, Alice chooses a service provider that maintains a relay G, and creates a new USO asset that refers to some specific prior commitment \(G_0\) published by the relay. For each CBDC token that Alice wishes to obtain, she generates a new pair of keys using asymmetric cryptography and embeds the public key A and \(G_0\) along with the public key of the proposed digital currency issuer I, the denomination d, and a certificate \(s((d,I_d), I)\) containing the key used by the issuer to sign tokens of denomination d into a template for a new, unique update \(F_0=\{A, G_0, s((d, I_d), I)\}\) as the foundation for a new asset F. Note that for Alice to ensure that her subsequent spending transactions are not linked to each other, she must repeat this step, creating a new key pair for each asset that she wants to create, and optionally choosing different values for the other parameters as well.

  2. 2.

    Next, Alice creates \(b(F_0)\) using blinding function b and sends it to her bank along with a request for a blind signature from a minter using the key for the correct denomination \(I_d\), which in the base case we assume to be the central bank. Alice is effectively requesting permission to validate asset F as legitimate national digital currency (the sovereign legal tender within that jurisdiction), so, presumably, the bank will require Alice to provide corresponding funds, such as by providing physical cash, granting the bank permission to debit her account, or transferring digital currency that she had previously received in the past. See Fig. 3. Alice’s bank shall forward her request \(b(F_0)\) to the central bank along with central bank money (cash, central bank reserves, or existing CBDC assets) whose total value is equal to the value of the CBDC that Alice is requesting. The bank shall then provide Alice with the signature \(s(b(F_0), I_d)\).

  3. 3.

    At this point, Alice can now “unblind” the signature received from the minter to yield \(s(F_0, I_d)\), which is all that is required to create valid CBDC. To mitigate the risk of timing attacks that could be used to correlate her request for digital currency with her subsequent activities, Alice should wait for some period of time dt, before conducting a transaction with the valid CBDC received as well as before sharing the unblinded signature \(s(F_0, I_d)\). Alice’s privacy derives from the number of tokens that are “in-flight” (outstanding) at any given moment. If she transacts too quickly after completing her withdrawal, then her spending transaction might be traced to her withdrawal.

    When Alice is ready to conduct a transaction with Bob, she creates a new update \(F_1\) wherein she updates the metadata of F to include the signature \(s(F_0, I_d)\) and transfer ownership to Bob using his public key B. Optionally, Alice might want to confirm that B legitimately belongs to Bob’s business, in which case Bob could furnish a certificate for his public key. We also imagine that regulators might impose additional requirements that would apply at this stage, which we describe in Appendix C.2. Observe that neither the asset \(F_0\) nor its update \(F_1\) contain any information about Alice, her wallet, or any other assets or transactions.

  4. 4.

    To consummate the transaction, \(h(F_0)\) and \(h(F_1)\) must be sent to relay G, wherein h is a selector function that can be used to demonstrate that Alice had committed to creating the asset \(F_0\) and its update \(F_1\), respectively. In particular, h may be a hash function. Alice has two options for how to proceed:

    • (Option 1). Alice sends the identity of the relay G along with the asset \(F_0\) and its update \(F_1\) to Bob (see Fig. 4), and Bob sends \(h(F_0)\) and \(h(F_1)\) to the relay. At this point, Bob may furnish the POP of the transaction to Alice, once he receives it, as a receipt.

    • (Option 2). Alice sends \(h(F_0)\) and \(h(F_1)\) to the relay directly and subsequently furnishes the asset and its proof of provenance to Bob (see Figs. 5 and 6).

  5. 5.

    Finally, if Alice had chosen Option 2 for the previous step, then she should reveal to Bob the POP indicating that the transaction is done. If Alice had chosen Option 1 for the previous step, then Bob will be able to verify this himself.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Protocol for Step 2. The validation of d units of digital currency.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Protocol for Step 4, Option 1. Alice gives Bob possession and control, and Bob registers the update.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Schematic representation of Step 4, Option 2.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Protocol for Step 4, Option 2. Alice registers the update herself, giving Bob control first and possession later.

Note that once Alice has transferred the CBDC asset to Bob, nothing about the asset or its proofs of provenance can be used to link the asset to Alice, her devices, or her other transactions, regardless of what Bob does with the asset going forward. Broadly speaking, these are the same protections that Alice has when she uses cash, although we expect that regulated financial intermediaries will generally always learn that Bob received a CBDC asset when Bob receives an asset from a non-custodial wallet.

