Marek Thee was a prolific writer and made his mark in journalism as well as academic publications. What follows is hardly a complete bibliography, but we have been able to collect writings from four important periods of his life.

While in exile in Palestine, Marek served as an editor and publisher of Biuletyn Wolnej Polski – Bulletin of Free Poland. We have found two dozen articles in this journal from the period 1944–47, thanks to a bound volume left behind to his family. Most of his articles in BWP were written under various pseudonyms which are indicated in brackets after the bibliographic reference. His pseudonym Płom is short for Płommienny (‘the fiery one’). The pseudonyms are listed in a ‘thank you note’ in the final issue of the journal in May 1947.

Following a period in the Polish foreign service, still based in Tel-Aviv, Marek returned to Poland in 1952 working first for the Polish foreign service and then for the Polish Institute of International Affairs. Because of his past affiliation with the foreign service, he again had to use a pseudonym and chose Marek Gdański, after his hometown. With help from the Polish National Library, we have been able to locate seven monographs and a number of journal articles from this period.

His Norwegian period started in 1968 and for the next twenty years he was attached to PRIO as a researcher at PRIO and as editor of the journal he founded, Bulletin of Peace Proposals. His very active scholarship during this period is reflected below in a large number of monographs, edited volumes, and articles. All under his own name!

Finally, after reaching the mandatory retirement age, he was invited to join the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights Institute at the University of Oslo and spent over ten productive years there until his death in 1999. His PRIO period and his Human Rights period are well covered in standard bibliographic reference sources, such as Web of Science, as well as in information supplied by the two institutes.

His diplomatic service in Indochina did not lend itself to diplomatic or journalistic writing, but is reflected in two of his books, most directly in his book about Laos from 1977.

  • Abbreviations used in the bibliography:

  • BPP – Bulletin of Peace Proposals

  • BWP – Biuletyn Wolnej Polski – Bulletin of Free Poland

  • JPR – Journal of Peace Research

  • SM – Sprawy Międzynarodowe (International Affairs)

Articles marked [Not signed] were probably written by Marek Thee, but the identification of the author is not completely certain.

The final section of this bibliography contains few items about rather than by Marek Thee.

3.1 Books

Thee, Marek (1956). Bliski i Środkowy Wschód 1945–1955: Rywalizacja mocarstw zachodnich. [The Near and Middle East 1945–1955: Rivalry between Western Powers. Warsaw: Książka i Wiedza. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1957) (co-editor with R Borkowski, J Lobman, D Planer & A Szurek). Konflikt izraelsko-arabski: Wybór dokumentów i materiałów [The Israel-Arab Conflict: Selected Documents and Sources]. Zeszyty Dokumentacyjne (4/40). Warsaw: Polish Press Agency. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1958). Tło wypadków na Bliskim Wschodzie [The Backdrop to Developments in the Near [Middle] East]. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Drukarnia RSW ‘Prasa’. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1963) Arabski Wschód. Historia, Gospodarka, Polityka [The Arab East. History, Economy, Politics]. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1965). Niespokojny Laos: Z dziejów kryzysu 1954–1964 [The Restless Laos: From the History of the Crisis 1954–1964]. Warsaw: Polish Institute for International Affairs. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1973) Notes of a Witness: Laos and the Second Indochinese War. London: Random House.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1976) Armaments and Disarmament in the Nuclear Age: A Handbook. SIPRI Books. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell; Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1977) Rustninger og nedrustning i atomalderen [Armaments and Disarmament in the Nuclear Age]. Oslo: Gyldendal.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1979) Europäische Sicherheit und der Rüstungswettlauf [European Security and the Arms Race]. Frankfurt & New York: Campus.

Eide, Asbjørn & Marek Thee (eds.) (1980) Problems of Contemporary Militarism. London: Croom Helm.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1981) Armaments, Arms Control and Disarmament. A UNESCO Reader for Disarmament Education. Paris: UNESCO.

Lodgaard, Sverre & Marek Thee (eds.) (1983) Nuclear Disengagement in Europe. London: Taylor & Francis.

Thee, Marek (1986) Military Technology, Military Strategy, and the Arms Race. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1986) Arms and Disarmament: SIPRI Findings. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dumas, Lloyd J & Marek Thee (eds.) (1989) Making Peace Possible: The Promise of Economic Conversion. London: Pergamon.

Thee, Marek (1991) Whatever Happened to the Peace Dividend? The Post-Cold War Armaments Momentum. Nottingham: Spokesman.

Thee, Marek (ed.) (1995) PEACE! By the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. An Anthology. Paris: UNESCO.

3.2 Journal and Newspaper Articles

Thee, Marek (1944) Emigracja oderwana od kraju [Emigrants cut off from their country]. BWP (2): 3–4. MS]

Thee, Marek (1944) Francja upadek i powstanie [France: fall and rebirth]. BWP (13): 7. [Płom.]

Thee, Marek (1944) Na marginesie manifestu PKWN [Referring to the Manifesto by the Polish Committee of National Liberation]. BWP (11): 8. [Płom.]

