
1 Introduction

Since 2019, the world has been living with the pandemic of coronavirus known as COVID-19, and it has impacted many people around the world. COVID-19 has a lot of variants, such as the Delta and Omicron variants, which are characterized by a high propagation speed in a short period of time. Generally, the virus causes respiratory sickness because it attacks the lungs. COVID-19 has three categories of symptoms: most common symptoms such as fever, less common symptoms like loss of taste or smell, and severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing. After much research, some institutes are able to produce vaccines against COVID-19. They are approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). Globally, as of February 18th, 2022, there have been 418,50,474 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5,856,224 deaths reported to WHO. As of February 15th, 2022, a total of 10,279,668,555 vaccines have been administered [25]. Despite the vaccines discovered, the battle is not over. Not only because the demand for the purchase of the vaccine is greater than the production and poor countries do not have the financial means to buy it, but also because of the mutations of the virus. For that, we need to reinforce protection by using emerging technologies. The Internet of Things can play an important role in the fight against COVID-19 and can be considered as an enabler by providing smart and innovative solutions. Collecting the data, transmitting data, reacting after the processing of data, and visualizing the data are exactly what the IoT provides to us and what is needed to deal with the virus. IoT, can be applied in different domains like transportation, agriculture, and, in our case, healthcare. It helps to prevent and detect diseases and react at the right time. In the case of COVID-19, we can use an IoT-based wearable body sensor to monitor patients remotely. But, creating applications in this domain is too hard due to the complexity of IoT systems. In addition to the storage constraint, we have a huge number of connected devices, communication, and processing infrastructures. The design of architectural software systems enables architects to grasp the construction of complex software systems. However, their colloquial description may cause confusion, resulting in erroneous software system implementation. In this paper, to address this issue, we propose a meta-model and implement two scenarios using an IoT system to fight COVID-19 using some sensors and actuators in order to test the proposed meta-model. The first one is to monitor contaminated people and alert the concerned authorities. And the second one is to apply social distancing when people wait their turn in supermarkets for payment, in administration, etc.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines related work. Section 3 presents the proposed meta-model. Section 4 introduces our use cases and their modeling. The necessary equipment, the implementation details, and results are discussed in Sect. 5. The conclusion is reported in Sect. 6.

2 Literature Review

The Internet of Things refers to the process of connecting the physical world to the Internet, including things such as light bulbs, medical devices, and traffic lights via a network. Process the data collected by sensors in the cloud. The result of the processing phase is actions in order to react and provide the user with useful information through applications. For this, several business sectors can benefit from IoT such as home automation, health, transport, industry and agriculture. Some researchers propose methods and techniques to assist developers and architects from the modeling phase to the final IoT product. Previous works are classified into two categories: those with a high level of abstraction and others with a low level of abstraction. In the second category, we notice different application domains. In the first category, in [5], authors propose a new domain-specific language called BIoT. This makes the creation of software architectures for IoT applications easier for software developers and permits them to avoid errors in the design step. Kallel et al. [9] use a business process model (BPM) and integrate the IoT-fog architecture with the cloud. Heterogeneous and non-heterogeneous IoT resources, resource metrics, and QoS constraints have all been gained by the architecture. Authors in [21] propose a profile called UML4IoT that enables us to exploit IoT in manufacturing systems. It enables the designer to create a cyber-physical component utilizing software and system standards. For the modeling and specification of design patterns, authors in [22, 23] propose an approach to designing the SOA design patterns using the SoaML standard. Next, they attribute to them a formal semantic using the Event-B method. In past work [19], we applied our methodology of modeling IoT systems to a smart home system. In the other category, we find several application domains. In the agriculture domain, authors present an IoT architecture for smart farming [6] based on wireless sensor networks and a plug-and-play approach for standalone nodes. The used algorithm increases the network’s lifetime. In smart home field, paper [12] presents a smart home system that improves the quality of life of a home owner using IoT techniques. The authors implement a server to interconnect things in the home and a web application to control these things in real time. In the healthcare sector, the study [20] designed a system that detects the quality of sleep in a patient by collecting some data with sensors. These are transmitted to a local server in order to use the random forest classification method for predictions and classification. Authors in [13], add a new technology to the IoT, which is Deep Learning. An optimized neural network with an accuracy of 97% can be used in an IoT system to detect fall. Authors in [24], propose an approach that combines IoT, fog, and cloud computing technologies in a healthcare monitoring system for healthy aging in a familiar setting to improve quality of life. In [15], authors predict and analyze indoor air quality, which is important in the case of infected people in quarantine using IoT technology and a machine learning model with high accuracy. Baskaran et al. [3], developed a system that permits the detection of COVID-19 infection in a work environment by detecting if a person is wearing a mask and thermal image. In [8], the authors propose a healthcare system based on the IoT using Neural Networks. The system processes data and makes decisions using the fuzzy logic system. One of the problems caused by COVID-19 is breathing. The lack of oxygen and oxygen concentrators in developed areas prompted the authors in [14] to propose a low-cost device that is easy to build. In the public safety and environmental monitoring domain, papers [1, 2] analyze the air quality in open areas using air quality sensors and air pollutant data. This analytic permit to classify regions if they are good to live in or unhealthy. In [26], the authors propose a framework that integrate a Fog technology. The framework minimized the delay to 8% and had an accuracy rate of 95%. In the transportation field, a previous study [17] proposed a system that would permit monitoring of the platform automatically with the arriving trains using IoT sensors and actuators. Finally, any IoT system needs to be secure (unauthorized persons). For that, authors in [10] propose an intrusion detection system for the smart IoT environment. A system was developed to remotely manage IoT devices using 3G connectivity technology in [16]. We have a vertical layer that across the horizontal layers of IoT which is security layer. For that, a profile called IoTsec is discussed in [18]. This UML/SysML extension claims to describe IoT security knowledge, and it can be considered as a first step to building a robust modelling language for IoT systems in terms of security and hence user safety. In [7] authors give a survey on how to deal with privacy and security while using IoT applications.

By comparing previous works, we find some gabs in the conceptual part as well as the implementation part. However, most of the previous studies do not take into account how the components of an IoT system are interconnected in their models, as well as the nature of the data exchanged in the IoT network. Furthermore, some meta-models or profiles are specific to a particular domain application. For the proposed IoT applications, the major drawback of some applications is that they do not respect the general architecture of the IoT. In addition, they don’t provide the system modeling, which is an important step before the implementation phase. Our work belongs to the two categories mentioned before; we describe our system with a meta-model at a high level of abstraction and we implement it.

3 The Proposed Meta-model

Table 1. Comparison between previous work
Fig. 1.
figure 1

The proposed meta-model

We propose a meta-model to describe the Internet of Things architecture as shown in Fig. 1. The proposed meta-model takes into consideration all the components that we can find in an IoT architecture, the connections between these components, and the type of the exchanged messages. The following are the fundamental components of the meta-model:

  1. 1.

    IoTComponent: represents entities that construct the IoT architecture. It’s can be a sensor, an actuator, an IoT Gateway, an IoT Cloud Platform, or an End Device.

  2. 2.

    PhysicalEntity: it is the object that we want to make connected or intelligent. It can be attached to a sensor or an actuator.

  3. 3.

    Port: IoTComponent interact with each other through ports. These ports are linked to one or more interfaces that are either required or provided. The \(<<\)Port\(>>\) stereotype extends the Port meta-class. We distinguish two types of ports: Service to say that the IoTComponent produces a service, and Request to say that the IoTComponent needs a service.

  4. 4.

    Interface: interaction with the environment is enabled via interfaces, which are sites of communication. There are two sorts of interfaces for an entity. The Provided Interfaces list the services that the component offers. The required interfaces define the services that other components must supply in order for the component to perform properly.

  5. 5.

    Connector: it guarantees that a provided port and a required port are connected. We have two types of connectors, assembly and delegation.

  6. 6.

    ServiceInterfaces: is used to explicitly model the provided and required operations.

  7. 7.

    MessageType: it specifies the data that are sent between IoTComponent.

We have added design patterns to ensure some quality attributes. These design patterns are represented as an interface to be implemented. For example, certain devices can’t connect directly to a network because they don’t support the appropriate communication methods. A DEVICE GATEWAY design pattern proposes a layer in the IoT gateway that translates the communication technology to the right one. Connectivity, cost, and reusability are quality attributes guaranteed with this pattern.

4 Case Study

In this section, we present our use cases. Figure 2 shows the general structure of our IoT system. We are dealing with two scenarios. The first one is to capture the corporal temperature (the most common symptom of COVID-19) of contaminated people through a sensor. Also, their heart beat and oxygen saturation. Next, the doctor can visualize the value of the collected data via a website or Android application. If the temperature is high or if there is a breathing problem, the doctor will react immediately by generating an alert in order to avoid any further complications. The second scenario is to apply social distancing in shopping queues or offices in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19 by using sensors and actuators.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

General architecture of the IoT system

4.1 Modeling the System

Based on the meta-model and the use of the diagrams of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) version 2.5, it is possible to model the structural and behavioral views of systems. We use the component diagram from UML to model the structural features of our system. It is represented in Fig. 3.

