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Widening Text Worlds in Finnish Early Childhood Education

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Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care


The focus of this chapter is on multiliteracies and widening text worlds in early childhood education (ECE) in Finland. The concept of multiliteracies refers to an understanding of multiple texts (both analogue and digital) in multiple platforms with multiple contexts. In this chapter, the following questions are explored: How can we find a good balance in widening text worlds? How can we decide what texts to use in an early childhood education context, and how can we develop a pedagogy of multiliteracies? In the Finnish ECE perspective, multiliteracies are considered to promote educational equality among children. This chapter clarifies the concept of multiliteracies in ECE and construes how and why it will widen the text worlds and promote equality in early childhood education learning. Based on this understanding, some of the pedagogical principles that can be applied to early childhood education in support of young children’s multiliteracies thinking and practices will be presented at the end of this chapter.

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Nordström, A., Sairanen, H., Byman, J., Renlund, J., Sintonen, S. (2022). Widening Text Worlds in Finnish Early Childhood Education. In: Harju-Luukkainen, H., Kangas, J., Garvis, S. (eds) Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care . Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus, vol 1. Springer, Cham.

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