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Composition, Properties and Reactions of Coconut Water

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Coconut Water
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Coconut water is an ancient, natural beverage and its popularity in the international market has been continuously increasing in recent years. Coconut water in its natural form is a refreshing and nutritious beverage, which is extensively consumed across the globe due to its beneficial properties to health. Various chemical components which contribute to its bioactivity are essential to the plant industry, biotechnology and biomedical fields. Large number of studies have been conducted on the bio chemical composition, properties and reactions of coconut water. This chapter provides extensive information generated on important constituents such as amino acids, antimicrobial peptides, aromatic compounds, electrolytes, enzymes, phytohormones, polyphenols, sugars and vitamins apart from properties and reactions (flavour, rancidity, turbidity, appearance/colour, pH and acidity). Although many reports on the chemical content of coconut water is already available, there may still be unknown constituents which contribute to its special biological effects. Information on the technological advancements made in the instrumental methods of analysis is furnished in a section. Thus, with the development of more advanced detection techniques, screening can be intensified to detect and identify novel compounds of medicinal values present in coconut water.

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Rethinam, P., Krishnakumar, V. (2022). Composition, Properties and Reactions of Coconut Water. In: Coconut Water. Springer, Cham.

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