Correction to: Chapter 1 in: J. Saini et al. (eds.), Integrating IoT and AI for Indoor Air Quality Assessment, Internet of Things,

This book was inadvertently published with the wrong affiliation of Dr. Gonçalo Marques. The correct affiliation is:

Gonçalo Marques Polytechnic of Coimbra, ESTGOH, Rua General Santos Costa, Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal.

The book was also inadvertently published without abstracts and keywords for chapter 1. These has to be included in the chapter opening as:

Abstract: Indoor air quality is a major concern for both developed and developing countries. The current populations spend most of their routine time indoors, either at home or office, which makes them susceptible to repeated exposure to hazardous pollutants in the indoor environment. Therefore, it is crucial to find trustworthy ways to monitoring and assessment of these harmful pollutant concentration levels. This chapter provides insights to the potential technologies that can be utilized to design real-time monitoring and assessment systems for indoor environments. Furthermore, it also presents the integration of different technologies to achieve enhanced outcomes.

Keywords: Indoor air quality, Pollutants, Public health, Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence