Correction to: Sam Geuens et al. (eds.), Midwifery and Sexuality,

This book was inadvertently published with the following errors, and the errors have been corrected.

On Page 72, footnote 1 for section 6.4.1 has been corrected as “Practical tools on how to effectively ‘Talk sexuality’ with women and couples can be found in Chap. 26”.

On Page ix/FM Contents, the title for chapter 9 has been corrected as “Sexual Aspects of Breast and Lactation”.

On Page 51, under Part II Introduction to Module 2: ‘Nature Taking Its Course’, the title for Chapter 9 has been corrected as “Sexual Aspects of Breast and Lactation”.

On Page 99, the title for Chapter 9 has been corrected as “Sexual Aspects of Breast and Lactation”.

On Page 147 (under section 12.4.4), in line 1, the word “colonization” has been corrected as “conization”.

On Page 181, under section 15.6.1, in the last line, “see Chap 20” has been corrected as “See Chap 17”.

On Page 219, under section 19.2, in footnote 3, “see chapter 1.2” has been corrected as “see chapter 1”.

On Page 220, under section 19.2, in footnote 4, “see chapter 1.4” has been corrected as “see chapter 3”.

On Page 226, footnote for section 19.4.2 has been corrected as “For more information on how to talk about sexuality with clients, see chapter 26 on “Talking Sex”.