In the introduction, I stated that I wanted you to make up your own mind about the value of chiropractic. To do this, you need reliable information. And to obtain reliable information, you need someone who is well-informed and independent.

What you don’t need is information from people who make their living from chiropractic. Remember, it is difficult to get someone to understand something when their salary depends on them not understanding it! Something else you don’t need? People who tell you they had a good experience with their chiropractor. Remember, the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not evidence!

After reading my book, you may feel little enthusiasm for consulting a chiropractor. I am sure that this is not a bad thing—not because I have something against chiropractors personally, but because I am in favour of applying the best available evidence. And the evidence is clear: chiropractic might help a little with back pain, but there are better, less expensive and safer options. For all other conditions, chiropractic is even less useful and possibly even dangerous.

No doubt, my book will infuriate many fans of chiropractic. They will claim that I am incompetent, biased and dishonest. But we have seen that chiropractors make more bogus claims than any other talented snake-oil salesperson could ever dream of. So, I am confident that you will take such personal attacks on me with a pinch of salt.

I have presented you with the evidence, provided the references so that you can double-check and have told you the often-uncomfortable truth. I trust you will use this information wisely and stay healthy.