
figure a
figure b

1 Introduction

Constraint programming is a form of declarative programming. A constraint program or model typically declares some variables and asserts a certain relationship that must hold between them. A constraint solver automatically finds values of the variables that satisfy the constraints.

There is a broad body of research in constraint programming, which explores different kinds of constraints, different languages for expressing them, and different methods for solving them. If you know you are likely to become a frequent user of constraint programming, it is relatively easy to take advantage of this. After making the effort to learn a standardised constraint language, such as MiniZinc, you have easy access to a range of common constraints and solvers.

But what if you are a casual user, who encounters a single problem that is too complex or time-consuming to solve by hand, but might be easy with the assistance of a computer? You may be tempted to prototype a solution using a simple technique such as brute force or backtracking search. This may well work, but it is easy to make an error when writing such a program. Or the problem may turn out to be computationally harder than expected. Alternatively, you may try to learn a constraint programming language, but if the effort required is high and the process is error-prone, you may be deterred. Furthermore, if you do not need to use the language again for months or years, you may well have forgotten it by then, meaning that much of the effort is wasted.

To meet the needs of this kind of user, we introduce the CoPTIC (Constraint Programming Translated Into C) system for constraint programming. CoPTIC reduces the effort needed to write a model by allowing the user to write it in a declarative style as a C program. It achieves this by using the existing program verification tool CBMC, which in turn uses a SAT solver.

In outline, the C program must first declare all variables in the constraint problem and assign them a nondeterministic value. Next, it assumes that all of the constraints hold; paths where they do not hold should be ignored. Finally, it asserts false; that is, it is an error if the program reaches its end.

We can pass the program to CBMC and ask it to verify that the assertion cannot be violated. CBMC tries to find a resolution of the nondeterminism that leads to an assertion violation; it does this by encoding the problem as a SAT instance and solving it with a SAT solver. It reports back a counterexample trace to the verification problem. By construction, the values of the variables in this trace satisfy the constraints.

This idea is fairly straightforward for someone familiar with CBMC to apply in an ad-hoc way to a particular problem. However, a usable constraint programming system needs more than this. The contributions of this paper are the implementation, description and experimental evaluation of the CoPTIC system, which automates and extends the process outlined above.

We illustrate how to write constraint models in the guess-and-check paradigm outlined above with examples and explain how CoPTIC solves these models using CBMC in Section 2. We show how CoPTIC makes it easy for a user to:

  • import constraint data from an external source, such as a JSON or CSV file;

  • solve constraint satisfaction and optimisation problems;

  • enumerate distinct solutions to a problem;

  • export a solution in a suitable format; and

  • maintain consistency between the constraints, validation and output as the model evolves by keeping the whole model in a single file written in one programming language.

In particular, CoPTIC reads resolved nondeterministic choices from CBMC’s counterexample trace and constructs a C function that replays them when the program is compiled and run with an ordinary compiler. A similar construction has been used by Beyer and others to produce tests from verification witnesses [3], but CoPTIC uses it to display the solution to the constraint model.

We discuss debugging constraint models, efficiency of the SAT encoding and some other practical considerations in Section 3. Next, we evaluate CoPTIC empirically on problems from CSPLib in Section 4, considering both solver performance and the size of the models. The software artifact accompanying this paper [15] contains the source code for CoPTIC, which is released under the MIT License, as well as the models and scripts needed to reproduce our experiments. In Section 5 we discuss related work in constraint programming and automated verification, before concluding in Section 6.

2 The Guess-and-Check Paradigm

CoPTIC constraint models are C programs that mix the language’s conventional imperative style with a declarative guess-and-check paradigm. To illustrate how the system is used and how it works, we now consider some worked examples. First, we will see that the code in the CoPTIC models is similar to a naive attempt to solve the problems using brute force or backtracking search (but often faster in execution). We argue that this makes the system easy to learn and to use for programmers with little knowledge or experience of constraint programming. Then we will see how to extend the approach to solution enumeration and optimisation.