Our architecture provides a general framework for specifying which assets are considered valid. Importantly, and unlike some digital currency system designs, our system allows all of these regulatory rules to be implemented at the edge rather than inside the network itself. For example, because a regulated financial intermediary has a role in every transaction, a bank accepting CBDC assets as deposits might implement a rule requiring that an asset must have been previously transacted at most once.

Alice’s privacy depends upon Alice not binding her identity to the transaction in some way, for example by embedding her personal information into a transaction or by linking the transaction to a wallet identifier. In all cases, we expect that only the initial consumer, Alice, enjoys the benefits of consumer protection. Subsequent recipients of an asset do not have such protections, and rules enforced by banks that receive assets can impose explicit requirements on all of the participants in a chain of transactions. Note that a point of trust is required for any fair transaction between two untrusting parties [8].

4 Operational Considerations

Although our architecture could be applied to arbitrary digital currency applications, including digital currency and e-money issued by private-sector banks, we assume that this architecture is most useful for the implementation of central bank digital currency (CBDC), wherein central banks would be the issuers of currency for use by the general public to facilitate payments in domestic retail contexts. CBDC would represent part of the monetary base (M0), like cash and central bank reserves.

In this section, we consider operational concerns for the various parties involved in a CBDC distribution, including central banks, private-sector banks, clearinghouses, merchants, and consumers. In particular, we show that the system is able to support lightweight requirements for central banks as well as for end-user devices, including both mobile wallets for consumers and merchant devices at the point-of-sale.

4.1 Operating Model

We present a prescriptive model for how to use our architecture to implement CBDC, explicitly highlighting how CBDC would operate within the context of a modern banking system and institutions. We observe that money constitutes a complex system within an economy, entailing a delicate set of connected relationships among participants. Our proposed architecture avoids undermining this balance of connected relationships by aligning closely to the system architecture implicit to physical cash. In this sense, what we propose is not a radical new system design, but rather a new kind of digital cash that can exist alongside physical cash and other forms of money or money-like instruments used for payments. To support this model, we must consider the processes and institutions that support the circulation of cash and how they would be adapted to support the circulation of CBDC. We also introduce two new systems: an integrity system comprising the set of relays, which ensures that digital assets can be safely used to transfer value, and a monitoring system comprising the set of minters, for controlling the creation and destruction of currency tokens. Figure 7 illustrates how this would work, and we offer the following narrative description of the lifecycle of a specific CBDC asset:

  • Act I. A unit of CBDC begins its life as a request from Alice to her commercial bank, which had previously received a set of CBDC vouchers from the central bank in exchange for reserves of equal value. CBDC vouchers are special CBDC assets that can be exchanged for signatures from minters but are not used by retail consumers. Alice’s bank debits the value of the request from Alice’s bank account and sends the CBDC voucher to the minter along with Alice’s request. The minter then signs Alice’s request, destroys the voucher, and submits a record of its work to the distributed ledger of the monitoring system, which the central bank and regulators can inspect to understand the aggregate flow of money in the system and verify that the minting invariant is maintained. The minter then sends the signed request back to Alice’s bank, which forwards the signed request to Alice.

    Later, Alice uses the signature to create the CBDC asset, which we shall call Bill, and transfers it to Bob. Whenever a CBDC asset changes hands, either the sender or the recipient must send an update to the correct relay to consummate the transaction. Next, Bob transfers Bill to his bank. Importantly, unlike Alice, Bob can execute this transfer immediately if he chooses to do so; there is no particular value in waiting. At the same time, unlike with the system proposed by Chaum, Grothoff, and Möser [4], Bob can wait as long as he likes (subject to optional conditions) before depositing the asset with the bank, since there is no requirement for the issuer or a minter to participate in the transfers. Finally, Bob’s bank credits the value of the transaction to Bob’s bank account.

  • Act II. Soon afterward, Charlie, another customer of Bob’s bank, makes a request to withdraw CBDC. The bank sends Bill to the minter to be recycled in exchange for signing Charlie’s signature request. The minter destroys Bill, signs Charlie’s signature request, and returns the signature to Charlie via the bank.

    Later, Charlie uses the signature to create a new CBDC asset, Bill II, and transfers the asset to Dave. Dave then transfers it to his bank, as Bob had done. Dave’s bank decides to bring Bill II back to the central bank in exchange for reserves, instead of recycling it, ending the lifecycle of the unit of CBDC.

