Correction to: A. Le (ed.), The Heterogeneity of Cancer Metabolism, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1311

After initial publication of the book, various errors were identified that needed correction. All corrections listed below have been updated within the current version.

Chapter 1:

1. Figure 2 was missing the icons for colon and pancreas. The correct figure has been updated.

Chapter 6:

1. P.92: In the 2nd paragraph of section 2, the word “is” has been added between the words “fibroblasts” and “associated” (that is, “fibroblasts associated” to “fibroblasts is associated”).

2. P.98: The tumor image in figure 3 was having white background. This figure has been updated to have the tumor match with the background color.

Chapter 7:

1. P.108: In section 3.3, the word “redox-homeostasis” has been updated to “redox homeostasis” (that is, “redox-homeostasis and biosynthesis.” to “redox homeostasis and biosynthesis.”)

Chapter 12:

1. P.170: In the 2nd paragraph of the Conclusion section, a comma has been added to the sentence (that is, “Thus CSCs” to “Thus, CSCs”).

Chapter 17:

1. P.230: In the Introduction section, the word “metabolisms” has been changed to “metabolism” (that is, “including metabolisms of glutamine” to ““including metabolism of glutamine”).

Chapter 18:

1. P.253: In section 2.3, in the sentence “The inhibition of GLS1 expression has...” the word “researches” has been updated to “research”.