Many finite-domain constraint problems are in the complexity class NP. NP problems can be characterised as those that:

  1. 1.

    have a certificate verifiable in deterministic polynomial-time; or

  2. 2.

    can be translated into SAT in polynomial-time.

CoPTIC exploits this equivalence constructively. Given a guess-and-check program that verifies a certificate, we can view CoPTIC as compiling the program into SAT with CBMC, which executes the nondeterministic program with a SAT solver. CoPTIC extracts the certificate, hard-codes it into the program to make it deterministic, then compiles it with a normal compiler and executes it deterministically.

2.1 Constraint Satisfaction: Magic Square

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Left: A brute force program to find a magic square. Right: A CoPTIC model to solve the same problem. Note the absence of code for explicit search.

Let us consider the well-known problem of finding a normal \(3 \times 3\) magic square. A normal \(n \times n\) magic square is an \(n \times n\) grid of integers from 1 to \(n^2\), where every row, every column and both diagonals have the same sum.

Suppose we try to solve this problem using brute force. We write the simple program shown on the left side of Figure 1, which iterates through all possible assignments of integers to each grid cell. The program checks each assignment to see if it meets all the required constraints. As soon as one does, it prints it out and terminates.

We are pleased to see that, after a few minutes, the program finds a solution. Next we try with a larger square. We will be dismayed, as the running time of the program increases drastically.

How could we solve this problem more efficiently? The right side of Figure 1 shows the program adapted for use with CoPTIC. The program begins by including the coptic.h header file. Now, instead of iterating through each possible assignment explicitly, the program GUESSes the values of the grid cells. The checks are much the same as before, but use CoPTIC’s CHECK macro. The call to SATISFY indicates that we want to find any solution that satisfies all the constraints, while the code in the OUTPUT block is run only when a solution is found. We run the modified program with CoPTIC and are once again pleased as it finds a solution in a few seconds.

2.2 CoPTIC Architecture

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The architecture of the CoPTIC system. Solid arrows indicate data flow. Dashed arrows indicate inclusion of a C header file.

Now let us consider how CoPTIC produces the solution. Figure 2 shows the architecture of the system. After using the C compiler gcc to syntax-check and type-check the program (not shown), it runs the bounded model-checker CBMC on the program, asking it to verify absence of assertion violations. CBMC transforms the problem of finding an assertion violation in the program into a giant SAT instance and attempts to solve it using a SAT solver.

The header file coptic.h supplies definitions of GUESS, CHECK, SATISFY and OUTPUT that behave as follows: GUESS tells CBMC to pick a value nondeterministically and log it. CHECK takes a condition and tells CBMC to ignore program paths where the condition is false. SATISFY violates a trivial assertion; this tells CBMC to report failed verification and an accompanying program trace if there is a program path that reaches the assertion. OUTPUT takes a block and ignores it.

If the SAT instance is unsatisfiable, the solver reports this to CBMC. Then CBMC reports to CoPTIC that program verification was successful, as no assertion violation could be found. CoPTIC in turn reports that the constraints in the model were unsatisfiable.

Conversely, if the SAT instance is satisfiable, the solver reports a satisfying assignment to CBMC. CBMC converts this into a trace of steps of execution through the program that lead to the assertion violation. It reports to CoPTIC that program verification was unsuccessful and logs the trace that led to the assertion violation. Now CoPTIC can report that the constraints in the model are satisfiable, but it still has to show how.

To do this, it reads the nondeterministically GUESSed values from the log and writes a C header file containing a stateful replay function that, on each successive call, returns these values in the same order. It compiles the model with gcc, but uses a preprocessor macro to set a flag that changes the behaviour of coptic.h. Now GUESS calls the replay function, CHECK becomes a run-time assertion, SATISFY does nothing and OUTPUT executes the supplied block.

Finally, CoPTIC runs the compiled model. The replay function provides the variable values that satisfy the constraints in the model, the run-time assertions pass and the OUTPUT code prints the solution. Because the OUTPUT code can be arbitrary C code, it is easy to format the solution and display it in any reasonable format.

