This chapter proposes that despite important advances in impact measurement and management practices over recent years, there remains a lack of attention to impact materiality in terms of the validity of data. It suggests that the various levels of impact materiality data risk in impact measurement are under-conceptualized. Poorly specified impact measurement methods ignore the impact materiality role of end-user voice which is both a data risk and may perpetuate structural inequalities through choices over who decides what is measured, how and for what reason. This can have serious consequences for organisational accountability [Relevant SDGs: SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals].
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See, for example critiques of ESG ratings systems – https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2019/12/07/climate-change-has-made-esg-a-force-in-investing – as well as warnings over ‘greenwashing’ funds, https://www.ftadviser.com/investments/2020/07/16/be-critical-of-esg-credentials-to-avoid-greenwashing-funds/
- 7.
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- 14.
Evidence-based policymaking first emerged with the landmark Cambridge Somerville Youth Study (Powers & Witmer, 1951). Seen as one of the first Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs), it selected youths to partake in counselling and group recreational activities to reduce rates of juvenile delinquency.
- 15.
These studies were screened for relevance including full-text screening by two researchers. The researchers then coded these studies and synthesised their results in terms of the impact of micro-finance across financial, health, nutrition, education, child labour, women’s empowerment, housing, job creation, and social cohesion outcomes.
- 16.
- 17.
The programme recruited over a thousand participants in forty villages and towns. An RCT approach matched 20 treatment and 20 control villages with each other—with one group receiving the intervention and one group not receiving it. The RCT demonstrated positive outcomes in terms of reducing abuse, corporate punishment, and generally improving parenting behaviours. This program was so successful that it was replicated by its sponsors across multiple countries including the Philippines and Thailand.
- 18.
Two cohorts of children were observed for eight months to determine the effect of improved sewerage coverage, comparing the children across time to determine the effect of the intervention. As researchers had no control over the treatment of the sewerage intervention, an RCT was not possible, and researchers had to use an observational design. This intervention was found to be successful, reducing diarrhoea by over 20%.
- 19.
This was performed by identifying 129 young people who had made an attempt against a control of 153 control subjects chosen from the same communities. The study then attempted to identify underlying risk factors and differences between the subjects that could explain the attempt. Factors found included:
Low socioeconomic backgrounds and lack of formal education
Childhood and family adversity
Neuroticism and hopelessness
Affective and substance use disorders
Higher rates of reported life events
- 20.
This study used the Swedish government’s Living Conditions Survey as well as phone interviews. The study compared end-users’ working environment (survey) to the prevalence of the disease (interview). While the study suggested that people with more stressful working environments had a higher prevalence of disease, the method only tests for correlations not causal relationship.
- 21.
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Nicholls, A., Yee, E. (2022). Enhancing Impact Materiality: Lessons from Evidenced-Based Policy Making. In: Hazenberg, R., Paterson-Young, C. (eds) Social Impact Measurement for a Sustainable Future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83152-3_13
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83152-3_13
Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-83151-6
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-83152-3
eBook Packages: Business and ManagementBusiness and Management (R0)