  1. 1.

    IoT Components: three sensors and one actuator. The Idoom Router plays the role of an IoT Gateway and Firebase as an IoT Cloud Platform. An Android application to visualize data.

  2. 2.

    Port: sensors provide data, so they have Service port, and the Buzzer needs an action to react, so he has a request port. Other IoT components need and offer services, so they have both types of ports.

  3. 3.

    Connector: sendData1, sendAction and requestService are connectors that link provided and requieed interfaces.

To model the behavioral features of our application, we use the sequence diagram of UML. Figure 4 shows the sequence diagram of the first scenario, in which sensors send the collected data to the IoT Cloud Platform via the home router. After that, the doctor subscribes to the Firebase Cloud Platform in order to visualize the data of patients. Firebase offers a real-time, reliable, and extensive database, provides APIs to developers (ease of integration), and allows the management of users who have access to the collected data and its community. Figure 5 represents the sequence diagram of the social distancing scenario. The ultrasonic sensor measures the distance between two people and sends the value to Firebase. If the distance is less than 1.5 m, Firebase sends action (turn ON) to the buzzer. This last will make a sound, which means that social distancing is not respected. Through the Android application, we can see the status of buzzers (ON or OFF) and even whether social distancing is respected or not.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Structure of the IoT system

5 Implementation and Results

In this section, we present the materials used (software and hardware) in the development. A typical IoT architecture is composed of four layers:

  1. 1.

    Physical layer: is composed of sensors and actuators.

  2. 2.

    Networking Layer: we find gateways to interconnect the whole system to Ethernet.

  3. 3.

    Processing layer: represents the cloud to do the necessary processing and storage.

  4. 4.

    Application layer: here, we find applications to visualize data and react if necessary.

5.1 Hardware

In order to develop our system, we need some materials, such as sensors and actuators. In our case, we need micro-controllers, three sensors, and an actuator. The materials that we found in the perception layer are listed below:

  • NODE-MCU: known as ESP8266, it is a low-cost card with an open source firmware and a small size. The NODE-MCU has a WiFi interface that is ideal for connected objects.

  • Sensors:

    1. 1.

      MLX90614 Sensor: is a non-contact temperature sensor with a high accuracy, it’s used for human body temperature measurement.

    2. 2.

      MAX30100 Sensor: used to measure heart rate using the photoelectric method and oxygen saturation.

    3. 3.

      Ultrasonic Sensor: it measures the sensor’s distance from the obstacle.

  • Actuator: a buzzer which is an actuator used for generating alerts.

  • Cables: are used to connect sensors and actuators to the NODE-MCU.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The Sequence diagram of the remote healthcare monitoring

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The Sequence diagram of the social distancing application

5.2 Software

We have the Arduino IDE, which is used to program the ESP8266. The card supports many programming languages. Among them, we chose embedded C, which is an optimised language dedicated to embedded systems. We need to install a module in order to detect the ESP8266 through the board manager. As an IoT platform, we chose Firebase because it is secure with free multi-platform authentication, scalable API’s, and contains a real-time database. To visualize the data, we developed an Android application using Android Studio and the Java programming language.

5.3 A Part of Code Sources

For the embedded part, we first need to install some libraries.

  • Firebase library: to be able to connect to Firebase as mentioned in line one of Listing 1.1.

  • WiFi library: to use the WiFi module of the ESP8266, mentioned in line 2 of Listing 1.1.

  • Sensors libraries: to use functionalities offed by sensors, as mentioned in line 3 of Listing 1.1. <Adafruit_MLX90614.h> library to manipulate an MLX90614 corporal temperature sensor.

figure a

After that, we need to share the link of the real time database as well as the key with certain devices (for security) in order to be able to read value from the database and write collected data into it. Both the database and the key are needed in the physical layer (ESP 8266) and the visualization layer (Android application). Finally, we used WiFi as a communication technology because it is supported by most devices. The Listing 1.1 shows the declaration of two constants in lines 6 and 7, which refer to the SSID and password of the IoT Gateway. Listing 1.2 presents two predefined methods that permit to capturing ambient temperature and the temperature of objects without contact. We calibrate the object temperature value by comparing the obtained values with those of a real thermometer and the sensor.

figure b

The first line in Listing 1.3, is an instruction that permits storing the temperature value in the real-time database. The second line is used to read data from the real time database of Firebase.

