Predictive uncertainty estimation is essential for deploying Deep Neural Networks in real-world autonomous systems. However, most successful approaches are computationally intensive. In this work, we attempt to address these challenges in the context of autonomous driving perception tasks. Recently proposed Deterministic Uncertainty Methods (DUM) can only partially meet such requirements as their scalability to complex computer vision tasks is not obvious. In this work we advance a scalable and effective DUM for high-resolution semantic segmentation, that relaxes the Lipschitz constraint typically hindering practicality of such architectures. We learn a discriminant latent space by leveraging a distinction maximization layer over an arbitrarily-sized set of trainable prototypes. Our approach achieves competitive results over Deep Ensembles, the state of the art for uncertainty prediction, on image classification, segmentation and monocular depth estimation tasks. Our code is available at https://github.com/ENSTA-U2IS/LDU.
G. Franchi and Franchi X. Yu—Equal contribution.
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This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (Grant 2020-AD011011970) and (Grant 2021-AD011011970R1) and Saclay-IA computing platform.
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Franchi, G., Yu, X., Bursuc, A., Aldea, E., Dubuisson, S., Filliat, D. (2022). Latent Discriminant Deterministic Uncertainty. In: Avidan, S., Brostow, G., Cissé, M., Farinella, G.M., Hassner, T. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2022. ECCV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13672. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19775-8_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19775-8_15
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-19774-1
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-19775-8
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