Thee, Marek (1945) Decyzja zapadła na Wschodzie [A decision had been made in the East]. BWP II(24/43): 3. [Marek Tee]

*Thee, Marek (1945) Pobratymcy i sprzymierzeńcy [Friends and allies]. BWP II(30/49): 5. [Not signed]

*Thee, Marek (1945) Pobratymcy i sprzymierzeńcy [Friends and allies]. BWP II(39/58): 5. [Not signed]

*Thee, Marek (1945) Pobratymcy i sprzymierzeńcy [Friends and Allies]. II(40/59): 5. [Not signed]

*Thee, Marek (1945) Stosunki Polski z zagranicą [Foreign relations of Poland]. BWP II(45/64): 3. [Not signed]

*Thee, Marek (1945) Pobratymcy i sprzymierzeńcy [Friends and allies]. Przyjaźń z ZSRR [Friendship with USSR] BWP II(49/68): 5. [Not signed]

Thee, Marek (1945) Ze świata: Moskwa i Pearl Harbour [World: Moscow and Pearl Harbour]. BWP II(49/68): 5. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1945) Ze świata: Przy okrągłym stole [World: At the round table]. BWP II(50/69): 5. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1945) Ze świata: Persja na widowni [World: Persia on the scene]. BWP II(51/70): 5. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1946) Ze świata: Dobra wieść noworoczna [World: Good New Year’s news]. BWP III(1/71): 11. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1946) Ze świata: Z lotu ptaka [World: From a bird’s eye view]. BWP III(2/72): 11. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1946) OZN – Organizacja Pokoju [Camp of National Unity – An organization for peace]. BWP III(3/73): 5.

Thee, Marek (1946) Ze świata: Czujność w obronie pokoju [World: Vigilance for peace]. BWP III(7/77): 5. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1946) Ze świata: Walka z głodem [World: Fighting hunger]. BWP III(8/78): 5. [T.]

Thee, Marek (1946) Widma spod Verdun i dymy Majdanka [The ghosts of Verdun and smoke over Majdanek]. BWP III(9/79): 5.

Thee, Marek (1946) Reakcja polska pomaga Niemcom [Polish reactionaries help the Germans]. BWP III(30/100): 11.

Thee, Marek (1946) Długotrwały pokój [Long lasting peace]. BWP III(50/120): 5.

Thee, Marek (1947) Bagnety i dolary [Bayonets and dollars]. BWP IV(13/135): 1&6.

Thee, Marek (1947) Mówimy do was po raz ostatni [This is the last time we are addressing you]. BWP IV(19/141): 1. [Signed by The Editing Board, probably including Marek Thee]

Thee, Marek (1947) Pożegnanie z Biuletynem [A farewell to the Bulletin]. BWP IV(19/141): 4–5.

Thee, Marek (1947) Wracają [Going back]. BWP IV(16/138): 6.

Thee, Marek (1954) Za kulisami kryzysu marokańskiego [The backdrop of the Moroccan crisis]. SM 7(1/27): 74–79. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1954) O wolność żeglugi na wodach Dalekiego Wschodu [For the freedom of shipping in the Far Eastern seas]. SM 7(3/29): 23–29. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1956) Kryzys polityki bloków militarnych na Środkowym Wschodzie [The Political Crisis of the Military Blocs in the Middle East]. SM 9(4/48): 39–57. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1956) Niektóre aspekty konfliktu sueskiego [Some aspects of the Suez conflict]. SM 9(10-11/55/56): 21–32. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1957) Niektóre zagadnienia Środkowego Wschodu z perspektywy 1957 roku [Some topics of the Middle East in the perspective of 1957]. SM 10(12/69): 27–44. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1958) Nowe momenty sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie [New Aspects of the Situation in the Near East]. SM 11(4/73): 46–71. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1958) Bliski Wschód, lipiec–sierpień 1958 [The Near East, July-August 1958]. SM 11(9/78): 63–71. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1958) III nadzwyczajna sesja specjalna Zgromadzenia Ogólnego ONZ [The Third Emergency Special Session of the UN]. SM 11(10-11/79-80): 125–133. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1958) Irak – społeczne podłoże rewolucji republikańskiej [Iraq –the social basis of the republican revolution]. SM 11(12/81): 148–159. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1959) Arabski Bliski Wschód u progu 1959 roku [Arab East at the verge of 1959]. SM 12(2/83): 20–43. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1959) Układy wientiańskie [Vientiane agreements]. SM 12(10/91): 15–44. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1960) Uwagi o kierunkach rozwojowych Arabskiego Wschodu [Comments on development directions of the Arab East]. SM 12(4/97): 112–120. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1960) Cypr – niepodległość bez samookreślenia [Cyprus – independence without self-determination]. SM 13(10/103): 77–85. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1960) Kryzys laotański na nowym etapie [The Laos crisis in a new phase], SM 13(11/104): 65–78. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1961) Niebezpieczeństwo konfliktu w Laosie [The danger of a conflict in Laos], SM 14(2/107): 70–81. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1961) Interwencja pod flagą ONZ – Likwidacja systemu kolonialnego – rewolucyjny proces dziejowy [Intervention under the UN flag – The liquidation of the colonial system – a revolutionary historical process]. SM 14(3/108): 10–32. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1961) Wojna naftowa w Omanie [The Petroleum War in Oman], SM 14(4/109): 68–76. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1963) Liga Arabska i problemy jedności arabskiej [The Arab League and the problems of Arab unity]. SM 16(2/131): 22–29. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1964) Dyplomacja polska w międzynarodowych komisjach w Korei i Indochinach [Polish diplomacy in the International commissions in Korea and Indochina]. SM 17(7/148): 154–182. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1964) Kryzys cypryjski – znaczenie międzynarodowe [The Cyprus crisis. Its international significance]. SM 17(10/151): 73–82. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1964) Malajzja – ognisko napięcia w Azji [Malaysia – the hotbed of tension in Asia]. SM 17(11/152): 81–95. [Marek Gdański].

