This chapter discusses environmental trauma caused by sudden changes in the everyday physical environment. For example, various development projects altering the environment can activate trauma processes similar to war-related trauma. The origin of environmental trauma is an event that changes the physical environment, but it easily extends to other areas of life. The study is based on qualitative interviews, and the data is analyzed leaning on human-environment and place-attachment theories. The interviewees had experienced dramatic changes in their environment caused by the Lapland War and postwar hydropower construction in Northern Finland. The change in the environment destabilized the wellbeing of local people, causing depression and anxiety. Environmental trauma is characterized by disconnections, silences and delays. Although trauma can be repressed for decades, it can still be passed on in a socially mediated process.
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- 1.
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- 2.
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- 3.
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- 4.
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- 5.
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- 6.
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- 7.
Ursin (1980), 383–5.
- 8.
Seitsonen and Koskinen-Koivisto (2018), 430.
- 9.
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- 10.
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- 11.
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- 12.
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- 13.
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- 14.
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- 15.
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- 16.
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- 17.
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- 18.
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- 19.
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- 20.
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- 21.
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- 22.
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- 23.
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- 24.
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- 25.
Jeff E. Malpas, Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999); Barbara B. Brown and Douglas D. Perkins, “Disruptions in Place Attachment,” in Place Attachment, ed. by Irwin Altman and Sentha M. Low (New York: Plenum, 1992), 279–304.
- 26.
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- 27.
Malpas (1999).
- 28.
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- 29.
Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill (London: Routledge, 2000), 192.
- 30.
Malpas (1999), 9.
- 31.
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- 32.
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- 33.
Harold M. Proshansky, Abbe K. Fabian and Robert Kaminoff, “Place-identity: Physical World Socialization of the Self,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 3 (1983), 59.
- 34.
Leila Scannell and Robert Gifford, “Defining Place Attachment: A Tripartite Organizing Framework,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 30 (2010), 1–10.
- 35.
Brown and Perkins (1992).
- 36.
Marjo Tourula and Arja Rautio, Terveyttä luonnosta (Oulu: Thule-instituutti / Oulun yliopisto, Metsähallitus & Oulun seutu, 2014), http://www.oulu.fi/sites/default/files/content/Terveytt%C3%A4_luonnosta.pdf, retrieved on 10 March 2020; Clark et al. (2014).
- 37.
Klaus Eder, “The Cultural Code of Modernity and the Problem of Nature: A Critique of the Naturalistic Notion of Progress,” in Rethinking Progress, ed. by Jeffrey Alexander and Piotr Sztompka (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990).
- 38.
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- 39.
For example, Giampietro Gobo and Andrea Molle, Doing Ethnography, rev. ed. (London: Sage, 2017 [2008]).
- 40.
Outi Autti, “The Wise Salmon that Returned Home,” in Shared Lives of Humans and Animals: Animal Agency in the Global North, ed. by Taina Syrjämaa and Tuomas Räisänen (London: Routledge, 2017), 179–91.
- 41.
Hsiu-Fang Hsieh and Sarah E. Shannon, “Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis,” Qualitative Health Research 15:9 (2005), 1277–88.
- 42.
Interview data LW/M/O (Lapland War, 2013–18; M=male; F=female; O=older generation; Y=younger generation).
- 43.
Veikko Kerätär, Evakkoreissu, Yläkemijoen historia, https://ylakemijoenhistoria.wordpress.com/keratar-veikko-evakkoreissu/, retrieved on 10 March 2020.
- 44.
Toivo Saunavaara, Muisteluksia evakkomatkasta Ruotsiin vuosina 1944–1945, Yläkemijoen historia, https://ylakemijoenhistoria.wordpress.com/evakkomatka-ruotsiin-ts/, retrieved on 10 March 2020.
- 45.
Saunavaara (2020).
- 46.
Tuominen (2015), 54.
- 47.
Tuominen (2015), 52.
