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Continuities and Transformations of Racism in German Welfare Capitalism

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Racism in and for the Welfare State

Part of the book series: Marx, Engels, and Marxisms ((MAENMA))


German welfare capitalism plays a crucial role in establishing both a restrictive order externally as well as a stratifying system within its regime along racist categories. The chapter provides insights into the institutional regulations that lead to the exclusions and disadvantages of immigrants as well as influential discourses in which racist rationalisations are represented. After outlining some characteristics of the discriminatory practices of post-war Germany, we concentrate on recent shifts in the regime. These transformations are categorised by ambivalent developments. While some openings of civic and social rights can be observed, these openings are connected with the tightening of policies in other areas and a strong connection to labour market policies. Additionally, transnationalisation of the regime can be observed. While official orders represent top-down logics, a look at the welfare state from below challenges this perspective and manifests acts of citizenship outside of racist regulations and discourses.

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Gille, C., Kohlschmidt, J. (2022). Continuities and Transformations of Racism in German Welfare Capitalism. In: Perocco, F. (eds) Racism in and for the Welfare State. Marx, Engels, and Marxisms. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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