Thee, Marek (1965) Obalenie rządów wojskowych w Sudanie [The overthrow of the military rule in Sudan]. SM 18(2/155): 87–95. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1965) Wojna w Indochinach – zagadnienia węzłowe [The war in Indochina – main issues]. SM 18(3/156): 76–106. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1965) Rewolucja i ewolucja w Zjednoczonej Republice Arabskiej [Revolution and evolution in the United Arab Republic]. SM 18(6/159): 55–76. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1965) Dylematy wojny amerykańskiej w Azji [The dilemmas of the American war]. SM 18(11/164): 21–45. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1966) Jedność arabska w teorii i praktyce [Arab unity in theory and practice]. SM 19(5/170): 53–73. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1966) Wokół polityki amerykańskiej w Wietnamie [On American policy in Vietnam]. SM 19(8/173): 102–118. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1966) Sajgońskie wybory [Saigon elections]. SM 19(11/176): 82–93. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1966) Souphanouvong – Souvanna Phouma. SM 19(12/177): 120–128. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1967) Konflikt wietnamski – próba bilansu [The Vietnam conflict – an attempt at evaluation]. SM 20(1/178): 37–71. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1967) Stany Zjednoczone i sprawa rokowań w konflikcie wietnamskim [The United States and the case of negotiations in the Vietnam conflict]. SM 20(5/182): 13–34. [Marek Gdański]ara>

Thee, Marek (1967) Konfrontacje wietnamskie [Vietnam confrontations]. SM 20(7-8/184-185): 92–117. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1967) Tajne porozumienie w sprawie Indochin z 1954 roku [The secret agreement of 1954 on Indochina]. SM 20(11/188): 69–82. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1967) Konflikt bliskowschodni – konfrontacja stanowisk (II) – wybór i opracowanie MG [The Middle East conflict – a confrontation of standpoints (II) – selection and presentation by MG]. SM 20(12/189): 97–117. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1970) Prefatory note. BPP 1(1): 3–4. [The Editor]

Thee, Marek (1970) Bulletin of Peace Proposals – introduction. BPP 1(4): 291–292.

Thee, Marek (1970) Protracted Vietnam negotiations. BPP 1(1): 79–88.

Thee, Marek (1970) Dynamics of Indochina conflict. Social Education 34(5): 519.

Thee, Marek (chair); Eduardo P Archetti, Egil Fossum, Johan Galtung & Per Olav Reinton (1970) Development policies in Latin America – discussion on the proposals in Chapter 7. BPP 1(3): 277–285.

Eide, Asbjørn & Marek Thee (1972) Power politics and peace. Introduction. BPP 3(3): 195–198.

Thee, Marek (1972) The scientist's role in society. BPP 3(4): 367–370.

Thee, Marek (1972) Vietnam: The subtle art of negotiations. BPP 3(2): 163–171.

Thee, Marek (1972) Vietnamkrigen og forhandlingene [The Vietnam War and the negotiations]. Internasjonal Politikk 26(1): 71–84.

Thee, Marek (1972) US-Chinese rapprochement and Vietnam. JPR 9(1): 63–67.

Thee, Marek (1972) Tilnærmingen USA-Kina og forholdet til Vietnam [The rapprochment USA-China and the relationship to Vietnam]. Samtiden 81(2): 90–97.

Thee, Marek (1972) Krig eller fred i Vietnam? [War or peace in Vietnam] Världspolitikens dagsfrågor (10).

Thee, Marek (1973) Ending the war in Vietnam. BPP 4(1): 3–6.

Thee, Marek (1973) The international system after Vietnam: The three crucial spheres. BPP 4(4): 375–383.

Thee, Marek (1973) War and peace in Indochina – US Asian and Pacific policies. JPR (1–2): 51–70.

Thee, Marek (1973) Vietnamkrigens slutt [The end of the Vietnam War]. Samtiden 82(3): 129–135.

Thee, Marek (1974) Détente and security in the aftermath of the fourth Middle East war. BPP 5(1): 88–96.

Thee, Marek (1974) Disarmament through unilateral initiatives. BPP 5(4): 381–384.

Thee, Marek (1974) The nuclear arms race. BPP 5(4): 291–292.

