
1 Introduction

Two-player \(\omega \)-regular games on finite graphs are the core algorithmic components in many important problems of computer science and cyber-physical system design. Examples include the synthesis of programs which react to environment inputs, modal \(\mu \)-calculus model checking, correct-by-design controller synthesis for cyber-physical systems, and supervisory control of autonomous systems.

These problems can be ultimately reduced to an abstract two-player game between an environment player and a system player, respectively capturing the external unpredictable influences and the system under design, while the game captures the non-trivial interplay between these two parts. A solution of the game is a set of decisions the system player needs to make to satisfy a given \(\omega \)-regular temporal property over the states of the game, which is then used to design the sought system or its controller.

Traditionally, two-player games over graphs are solved in a zero-sum fashion, i.e., assuming that the environment will behave arbitrarily and possibly adversarially. Although this approach results in robust system designs, it usually makes the environment too powerful to allow an implementation for the system to exist. However in reality, many of the outlined application areas actually account for some cooperation of system components, especially if they are co-designed. In this scenario it is useful to understand how the environment (i.e., other processes) needs to cooperate to allow for an implementation to exist. This can be formalized by environment assumptions, which are \(\omega \)-regular temporal properties that restrict the moves of the environment player in a synthesis game. Such assumptions can then be used as additional specifications in other components’ synthesis problems to enforce the necessary cooperation (possibly in addition to other local requirements) or can be used to verify existing implementations.

For the reasons outlined above, the automatic computation of assumptions has received significant attention in the reactive synthesis community. It has been used in two-player games [6, 8], both in the context of monolithic system design [11, 19] as well as distributed system design [13, 18].

All these works emphasize two desired properties of assumptions. They should be (i) sufficient, i.e., enable the system to win if the environment obeys its assumption and (ii) implementable, i.e., prevent the system from falsifying the assumption to vacuously win the game by not even respecting the original specification. In this paper, we claim that there is an important third property — permissiveness, i.e. the assumption retains all cooperatively winning plays in the game. This notion is crucial in the setting of distributed synthesis, as here assumptions are generated before the implementation of every component is fixed. Therefore, assumptions need to retain all feasible ways of cooperation to allow for a distributed implementation to be discovered in a decentralized manner.

While the class of assumptions considered in this paper is motivated by their use for distributed synthesis, this paper focuses only on their formalization and computation, i.e., given a two-player game over a finite graph and an \(\omega \)-regular winning condition \(\varPhi \) for the system player, we automatically compute an adequately permissive \(\omega \)-regular assumption \(\varPsi \) for the environment player that formalizes the above intuition by being (i) sufficient, (ii) implementable, and (iii) permissive. The main observation that we exploit is that such adequately permissive assumptions (or short) can be constructed from three simple templates which can be directly extracted from a cooperative synthesis game leading to a polynomial-time algorithm for their computation. By observing page constrains, we postpone the very interesting but largely orthogonal problem of contract-based distributed synthesis using APAs to future work.

To appreciate the simplicity of the assumption templates we use, consider the game graphs depicted in Fig. 1 where the system and the environment player control the circle and square vertices, respectively. Given the specification \(\varPhi =\Diamond \Box \{p\}\) (which requires the play to eventually only see vertex p), the system player can win the game in Fig. 1 (a) by requiring the environment to fully disable edge \(e_1\). This introduces the first template type—a safety template—on \(e_1\). On the other hand, the game in Fig. 1 (b) only requires that \(e_1\) is taken finitely often. This is captured by our second template type—a co-liveness template—on \(e_1\). Finally, consider the game in Fig. 1 (c) with the specification \(\varPhi =\Box \Diamond \{p\}\), i.e. vertex p should be seen infinitely often. Here, the system player wins if whenever the source vertices of edges \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are seen infinitely often, also one of these edges is taken infinitely often. This is captured by our third template type—a live group template—on the edge-group \(\{e_1, e_2\}\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Game graphs with environment (squares) and system (circles) vertices.

Contribution. The main contribution of this paper is to show that APAs can always be composed from the three outlined assumption templates and can be computed in polynomial time.

Using a set of benchmark examples taken from SYNTCOMP [1] and a prototype implementation of our algorithm in our new tool \(\textsc {SImPA} \), we empirically show that our algorithm is both faster and produces more desirable solutions than existing approaches. In addition, we apply \(\textsc {SImPA} \) to the well known 2-client arbiter synthesis benchmark from [21], which is known to only allow for an implementation of the arbiter if the clients’ moves are suitably restricted. We show that applying \(\textsc {SImPA} \) to the unconstrained arbiter synthesis problem yields assumptions on the clients which are less restrictive but conceptually similar to the ones typically used in the literature.

Related Work. The problem of automatically computing environment assumptions for synthesis was already addressed by Chatterjee et al. [8]. However, their class of assumptions does in general not allow to construct permissive assumptions. Further, computing their assumptions is an NP-hard problem, while our algorithm computes APAs in \(\mathcal {O}(n^4)\)-time for a parity game with n vertices. The difference in the complexity arises because Chatterjee et al. require minimality of the assumptions. On the other hand, we trade minimality for permissiveness which allows us to utilize cooperative games, which are easier to solve.

When considering cooperative solutions of non-zerosum games, related works either fix strategies for both players [7, 14], assume a particularly rational behavior of the environment [4] or restrict themselves to safety assumptions [18]. In contrast, we do not make any assumption on how the environment chooses its strategy. Finally, in the context of specification-repair in zerosum games multiple automated methods for repairing environment models exist, e.g., [8, 15, 16, 20, 22]. Unfortunately, all of these methods fail to provide permissiveness. A recent work by Cavezza et al. [6] computes a minimally restrictive set of assumptions but only for GR(1) specifications, which are a strict subclass of the problem considered in our work. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first fully automated algorithm for computing permissive assumptions for general \(\omega \)-regular games.

