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Critical and Active Public Engagement in Addressing Socioscientific Problems Through Science Teacher Education

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Science Teacher Education for Responsible Citizenship


During the current so-called anthropocene epoch, earth’s biotic and abiotic systems appear to be facing numerous existential threats linked to fields of science and technology (S&T)—including, for example, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes associated with manufactured foods and immense dislocation and suffering from human-generated climate change. Meanwhile, small fractions of societies are increasingly concentrating wealth and wellbeing. Given severity and persistence of such problems, along with significant culpability of powerful individuals and groups, it seems clear that general populations must become more critical of processes and products of S&T fields and, where they perceive harms, be prepared to develop and implement actions to address them. In light of its roles in selecting potential S&T workers and others about such fields, science education programmes could significantly contribute to development of more critical and action-oriented citizenry. Through the ‘STEPWISE’ programme outlined here, it seems clear many teachers have had some ‘successes’ in this regard. On the other hand, implementation of STEPWISE-related perspectives and practices appear relatively confined to unique contexts. Accordingly, in this chapter, through our collaborative case study of our earlier action research projects with three science educators in different educational contexts, we provide some insights into living, nonliving and symbolic entities that educators and others may find relevant (likely among many others) in working to assemble networks of entities (dispositifs) that may be conducive to critical and action-oriented science education in particular situations.

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  1. 1.

    STEPWISE is the acronym for Science & Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies & Environments. Some details about this framework are provided below, but it is a schema that organizes teaching/learning goals in ways that encourage students to engage in critical and active civic participation. For more information, refer to:

  2. 2.

    A dispositif (Foucault 2008) is a relatively organized network of living, nonliving and symbolic entities (‘actants’) that – like a machine – generally co-support each other in ways that serve common purposes.

  3. 3.

    The STP consists of a 2-dimensional grid. Its horizontal axis spans a continuum ranging from Rationalist through Naturalist positions regarding the nature of theory negotiation. Rationalists tend to believe in highly systematic methods of science, including rational judgements about theory. Naturalists, by contrast, assume that conduct of science is highly situational and idiosyncratic, depending on various factors, including psychological, social, cultural and political influences. The vertical axis depicts a continuum reflecting the truth value of knowledge, with Realist through Antirealist positions. Realists tend to believe that science knowledge can correspond to reality, while (extreme) Antirealists claim that each person’s constructions are valid. More moderate Antirealists believe in useful knowledge.

  4. 4.

    A repertory grid is a two-dimensional rectangle suggesting, in our case, associations between teaching strategies and learning outcomes.


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True to our adherence to actor-network theory and the dispositif concept, content of this chapter should be seen as an amalgamation of myriad living, nonliving and symbolic actants. Symbolically, for instance, this work is driven by various senses of injustice. Meanwhile, the extent to which this chapter deals with them seems connected to multiple technologies, animate and inanimate. Integrated into all of these, however, we are extremely grateful to long-term commitments to this project by the three teachers highlighted in this study (Nurul Hassan, Mirjan Krstovic & Tomo Nishizawa) and numerous others over about the last decade and knowledge-generation assistance from many graduate students who have been part of this project at various times.

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Bencze, J.L., El Halwany, S., Zouda, M. (2020). Critical and Active Public Engagement in Addressing Socioscientific Problems Through Science Teacher Education. In: Evagorou, M., Nielsen, J.A., Dillon, J. (eds) Science Teacher Education for Responsible Citizenship. Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education, vol 52. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-40228-0

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-40229-7

  • eBook Packages: EducationEducation (R0)

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