Thee, Marek (1975) Atomvåpenkappløpet [The nuclear arms race]. Samtiden 84(1): 11–17.

Heradstveit, Daniel & Marek Thee (1976) Momentum for Arab-Israeli peace – introduction. BPP 7(4): 291–294.

Holst, Johan Jørgen; Erik Nord, Harald Munthe-Kaas, Anders C Sjaastad & Marek Thee (1976) Vietnam-krigen og dens perspektiver: Noen problemstillinger [The Vietnam War and its perspectives. Some approaches]. Internasjonal Politikk (1): 167–188.

Thee, Marek (1976) Arms control and disarmament. BPP 7(3): 278–377.

Thee, Marek (1976) Crisis in arms control – introduction. BPP 7(2): 99–102.

Thee, Marek (1976) Priorities in peace research. BPP 7(1): 69–74.

Thee, Marek (1976) Peace research and peace movements. BPP 7(1): 81–83.

Thee, Marek (1976) Militær forskning og dynamikken i rustningskappløpet [Military research and the dynamics of the arms race]. Forskningsnytt 21(3): 3–8.

Thee, Marek (1976) International arms control and disarmament agreements – promise, fact and vision. International Social Science Journal 28(2): 359–374.

Thee, Marek (1976) Indochina wars – great power involvement – escalation and disengagement. Internationales Asienforum 7(3–4): 204–231. Also as (1976) Krigene i Indokina: Stormaktsengasjement – opptrapping og avvikling. Internasjonal Politikk 34(1): 215–233.

Thee, Marek (1976) The nuclear arms race – trends, dynamics, control. Instant Research on Peace and Violence 6(1–2): 18–28. Also in: Snage i putovi rata i mira. Zagreb: Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti (557–572).

Thee, Marek (1976) Indochina wars – great power involvement – escalation and disengagement. JPR 13(2): 117–129.

Thee, Marek (1976) Weapons technology and disarmament negotiations. Peace and the Sciences (1): 77–82.

Lodgaard, Sverre & Marek Thee (1977) Arms race and nuclear proliferation – introduction. BPP 8(1): 3–6.

Lodgaard, Sverre & Marek Thee (1977) High military technology, security, and arms control. BPP 8(4): 291–295.

Thee, Marek (1977) Militarism and militarization in contemporary international relations. BPP 8(4): 296–309.

Thee, Marek (1977) Military variable of European détente. BPP 8(1): 47–48.

Thee, Marek (1977) Problems of European security and military détente. BPP 8(2): 150–152.

Thee, Marek (1977) Arms control – retreat from disarmament – record to date and search for alternatives. JPR 14(2): 95–114.

Thee, Marek (1977) Den militære verdensorden truer u-landenes selvstændighed [The military world order threatens the independence of the developing countries]. Kontakt 30(6): 7–10.

Thee, Marek (1978) Arms race, armaments dynamics, military research and development, and disarmament. BPP 9(2): 103–120.

Thee, Marek (1978) Failure of arms control, and strategies for disarmament. BPP 9(4): 375–377.

Thee, Marek (1978) Rustningskappløpet, rustningsdynamikken, militær forskning og utvikling, nedrustning [The arms race, the arms dynamics, military R&D, disarmament]. Internasjonal Politikk 36(2): 233–261.

Thee, Marek (1978) The dynamics of the arms race. Military R&D and disarmament. International Social Science Journal 30(4): 904–925.

Thee, Marek (1979) The China-Vietnam-Indochina conflict. The search for solutions. Alternatives 5(3): 351–367.

Thee, Marek (1979) European security and the arms race – findings of critical German peace research. BPP 10(1): 3–7.

Thee, Marek (1979) Arms control and security in Europe. Assumptions and essentials for alternative strategies. Cooperation and Conflict 14(4): 211–221.

Thee, Marek (1979) Some remarks on the SALT agreements – concerns of the peace research and disarmament community. Current Research on Peace and Violence 2(1): 12–19.

Thee, Marek (1979) Peace research in Oslo. Development Dialogue (1): 119–122.

Thee, Marek (1979) Security dilemma in Europe. Peace and the Sciences (1): 12–19.

Thee, Marek (1979) Red East in conflict – China/Indochina wars. JPR 16(2): 93–100. Also as: (1979) Det røde østen i konflikt. Krigen mellom Kina og Indokina. Kontur 3(3): 10–16.

Thee, Marek (1980) A world in tension – the drift from détente to confrontation. BPP 11(2): 105–107.

Thee, Marek (1980) Peace in the minds of men – thinking the unthinkable about war and peace. BPP 11(1): 3–8.

Thee, Marek (1980) Myten om freden i Europa [The myth of peace in Europe]. Forsvar 1(1): 12–14.

Thee, Marek (1980) Våbenkontroll i kronisk krise [Arms control in chronic crisis]. Forsvar 1(2): 18–21.

Thee, Marek (1980) Red East in conflict the China-Indochina wars. Internationales Asienforum 11(1–2): 5–16.