2 Preliminaries

Notation. We use \(\mathbb {N}\) to denote the set of natural numbers including zero. Given two natural numbers \(a,b\in \mathbb {N}\) with \(a<b\), we use [ab] to denote the set \(\left\{ n\in \mathbb {N} \mid a\le n\le b\right\} \). For any given set [ab], we write \(i\in _{\textrm{even}}[a;b]\) and \(i\in _{\textrm{odd}}[a;b]\) as short hand for \(i\in [a;b]\cap \left\{ 0,2,4,\ldots \right\} \) and \(i\in [a;b]\cap \left\{ 1,3,5,\ldots \right\} \) respectively. Given two sets A and B, a relation \(R\subseteq A\times B\), and an element \(a\in A\), we write R(a) to denote the set \(\left\{ b\in B\mid (a,b)\in R\right\} \).

Languages. Let \(\varSigma \) be a finite alphabet. The notations \(\varSigma ^*\) and \(\varSigma ^\omega \) denote the set of finite and infinite words over \(\varSigma \), respectively, and \(\varSigma ^\infty \) is equal to \(\varSigma ^*\cup \varSigma ^\omega \). For any word \(w\in \varSigma ^\infty \), \(w_i\) denotes the i-th symbol in w. Given two words \(u\in \varSigma ^*\) and \(v\in \varSigma ^\infty \), the concatenation of u and v is written as the word uv.

Game graphs. A game graph is a tuple \(G= \left( V,E\right) \) where (VE) is a finite directed graph with vertices V and edges E, and \(V=V^0\uplus V^1\) be a partition of V. Without loss of generality, we assume that for every \(v\in V\) there exists \(v'\in V\) s.t. \((v,v')\in E\). For the purpose of this paper, the system and the environment players will be denoted by \( Player ~0 \) and \( Player ~1 \), respectively. A play is a finite or infinite sequence of vertices \(\rho =v_0v_1\ldots \in V^\infty \). A play prefix \(\texttt{p}= v_0v_1\cdots v_k\) is a finite play.

Winning conditions. Given a game graph \(G\), we consider winning conditions specified using a formula \(\varPhi \) in linear temporal logic (LTL) over the vertex set V, that is, we consider LTL formulas whose atomic propositions are sets of vertices V. In this case the set of desired infinite plays is given by the semantics of \(\varPhi \) over \(G\), which is an \(\omega \)-regular language \(\mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\subseteq V^\omega \). Every game graph with an arbitrary \(\omega \)-regular set of desired infinite plays can be reduced to a game graph (possibly with an extended set of vertices) with an LTL winning condition, as above. The standard definitions of \(\omega \)-regular languages and LTL are omitted for brevity and can be found in standard textbooks [3].

Games and strategies. A two-player (turn-based) game is a pair \(\mathcal {G}=\left( G,\varPhi \right) \) where G is a game graph and \( \varPhi \) is a winning condition over \(G\). A strategy of \( Player ~i,~i\in \{0,1\}\), is a partial function \(\pi ^i:V^*V^i\rightarrow V\) such that for every \(\texttt{p}v \in V^*V^i\) for which \(\pi \) is defined, it holds that \(\pi ^i(\texttt{p}v)\in E(v)\). Given a strategy \(\pi ^i\), we say that the play \(\rho =v_0v_1\ldots \) is compliant with \(\pi ^i\) if \(v_{k-1}\in V^i\) implies \(v_{k} = \pi ^i(v_0\ldots v_{k-1})\) for all \(k\in dom(\rho )\). We refer to a play compliant with \(\pi ^i\) and a play compliant with both \(\pi ^0\) and \(\pi ^1\) as a \( \pi ^i\)-play and a \( \pi ^0\pi ^1\)-play, respectively. We collect all plays compliant with \(\pi ^i\), and compliant with both \(\pi ^0\) and \(\pi ^1\) in the sets \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^i)\) and \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^0\pi ^1)\), respectively.

Winning. Given a game \(\mathcal {G}=(G,\varPhi )\), a strategy \(\pi ^i\) is (surely) winning for \( Player ~i\) if \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^i)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\), i.e., a \( Player ~0\) strategy \(\pi ^0\) is winning if for every \( Player ~1\) strategy \(\pi ^1\) it holds that \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^0\pi ^1)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\). Similarly, a fixed strategy profile \((\pi ^0,\pi ^1)\) is cooperatively winning if \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^0\pi ^1)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\). We say that a vertex \(v\in V\) is winning for \( Player ~i\) (resp. cooperatively winning) if there exists a winning strategy \(\pi ^i\) (resp. a cooperatively winning strategy profile \((\pi ^0,\pi ^1)\)) s.t. \(\pi ^i(v)\) is defined. We collect all winning vertices of \( Player ~i\) in the \( Player ~i\) winning region and all cooperatively winning vertices in the cooperative winning region . We note that for both \(i\in \{0,1\}\).

3 Adequately Permissive Assumptions for Synthesis

Given a two-player game \(\mathcal {G}\), the goal of this paper is to compute assumptions on \( Player ~1\) (i.e., the environment), such that both players cooperate just enough to fulfill \(\varPhi \) while retaining all possible cooperative strategy choices. Towards a formalization of this intuition, we define winning under assumptions.

Definition 1

Let \(\mathcal {G}=(G= (V,E),\varPhi )\) be a game and \(\varPsi \) be an LTL formula over V. Then a \( Player ~0\) strategy \(\pi ^0\) is winning in \(\mathcal {G}\) under assumption \(\varPsi \), if for every \( Player ~1\) strategy \(\pi ^1\) s.t. \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^1)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPsi )\) it holds that \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^0\pi ^1)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\). We denote by the set of vertices from which such a \( Player ~0\) strategy exists.

