Our journey over the years has been accompanied by the majestic sunsets over the Sviyaga River that are visible from the university building (Fig. 12.1). Lots of sweet memories are hosted in our hearts. The university is growing and new colleagues are joining. We knew and hoped that this was going to be the future. It is now here.

Fig. 12.1
figure 1

Winter sunset

At the same time, our graduates are occupying important positions in companies and universities in Russia and abroad. Several of them also started up business that is growing and becoming relevant. Figures 12.2 and 12.3 show the graduation ceremony of August 2021, which happened while this book was still in the writing phase.

Fig. 12.2
figure 2

Graduation, summer 2021

Fig. 12.3
figure 3

Manuel Mazzara at graduation, summer 2021

Life’s developments always have sweet and sour notes; something is always waiting for us after the next river turn. We need to keep sailing to see what is there. We do not have bird’s eyes on life. Whatever will happen and wherever we will be, the physical separation will not affect the spiritual bond created over the years.

Stay blessed, our dear companions of this journey.