Many constraint models represent not just a single problem, but a family of similar instances. For example, instances for our magic square model might involve completing partially filled magic squares of different sizes. In this case, CoPTIC allows instance data to be imported from an external source, such as a JSON or CSV file. To achieve this, the user needs to specify a filter program that translates the instance data into definitions in a C header file; coptic.h will then include this header file. The filter can be written in any language and the CoPTIC distribution includes some examples.

2.3 Planning: Knight’s Tour

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Top: A backtracking program to find an open Knight’s Tour (with moves listed in reverse order). Bottom: A CoPTIC model to solve the same problem (with moves listed in order).

In the magic square example, the CoPTIC model began by guessing all the values in the square and the rest of the program was deterministic. However, this need not be the case, and we can often express a model more naturally or succinctly by mixing declarative and imperative programming. This is particularly useful for planning problems.

To demonstrate the flexibility of this approach, let us consider another well-known problem: finding a knight’s tour on a chessboard. An open knight’s tour is a sequence of moves made by a knight on a chessboard that visits each square exactly once. The top of Figure 3 shows a simple program to find a knight’s tour on a \(5 \times 5\) board using a recursive implementation of a backtracking search. Most of the implementation’s complexity comes from using recursion to manage backtracking and from enumerating all the possible moves of a knight from a particular square.

The bottom of Figure 3 shows how we can remove this complexity in a CoPTIC model. Instead of using recursion and backtracking, we now use a simple loop that nondeterministically guesses the next move at each step. Instead of enumerating possible moves explicitly, we guess a position where the x-ordinate differs by 2 and the y-ordinate differs by 1 or vice versa.

Knight’s Tour can be solved efficiently using a program implementing backtracking search with the additional heuristic of preferring the move that leaves fewest options for the following move. Our CoPTIC model cannot compete with this in speed of execution (or with a custom encoding in SAT [21]), but it has the advantages that it is shorter and does not require specialist knowledge of the problem, so is significantly easier to implement.

2.4 Enumeration: Integer Quadratics

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A CoPTIC model to enumerate integer solutions to a quadratic equation.

Next we turn our attention to constraint problems that require not only satisfying a set of constraints, but also finding an optimal solution (as measured by some objective function) or enumerating all solutions. Both of these involve making multiple calls to CBMC.

For solution enumeration, we consider the example of finding integer solutions to an equation. Figure 4 shows a CoPTIC model to find all integer solutions to a quadratic equation. This model introduces ENUMERATE, which instructs CoPTIC to enumerate all solutions.

This is not as straightforward as it might first seem. While CBMC generates a SAT instance and some SAT solvers support an option that enumerates all solutions to an instance, this would not help much here, as a model may guess and check auxiliary values that do not contribute to the solution, and these need not be unique. So we need a way for a model to indicate which values are significant, in the sense that a difference in one of these values is sufficient to make a solution distinct; this is what DECLARE does.

We also need a way, within the C program, to assume that one of these values is different. In this case, we could use a single assumption to check x is not equal to the solution already found. But in general, a solution may comprise multiple values and we cannot simply check all of them at once, as they might not all be in scope simultaneously. (Consider the Knight’s Tour model, where the variable holding the current position is overwritten on each iteration of the loop.) The solution CoPTIC adopts is to construct a trie of DECLAREd values for each solution, then within the model to trace progress through the trie as the program executes. Finally, ENUMERATE asserts that the current trie node is terminal; if it is not, then the solution is novel. This approach is not very efficient, as each use of DECLARE (after any loops have been unrolled) leads to another copy of the trie’s “next node” function in CBMC’s SAT encoding. But it does work even when there are multiple paths through a program and when the number of DECLAREd values varies between solutions. For situations where the number of values is constant and they are all available at a single point in the program, CoPTIC supports a form of DECLARE with multiple arguments.

One usually considers the problem of finding solutions to polynomial equations in the context of real numbers, not integers. So one might wonder whether CoPTIC supports GUESSing values of types other than int. Indeed it does: all primitive C types are supported. However, while (in contrast to many other constraint solvers) floating point types are supported, CBMC’s implementation depends on an encoding in SAT, which does not perform very well.