We remark that the ’winning-under-assumption’ strategies \(\pi ^0\) from Def. 1 satisfy two simple but interesting properties — anti-monotonicity (if \( \pi ^0\) is winning under an assumption, then it is so under every stronger assumption), and conjunctivity (if \( \pi ^0\) is winning under two different assumptions, then it is so under their conjunction). However, it does not satisfy disjunctivity (see [2, Sec. 3.1] for an example). In addition, we remark that the definition of ’winning-under-assumption’ in terms of plays (rather than strategies) might seem more natural to some readers. We refer these readers to the full version of the paper [2, Sec. 3.1] for an in-depth discussion on the differences of these definitions.

We now see that the assumption \(\varPsi \) introduced in Def. 1 weakens the strategy choices of the environment player (\( Player ~1\)). We call assumptions sufficient if this weakening is strong enough to allow \( Player ~0\) to win from every vertex in the cooperative winning region.

Definition 2

An assumption \(\varPsi \) is sufficient for \((G,\varPhi )\) if .

Unfortunately, sufficient assumptions can be abused to change the given synthesis problem in an unintended way. Consider for instance the game in Fig. 2 (left) with \(\varPhi =\Box \lozenge \{v_0\}\) and \(\varPsi = \square \lozenge e_1\). Here, there is no strategy \(\pi ^1\) for \( Player ~1\) such that \(\mathcal {L}(\pi ^1)\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPsi )\) as the system can always falsify the assumption by simply not choosing \(e_1\) infinitely often in \(v_1\). Therefore, any \( Player ~0\) strategy is winning under assumption even if \(\varPhi \) is violated. The assumption \(\varPsi \), however, is trivially sufficient, as . In order to prevent sufficient assumptions to be falsifiable and thereby enabling vacuous winning, we define the notion of implementability, which ensures that \(\varPsi \) solely restricts \( Player ~1\) moves.

Definition 3

An assumption \(\varPsi \) is implementable for \((G,\varPhi )\) if .

A sufficient and implementable assumption ensures that the cooperative winning region of the original game coincides with the winning region under that assumption, i.e., . However, all cooperative strategy choices of both players might still not be retained, which is ensured by the notion of permissiveness.

Definition 4

An assumption \(\varPsi \) is permissive for \((G,\varPhi )\) if \(\mathcal {L}(\varPhi )\subseteq \mathcal {L}(\varPsi )\).

This notion of permissiveness is motivated by the intended use of assumptions for compositional synthesis. In the simplest scenario of two interacting processes, two synthesis tasks—one for each process—are considered in parallel. Here, generated assumptions in one synthesis task are used as additional specifications in the other synthesis problem. Therefore, permissiveness is crucial to not “skip” over possible cooperative solutions—each synthesis task needs to keep all allowed strategy choices for both players intact to allow for compositional reasoning. This scenario is illustrated in the following example to motivate the considered class of assumptions. Formalizing assumption-based compositional synthesis in general is however out of the scope of this paper.

Example 1

Consider the (non-zerosum) two-player game in Fig. 2 (middle) with two different specifications for both players, namely \(\varPhi _0=\lozenge \Box \{v_1,v_2\}\) and \(\varPhi _1=\lozenge \Box \{v_1\}\). Now consider two candidate assumptions \(\varPsi _0 = \lozenge \Box \lnot e_1\) and \(\varPsi _0' = (\Box \lozenge v_1 \implies \Box \lozenge e_2)\) on \( Player ~1\). Notice that both assumptions are sufficient and implementable for \((G, \varPhi _0)\). However, \(\varPsi _0'\) does not allow the play \(\{v_1\}^\omega \) and hence is not permissive whereas \(\varPsi _0\) is permissive for \((G, \varPhi _0)\). As a consequence, there is no way \( Player ~1\) can satisfy both her objective \(\varPhi _1\) and the assumption \(\varPsi _0'\) even if \( Player ~0\) cooperates, since \(\mathcal {L}(\varPhi _1) \cap \mathcal {L}(\varPsi _0') = \emptyset \). However, under the assumption \(\varPsi _0\) on \( Player ~1\) and assumption \(\varPsi _1 = \lozenge \Box \lnot e_3\) on \( Player ~0\) (which is sufficient and implementable for \((G, \varPhi _1)\) if we interchange the vertices of the players), they can satisfy both their own objectives and the assumptions on themselves. Therefore, they can collectively satisfy both their objectives.

We also remark that for this example, the algorithm in [9] outputs \(\varPsi _0'\) as the desired assumption for game \((G, \varPhi _0)\) and their used assumption formalism is not rich enough to capture assumption \(\varPsi _0\). This shows that the assumption type we are interested in is not computable by the algorithm from [9].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Two-player games with \( Player ~1\) (squares) and \( Player ~0\) (circles) vertices.

Definition 5

An assumption \(\varPsi \) is called adequately permissive (an APA for short) for \((G,\varPhi )\) if it is sufficient, implementable and permissive.

4 Computing Adequately Permissive Assumptions (APA)

In this section, we present our algorithm to compute adequately permissive assumptions (APA for short) for parity games, which are canonical representations of \(\omega \)-regular games. For a gradual exposition of the topic, we first present algorithms for simpler winning conditions, namely safety (Sec. 4.2), Büchi (Sec. 4.3), and Co-Büchi (Sec. 4.4), which are used as building blocks while presenting the algorithm for parity games (Sec. 4.5). All proofs omitted can be found in the full version [2]. Let us first introduce some preliminaries.

4.1 Preliminaries

We use symbolic fixpoint algorithms expressed in the \(\mu \)-calculus [17] to compute the winning regions and to generate assumptions in simple post-processing steps.