figure c

For the second scenario of social distancing, while waiting turn in line, people should wear a device like a medal that contains an ultrasonic sensor and a buzzer. First we declare the type of pin if it is used as an input (to collect data) or output (to react) as mentioned in the three first lines of Listing 1.4. Next, we calculate the distance between the two people (line 8 of Listing 1.4). After that, if the social distancing is not respected, the buzzer will turn ON to alert the person and update the state of social distancing in the application to NOT RESPECTED. Otherwise, the buzzer will stay off and the status of social distancing will be RESPECTED.

figure d

5.4 Results and Discussion

Our system is operational after interconnecting all hardware and deploying software. Figure 6a represents our real-time database. It is composed of two parts. The first part represents the real collected data of COVID-19 patients. Patient 01 body temperature reached 35.1\(^\circ \), with a heart rate of 75 per minute and 98% blood oxygen saturation. The second part contains all the users who have access to the database. A user is identified by his email address, full name, and phone number. For security reasons, the Firebase IoT Cloud platform offers the ability to manage users. As an example, we can delete a user who doesn’t have the permission to consult the data of a patient. And the most important part of our application is that the doctor can visualize the collected data via the Android application, as shown in Fig. 6b. Table 2 shows the status of a patient depending on his measured oxygen saturation. Table 3 summarizes the variation of heart rate by age. By comparing the collected data with the reference values in Table 2 and Table 3, the doctor can generate an alert such as the need for oxygen. Figure 7 illustrates real-time sensor data monitoring for a smart system that remotely monitors COVID-19 patients. Curves a, b, and c in Fig. 7 show the history of real-time measurements of oxygen saturation and body temperature of three COVID-19 patients with different ages, every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m.. In every plot, the X-axis refers to the time and the Y1-axis, Y2-axis to the corresponding temperature and oxygen saturation respectively of the patient. We choose three patients to validate our system by comparing our collected data with the data of a commercial device, we find an acceptable divergence of ± 0.3 \(^\circ \)C for temperature and ± 1 for \(SpO_2\). With this accuracy, our medical kit is incurring a total cost of 13 , whereas, on the other hand, a commercial device is incurring costs of 25 . Our application respects the general architecture and the three dimensions of the IoT:

  1. 1.

    Any time connection: we can visualize the data in a real-time way at any time.

  2. 2.

    Any where connection: we can see the data in any place in the world.

  3. 3.

    Any thing connection: we are able to interconnect all the hardware.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

System implementation results

Fig. 7.
figure 7

IoT monitoring every hour (a): Patient 1 (b): Patient 2 (c): Patient 3

Table 2. \(SpO_2\) reference value
Table 3. Heart rate reference value

The originality of our solution lies in the fact that it resolves some problems that we found in previous studies. For example, the authors in [3] propose an IoT solution to COVID-19, which is not practical in all situations because they developed an application that works only in India. The main disadvantage of the system developed by [11], is that authors use a local server instead of the cloud, which is not recommended in an IoT system (storage and processing constraints). In a recent paper by [4], authors merge the application layer with the processing layer by exploiting the dashboard (data visualization) offered by the Thing Speak Cloud platform. The first problem is that the system does not respect the general architecture of the IoT. The second one is that all users need to have access to the cloud platform in order to visualize the collected data. For that, users will have full control over data (see all data even if they don’t have permission, alter data, etc.), and this is not good for the privacy of patient data. Also, we can’t manage users. However, most of the previous studies do not take into account the modeling part of the proposed system.

A part of security is guarantees using the blacklist and whitelist patterns. This will lead to establishing a trusted communication partner. Also, we share the key and the link of the database with trusted devices. We have complete control over the users who have access to patient data to maintain confidentiality.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented our proposed meta-model that permits modeling the general architecture of the IoT. We implemented two functional applications to help the world in this pandemic and outbreak the spreading of COVID-19. Firstly, we presented the necessary equipment in both scenarios. Next, we designed correct models by construction using UML diagrams to describe the behavioral and structural views of our system. After that, we implemented the system using the Embedded C (to program the Node MCU) and Java (to program an Android application) languages. Finally, we presented and evaluated our application. The application has shown that it is effective in fighting the coronavirus with the obtained results.

In the short term, we will strengthen our application by adding more sensors to offer more services and actuators to have a good preventive and alerting system.

In the long term, we will integrate new technologies such as artificial intelligence to get the most out of the huge amounts of data that sensors collect. This will allow us to make highly precise diagnoses and reactions.