Note that Dave’s bank could have done what Bob’s bank did and save the CBDC to service future requests without vouchers. This recycling process is adiabatic, does not rely upon the active participation of the central bank, and can be repeated an arbitrary number of times in this manner before the ultimate destruction of the unit of CBDC. The minting invariant ensures that the minting system never increases or decreases the total amount of currency in circulation. Instead, it issues a new unit of currency only in response to collecting an old unit of equal value. The central bank is only involved when it engages with banks, specifically by issuing vouchers or accepting CBDC assets in exchange for reserves, and by overseeing the minting operation, passively accepting and analysing reports by minters. The central bank also relies upon the relay system to maintain CBDC integrity, and the DLT system underpins its ability to verify what it must trust.

Note also that Alice’s bank could have accepted cash or CBDC assets instead of an equal amount of value from her bank account, although legal or regulatory restrictions applicable to the acceptance of cash or CBDC assets might apply.

Finally, Alice could have transferred money directly to Bob’s bank account rather than to Bob. Depending upon Bob’s preferences, this might be a better choice. For example, it would reduce the total number of relay requests, correspondingly reducing the operating cost to the relay system and communication overhead for Bob. It would also allow Bob to handle the case in which Alice does not have exact change; Bob could forward Alice’s signature request in the amount of her overpayment to his bank along with his deposit, and then return the blind signature for Alice’s change directly to Alice.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Schematic representation of an operating model for a CBDC system. The diagram depicts the circulation of digital assets, interaction among actors, and supporting functions.

4.2 Managing CBDC Distribution

The central bank would handle the issuance, expiry, and destruction of its CBDC, as well as managing its value though monetary policy. Meanwhile, one or more clearinghouses or banks would handle all of the real-time processing. As part of the issuance process the central bank may allow one or more clearinghouses or banks to provide signatures on blinded templates, to be used by their customers in the final step of CBDC creation. The central bank would issue a specific quantity of some currency by explicitly allowing a clearinghouse or bank to create and distribute signatures for making that many units of CBDC.

We introduce the idea of a minting-plate, which combines a minting-key that can be used to sign blinded templates with a set of rules that govern its use. There is a deep tension between the desire to limit the number of units that can be created with a particular minting-key, and the need to prevent specific units of currency from being connected to particular creation events (i.e. disconnected creation <– fix this with the right name). Because there is no way to connect a particular unit of currency with a particular creation event, there is also no way to tell whether a particular unit of currency was created by a legitimate user of a minting-key, as opposed to a compromised or malicious use of that minting-key.

What can be done is to keep a record of how many units have been reportedly created and how many have been redeemed. Creation is reported primarily by delegated issuers who holds a minting plates, and secondarily by retail banks which channel requests to those delegated issuers. Redemption happens when a bank brings CBDC units back to the central bank in exchange for central bank reserves.

Together, these values can reveal that a particular minting-key has been compromised, which can help limit the damage caused by such a compromise. A minting-key might be associated with a set of parameters to limit, for example, the value of currency signed by that minting-key that is in-flight at any particular moment (issuance minus redemptions), the total value of CBDC cumulatively signed by that minting-key, and the time at which signatures by that minting-key would no longer be considered valid.

The size of the anonymity set, as we shall discuss later in this section, is directly impacted by the limits that can be specified for the minting-plate. As more limits are placed on a particular minting-plate, the amount of currency it can produce is reduced, making it easier for powerful entities to track the behaviour of individual users. It is important to tune those parameters so they provide good risk mitigation in the event of the compromise of a minting-key, while still maintaining a sufficiently large anonymity set.

4.3 Clearing and Settlement

Ensuring that the integrity system continues to produce entries and does not equivocate about the history of is commitments is a major responsibility of a central bank that produces CBDC using this architecture. This can be done by the central bank directly, although such an approach introduces a set of risks, including the possibility that the central bank’s operational servers crash or become compromised as well as the possibility that the central bank might change the rules or expectations for the system without warning. Because distributed ledgers are designed to be fault-tolerant and immutable, DLT is a useful tool for systems that require some resilience to crashes and compromise. We suggest that the central bank could take the following approach to using DLT for its integrity system:

  1. 1.

    The central bank enlists several highly trusted but independent institutions to run relays and requires each of them to sign off on each new entry that the central bank produces. This protects against compromise of the central bank: The adversary must also compromise all of the other institutions to cause an equivocation.

  2. 2.

    The institutions employ a crash fault tolerance mechanism, such as Raft [15], to allow a few institutions to be offline without interrupting the operation of the system.