Thee, Marek (1980) The China-Indochina conflict – notes on the background and conflict resolution – the case of neutrality. JPR 17(3): 223–233.

Thee, Marek (1981) European security in the eighties – analytical and conceptual considerations. BPP 12(3): 225–238.

Thee, Marek (1981) The establishment of an International Disarmament Fund for Development – a feasibility study. BPP 12(1): 52–99.

Thee, Marek (1981) Waging nuclear war in Europe: Scenarios, consequences, alternative strategies. BPP 12(4): 365–421.

Thee, Marek (1981) Significance of military R&D – the impact of the arms race on society. Impact of Science on Society 31(1): 49–59.

Thee, Marek (1982) Halting the momentum of nuclear armaments – challenge and response. BPP 13(4): 283–289. Also as PRIO Report 3/82.

Thee, Marek (1982) Peace researchers and policy-makers. BPP 7(2): 161–162.

Thee, Marek (1982) Third-world armaments – structure and dynamics. BPP 13(2): 113–117.

Thee, Marek (1982) The Polish drama – its meaning and international impact. JPR 19(1): 1–10.

Thee, Marek (1983) Arms control and disarmament at a critical juncture on nuclear de-escalation in Europe. BPP 14(4): 299–303

Thee, Marek (1983) Scope and priorities in peace research. BPP 14(2): 203–208.

Thee, Marek (1983) Swords into ploughshares – the quest for peace and human development. International Labour Review 122(5): 535–548.

Thee, Marek (1983) Military research and development: Its impact on society. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research (128): 49–61.

Thee, Marek (1984) The state of the globe – rethinking problems of the nuclear arms race – peril and opportunity. BPP 15(4): 367.

Thee, Marek (1984) Problems of our nuclear predicament – arms control in crisis. Current Research on Peace and Violence 7(2–3): 81–89. Also as PRIO Paper 7/84.

Thee, Marek (1985) The arms race and the fate of Europe – the military-political nexus. BPP 16(4): 323–334. Also as PRIO paper 2/85.

Thee, Marek (1985) The arms race and the fate of Europe the military-political nexus Current Research on Peace and Violence 8(1): 13–23.

Thee, Marek (1986) Halting the nuclear arms race. Role of science and technology BPP 17(1): 41–46. Also as PRIO Paper 12/85.

Thee, Marek (1986) Military technology, the arms race and arms control. BPP 17(3–4): 535–538.

Thee, Marek (1987) Military technology, arms control and human development – reforging swords into plowshares. BPP 18(1): 1–11.

Thee, Marek (1988) Military use of research and development – the arms race and development. Letter from the editor. BPP 19(3–4): 243.

Thee, Marek (1988) Science and technology for war and peace – the quest for disarmament and development. BPP 19 (3–4): 261–292. Also in shortened form as: (1989) The Dynamics of the Technological Arms Race [with summary in German: Eigendynamik der Rüstungstechnologie]. Interdependenz (1). Bonn: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden. Also as: Recovering research and science. In: Ken Coates (ed.) Perestroika: Global Challenge. Our Common Future. Nottingham: Bertrand Russell House, 67–109. Reprinted in ENDpapers 17, 38–75.

Thee, Marek (1988) Antimatter technology for military purposes – excerpts from a dossier and assessments of physicists. BPP 19(3–4): 443–470.

Thee, Marek (1988) Zum Verhältnis von Abrüstung und Entwicklung. Argumente für die Einrichtung eines ʻInternationales Abrüstungsfonds für Entwicklung‘ [To the relationship between disarmament and development. Arguments for the establishment of an ˊInternational Disarmament Fund for Development‘]. Dialog: Friedensbericht 11(1): 288–294.

Thee, Marek (1988) The pursuit of a comprehensive nuclear test ban. JPR 25(1): 5–15. Also as PRIO Report 7/87.

Thee, Marek (1988) The Third Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-III): Between armaments and disarmament. Transnational Perspectives 14(3): 6–11. Also in: ENDpapers 18: 5–18.

Thee, Marek (1989) The quest for the demilitarization of international relations – openness versus secrecy in research and development. Current Research on Peace and Violence 12(4): 165–175. Also in: PRIO Report (5) and Hiroshima Peace Science (12).

Thee, Marek (1989) Military technology and the arms race. Peace and the Sciences (2): 63–77. Also as: Militärische Technologie und der Rüstungswettlauf: Das Streben nach Abrüstung und einem stabilen Frieden. Wissenschaft und Frieden (2): 43–58.

Thee, Marek (1989) Badania i zbrojenia a rozwój [Research and armaments and their influence on development]. SM 42(11): 37–54.

Thee, Marek (1989) The impact of military technology on disarmament and peace in Europe. ENDpapers 57: 43–58.

Thee, Marek (1989) The arms race: A new hype. ENDpapers (20): 7–19.

Thee, Marek (1989) Militärische Technologie und der Rüstungswettlauf [Military technology and the arms race]. Wissenschaft und Frieden (2): 43–58.

Thee, Marek (1990) Europe facing history – the imperative of comprehensive disarmament. Current Research on Peace and Violence 13(1): 1–5.

