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The Process Algebra CSP

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Formal Methods for Software Engineering


Concerning distributed systems, process algebra plays a role similar to the one lambda calculus takes for sequential systems: phenomena such as deadlock, fairness, causality can be made precise and studied within process calculi. Furthermore, process algebra is applied in the modelling and verification of industrial strength systems. This chapter introduces syntax, semantics, and methods of the process algebra Csp and studies tool support for Csp including simulation, model checking, theorem proving and code-generation. Examples studied include an automated teller machine, a jet engine controller, a fault tolerant communication system, and a self-stabilising system in the form of a mathematical puzzle. Advanced material on the semantic models of Csp, process algebraic equations, denotational semantics for recursive equations, and refinement based proof methods for deadlock, livelock, and determinism conclude the chapter.

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Roggenbach, M., Shaikh, S.A., Cerone, A. (2022). The Process Algebra CSP. In: Formal Methods for Software Engineering. Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-38799-0

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