Correction to:

Chapter 9 in: S. Katajala-Peltomaa, R. M. Toivo (eds.),Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion, Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience,

The footnote number 10 in Pirjo Markkola’s chapter, page 222 in the book, 10 Katajala-Peltomaa & Toivo, “Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern,” 11–13; Koselleck, Futures Past, 267–76; Kivimäki, “Reittejä Kokemushistoriaan,” 17–19; Berger & Luckmann, The Social Construction, 54–56, 85–89 has been corrected to 10 Katajala-Peltomaa & Toivo, “Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern,” 11–13; Koselleck, Futures Past, 267–76; Kivimäki, “Reittejä Kokemushistoriaan,” 17–19; Berger & Luckmann, The Social Construction, 54–56, 85–89; Within HEX, ‘scene of experience’ as a theoretical concept has been developed by Minna Harjula and Heikki Kokko.