Thee, Marek (1990) The post-cold-war European landscape – notes on the velvet revolutions and currents in Central-Eastern Europe. Current Research on Peace and Violence 13(2): 57–64. Also as: (1990) Et europeisk landskap etter en kald krig. Mennesker og Rettigheter 8(4): 64–68.

Thee, Marek (1991) Die technologische Rüstungsspirale nach dem Golfkrieg – die Überwindung militärischer Technologie und ihre Konversion für menschliche Bedürfnisse [The technological armaments spiral after the Gulf War – overcoming military technology and converting it to human needs]. AMI Antimilitarismus Information (5): 20–24. Also (1992) as The post-Gulf War technological armaments spiral: Transcending military technology and conversion for human needs. Peace Research 24(1): 15–24.

Thee, Marek (1991) The post-Cold-War European landscape – the aftermath of the velvet revolutions in Central-Eastern Europe. JPR 28(3): 241–247.

Thee, Marek (1992) The post-Cold War European landscape. Journal of East-West Studies 21(1).

Thee, Marek (1992) Oppløsning av Sovjetunionen: Et grunnlag for demokrati [The dissolution of the Soviet Union: A basis for democracy]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 10(1): 27–32.

Thee, Marek (1993) Internasjonal demilitarisering og streben etter en menneskerettslig styreform [International demilitarization and the striving for human rights governance]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 11(1): 23–30.

Thee, Marek (1993) Retten til fred innebærer forbud mot atomvåpen [The right to peace implies a ban on nuclear weapons]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 11(4): 417–422.

Thee, Marek (1993) Stemmer fra Polen i en endringstid: meningsmålinger om demokrati og menneskerettigheter [Voices from Poland in a time of change: Public opinion polls on democracy and human rights]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 11(1): 106–109.

Thee, Marek (1994), Menneskerettigheter for en forandret verden [Human rights for a changed world]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 12(3): 230–239.

Thee, Marek (1997) En fredskultur bygget på menneskerettighetene [A culture of peace built on human rights]. Mennesker og Rettigheter 15(2): 132–144.

3.3 Articles in Edited Volumes

Thee, Marek (1954). Wstęp [Preface]. In: Alberto Jacoviello: Spotkanie w Suezie [A Meeting in Suez]. Warsaw: Książka i Wiedza, 3–4. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1982) The race in military technology: Scientists, military R&D and the armaments momentum. In: Joseph Rotblat (ed.) Scientists, Arms Control and Disarmament. A UNESCO/Pugwash symposium London: Taylor & Francis (49–56).

Thee, Marek (1982) Militarism and human rights: Their interrelationship. In: Radakrishna Mahendra Agrawal (ed.) Arms and Survival. New Delhi: Satvahan (83–98).

Thee, Marek (1986) Military technology, the arms race and arms control. Ch 44 in: Marek Thee (ed.) Arms and Disarmament: SIPRI Findings. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (437–441).

Thee, Marek (1988) Between the arms race, arms control and disarmament. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, 501–504.

Thee, Marek (1988) Nuclear deterrence, minimum deterrence, deep cuts and the elimination of nuclear weapons. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, 505–510.

Thee, Marek (1988) The ‘mad momentum’ of armaments: Role of military technology in the arms race. In: Sven Hellman (ed.) Disarmament – But How? Stockholm: Swedish Professionals against Nuclear Arms (13–22).

Thee, Marek (1988) The impact of military technology on the arms race. In: F Stephen Larrabee (ed.) Technology and Change in East-West Relations. New York: Institute for East-West Security Studies (131–144).

Thee, Marek (1989) Note on the dividing lines between peace research and strategic studies. In: Wilfried Graf, Ida Horn & Thomas H Macho (eds) Zum Wissenschaftsbegriff der Friedensforschung: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. Wien: Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs (VWGO) (298–305).

Thee, Marek (1989) Military technology: A driving force behind the arms race and an impediment for arms control and disarmament. In: Hans Günter Brauch (ed.) Military Technology. Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. London: Macmillan (39–64).

Eide, Asbjørn; Marek Thee et al. (1989) The Impact of the arms race on education, science and technology, and culture and communication’ In: UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies. Westport, CT & London: Greenwood & Paris: UNESCO (1–173]. Also as PRIO Report 4/86.

Thee, Marek (1990) Science-based military technology as a driving force behind the arms race. In: Nils Petter Gleditsch & Olav Njølstad (eds) Arms Races. Technological and Political Dynamics. London: SAGE (105–120).

Thee, Marek (1992) The post-Cold War armaments momentum: Impact of military technology. In: Günther Bächler (ed.) Perspektiven. Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Zürich: Rüegger (217–233).

Thee, Marek (1992) The post-Cold War European landscape: Velvet revolutions and currents in Central and Eastern Europe in: Günther Bächler (ed.) Perspektiven. Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Zürich: Rüegger (157–170).

Thee, Marek (1992) The quest for openness versus secrecy in science and technology. In: Rilling et al. (eds) Challenges: Science and Peace in a Rapidly Changing Environment, Schriftenreihe Wissenschaft und Frieden, II(16), Bund Demokratischer Wissenschaftler.

