This chapter gives an overview of the mainstream approaches and solutions to the problem of multifunctionality in the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) phase. Many industrial processes are multifunctional. Their purpose generally comprises more than a single product or service. Practitioners in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are thus faced with the problem that the product system(s) under study provide more functions than the one investigated in the functional unit of interest. Among others, an appropriate decision must therefore consider which economic and environmental flows of the multifunctional process or system are to be allocated to which of its products and services. The discussion on multifunctionality goes back to energy analysis (a precursor of LCA), and several of today’s well-known solutions for the multifunctionality problem origin from this time. There is no generally accepted solution for the multifunctionality problem, and it is even hard to imagine that there will ever be a solution. On the other hand, it is generally recognized that different solutions may considerably influence LCA results depending on the exact position of the multifunctional process in the product’s flow chart. As a consequence, sensitivity analyses should be applied to test the influence of different solutions. An issue that deserves more attention is the fact that most LCA case studies so far apply one of the solutions without properly justifying where and what exactly the multifunctionality problem is and which criteria are used for determining that. In this chapter, these steps are therefore distinguished, explicitly aiming for more transparency in the discussion on multifunctionality approaches and solutions.
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- 1.
Throughout this chapter, the authors refer to the process-based LCA as conceived by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and ISO. In Input/Output-based LCA, the issue of multi-functionality and allocation is already resolved at the level of data collection.
- 2.
In some cases, a further distinction is made between recycling or reuse in the same system (closed-loop recycling) and in another system (open-loop recycling).
- 3.
Whether or not all these terms refer to the same feature is a matter of debate; see Heijungs and Guinée (2007).
- 4.
Over the period 1995–2015, the (cleaned) Web of Science search identified 506 articles dealing with allocation in their ‘Topic’ and 86 articles dealing with allocation in their ‘Title’ on a total of about 10,000 articles on LCA in general over the same period (≈1–5%). Note that first years of new journals are generally not included in Web of Science.
- 5.
The multi-functionality problem is often referred to as the ‘allocation problem’. Strictly speaking, allocation is not so much the problem but rather one of the solutions partitioning the non-functional inputs and outputs of a multi-functional process among its functional flows. To avoid confusion, the authors here refrain from using the term “allocation ” for a specific solution and will use the term “partitioning” to refer to the specific solution.
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Appendix: The Special Case of Closed-Loop Recycling
Appendix: The Special Case of Closed-Loop Recycling
Suppose a system of two processes, process 1 and process 2 (Fig. 4.5), of which process 2 produced a product (i.e., recycled material) from a waste inflow. For the sake of simplicity, all other flows of both processes are left out, but in practice there will of course be other flows.
Process 1 has one product as inflow as well as one product and one waste as outflows; it thus has one functional flow and is thus a monofunctional process, no allocation needed. Process 2 has one waste as inflow and one product as outflow; it thus has two functional flows, is a multi-functional process, i.e., a (closed-loop) recycling process, and thus requires allocation (note that waste is a functional flow for process 2 but a non-functional flow for process 1). As a result of allocation , process 2 is split up in two virtual processes: process 2a, which represents a monofunctional waste process, and process 2b, which represents a monofunctional production process of recycled material (Fig. 4.6).
As a result of this allocation , now the problem is faced that in the modeling of closed-loop recycling the demand of product 2 from process 2a does not necessarily have to match the demand of product 2 by process 1, while in the real-world process demand and supply of recycled material in a closed-loop situation should exactly match. This is an important constraint of closed-loop recycling that should be kept in mind. If more recycled material is needed by process 1 than can be supplied by process 2, i.e., 5 kg, another flow should be added to process 1 providing the same material (either primary material or the same quality of recycled material but provided by another recycling process); see Fig. 4.7.
If less recycled material is needed by process 1 than can be supplied by process 2, i.e., less than 5 kg, another flow should be added to process 2, representing partial open-loop recycling to another product system of the remainder material; see Fig. 4.8.
The lesson learned is that for closed-loop recycling, allocation does not matter in theory as long as supply of the recycled material by process 2 and demand of the same material by process 1 exactly balance.
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Guinée, J., Heijungs, R., Frischknecht, R. (2021). Multifunctionality in Life Cycle Inventory Analysis: Approaches and Solutions. In: Ciroth, A., Arvidsson, R. (eds) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis . LCA Compendium – The Complete World of Life Cycle Assessment. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62270-1_4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62270-1_4
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-62269-5
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-62270-1
eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0)