1 In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful

Before starting, I am honored to learn that I and Prof. Miller share the same alma matter. It is indeed a distinct pleasure to participate in this prestigious and relatively long established Amaldi Conference. Let me at the very outset, seize the opportunity to express my deep appreciation to the organizers of the conference for the kind invitation. The very title and the work program of the conference as well as the mosaic of the participants comprising international experts, decision makers and scholars, points to its relevance to a wide range of serious issues the regional, i.e., the Middle East and the international communities are grappling with.

Addressing a conference of this kind and caliber, puts me in a very challenging position. However, having been in charge of my country’s Atomic Energy Organization for long, I have no choice but to focus on concrete and relevant issues and, which interestingly enough happens to be a matter of common concern to us all. Vital among the major issues and interests are first the fate of the Iranian Nuclear Deal the JCPOA; and second is the possible scientists’ role in realizing Nuclear Weapons Free Zones in various parts of the world, specifically in the Middle East and finally the third issue being the future of nuclear power programs in West Asia with an specific outlook on the prospects of Arab-Iranian cooperation in the nuclear domain. Since the allotted time for the talk is predestined, I therefor, will touch upon each of the issues very succinctly.

As for the first issue, namely, the long standing stalemate with the West since 2000, despite all the ensued negative consequences, finally the case lead to a change of outlook within the American body politics especially during President Obama’s second term. The obviously futile imposition of the so called “Zero Enrichment” dogma gave way to a more pragmatic, solution-oriented approach in Washington, which coincidentally was reciprocated by Iran. The quite interesting and equally exciting and challenging negotiations ultimately culminated in a promising win-win nuclear deal called the JCPOA. A deal that ensured Iran’s inalienable statuary rights and privileges as stipulated in the NPT and the IAEA statute.

The hard-won agreement, in which I was personally engaged, especially at its scientific and technical level is simply too precious to be allowed to be hampered or weakened. In contrast to the previous US administration’s negative perception, there is a modest positive impression and acceptance of the accord in my country. I believe that the vast majority of the international community also share a similar view.

The previous US administration’s withdrawal from the JCPOA put the deal on the verge of collapse. Hadn’t been for Iran’s rational response and reasonable stance, the deal would have been terminated by now. However, just to bear in mind, Iran, under no situation will ever choose to relinquish its stipulated rights.

To conclude this part, I reiterate that my country never ever opted for the deal to be unraveled. However, the international community’s interest were more at stake than the national interests of Iran- Where the US wishes to harm- if the deal were dissolved. Certainly, Iran’s state politics would have changed course and the US political credibility and its international status would have further been undermined.

Should the JCPOA survive the current impasse; mutual confidence must be regenerated. If so, the way will be paved for the resolution of other chronic outstanding issues. Let’s hope that under these circumstances, commonsense and discretion shall prevail.

Coming to the next issue, one should note that all during history, region’s comprising West Asia and North Africa, namely, the Middle East and the Levant have always been the heartland of attention. Despite, some conciliatory efforts, the situation at present time is unfortunately very volatile and susceptible to confusion and unrest. One of the pivotal issues is the case of Palestine. This issue compounded with the arrogance of the Israeli regime in other domains such as the acquirement of Nuclear Weapons has further exacerbated the problem. Here, I believe the impartial role of committed scientists can to some extent mitigate the state of affairs. First and foremost, we need to advance the conviction of declaring a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in the Middle East (First proposed by my country to the UN body in 1974).

Considering the colossal detrimental consequences of the use of nuclear weapons on human beings and the environment, scientists based on their social obligations should contribute to the realization of the noble goal of NWFZ, specifically one in the Middle East by preparing and exposing to the world public opinion unbiased scientific technical reports based on authentic data such as the following;

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    Scientific data of Hiroshima and Nakazaki Atomic bombardment. It is imperative upon the scientific community to sensitize the public opinion towards such horrendous acts.

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    Technical data of the fall-out of radioactive substances of hundreds of nuclear tests to show the gravity of the disaster of the use of nuclear weapons.

