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Water Resources in Poland and Their Use

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Management of Water Resources in Poland

Part of the book series: Springer Water ((SPWA))

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Water resources in Poland are directly related to the features of the natural environment, particularly the hydrogeological and climatic conditions. The territory of Poland is characterised by relatively low water resources, and the outflow of rivers is among the lowest in Europe. In the context of the occurring climatic changes, measures aimed at water retention in the catchment are recommended. Changes in the conditions of water circulation should be towards its retention in the soil and bedrock, leading to a decrease in surface runoff and an increase in exploitable resources in catchments. In addition to the construction of retention reservoirs, this purpose can be met by changes in the land use structure, application of suitable agrotechnical measures, as well as the construction of corrective steps slowing down water outflow. All water resources are subject to strong human pressure leading to their quantitative and qualitative transformations. They result from an increase in the water needs accompanying an increase in the standard of life and development of industrial infrastructure and raw material extraction. It is important to reduce the water consumption at every stage of its use: in households, industry and agriculture. The level of exploitation, especially on the regional scale, should not endanger the stability of low flows and natural functioning of hydrogenic ecosystems. The water safety of the country requires the maintenance of the quantity and quality of water resources on a good level and effective protection against the effects of drought and floods.

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Michalczyk, Z., Sposób, J. (2021). Water Resources in Poland and Their Use. In: Zeleňáková, M., Kubiak-Wójcicka, K., Negm, A.M. (eds) Management of Water Resources in Poland . Springer Water. Springer, Cham.

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