Set Transformers. Let \( G=(V=V^0\uplus V^1, E) \) be a game graph, \( U\subseteq V \) be a subset of vertices, and \( a\in \{0,1\} \) be the player index. Then we define two types of predecessor operators:

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {pre}_{G}(U) =&\{v\in V\mid \exists u\in U . ~(v,u)\in E \}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {cpre}^a_{G}(U) =&\{v\in V^a\mid v\in \textsf {pre}_{G}(U)\}\cup \{v\in V^{1-a}\mid \forall (v,u)\in E.~u\in U \}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {cpre}^{a,1}_{G}(U) =&\textsf {cpre}^{a}_{G}(U)\cup U\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {cpre}^{a,i}_{G}(U)=&\textsf {cpre}^{a}_{G}(\textsf {cpre}^{a,i-1}_{G}(U)) \cup \textsf {cpre}^{a,i-1}_{G}(U) \text { with } i\ge 1 \end{aligned}$$

The predecessor operator \( \textsf {pre}_{G}(U) \) computes the set of vertices with at least one successor in U. The controllable predecessor operators \( \textsf {cpre}^a_{G}(U) \) and \(\textsf {cpre}^{a,i}_{G}(U)\) compute the set of vertices from which \( Player ~a \) can force visiting U in at most one and i steps respectively. In the following, we introduce the attractor operator \( \textsf {attr}^a_{G}(U) \) that computes the set of vertices from which \( Player ~a\) can force at least a single visit to U in finitely many but nonzeroFootnote 1 steps:

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {attr}^a_{G}(U) =&\big ( \bigcup _{i\ge 1} \textsf {cpre}^{a,i}{(U)} \big )\backslash U \end{aligned}$$

When clear from the context, we drop the subscript \( G\) from these operators.

Fixpoint Algorithms in the \( \mu \)-calculus. \( \mu \)-calculus  [17] offers a succinct representation of symbolic algorithms (i.e., algorithms manipulating sets of vertices instead of individual vertices) over a game graph \( G\). The formulas of the \( \mu \)-calculus, interpreted over a 2-player game graph \( G\), are given by the grammar

$$\begin{aligned} \phi \,{:}{=}\,p \mid X \mid \phi \cup \phi \mid \phi \cap \phi \mid pre (\phi ) \mid \mu X.\phi \mid \nu X.\phi \end{aligned}$$

where p ranges over subsets of V, X ranges over a set of formal variables, pre ranges over monotone set transformers in \( \{\textsf {pre}, \textsf {cpre}^a, \textsf {attr}^a \} \), and \( \mu \) and \( \nu \) denote, respectively, the least and the greatest fixed point of the functional defined as \( X\mapsto \phi (X) \). Since the operations \( \cup , \cap \), and the set transformers \( pre \) are all monotonic, the fixed points are guaranteed to exist, due to the Knaster-Tarski Theorem [5]. We omit the (standard) semantics of formulas (see [17]).

A \( \mu \)-calculus formula evaluates to a set of vertices over \( G\), and the set can be computed by induction over the structure of the formula, where the fixed points are evaluated by iteration. The reader may note that \( \textsf {pre} \), \( \textsf {cpre} \) and \( \textsf {attr} \) can be computed in time polynomial in number of vertices.

4.2 Safety Games

A safety game is a game \(\mathcal {G}=(G,\varPhi )\) with \(\varPhi \,{:}{=}\,\square U\) for some \(U\subseteq V\), and a play fulfills \(\varPhi \) if it never leaves U. APAs for safety games disallow every \( Player ~1\) move that leaves the cooperative winning region in \(G\) w.r.t. \( Safety (U)\). This is formalized in the following theorem.

Theorem 1

Let \(\mathcal {G}=(G= (V,E),\square U)\) be a safety game, \(Z^*=\nu Y. U\cap \textsf {pre}_{}(Y)\), and \( S= \left\{ (u,v)\in E\mid \left( u\in V^1\cap Z^*\right) \wedge \left( v \notin Z^*\right) \right\} \). Then andFootnote 2

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \varPsi _{\textsc {unsafe}}(S)\,{:}{=}\,\square \bigwedge _{e\in S} \lnot e, \end{aligned}$$

is an or the game \(\mathcal {G}\). We denote by \(\textsc {UnsafeA}(G,U)\) the algorithm computing \(S\) as above, which runs in time \( \mathcal {O}(n^2) \), where \( n=|V|\).

We call the LTL formula in (6) a safety template and assumptions that solely use this template safety assumptions.

4.3 Live Group Assumptions for Büchi Games

Büchi games. A Büchi game is a game \(\mathcal {G}=(G,\varPhi )\) where \(\varPhi =\square \lozenge U\) for some \(U\subseteq V\). Intuitively, a play is winning for a Büchi game if it visits the vertex set U infinitely often. We first recall that the cooperative winning region can be computed by a two-nested symbolic fixpoint algorithm [10]


Live group templates. Given the standard algorithm in (7), the set \(X^i\) computed in the i-th iteration of the fixpoint variable X in the last iteration of Y actually carries a lot of information to construct a very useful assumption for the Büchi game \(\mathcal {G}\). To see this, recall that \( X^i \) contains all vertices which have an edge to vertices which can reach U in at most \( i-1 \) steps [10, sec. 3.2]. Hence, for all \( Player ~1\) vertices in \(X^i\setminus X^{i-1}\) we need to assume that \( Player ~1\) always eventually makes progress towards U by moving to \(X^i\). This can be formalized by a so called live group template.

