During the last decade, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been recognized as one of the most promising machine learning methods that are being utilized for deep learning of autonomous robotic systems. Faced with everlasting uncertainties while working in unstructured and dynamical real-world environments, robotic systems need to be able to recognize different environmental scenarios and make adequate decisions based on machine learning of the current environment’s state representation. One of the main challenges in the development of machine learning models based on CNNs is in the selection of appropriate model structure and parameters that can achieve adequate accuracy of environment representation. In order to address this challenge, the book chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the accuracy and efficiency of CNN models for autonomous robotic applications. Particularly, different CNN models (i.e., structures and parameters) are trained, validated, and tested on real-world image data gathered by a mobile robot’s stereo vision system. The best performing CNN models based on two criteria—the number of frames per second and mean intersection over union are implemented on the real-world wheeled mobile robot RAICO (Robot with Artificial Intelligence based COgnition), which is developed in the Laboratory for robotics and artificial intelligence (ROBOTICS&AI) and tested for obstacle avoidance tasks. The achieved experimental results show that the proposed machine learning strategy based on CNNs provides high accuracy of mobile robot’s current environment state estimation.
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This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Serbian Government, through the project “Integrated research in macro, micro, and nano mechanical engineering–Deep learning of intelligent manufacturing systems in production engineering”, under the contract number 451-03-47/2023-01/200105, and by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 6523109, AI-MISSION4.0, 2020-2022.
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Appendix A
Appendix A
Abbreviation List
Robot with Artificial Intelligence based COgnition
- AI:
Artificial Intelligence
- ML:
Machine Learning
- ANN:
Artificial Neural Networks
- DL:
Deep Learning
- CNN:
Convolutional Neural Network
- FLOPs:
FLoating Point Operations
- FPS:
Frames Per Second
- VGG:
Visual Geometry Group
- R-CNN:
Region–Convolutional Neural Network
- SSD:
Single Shot Detector
You Only Look Ones
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
Long-Short Term Memory
Red Green Blue Depth
- BN:
Batch Normalization
- ReLU:
Rectified Linear Unit
- BB:
Basic Block
- BRB:
Basic Reduction Block
- DB:
1D Block
- DRB:
1D Reduction Block
- SB:
Separation Block
- SRB:
Separation Reduction Block
- RN:
- mIoU:
Mean Intersection over Union
Open Neural Network eXchange.
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Petrović, M., Miljković, Z., Jokić, A. (2023). Efficient Machine Learning of Mobile Robotic Systems Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. In: Azar, A.T., Koubaa, A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1093. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28715-2_1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28715-2_1
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-28714-5
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-28715-2
eBook Packages: Intelligent Technologies and RoboticsIntelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)