  3. 3.

    The institutions themselves can propose new entries, perhaps via a fixed schedule or round-robin process, instead of requiring the central bank to do it. This avoids issues associated with having the central bank serve as gatekeeper to transactions and allows the central bank to step out of an operational role and focus on oversight and governance.

  4. 4.

    The institutions make a commitment to publish every entry they sign.

This arrangement is sufficient to convert the centralised integrity system into a distributed ledger overseen, but not operated, by the central bank.

The scalability of this architecture can be enhanced by allowing relays to arrange themselves hierarchically. Higher-level relays can aggregate the entries produced by lower-level relays and perform the same process, with the respective lower-level relay operators taking the place of the trusted institutions. Waiting for a higher-level relay to produce an entry might support greater assurance that the proof will be completed, but might be slower than waiting for the lower level relays, which are optimised to minimise latency.

Transactions less than a specified amount might be considered final by transacting parties, and may be covered by appropriate insurance or credit for relay operators, without confirmation from the clearing network. The additional confidence provided by aggregate confirmations, therefore, might be necessary for buying high-value goods, such as a car, but probably not for buying low-value goods, such as a cup of coffee.

A case can also be made for encouraging relay operators to use mechanically external DLT systems as a commitment mechanism, or public bulletin board, for publishing their entries. This practice might also enhance the confidence in those entries, as well as quicker detection of equivocation of compromised relays, because it compels relays to commit to a more unified view of their published entries rather than merely self-reporting them.

5 Discussion

In this article, we have presented an untraceable version of an architecture for a payment system based on proofs of provenance. Our architecture combines three previous lines of work to provide a solution that efficiently provides both consumer protections and regulatory compliance:

  • Distributed ledgers as a way to create a decentralised, immutable record of commitments, as achieved, for instance, in UTXO systems such as Bitcoin [16].

  • Blind signatures for untraceable payments, starting with Chaum’s early work [3] and continuing through Chaum, Grothoff, and Möser [4].

  • Unforgeable, stateful, oblivious (USO) assets for transactional efficiency while maintaining integrity, as exemplified in the TODA protocol [9, 10].

Each of these individual approaches to digital assets carries a significant set of tradeoffs. By combining all three approaches, we can mitigate the drawbacks without losing the benefits:

  • Enforce accountability and transparency for authorities and system operators in the manner described by Goodell, Nakib, and Tasca [2], thus requiring authorities or system operators to explicitly and publicly specify changes to the protocol and system rules;

  • Achieve privacy by design by having users create their own assets and incorporate validation from the issuing authority;

  • Enable transactions without real-time involvement of the issuing authority, by progressively, and obliviously, building proof structures with logarithmic scaling factors across the relays; and

  • Enable validations without any involvement of the issuing authority, by incorporating self-validating proofs of provenance as a fundamental part of the digital assets; and

  • Avoid requiring the issuing authority to maintain a database of individual tokens, balances, or specific transactions, as is done with UTXO-oriented digital currency systems.

Doing this allows the resulting CBDC to be used across a wide variety of use cases, including many of those currently addressed by cash. Our proposal directly addresses the dilemma of maintaining regulatory compliance while preventing abusive profiling that harms consumers. Central banks have an opportunity to repair trust between citizens and the state by sponsoring an architecture that does not force users to trust some third party with data protection, but instead allows users to verify for themselves that their privacy is protected.

Our proposal also addresses the operational and infrastructural overhead that a central bank must incur to manage a payment system through a domestic retail digital currency. It provides an efficient path to the issuance and distribution of a currency as well as the maintenance of its integrity. The distribution and management following issuance can be mediated by existing payment mechanisms and avoiding the costs and risks associated with deploying new infrastructure for that purpose. Our proposal thus encourages working within the current banking system, including commercial banks and payment institutions, rather than undermining them, and provides the capacity to build a deep and resilient governance approach without compromising the efficiency and privacy of individual transactions.

Cash is used in many different situations, as are other payment service solutions. We describe the properties a CBDC must have in order to be efficiently used in those situations, and we show that the technical requirements of our architecture are necessary to deliver a solution with those properties. This allows the CBDC created using our architecture to broadly meet the demands of cash as well as those of electronic payment services, and highlights exactly where other proposals fall short. It is not necessary to make unacceptable compromises between consumer protections and regulatory compliance, and it is not necessary to sacrifice operational efficiency to maintain asset integrity. Indeed, for a currency to be used like cash, it must excel in all three of those aspects. Ours does.