Definition 6

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a game graph. Then a live group \(H= \left\{ e_j\right\} _{j\ge 0}\) is a set of edges \(e_j = (s_j,t_j)\) with source vertices \( src (H):=\left\{ s_j\right\} _{j\ge 0}\). Given a set of live groups \(H^\ell =\left\{ H_i\right\} _{i\ge 0}\) we define a live group template as

$$\begin{aligned} \varPsi _{\textsc {live}}(H^\ell )\,{:}{=}\,\bigwedge _{i\ge 0}\square \lozenge src(H_i)\implies \square \lozenge H_i. \end{aligned}$$

The live group template says that if some vertex from the source of a live group is visited infinitely often, then some edge from this group should be taken infinitely often. We will use this template to give the assumptions for Büchi games.

Remark 1

Note that the assumptions computed by Chatterjee et al.  [8] uses live edges, i.e., singleton live groups, and hence, they are less expressive. In particular, there are instances of Büchi games, where the permissive assumptions can not be expressed using live edges but they can be using live groups, e.g., in Fig. 1 (c) the live edge assumption \(\square \lozenge e_1 \wedge \square \lozenge e_2\) is sufficient but not permissive, whereas the live group assumption \(\square \lozenge src(H)\implies \square \lozenge H\) with \(H= \{e_1,e_2\}\) is an

In the context of the fixpoint computation of (7), we can construct live groups \(H^\ell =\left\{ H_i\right\} _{i\ge 0}\) where each \(H_i\) contains all edges of \( Player ~1\) which originate in \(X^i\setminus X^{i-1}\) and end in \(X^{i-1}\). Then the live group assumption in (8) precisely captures the intuition that, in order to visit U infinitely often, \( Player ~1\) should take edges in \(H_i\) infinitely often if vertices in \( src (H_i)\) are seen infinitely often. Unfortunately, it turns out that this live group assumption is not permissive. The reason is that it restricts \( Player ~1\) also on those vertices from which she will anyway go towards U. For example, consider the game in Fig. 2 (right). Here defining live groups through computations of (10), will mark \( {e_1} \) as a live group, but then \( (v_2v_1v_0)^{\omega } \) will be in \( \mathcal {L}(\varPhi ) \) but not in the language of the assumption. Here the permissive assumption would be \( \varPsi =\textsc {true} \).

Accelerated fixpoint computation. In order to provide permissiveness, we use a slightly modified fixpoint algorithm that computes the same set \(Z^*\) but allows us to extract permissive assumptions directly from the fixpoint computations. Towards this goal, we introduce the together predecessor operator.

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {tpre}_{G}(U)= \textsf {attr}^0_{G}(U) \cup \textsf {cpre}^1_{G}(\textsf {attr}^0_{G}(U)\cup U). \end{aligned}$$

Intuitively, \(\textsf{tpre}\) adds all vertices from which \( Player ~0\) does not need any cooperation to reach U in every iteration of the fixpoint computation. The interesting observation we make is that substituting the inner pre operator in (7) by \(\textsf{tpre}\) does not change the computed set but only accelerates the computation. This is formalized in the next proposition and visualized in Fig. 3.

Proposition 1

Let \( \mathcal {G}=\left( G,\square \lozenge U\right) \) be a game and


Then .

Prop. 1 follows from the correctness proof of (7) by using the observation that for all \( U\subseteq V \) we have \( \mu X. ~U\cup \textsf {pre}_{}(X)=\mu X. ~U\cup \textsf {tpre}_{}(X)\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Computation of \( \mu X. ~U\cup \textsf {pre}_{}(X)\) (left) and \(\mu X. ~U\cup \textsf {tpre}_{}(X) \) (right). Each colored region describes one iteration over X. The dotted region on the right is added by the \( \textsf{attr} \) part of \( \textsf{tpre} \), and this allows only the vertex \( v_5 \) to be in \( front (\{v_1\}) \). Each set of the same colored edges defines a live transition group.

Computing live group assumptions. Intuitively, the operator \( \textsf {tpre}_{G} \) computes the union of (i) the set of vertices from which \( Player ~0\) can reach U in a finite number of steps with no cooperation from \( Player ~1\) and (ii) the set of \( Player ~1\) vertices from which \( Player ~0\) can reach U with at most one-time cooperation from \( Player ~1\). Looking at Fig. 3, case (i) is indicated by the dotted line, while case (ii) corresponds to the last added \( Player ~1\) vertex (e.g., \(v_5\)). Hence, we need to capture the cooperation needed by \( Player ~1\) only from the vertices added last, which we call the frontier of U in \( G\) and are formalized as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} front (U):=\textsf {tpre}_{G}(U)\setminus \textsf {attr}^0_{G}(U). \end{aligned}$$

It is easy to see that, indeed \( front (U)\subseteq V^1 \), as whenever \( v\in front (U)\cap V^0 \), then it would have been the case that \(v\in \textsf {attr}^0_{G}(U) \) via (10).

Defining live groups based on frontiers instead of all elements in \(X^i\) indeed yields the desired permissive assumption for Büchi games. By observing that we additionally need to ensure that \( Player ~1\) never leaves the cooperative winning region by a simple safety assumption, we get the following result, which is the main contribution of this section.

Theorem 2

Let \( \mathcal {G}=\left( G= (V,E),\varPhi = \square \lozenge U\right) \) be a game with and \(H^\ell =\left\{ H_i\right\} _{i\ge 0}\) s.t.

$$\begin{aligned} \emptyset \ne H_i:= ( front (X^i)\times (X^{i+1}\setminus front (X^i)))\cap E, \end{aligned}$$

where \(X^i\) is the set computed in the i-th iteration of the computation over X and in the last iteration of the computation over Y in . Then \(\varPsi = \varPsi _{\textsc {unsafe}}(S)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {live}}(H^\ell )\) is an or \(\mathcal {G}\), where \( S= \textsc {UnsafeA}(G, U)\). We write \(\textsc {LiveA}(G,U)\) to denote the algorithm to construct live groups \(H^\ell \) as above, which runs in time \( \mathcal {O}(n^3) \), where \( n=|V| \).

