Correction to: Chapter “Plastics of the Future? The Impact of Biodegradable Polymers on the Environment” in: Defu He and Yongming Luo (eds.), Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments - Emerging Contaminants and Major Challenges, Hdb Env Chem,

This chapter was inadvertently published with three errors, which have now been corrected as follows:

  • Caption of Table 3 has been updated to read as: “Ecological effects of completely biodegradable plastics. Reused with permission from [21]”

  • Footnote has been added to the heading of Sect. 3.3 (“The Ecological Effect to …”) as follows: “Parts of this text are reused with permission from [21]”

  • The references [21] (English version) and [34] (German version) refer to the same article. Therefore, now the reference [34] has been updated as reference [21] throughout the chapter, and the other succeeding references starting from reference [35] have been renumbered accordingly.