This chapter discusses the legal liabilities of those in the medical profession who recommend or distribute marijuana to be used as a medicine. This is commonly known as “medical” marijuana and refers to marijuana that is used for medical purposes under some state laws but has not been approved by the FDA as a medicine. The problem for medical care providers is that most are woefully uninformed or misinformed about marijuana. Botanical marijuana poses many problems for medical care providers. There are legal concerns about vaping and other devices for ingesting or inhaling marijuana. The chapter covers the federal scheduling of marijuana, the federal standard of care and can “medical” marijuana be prescribed and states’ rights and aiding and abetting under federal law. The legal claims against medical care providers that are discussed include:
Negligence basics
Informed consent
Duty to warn
Failure to provide proper documentation
Labeling of marijuana used as a medicine
Apparent authority
Failure to conduct a proper examination
Third-party endangerment
Loss of a chance doctrine
Aggravation (exacerbation) of a pre-existing condition
Future harm
Emotional distress – intentional and unintentional
Respondeat superior/vicarious liability
Other claims
Loss of malpractice insurance
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- 1.
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This chapter should not be considered legal advice. This is for informational purposes only. Use of and access to these materials does not in itself create an attorney–client relationship between David G. Evans and CIVEL and the user or reader. Mr. Evans or CIVEL cannot vouch for any study cited herein since they did not do the study. The readers should consult the study and make their own interpretation as to its accuracy. Please also be advised that case law and statutory and regulatory laws cited herein may have been amended or changed by the time you read this. In addition, each state has laws that differ from other states. What may be true in one state may not be true in another. Federal law may also differ from state law. Please consult an attorney licensed in your state for legal advice.
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Evans, D.G. (2020). The Legal Aspects of Marijuana as Medicine. In: Finn, K. (eds) Cannabis in Medicine. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45968-0_20
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45968-0_20
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-45967-3
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-45968-0
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