Marek Thee (1994) Armaments and disarmaments in the post-Cold War period: The quest for a demilitarized and nuclear-free world. In: Volker Bonschier & Peter Lengyel (eds) Conflicts and New Departures in World Society. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction (61–69).

3.4 Book Reviews

Thee, Marek (1959) Review of Chatham House Study Group: British interests in the Mediterranean and Middle East. SM 12(1/82): 135–141. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1959) Review of Caractacus: Revolution in Iraq. An essay in comparative public opinion. SM 12(11–12/92–93): 100–107. [Marek Gdański]

Thee, Marek (1960) Nauki «Zamkniętego koła» Sir Anthony Edena [Review of The teachings of the «Full Circle» by Sir Anthony Eden]. SM 13(6/99): 70–88. [Marek Gdański].

Thee, Marek (1980) Review of Peter Schier & Manola Schieroum (eds): Sihanouk of Cambodia – interviews and talks with Norodom Sihanouk. Internationales Asienforum 11(3–4): 386–387.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Ashton B Carter & David N Schwartz: Ballistic Missile Defense. JPR 22(2): 182.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Robert Ehrlich: Waging Nuclear Peace. JPR 22(2): 182.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Dietrich Fischer: Preventing War in the Nuclear Age. JPR 22(2): 182–183.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Daniel Frei: Assumptions and Perceptions in Disarmament. JPR 22(2): 183.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Bhupendra Jasani: Space Weapons: The Arms Control Dilemma. JPR 22(2): 183.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Brian Martin: Uprooting War. JPR 22(2): 183–184.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Steven E Miller: Strategy and Nuclear Deterrence. JPR 22(2): 184.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Burns H. Weston: Toward Nuclear Disarmament and Global Security: A Search for Alternatives. JPR 22(2): 185.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Andre Gunder Frank: The European Challenge: From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente for Peace and Jobs. JPR 22(3): 279–280.

Thee, Marek (1985) Book Note on Jozef Goldblat: Non-Proliferation: The Why and the Wherefore. JPR 22(3): 280.

Thee, Marek (1986) Book Note on Bill McSweeney (ed.): Ireland and the Threat of Nuclear War – The Question of Irish Neutrality. JPR 23(1): 89.

Thee, Marek (1986) Book Note on K Subrahmanyam: Nuclear Proliferation and International Security. JPR 23(1): 90.

Thee, Marek (1986) Book Note on Union of Concerned Scientists: Toward a New Security. Lessons of the 40 Years since Trinity. JPR ‏23(1): 91.

Thee, Marek (1986) Book Note on Gene Sharp: Making Europe Unconquerable – The Potential of Civilian-Based Deterrence and Defense. JPR ‏23(3): 301.

Thee, Marek (1986) Book Note on World Armaments and Disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook 1986. JPR 23(4): 400.

Thee, Marek (1987) Book Note on Rolf Berg & Adam-Daniel Rotfeld: Building Security in Europe: Confidence-Building Measures and the CSCE. JPR 24(1): 99.

Thee, Marek (1987) Book Note on Julian Lider: Correlation of Forces: An Analysis of Marxist-Leninist Concepts. JPR 24(1): 101.

Thee, Marek (1987) Book Note on Klaus Jürgen Gantzel & Jörg Meyer-Stauber: Die Kriege nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis 1984. JPR 24(2): 205.

Thee, Marek (1991) Review of Common Responsibility in the 1990s: The Stockholm initiative on Global Security and Governance. Mennesker og Rettigheter 9(3): 308–310. [In Norwegian]

Thee, Marek (1993) Review of Michael Renner (1993): Critical Juncture: The Future of Peacekeeping. Mennesker og Rettigheter 11(3): 344–346. [In Norwegian]

Thee, Marek (1993) Review of John Dunn (ed.): Democracy: The unfinished journey 508 BC to AD 1993. Mennesker og Rettigheter 11(2): 262–264. [In Norwegian]

Thee, Marek (1994) Review of Geir Lundestad & Odd A Westad (eds) (1994): Beyond the Cold War: New Dimensions in International relations 90th Anniversary Nobel Jubilee Symposium. Mennesker og Rettigheter 12(1): 95–98. [in Norwegian]

Thee, Marek (1994) Review of Richard Pipes: Communism: The Vanished Specter. Mennesker og Rettigheter 12(3): 296–298. [in Norwegian]

Thee, Marek (1997) En verden i behov av lederskap. Review of Brian Urquhart & Erskine Childers: A World in Need of Leadership: Tomorrow’s United Nations. A Fresh Appraisal. Mennesker og Rettigheter 15(1): 89–90.

3.5 Reports and Papers

Thee, Marek (1982) Towards a new conceptualization of neutrality: A strategy for conflict resolution in Asia. Occasional Papers (8 eller 9). Los Angeles, CA: Center for the Study of Armament and Disarmament, California State University.

Thee, Marek (1982) Halting the momentum of nuclear armaments: Challenge and response. PRIO Report (3).