2.5 Optimisation: Golomb Rulers

Fig. 5.
figure 5

A CoPTIC model for finding an optimal Golomb ruler.

Finally, to illustrate optimisation, we consider the Golomb ruler problem of finding a sequence of n increasing integers, starting from 0, such that the differences between all pairs taken from the sequence are unique. For a given n, an optimal Golomb ruler minimises the last number in the sequence. For \(n = 4\), the only optimal solution is 0, 1, 4, 6.

Figure 5 shows a CoPTIC model for finding an optimal Golomb ruler. The model guesses a sequence of n integers and checks that the sequence is increasing, and that all differences between pairs are unique. (Ignore the commented line for the moment.) Instead of calling SATISFY, this model calls OPTIMIZE with the last element of the sequence, which is our objective that we wish to minimise.

When CoPTIC passes this model to CBMC, it uses an implementation of OPTIMIZE that does two things. Firstly, it logs the objective, so that CoPTIC can read it afterwards. Secondly, if it has already found a feasible value of the objective, it asserts that the objective is not BETTER than that previously found. CoPTIC calls CBMC repeatedly until it is unable to find a better objective, at which point, the best found so far must be optimal.

By allowing BETTER to be defined as part of the model, CoPTIC supports not only maximisation and minimisation of numerical objectives, but also more complex objectives, such as lexicographic minimisation of a pair of values.

Returning to the problem of finding an optimal Golomb Ruler, for \(n = 7\), there are multiple solutions. We can use CoPTIC to find them all by uncommenting the DECLARE line and replacing OPTIMIZE with ENUMERATE_OPTIMAL. CoPTIC treats ENUMERATE_OPTIMAL the same as OPTIMIZE until it has found an optimal solution, after which it behaves as ENUMERATE with the extra restriction that solutions must be optimal.

3 Practical Considerations

Now that we have seen how the guess-and-check paradigm is used for modelling and how it is implemented by CoPTIC for constraint satisfaction, optimisation and enumeration, we turn our attention to some practical details of usability and performance.

3.1 Debugging Constraint Models

In program verification, a common concern is not only whether a program meets its specification, but also whether the specification is correct. In constraint programming, a similar concern applies. It is easy to under-specify a model, resulting in solutions to the model that are not solutions to the intended problem. In this case, a useful approach is to add extra logging to the model as OUTPUT. It is also easy to over-specify a model, resulting in a model with no solutions, even though the intended problem has solutions. This is harder to diagnose, but one helpful method is to comment out CHECKs until the model has a solution.

Another important concern in verification is whether the verification tool has accurately modelled the behaviour of the program being verified. Similarly, in constraint programming, we may worry whether the solution found by a solver really does satisfy the constraints. CoPTIC addresses this by turning CHECKs into assertions when running the model with nondeterminism resolved. On the occasions when the compiled program does violate one of these assertions, we have usually found that it results from an erroneous out-of-bounds array access in the model, which is undefined behaviour. A particular problem that results from CBMC’s bit-level modelling of two’s complement integer arithmetic is that CoPTIC may find solutions to a model that involve very large integers that overflow when added together, leading to an erroneous negative objective value. This is usually easy to avoid by CHECKing an upper bound on GUESSed integers in the model. It may also improve performance, especially for optimisation problems, where it may reduce the number of calls to CBMC.

CoPTIC keeps all files it produces during solution in a temporary directory. This includes log files from CBMC, header files for replaying nondeterminism, and output from the compiled programs (of which there may be several in the case of optimisation or enumeration). In the event of any problems, this makes it easy for a user to examine exactly what has happened.

One occasional problem is that CBMC is unable to translate the model into a SAT instance. General program verification is undecidable, so there are necessarily limits to the kinds of programs CBMC can handle. For example, it may be unable to infer a bound on the number of executions of a loop. In this case, CoPTIC will hang and CBMC’s log file will show the loop in question being unrolled repeatedly, so the cause will be clear. However, we recommend that it is best to avoid this problem in the first place by using simple for loops with obvious statically computable bounds wherever possible. We also suggest that, while use of arrays, functions and structs is fine, unbounded recursion, heap memory allocation and pointer arithmetic should be avoided. CBMC should always be able to handle programs satisfying these restrictions.