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    Technical/scientific reports on the past major nuclear accidents: TMI in the US, Chernobyl in Ukraine and Fukushima in Japan. Such reports will enlighten the public and encourage them to urge their political decision makers to take rational and cautionary measures regarding peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

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    Setting up a comprehensive data base of nuclear facilities which are outside international verification mechanisms, especially those to be believed to be for nuclear weapons production and use in the Middle East, particularly those in Israel.

As for the third issue, we note that today, the living conditions of people living in the Middle East and North Africa have reached a stage that the need for peace and sustainable development has become a necessity. Given the world’s rapid growth in social awareness and various economic, scientific and technological fields, this real need is so obvious that no opportunity to strengthen it should be missed.

Acknowledging the fact that the current existing divisions, discords and conflicts among the nations in the region have their roots in the complex hidden angles, such as the intervention of outside powers, we should therefore, spare no effort but first and foremost to remedy those social ills, because they are the source of hindrance on the way to development and expansion of relations. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the elites of the countries in the region and their political leadership to pave the way for mutual trust building and expansive cooperation.

In the following, I shall mainly focus on an initiative based on nuclear science diplomacy to develop regional cooperation, especially between Iran and the Arab World.

It is commonly agreed that negotiation is the most important tool of diplomacy. In science diplomacy, negotiation is a key step in reaching an understanding. Reasoning and negotiations with scientific basis is the strength of science diplomacy. The language of science does not heed or rather depend on social, ideological, historical or political status, hence it is free from any such situation. The history of hostilities and disputes have no place in the language of science, rather, common sense and forbearance are its features. With the promotion of science diplomacy, the ground can gradually become ready for resolving chronic disputes. In short, scientific cooperation promotes peace and development.

On the other hand, science diplomacy is formed in interactions between scientists and diplomats. Inducing the “Perspective of Science” to diplomats and the “Perspective of Diplomacy” to scientists, facilitates dialogue for settling discords.

Based on interactions between scientists and diplomats, effective elements, essential for rapprochement and reconciliation can be perceived. In recent years, the issue of nuclear development of the countries in the region has prompted a challenge in their relations. Starting a dialogue on nuclear science diplomacy will help to strengthen trust, respect and mutual understanding. In order to pursue this goal, it is suggested that issues that have the potential of collaboration be considered from a purely scientific perspective in order to avoid misunderstandings and to build trust through sharing of knowledge and exchange of experience and expertise.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, based on its long-standing policy, calls for the use of regional cooperation mechanism in various fields, especially in nuclear technology in order to induce more trust and transparency among the countries of the region. Here are some suggestions that are recommended in relation to the expansion of cooperation of the countries in the region:

  • Nuclear safety is one of Iran's priorities. Although the responsibility for nuclear safety lies entirely with each country, Iran strongly believes that this area should be strengthened through cooperation between the countries of the region. In this regard, Iran has proposed the establishment of an advanced Nuclear Safety Center (NSC) as a reliable safety hub for the region.

  • It is suggested that in order to enjoy the benefits of nuclear energy, joint macro-projects on research and construction of small power plants be defined and implemented. In this case, each country can do a part of the plan based on its capabilities.

  • As a developing country, Iran has an extensive industrial, research and academic infrastructure that can be provided to the countries of the region in the course of regional cooperation.

  • Due to the high complexity of nuclear science and technology, the creation of a Middle East Atomic Energy Agency (MAEA) can also be considered as a long-term perspective.

By following the forgone suggestions, we will acquire through synergizing our efforts a high degree of scientific competence and we will be giving equal weights to both scientists and diplomats. These initiatives have the potential to advance scientific goals and good will beyond the political considerations of any country.

Proposing a meeting between the highest scientific and political officials of the countries in the region to discuss this initiative could be a good start. The Islamic Republic of Iran is proud to be ready to negotiate with any country to implement this initiative and to accept new proposals. I end the talk with the luminous words of our great prophet peace be upon him.

Problems with teamwork that you do not like are better than what you think is good in individual work, because in teamwork there is mercy and in individual work there is torment. In a nutshell, Teamwork makes the dream work. Thank you for your attention.

Two lines of text in a foreign language.