In fact, there is a faster algorithm for computation of APAs for games, that runs in time linear in the size of the graph, which we present in the full version [2]. We chose to present the \( \mu \)-calculus based algorithm here, because it provides more insights into the nature of live groups.

4.4 Co-Liveness Assumptions in Co-Büchi Games

A co-Büchi game is the dual of a Büchi game, where a winning play should visit a designated set of vertices only finitely many times. Formally, a co-Büchi game is a tuple \(\mathcal {G}=(G,\varPhi )\) where \(\varPhi =\lozenge \square U\) for some \(U\subseteq V\). The standard symbolic algorithm to compute the cooperative winning region is as follows:


As before, the sets \( X^i \) obtained in the i-th computation of X during the evaluation of (13) carry essential information for constructing assumptions. Intuitively, \( X^1 \) gives precisely the set of vertices from which the play can stay in U with \( Player ~1\)’s cooperation and we would like an assumption to capture the fact that we do not want \( Player ~1\) to go further away from \( X^1 \) infinitely often. This observation is naturally described by so called co-liveness templates.

Definition 7

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a game graph and \( D\subseteq V\times V \) a set of edges. Then a co-liveness template over \(G\) w.r.t. \(D\) is defined by the LTL formula

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \varPsi _{\textsc {colive}}(D)\,{:}{=}\,\lozenge \square \bigwedge _{e\in D} \lnot e. \end{aligned}$$

The assumptions employing co-liveness templates will be called co-liveness assumptions. With this, we can state the main result of this section.

Theorem 3

Let , and

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle D=\left( \ \begin{aligned}\textstyle \left[ (X^1\cap V^1) \times (Z^*\setminus X^{1})\right] ~\cup \left[ \bigcup _{i>1} (X^{i}\cap V^1)\times (Z^*\setminus X^{i-1})\right] \end{aligned}\right) \cap E, \end{aligned}$$

where \( X^i \) is the set computed in the i-th iteration of fixpoint variable X in . Then \(\varPsi = \varPsi _{\textsc {unsafe}}(S)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {colive}}(D)\) is an or \(\mathcal {G}\), where \( S= \textsc {UnsafeA}(G, U)\). We write \(\textsc {CoLiveA}(G,U)\) to denote the algorithm constructing co-live edges \(D\) as above which runs in time \( \mathcal {O}(n^3) \), where \( n=|V| \).

We observe that \( X_1 \) is a subset of U such that if a play reaches \( X^1 \), \( Player ~0\) and \( Player ~1\) can cooperatively keep the play in \( X^1 \). To do so, we ensure via the definition of \( D\) in (15) that \( Player ~1\) can only leave \( X^1 \) finitely often. Moreover, with the other co-live edges in \( D\), we ensure that \( Player ~1\) can only go away from \( X^1 \) finitely often, and hence if \( Player ~0\) plays their strategy to reach \( X^1 \) and then stay there, the play will be winning. The permissiveness of the assumption comes from the observation that if co-liveness is violated, then \( Player ~1\) takes a co-live edge infinitely often, and hence leaves \( X^1 \) infinitely often, implying leaving U infinitely often.

We again present a faster algorithm that runs in time linear in size of the graph for computation of APAs for co-Büchi games in the full version [2].

4.5 ssumptions for Parity Games

Parity games. Let \(G= \left( V,E\right) \) be a game graph, and \(C = \left\{ C_0,\ldots ,C_k\right\} \) be a set of subsets of vertices which form a partition of V. Then the game \(\mathcal {G}=(G,\varPhi )\) is called a parity game if

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \varPhi = Parity (C)\,{:}{=}\,\bigvee _{i\in _{\textrm{odd}}[0;k]} \square \lozenge C_i \implies \bigvee _{j\in _{\textrm{even}}[i+1;k]} \square \lozenge C_j. \end{aligned}$$

The set C is called the priority set and a vertex v in the set \(C_i\), for \(i\in [1;k]\), is said to have priority i. An infinite play \(\rho \) is winning for \(\varPhi = Parity (C)\) if the highest priority appearing infinitely often along \(\rho \) is even.

Conditional live group templates. As seen in the previous sections, for games with simple winning conditions which require visiting a fixed set of edges infinitely or only finitely often, a single assumption (conjoined with a simple safety assumption) suffices to characterize APAs, as there is just one way to win. However, in general parity games, there are usually multiple ways of winning: for example, in parity games with priorities \( \{0,1,2\} \), a play will be winning if either (i) it only infinitely often sees vertices of priority 0, or (ii) it sees priority 1 infinitely often but also sees priority 2 infinitely often. Intuitively, winning option (i) requires the use of co-liveness assumptions as in Sec. 4.4. However, winning option (ii) actually requires the live group assumptions discussed in Sec. 4.3 to be conditional on whether certain states with priority 1 have actually been visited infinitely often. This is formalized by generalizing live group templates to conditional live group templates.

Definition 8

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a game graph. Then a conditional live group over \(G\) is a pair \( (R, H^\ell ) \), where \( R\subseteq V \) and \( H^\ell \) is a live group. Given a set of conditional live groups \( \mathcal {H}^\ell \), a conditional live group template is the LTL formula

