This chapter examines the Pleistocene archaeology of three sites in the Tsodilo Hills located in the Kalahari Desert, about 45 km west of the Okavango River in NW Botswana (Fig. 1). The sites are White Paintings Shelter (WPS; 18.769 S, 21.749 E), Depression Shelter (DS; 18.738 S, 21.745 E), and Rhino Cave (RC; 18.735 S, 21.731 E). Tsodilo is the only area in the Kalahari of Botswana that has dated rock shelter sequences containing Pleistocene archaeological deposits that can be related to regional and global-scale paleoclimatic events. New OSL and radiocarbon chronologies are presented for DS and WPS and the data from all three sites are re-examined to determine how paleoenvironmental factors may have influenced their occupation and use over the last 100 kyr. There are three main hills at Tsodilo known as Male, Female, and Child and another hill called North Hill (Campbell et al., 2010). White Paintings Shelter is located at the base of Male Hill, while the other two sites are on Female Hill (Fig. 2). Thus far, the oldest stone artifacts date to the Middle Stone Age (MSA). While Early Stone Age Acheulean artifacts have not yet been found at Tsodilo, they do occur elsewhere in Botswana (Robbins et al., 2016; Robbins & Murphy, 1998). The current inhabitants of Tsodilo include two communities; Ju/’hoansi San and Hambukushu, both of whom we gratefully acknowledge for their friendship and help. Oral traditions also indicate that another group of people known as the Ncaekhoe, lived at Tsodilo prior to the arrival of the current inhabitants in the mid-1800s (Taylor, 2010).
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Permission to conduct research at Tsodilo was granted by the Office of the President of Botswana. The research was carried out with the National Museum staff, students from MSU and the University of Georgia, local peoples, family members, and volunteers. We are very grateful to all of our field and lab assistants who are listed in the previous publications. Funding was provided by grants from the National Science Foundation, National Geographic Society, and Michigan State University. We thank Robert Hitchcock for information on the size of Kalahari San traditional territories. This research would not have been possible without the help of the late Alec Campbell and the Campbell family. Alec was the founding Director of the Botswana National Museum and was the inspirational leader behind all the fieldwork we conducted at Tsodilo. He had a major impact on our grant writing, ideas, and numerous publications. Alec was also the leading expert on Tsodilo rock art. We have quoted parts of one of Alec’s early faxes to one of us that documents the archaeological discovery of Rhino Cave.
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Robbins, L.H., Murphy, M.L., Brook, G.A., Yang, L. (2023). Tsodilo Hills, NW Kalahari Desert, Botswana. In: Beyin, A., Wright, D.K., Wilkins, J., Olszewski, D.I. (eds) Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa . Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20290-2_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20290-2_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-20289-6
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