figure a
figure b

1 Overview

Finding vulnerabilities in concurrent programs presents the combined challenge of exploring the search space of program inputs and execution schedules, or interleavings. Recently, there have been attempts at solving complex verification problems by combining different techniques into hybrid verification tools [1,2,3].

More generally, these attempts belong to a larger trend in automated software analysis called cooperative verification [4, 5]. In this paradigm, the main idea is implementing some form of communication interface between different tools (i.e., a common information exchange format), which allows the exchange of partial results (artifacts). In this way, we can harness the strengths of multiple verification techniques and solve more complex problems [6,7,8].

In EBF [9], we are the first to implement a cooperative approach that combines Bounded Model Checking (BMC) and concurrency-aware Gray-Box Fuzzing (GBF) for finding vulnerabilities in concurrent C programs. In order to simplify the communication interface between the cooperating tools, we adopt a black-box design philosophy where verification artifacts are implicitly shared via appropriate transformation and instrumentation of the program under test (PUT). The advantage of this design philosophy is its universality: in fact, EBF can incorporate any BMC or GBF tool that takes a C program as input.

More specifically, EBF 4.2 expands the cooperative verification capabilities of previous versions of EBF. First, we introduce a new seed generation module for the GBF. This module works by injecting additional vulnerabilities in critical areas of the PUT, and then using a BMC engine to generate program inputs that trigger them. These inputs represent higher quality seeds for the fuzzer than randomly-generated ones. Second, we propose an improved light-weight instrumentation based on the Clang/LLVM toolchain that turns any compatible off-the-shelf GBF into a concurrency-aware fuzzer. We do so by injecting fuzzer-controlled delays in the PUT, which implicitly force the exploration of different interleavings.

2 Architecture

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The workflow of EBF 4.2 comprises four stages (dashed rectangles). The safety proving and seed generation stages use a BMC tool. The falsification stage uses our OpenGBF tool. The result aggregation stage generates a verification verdict and counter-example (if any). Areas of improvement over EBF 4.0 [9] are shown in blue.

Figure 1 illustrates the workflow of EBF, which comprises four verification stages: safety proving, seed generation, falsification and results aggregation. Each of these stages take a concurrent C program and a given safety property as an input.

Safety Proving Stage. During this stage, EBF calls the BMC engine with the given inputs. The BMC tool produces one of the three possible verdicts: Safe if the model checker deems the PUT safe with respect to the given property, Bug if a vulnerability is detected, or Unknown encompassing a variety of different outcomes including reaching a timeout, running out of memory, or crashing unexpectedly. If the BMC tool finds a bug, it generates a counter-example – a sequence of program inputs and a thread schedule leading to the vulnerability. The input values are stored for later use as a seed.

Seed Generation Stage. This is a new feature of EBF 4.2, which harnesses the strength of BMC in resolving complex path conditions. For instance, the branch if(x*x -2*x +1 == 0) may be extremely difficult for the fuzzer to explore. EBF tackles this issue by repeatedly injecting the error statement assert(0) in each conditional branch of the PUT (similar to the approach in [2]). Then, each transformed program (which contains one unique error statement) is independently verified with the BMC tool. If the BMC reaches the error within a timeout, EBF converts the resulting counter-example into a fuzzing seed. The seed generation process continues until all injected errors have been detected or the stage timeout has been reached. The seeds we collect during this stage greatly improve the fuzzer performance in the next stage.

Falsification Stage. During this stage, EBF checks whether the PUT contains any vulnerabilities by fuzzing its inputs and thread interleavings. Due to the current lack of open-source GBF tools for concurrent programs [9], EBF uses our own concurrency-aware gray-box fuzzer OpenGBF. Its implementation extends AFL++, a state-of-the-art GBF for single-threaded programs, by introducing the following concurrency-aware lightweight instrumentation in the PUT.

First, OpenGBF injects delays after each instruction at the LLVM intermediate representation level. The value of these delays (typically several micro-seconds) is controlled by the fuzzer and implicitly forces the execution of different thread interleavings. Second, OpenGBF inserts functions for recording all the information needed for witness generation: assumption values, thread ID, variable names, and function names. Third, OpenGBF supports the use of UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer [10], AddressSanitizer [11] and ThreadSanitizer [12] for the detection of vulnerabilities that cannot be expressed as reachability errors (e.g., buffer overflows, thread leaks).

Results Aggregation Stage. Finally, EBF aggregates the outcomes of the Safety Proving and the Falsification stages as depicted in the table in Fig. 1. The majority of cases are straightforward: if one of the tools produces an inconclusive verdict (i.e., Unknown), then EBF relies on the decision provided by the other tool. However, if OpenGBF finds a bug in the PUT that is deemed to be safe by BMC, EBF reports a Conflict. In this case extra information can be obtained from the counter-example produced by the fuzzer.

3 Strengths and Weaknesses

EBF 4.2 participated in the ConcurrencySafety category of SV-COMP 2023, which comprises four subcategories: ConcurrencySafety-Main, NoDataRace-Main, ConcurrencySafety-NoOverflows and ConcurrencySafety-MemSafety.

Regarding the ConcurrencySafety-Main subcategory, EBF 4.2 provided 357 correct results out of 692, with only 1 incorrect false and the rest unknown. More in detail, EBF correctly identified 67 safe benchmarks and 249 unsafe benchmarks, thus highlighting the EBF strengths in bug-finding. In addition, EBF labeled an extra 41 benchmarks as unsafe, which were not confirmed by the witness validator. Among these benchmarks, there are 10 verification tasks (beginning with goblint-regression/28-race_reach_*) where only two tools can find bugs: EBF and Infer [13]. At the same time, we hypothesise that the counter-examples provided by EBF are more trustworthy than those provided by Infer for these 10 tasks. This is because EBF is very conservative in its bug-finding claims, with 290 correct false outcomes, 41 unconfirmed, and only 1 incorrect. In contrast, Infer produces 330 correct false outcomes and 331 incorrect ones.

Regarding the NoDataRace-Main subcategory, EBF 4.2 only offered partial support for data race detection by enabling ThreadSanitizer inside OpenGBF. Unfortunately, the BMC engine we used in this year’s competition, ESBMC, does not yet maintain full support of this safety property. As a consequence, EBF provided only 199 correct verification verdicts out of 904, of which 112 were correct true and 87 correct false. At the same time, EBF also reported 46 incorrect verdicts (23 incorrect true and 23 incorrect false), which resulted in a negative score for this subcategory.

Regarding the ConcurrencySafety-NoOverflows and ConcurrencySafety-MemSafety subcategories, EBF 4.2 did provide support for detecting arithmetic overflows and memory safety violations by enabling UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer and AddressSanitizer. However, we did not succeed in providing an implementation that was compliant with the competition standards in time.

As a result, EBF did not feature in these subcategories.

4 Tool Setup and Configuration

In order to use EBFFootnote 1, the user must set the architecture (32 or 64-bit) with flag -a, the property file path with flag -p, the benchmark file paths, and run the following command from the EBF root directory:

figure c

Furthermore, there are optional flags that can be enabled (e.g., set the time and memory limit for each engine). In SV-COMP 2023 we divided the allotted 15 minutes of CPU time per verification task across the verification stages inside EBF 4.2 as follows: 400s for the safety proving stage, 120s for the seed generation stage, 240s for the falsification stage, and the remaining 140s were allocated for the results aggregation, counter-example generation and potential execution overheads.

5 Software Project

We released EBF 4.2 under the MIT License, and its code is publicly available on GitHubFootnote 2. All dependencies and installation instructions are listed in the repository