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \varPsi _{\textsc {cond}}(\mathcal {H}^\ell )\,{:}{=}\,\bigwedge _{(R,H^\ell )\in \mathcal {H}^\ell }\left( \square \lozenge R\implies \varPsi _{\textsc {live}}(H^\ell )\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Again, the assumptions employing conditional live group templates will be called conditional live group assumptions. With the generalization of live group assumptions to conditional live group assumptions, we actually have all the ingredients to define an or parity games as a conjunction

$$\begin{aligned} \varPsi = \varPsi _{\textsc {unsafe}}(S)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {colive}}(D)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {cond}}(\mathcal {H}^\ell ) \end{aligned}$$

of a safety, a co-liveness, and a conditional live group assumptions. Intuitively, we use (i) a safety assumption to prevent \( Player ~1\) to leave the cooperative winning region, (ii) a co-live assumption for each winning option that requires seeing a particular odd priority only finitely often, and (iii) a conditional live group assumption for each winning option that requires seeing an even priority infinitely often if certain odd priority have been seen infinitely often. The remainder of this section gives an algorithm (Alg. 1) to compute the actual safety, co-live and conditional live group sets \(S\), \(D\) and \(\mathcal {H}^\ell \), respectively, and proves that the resulting assumption \(\varPsi \) (as in (18)) is actually an or the parity game \(\mathcal {G}\).

figure t

Computing APAs. The computation of unsafe, co-live, and conditional live group sets \(S\), \(D\), and \(\mathcal {H}^\ell \) to make \(\varPsi \) in (18) an s formalized in Alg. 1. Alg. 1 utilizes the standard fixpoint algorithm \(\textsc {Parity}(G,C)\) [12] to compute the cooperative winning region for a parity game \(\mathcal {G}\), defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \textsc {Parity}(G,C):=\tau X_d \cdots \nu X_2 ~\mu X_1 ~\nu X_0. \bigcup _{i\in [0;d]} (C_i\cap \textsf {pre}_{}(X_i)), \end{aligned}$$

where \( \tau \) is \( \nu \) if d is even, and \( \mu \) otherwise. In addition, Alg. 1 involves the algorithms \(\textsc {UnsafeA}\) (Thm. 1), \(\textsc {LiveA}\) (Thm. 2), and \(\textsc {CoLiveA}\) (Thm. 3) to compute safety, live group, and co-liveness assumptions in an iterative manner. In addition, \(G|_U\,{:}{=}\,\left( U,U^0, U^1, E'\right) \) s.t. \(U^0\,{:}{=}\,V^0\cap U\), \(U^1\,{:}{=}\,V^1\cap U\), and \(E'\,{:}{=}\,E\cap (U\times U)\) denotes the restriction of a game graph \(G\,{:}{=}\,\left( V,V^0, V^1, E\right) \) to a subset of its vertices \(U\subseteq V\). Further, \(C|_U\) denotes the restriction of the priority set C from V to \(U\subseteq V\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A parity game, where a vertex with priority i has label \( c_i \). The dotted edges are the unsafe edges, the dashed edges are the co-live edges, and every similarly colored vertex-edge pair forms a conditional live group.

We illustrate the steps of Alg. 1 by an example depicted in Fig. 4. In line 1, we compute the cooperative winning region \(Z^*\) of the entire game, to find that the parity condition cannot be satisfied from vertex \( v_7 \) even with cooperation, i.e., \(Z^*=\{v_1,\ldots ,v_6\}\). So we put the edge \( (v_6,v_7) \) in a safety template, restrict the game to \(G=G|_{Z^*}\) and run ComputeSets on the new restricted game.

In the new game G the highest priority is odd (\( d=5 \)), hence we execute lines 9-10. Now a play would be winning only if eventually the play does not see \( v_5 \) any more. Hence, in step 9, we find the region \(W_{\lnot 5}=\{v_1,\ldots ,v_4,v_6\}\) of the restricted graph \(G|_{V\setminus C_5}\) (only containing nodes \(v_i\) with priority \(C(v_i)<5)\)) from where we can satisfy the parity condition without seeing \( v_5 \). We then make sure that we do not leave \(W_{\lnot 5}\) to visit \(v_5\) in the game G infinitely often by executing \(\textsc {CoLiveA}(G,W_{\lnot 5})\) in line 10, making the edges \((v_5,v_5)\) and \((v_6,v_5)\) co-live.

Once we restrict a play from visiting \( v_5 \) infinitely often, we only need to focus on satisfying parity without visiting \( v_5 \) within \(W_{\lnot 5}\). This observation allows us to further restrict our computation to the game \( \mathcal {G}= \mathcal {G}|_{W_{\lnot 5}}\) in line 16, where we also update the priorities to only range from 0 to 4. In our example this step does not change anything. We then re-execute ComputeSets on this game.

In the restricted graph, the highest priority is 4 which is even, hence we execute lines 12-14. One way of winning in this game is to visit \( C_4 \) infinitely often, so we compute the respective cooperative winning region \(W_4\) in line 12. In our example we have \(W_4=W_{\lnot 5}=\{v_1,\ldots ,v_4,v_6\}\). Now, to ensure that from the vertices from which we can cooperatively see 4, we actually win, we have to make sure that every time a lower odd priority vertex is visited infinitely often, a higher priority is also visited. This can be ensured by conditional live group fairness as computed in line 14. For every odd priority \(i<4\), (i.e, for \(i=1\) and \(i=3\)) we have to make sure that either 2 or 4 (if \(i=1\)) or 4 (if \( i=3 \)) is visited infinitely often. The resulting live groups \(\mathcal {H}^\ell _i=(R_i,H^\ell _i)\) collect all vertices in \(W_4\) with priority i in \(R_i\) and all live groups allowing to see even priorities j with \(i<j\le 4\) in \(H^\ell _i\), where the latter is computed using the fixed-point algorithm \( \textsc {LiveA}\) to compute live groups. The resulting live groups for \(i=1\) (blue) and \(i=3\) (red) are depicted in Fig. 4 and given by \((\{v_1\},\{(v_1,v_2)\})\) and \((\{v_3\},\{(v_2,v_4)\}, \{(v_1,v_2)\})\), respectively.