3.2 Performance

CoPTIC’s target audience is casual users of constraint programming. Therefore performance need not be outstanding, but it should still be acceptable. In constraint programming, performance often depends more on modelling decisions than on the efficiency of the solver, so an important factor in this regard is that different ways of modelling a problem should be easily expressible. We argue that CoPTIC’s ability to mix imperative with declarative programming helps here.

Clearly there will be some overhead introduced by CBMC’s translation into SAT, when compared with a translation from a dedicated constraint programming language directly into SAT. An obvious example might be use of fixed bit-width integers in the C program that are larger than necessary for the range of values taken by a variable in the model. But if these wasted high bits do not materially participate in any constraints, they will rarely lead to a conflict during SAT solving, so the SAT solver may be able to ignore them much of the time.

CBMC aims for bit-precise verification of C programs running on conventional microprocessors, so it uses a two’s complement encoding for integers. This is acceptable, but Zhou and Kjellerstrand found that a sign-magnitude encoding worked better when developing PicatSAT [23]. Furthermore, for many problems where variables range over small domains, a one-hot encoding works better than a binary encoding.

4 Evaluation on CSPLib Problems

We claim that CoPTIC is easy to write models in and that its performance is adequate for many problems. To evaluate these claims empirically, we developed and benchmarked CoPTIC models for problems from CSPLib [12].

CSPLib is “a library of test problems for constraint solvers” expressed in natural language. The problems are drawn from a variety of domains, including operations research, combinatorial mathematics and puzzle games. Most problems include sample models written in constraint programming languages, such as MiniZinc or Essence. Some problems consist of a single instance; some consist of several similar instances. Some problems are constraint satisfaction problems; some are optimisation problems. CSPLib now contains 95 problems and has served as a focus for research in constraint programming over the past two decades [13]. For our evaluation, we restrict our attention to the 14 problems in the original 1999 release. This gives us a reasonable sample of the different kinds of problem, although there are no solution enumeration problems; see the artifact for some examples of enumeration [15].

For each CSPLib problem, we wrote a CoPTIC model. Where present in CSPLib, we also selected a MiniZinc model and an Essence model for the same instance. Where a problem included several instances, we picked one we considered to be representative. Mostly, we chose the example given in the problem specification, but in some cases these were very easy, so we chose harder instances to make the differences in performance clearer. For problem 6, we chose the largest instance listed as having multiple solutions. For problem 10, we used the hardest instance solved using SAT by Triska and Musliu [19]. For problems 12 and 13, we picked the hardest instances in CSPLib.

Table 1. Solution times for different CSPLib problem instances with different models and solvers. All values are times rounded to the nearest second. The time limit was 1 hour of CPU time. Times are from a single run; problems 4 and 10 showed some variation on repetition.

To benchmark performance, we ran our models using CoPTIC and recorded time taken to solve them. We measured times with two different builds of CBMC 5.57.0: one using MiniSat 2.2.1 as the solver (the standard configuration) and the other using CaDiCaL 1.4.1 (a supported compile-time option). For comparison, we also ran the MiniZinc models and the Essence models using SAT-based solvers. Note that, while these models encode the same problem, they may do so with quite different formalisations, which can have a big impact on solution time. This is fine for our purposes, as in evaluating the whole CoPTIC system, the ease with which we can write good models is at least as important as the speed of solution.

To run the MiniZinc models, we used MiniZinc 2.6.3 to convert them into FlatZinc, then PicatSAT in Picat 3.3#3 to solve them. PicatSAT uses the SAT solver Kissat 1.0.3. PicatSAT won 2nd place in the Free track of the MiniZinc Challenge 2022; Kissat won the Main track of the SAT Competition 2020. We also benchmarked a version of PicatSAT patched to use CaDiCaL 1.4.1.

To run the Essence models, we used Conjure 2.3.0 to compile to EssencePrime, then SavileRow 1.9.1 to solve using CaDiCaL 1.4.1 as the SAT solver (instead of the shipped solver CaDiCaL 1.3.0).