- 48.
- 49.
- 50.
- 51.
Ingold (2000), 195.
- 52.
Saunavaara (2020).
- 53.
- 54.
- 55.
Saunavaara (2020).
- 56.
- 57.
- 58.
Suopajärvi (2001); Kemijoki: Power plants and production, https://www.kemijoki.fi/en/power-plants-and-production-2.html, retrieved on 10 March 2020.
- 59.
Vilkuna (1975); Hoffman (1993).
- 60.
Jarmo Rusanen, Role of the Local People in the Utilization of Water Resources: A Case Study of the River Iijoki in Northern Finland (Oulu: Pohjois-Suomen maantieteellinen seura, 1989).
- 61.
Autti (2013b); Timo Järvikoski, Vesien säännöstely ja paikallisyhteisö (Turku: Turun yliopisto, 1979); Matti Luostarinen, A Social Geography of Hydro-Electric Power Projects in Northern Finland: Personal Spatial Identity in the Face of Environmental Changes (Oulu: University of Oulu, 1982).
- 62.
Interview data Kemijoki 2009–10, in possession of Outi Autti. KEMI/F/O.
- 63.
Interview data Iijoki 2009–10, in possession of Outi Autti. II/M/O.
- 64.
- 65.
Vivienne Walkerdine, Aina Olsvold and Monica Rudberg, “Researching Embodiment and Intergenerational Trauma Using the Work of Davoine and Gaudilliere: History Walked in the Door,” Subjectivity 6 (2013), 272–97, https://doi.org/10.1057/sub.2013.8; Marja Sirkkola, Multisensory Environments in Social Care: Participation and Empowerment in Sociocultural Multisensory Work (Hämeenlinna: HAMK, 2010).
- 66.
- 67.
- 68.
Autti (2017), 189.
- 69.
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- 70.
Clark et al. (2014).
- 71.
Lehtola (2015); Lehtola (2018).
- 72.
- 73.
Jay Winter, “Thinking about silence,” in Shadows of War: A Social History of Silence in the Twentieth Century, ed. by Efrat Ben-Ze’ev, Ruth Ginio and Jay Winter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 3–31.
- 74.
- 75.
Outi Autti, research diary, April 2013.
- 76.
- 77.
Tuominen (2003), 104–5; Tuominen (2015), 69.
- 78.
- 79.
- 80.
KEMI/M/O. See also Anna Wylegała’s data examples where sudden heart attacks and deaths are linked with unbearable war experiences.
- 81.
- 82.
- 83.
- 84.
Järvikoski (1979); Autti (2013b).
- 85.
- 86.
See Danutė Gailienė’s “Case study A” of farmer V.B. in this book.
- 87.
Brian W. Eisenhauer, Richard Krannich and Dale Blahna, “Attachments to Special Places on Public Lands: An Analysis of Activities, Reason for Attachments, and Community Connections,” Society & Natural Resources 13 (2000), 421–41.
- 88.
Autti (2017).
- 89.
Ville Kivimäki, “Sodanjälkeisiä hiljaisuuksia: Kokemusten, tunteiden ja trauman historiaa,” in Tuominen and Löfgren, eds (2018), 34–57.
- 90.
See Peter Leese’s introduction in this book.
- 91.
On postmemory, see, for example, Marianne Hirsch, “The Generation of Postmemory,” Poetics Today 29:1 (2008), 103–128.
- 92.
Adger et al. (2012).
I wish to thank Dr. Marjo Tourula for her contribution to this work. Our discussions are much appreciated. This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland (grant number 310855).
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Autti, O. (2022). Environmental Trauma in the Narratives of Postwar Reconstruction: The Loss of Place and Identity in Northern Finland After World War II. In: Kivimäki, V., Leese, P. (eds) Trauma, Experience and Narrative in Europe after World War II. Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84663-3_10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84663-3_10
Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-84662-6
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-84663-3
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