At this point we have \(W_{\lnot 4}=\emptyset \), making the game graph computed in line 16 empty, and the algorithm eventually terminates after iteratively removing all priorities from C by running ComputeSets (without any computations, as \(\mathcal {G}\) is empty) for priorities 3, 2 and 1. In a different game graph, the reasoning done for priorities 5 and 4 above can be repeated for lower priorities if there are other parts of the game graph not contained in \(W_{4}\), from where the game can be won by seeing priority 2 infinitely often. The main insight into the correctness of the outlined algorithm is that all computed assumptions can be conjoined to obtain an or the original parity game.

With Alg. 1 in place, we now state the main result of the entire paper.

Theorem 4

Let \( \mathcal {G}=\left( G, Parity (C)\right) \) be a parity game such that \((S,D,\mathcal {H}^\ell )=\textsc {ParityAssumption}(G,C)\). Then \(\varPsi = \varPsi _{\textsc {unsafe}}(S)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {colive}}(D)\wedge \varPsi _{\textsc {cond}}(\mathcal {H}^\ell )\) is an or \(\mathcal {G}\). Moreover, Alg. 1 terminates in time \( \mathcal {O}(n^4) \), where \( n=|V| \).

5 Experimental Evaluation

We have developed a C++-based prototype tool \(\textsc {SImPA} \)Footnote 3 computing Sufficient, Implementable and Permissive Assumptions for Büchi, co-Büchi, and parity games. We first compare \(\textsc {SImPA} \) against the closest related tool \(\textrm{GIST}\) [9] in Sec. 5.1. We then show that \(\textsc {SImPA} \) gives small and meaningful assumptions for the well-known 2-client arbiter synthesis problem from [21] in Sec. 5.2.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Running times of \(\textsc {SImPA} \) vs \(\textrm{GIST}\) (in seconds, log-scale)

Table 1. Summary of the experimental results

5.1 Performance Evaluation

We compare the effectiveness of our tool against a re-implementation of \(\textrm{GIST}\) [9], which is not available anymoreFootnote 4. \(\textrm{GIST}\) originally computes assumptions only enabling a particular initial vertex to become winning for \( Player ~0\). However, for the experiments, we run \(\textrm{GIST}\) until one of the cooperatively winning vertices is not winning anymore. Since \( \textrm{GIST}\) starts with a maximal assumption and shrinks it until a fixed initial vertex is not winning anymore, our modification makes \( \textrm{GIST}\) faster as the modified termination condition is satisfied earlier. Owing to the non-dependence of our tool and dependence of \( \textrm{GIST}\) on a fixed vertex, this modification allows a fair comparison.

We compared the performance and the quality of the assumptions computed by \(\textsc {SImPA} \) and \(\textrm{GIST}\) on a set of parity games collected from the SYNTCOMP benchmark suite [1], with a timeout of one hour per game. All the experiments were performed on a computer equipped with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10600T CPU @ 2.40GHz and 32 GiB RAM.

We provide all details of the experimental results in the full version [2] and summarize them in Table 1. In addition, Fig. 5 shows a scatter plot, where every instance of the benchmarks is depicted as a point, where the X and the Y coordinates represent the running time for \(\textsc {SImPA} \) and \(\textrm{GIST}\) (in seconds), respectively. We see that \(\textsc {SImPA} \) is computationally much faster than \(\textrm{GIST}\) in every instance (all dots lie above the lower red line) – most times by one (above the middle green line) and many times even by two (above the upper orange line) orders of magnitude.

Moreover, in some experiments, \(\textrm{GIST}\) fails to compute a sufficient assumption (in the sense of Def. 2), whereas \(\textsc {SImPA} \) successfully computes an see the row labeled ‘no assumption generated’ in Table 1 ). This is not surprising, as the class of assumptions used by \(\textrm{GIST}\) are only unsafe edges and live edges (i.e., singleton live groups) which are not expressive enough to provide sufficient assumptions for all parity games (see Fig. 1(b) for a simple example where there is no sufficient assumption that can be expressed using live edges). Furthermore, we note that in all cases where the assumptions computed by \(\textrm{GIST}\) are actually APAs, \(\textsc {SImPA} \) computes the same assumptions orders of magnitudes faster.

5.2 2-Client Arbiter Example

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Illustration of a relevant part of the game graph for the 2-client arbiter. Rectangles and circles represent \( Player ~1\) and \( Player ~0\) vertices, respectively. The labels of the \( Player ~0\) states indicate the current status of the request and grant bits, and in addition, remember if a request is currently pending using the atomic propositions \(F_1,F_2\). The double-lined vertices are Büchi vertices, i.e., ones with no pending requests.

We consider the 2-client arbiter example from the work by Piterman et al. [21], where clients \(i\in \{1,2\}\) (\( Player ~1\)) can request or free a shared resource by setting the input variables \(r_i\) to true or false, and the arbiter (\( Player ~0\)) can set the output variables \(g_i\) to true or false to grant or withdraw the shared resource to/from client i. The game graph for this example is implicitly given as part of the specification (as this is a GR(1) synthesis problem [21]). The goal of the arbiter is to ensure that always eventually the requests are granted. This can be depicted by a Büchi game, part of which is presented in Fig. 6. It is known that \( Player ~0\) can not win the game without constraining moves of \( Player ~1\).

Running \(\textsc {SImPA} \) (took 0.01s) on this example yields two live groups (edges of one live group are indicated by thick red arrows in Fig. 6) that ensures that the play eventually moves to vertices where the \( Player ~0\) can force a visit to a Büchi vertex. These assumptions are similar to the ones used to restrict the clients’ behavior in [21], but are more permissive. Furthermore, running \(\textrm{GIST}\) (took 6.44s) yields several live edges (e.g., , ), which again is less permissive than ours. It turns out that an or this example will unavoidably require live groups — singleton live edges, as computed by \(\textrm{GIST}\), will not suffice. For a detailed discussion, we refer the reader to the full version [2].