Table 1 shows our results. All benchmarks were run on a Debian Linux 10 machine with a 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5-7500 CPU and 64 GB of RAM, using a time limit of 1 hour. It is clear that dedicated constraint modelling languages and solvers generally perform better than CoPTIC, as one would expect. But the majority of problems are still solvable within a reasonable amount of time. Therefore this is not a problem for our intended user, who would normally be happy to trade an increase in solution time for a decrease in time and effort needed to learn how to write a model. In fact, comparing directly with just the Essence models or just the MiniZinc models, we see that the CoPTIC models led to more solutions within our time limit, although this is somewhat dependent on our choice of time limit and hardness of problem instances.

Using CBMC built with CaDiCaL rather than MiniSat slows down some models, but mostly results in more consistent performance. CaDiCaL is much better at proving unsatisfiability, which makes a big difference for the optimisation problems (2, 5 and 6), where unsatisfiability demonstrates optimality.

During our benchmarking, we discovered that there were some errors in the Essence models in CSPLib. The model for problem 2 (template design) omits the limit on the total number of designs in a template, so the solution it gives is infeasible. We fixed the model by adding the missing constraint. The model for problem 8 (vessel loading) has a subtle error resulting from the semantics of evaluating a function outside its defined domain, so it can never be solved. We fixed the model by changing a guard in an implication. We also found that the EssencePrime solver SavileRow ran out of memory very quickly on some problems; we suspect this is a bug in the translation to SAT.

It is difficult to evaluate ease of writing models quantitatively, although perhaps this could be done through a controlled trial with undergraduate students. But what we can do is measure the size of the models we produced in terms of source lines of code (SLoC). While there are many criticisms of SLoC, it is widely used as a metric to estimate the amount of effort needed to develop a program. Table 2 shows the size of our CoPTIC models, compared with the MiniZinc and Essence models. As is conventional, we do not count blank lines or comments. We have also chosen not to count lines used for any input data or for formatting output. For input data, this is because the formats are very similar, but conventions on line breaks may differ between them, so it is not meaningful to compare them. For formatting, Essence does not appear to support custom formatting in the models, so including formatting code would inflate the line counts for CoPTIC and MiniZinc. Furthermore, for some problems, the output format may differ significantly between the CoPTIC and MiniZinc models. For example, output for a problem involving laying out rectangles in a grid could consist of co-ordinates of the rectangles or a rendering in ASCII art.

Table 2. Number of lines of code and resulting SAT instance sizes (thousands of variables/clauses) for modelling different CSPLib problems in different languages. Blank lines, comments, input data and formatting are excluded from SLoC totals.

Again, it is clear that models written in the dedicated modelling languages tend to be smaller, as one would expect, However, the CoPTIC models are of similar size to and occasionally smaller than the MiniZinc models. The Essence models are particularly succinct because they include more complex, higher-level modelling constructs. For example, in the model for the Progressive Party problem, one of the constraints is encoded in the Essence model using universal quantification, function preimage and function composition, while the CoPTIC model expresses the same constraint using a for loop and nested array lookup. From the perspective of a casual user, while the latter is more verbose, it may be easier to write and comprehend.

Table 2 also shows the number of variables and clauses in the SAT instances generated from each model. While this is a poor metric of the difficulty of a SAT instance, it is useful here in demonstrating the extra overhead introduced by using CoPTIC, compared with a dedicated modelling language and encoding.

5 Related Work

The key underlying technology in CoPTIC is the bounded model checker CBMC [7], which in turn relies on the SAT solvers MiniSat and CaDiCaL. In typical operation, CBMC aims to verify the universally quantified property that, for all paths of execution of a C program, there is no assertion violation. It does this by using a SAT solver to solve the existential problem of finding a path containing an assertion violation. If the SAT solver finds a path, CBMC reports failed verification with the path as a counterexample; if not, CBMC reports successful verification. In CoPTIC, we typically use CBMC to solve the existential problem of finding values of variables that satisfy constraints.