Thee, Marek (1983) The establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Nordic countries. PRIO Report (1).

Thee, Marek (1983) Conversion of military-related industries to socially useful purposes. PRIO Report (8).

Thee, Marek (1983) Conceptual issues related to European security: Arms control and confidence-building measures. PRIO Report 9/83.

Thee, Marek (1983) Military research and development: An Asian perspective. PRIO Report (15).

Thee, Marek (1983) Modalities for the establishment of an international disarmament fund for development: Vision and political feasibility. PRIO Report (17).

Thee, Marek (1984) The state of the globe: Rethinking problems of the nuclear arms race. PRIO Report (4).

Thee, Marek (1984) Prevailing security doctrines and armament dynamics. PRIO Paper (9).

Thee, Marek (1984) Militarism and militarization: Their contemporary meaning. PRIO Paper (10).

Thee, Marek (1984) Threat perceptions in East-West relations: Strategies for change. PRIO Paper (12).

Thee, Marek (1985) The doctrine of nuclear deterrence. PRIO Paper (3).

Thee, Marek (1985) The dynamics of the arms race between the great powers. PRIO Paper (4).

Thee, Marek (1985) Role of military research and development. PRIO Paper (5).

Thee, Marek (1985) The Strategic Defense Initiative: A new turn in the arms race. PRIO Paper (8).

Thee, Marek (1985) Extension of the arms race into outer space and countervailing strategies. PRIO Paper (9).

Thee, Marek (1986) The race in military technology and arms control. PRIO Paper (4).

Thee, Marek (1986) Trust and mistrust in contemporary international relations. PRIO Paper (8).

Thee, Marek (1986) Peace research as a scholarly discipline. PRIO Inform (9).

Thee, Marek (1986) The strategic defence initiative and the arms race: Complementing nuclear exotic weapons. PRIO Paper (12).

Thee, Marek (1986) Constraining military technology: The civilizational imperative. PRIO Inform (12).

Thee, Marek (1986) The quest for an international fund for development. PRIO Report (13).

Thee, Marek (1986) Military technology, arms control and human development: Reforging swords into ploughshares. PRIO Report (15).

Thee, Marek (1986) War and peace in the contemporary world: Impact of modern military technology. PRIO Report (19).

Thee, Marek (1987) Impact of military technology on the arms race. PRIO Working Paper (1).

Thee, Marek (1987) Carrera armamentista y tecnologia y estrategia y estrategia militares. PRIO Working Paper (2).

Thee, Marek (1987) Nuclear deterrence, minimum deterrence, deep cuts, and the elimination of nuclear weapons. PRIO Working Paper (7).

Thee, Marek (1987) The relationship between disarmament and development – the case for the establishment of an international disarmament fund for development. PRIO Working Paper (9). Also as (1988): Zum Verhältnis von Abrüstung und Entwicklung. Argumente für die Einrichtung eines ‘Internationales Abrüstungsfonds für Entwicklung. Dialog Friedensbericht 11(1–2): 281–294.

Thee, Marek (1989) Military technology – A driving force behind the arms race and an impediment to arms control and disarmament. 11th General Conference of the International Peace Research Association, University of Sussex, 13–16 April.

Thee, Marek (1990) Science and technology: Between civilian and military research and development: Armaments and development at variance. UNIDIR Research Paper (7).

Thee, Marek (1991) Disintegration of the Soviet empire – dangers and opportunities. Occasional Papers (47). Tampere: Tampere Peace Research Institute.

3.6 Other

Other writings by Marek Thee have been filed in PRIO’s archive in the National Archives of Norway, in RA Privatarkiv PRIO 1955. 18 travel reports from the years 1982–86 authored or co-authored by Marek Thee are filed in Xj Travel reports. Marek’s correspondence from 1975 to 89 is found in Dc. Other correspondence by Marek Thee is filed in Ad Bulletin of Peace Proposals.

3.7 About Marek Thee

Eckhoff, Torstein (1988) Internasjonal fredsforsker [International peace researcher; Marek Thee 70]. Aftenposten, 21 November: 12

Eide, Asbjørn (1999) Marek Thee [obituary, in Norwegian]. Aftenposten 29 April: 19.

Erdal, Marta Bivand (2019) The Lifelong Peace Advocate: A Portrait of Marek Thee (1918–1999). PRIO Stories, 19 June, Reprinted as Chapter 7 in Stein Tønnesson (ed.) (2022) Lives in Peace Research. The Oslo Stories. Singapore: Springer,

Hirszowicz, Łukasz(1964) Review of Marek Gdański: Arabski wschód. Historia, gospodarka, polityka. SM 17(7/148): 183–187.

Lobman, Jerzy (1966) Review of Marek Gdański: Niespokojny Laos. SM 18(1/166): 208–210.

Stański, Z (1957) Review of Marek Gdański: Bliski i Środkowy Wschód. SM 10(4/61): 135–141.

Thee, Halina (2020) Radio Blog in Norwegian on her family’s life in and expulsion from Poland. Sommer i P2, NRK,