In the field of automated verification, bounded model checkers have been successful because of their ability to verify (or find bugs in) large programs with bit-level accuracy and minimal user annotation. Other successful bounded model checkers include SMACK [18], which uses the LLVM toolchain with Boogie as the solver, and ESBMC [8], which uses SMT solvers rather than a SAT solver.

Most modern SAT solvers use a variant of Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL). MiniSat [9] won the SAT Race 2006. Because of its good performance and publicly available, easily editable source code, it became the default choice for developers of applications that needed a SAT solver. The more modern solver CaDiCaL [4] won several tracks in the 2017 and 2018 competitions and has since also become a popular choice. The recent editions of the SAT Competition have been dominated by Kissat, Biere’s rewrite of CaDiCaL in C.

Constraint programming encompasses a wide range of modelling languages and solution techniques. Because the ability of a technique to handle a problem efficiently depends significantly on how the problem is expressed, modelling of constraint problems, including the choice of modelling language, remains a big concern. Significant milestones in modelling include the release of CSPLib in 1999 [12] and the MiniZinc modelling language in 2007 [17]. Whilst MiniZinc is the most broadly supported language and has a long-running associated competition, there are many others, including Essence [11] (which supports higher-level types, such as functions), Picat [24] (which adopts a logic programming paradigm) and XCSP3 [1] (which aims to be a kind of intermediate language).

There are several constraint programming toolkits such as Gecode [6] that provide an API through which a constraint solver can be invoked from within a C program. However, these either require that the constraints be written in a separate modelling language, or that the model be built through a sequence of API calls that resembles a transliteration of a constraint program written in the solver’s native language. The system closest to ours is CoJava [5], which adopts a similar guess-and-check paradigm in Java; there is a custom translation into MiniZinc [10]. As it does not use an existing, well-tested verification tool, there may be concerns about the correctness of its translation.

The main techniques implemented in general-purpose constraint solvers are backtracking search and local search, both of which can be improved by good choice of heuristics and constraint propagation. However, in recent years, translation into SAT has become a leading technique for solving constraint problems. PicatSAT [22] won the main tracks in the XCSP3 Competition 2019 and 2022, and has ranked highly in every MiniZinc Challenge since 2016.

The idea of solving a constraint problem by translating it into C and using a C program verification tool, such as CBMC, is not new, but CoPTIC automates part of this process. Verma and Yap translated XCSP3 problems into C programs [20] and used them to benchmark symbolic execution tools such as KLEE. Lester used a similar translation as the basis for Exchequer [2], which won the Mini Solver track in the XCSP3 Competition 2022. Lester has also shown how to solve the planning problem of completing an interactive fiction game by applying CBMC to a modified version of the source code [14]. Meanwhile, in the SAT Competition 2022, Manthey submitted a set of benchmarks based around using CBMC to solve the puzzle Summle [16].

6 Conclusion

We have presented the CoPTIC system for constraint programming, which allows a user to write constraint models in C and solve them by translation to SAT using the bounded model checker CBMC. Our system is freely available online and easy to install, with only standard dependencies. CoPTIC supports not only constraint satisfaction problems, but also optimisation and enumeration.

These features make CoPTIC an attractive system for casual users of constraint programming. In time, it may serve as a gateway language for some to learn dedicated constraint programming languages. As well as being a useful system in its own right, CoPTIC showcases the power of automated verification tools and SAT solvers, which have advanced massively in the last two decades.

In many cases, a CoPTIC model for solving a problem will perform better than a C program that uses brute force or heuristic search. Even when it does not, we should recall that in the world of programming, it is received wisdom that “premature optimisation is the root of all evil”, as it wastes development effort and increases the risk of introducing bugs. Thus the CoPTIC approach is still preferable, as it reduces development effort.

This argument also applies at the meta level. For occasional users of constraint programming, it is better to write constraint programs in a language one already knows than to expend time and effort learning a dedicated constraint programming language, even if the dedicated language ultimately allows one to write more succinct models and supports more efficient solvers. For regular users of constraint programming, the dedicated language is a clear winner, but for casual users, CoPTIC achieves an acceptable balance of ease of learning, ease of use and performance.