20.1 Dosimetry and Medical Imaging

The invention by Crookes at the end of the nineteenth century of a device called spinthariscope, which made use of the scintillating properties of Lead Sulfide allowed Rutherford to count α particles in an experiment, opening the way towards modern dosimetry. When at the same time Wilhelm C. Roentgen, also using a similar device, was able to record the first X-ray picture of his wife’s hand 2 weeks only after the X-ray discovery, he initiated the first and fastest technology transfer between particle physics and medical imaging and the beginning of a long and common history.

Since that time, physics, and particularly particle physics has contributed to a significant amount to the development of instrumentation for research, diagnosis and therapy in the biomedical area. This has been a direct consequence, one century ago, of the recognition of the role of ionizing radiation for medical imaging as well as for therapy.

20.1.1 Radiotherapy and Dosimetry

The curative role of ionizing radiation for the treatment of skin cancers has been exploited in the beginning of the twentieth century through the pioneering work of some physicists and medical doctors in France and in Sweden. This activity has very much progressed with the spectacular developments in the field of accelerators, beam control and radioisotope production. Today radiotherapy is an essential modality in the overall treatment of cancer for about 40% of all patients treated. Conventional radiotherapy (RT) with X-rays and electrons is used to treat around 20,000 patients per 10 million inhabitants each year.

The main aim of radiation therapy is to deliver a maximally effective dose of radiation to a designated tumour site while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues as much as possible. The most common approach, also called teletherapy, consists in bombarding the tumour tissue with ionizing radiation from the outside of the patient’s body. Depending on the depth of the tumour, soft or hard X-rays or more penetrating γ-rays produced by a 60Co source or by a linac electron accelerator are used. However, conventional X-ray or γ-ray radiation therapy is characterized by almost exponential attenuation and absorption, and consequently delivers the maximum energy near the beam entrance. It also continues to deposit significant energy at distances beyond the cancer target. To compensate for the disadvantageous depth-dose characteristics of X-rays and γ-rays and to better conform the radiation dose distribution to the shape of the tumour, the radiation oncologists use complex Conformal and Intensity Modulated techniques (IMRT) [1]. The patient is irradiated from different angles, the intensity of the source and the aperture of the collimators being optimized by a computer controlled irradiation plan in order to shape the tumour radiation field as precisely as possible.

Another way to spare as much as possible healthy tissues is to use short range ionizing radiation such as β or α particles produced by the decay of unstable isotopes directly injected into the tumour. This method, called brachytherapy, has been originally developed for the thyroid cancer with the injection of 153I directly into the nodules of the thyroid gland. It is also used in other small organs such as prostate or saliva gland cancer.

Following these trends a new generation of minimally invasive surgical tools appears in hospitals, allowing to precisely access deep tumours from the exterior of the body (gamma-knife), or by using brachytherapy techniques, i.e. by injecting radioisotopes directly in the tumour (beta-knife, alpha-knife and perhaps soon Auger-knife). More recently the radio-immunotherapy method has been successfully developed: instead of being directly inserted in the tumour, the radioactive isotopes can be attached by bioengineering techniques to a selective vector, which will bind to specific antibody receptors on the membranes of the cells to be destroyed. Typical examples are the use of the α emitter 213Bi for the treatment of leukaemia and of the β-emitter 90Y for the treatment of glioblastoma.

In 1946 Robert Wilson, physicist and founder of Fermilab, proposed the use of hadron beams for cancer treatment. This idea was first applied at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) where 30 patients were treated with protons between 1954–1957. Hadrontherapy is now a field in rapid progress with a number of ambitious projects in Europe, Japan and USA [2], exploiting the attractive property of protons and even more of light ions like carbon to release the major part of their kinetic energy in the so-called Bragg peak at the end of their range in matter (Fig. 20.1).

Fig. 20.1
figure 1

Bragg peak for an ion beam in the brain of a patient. The insert shows the energy absorbed by tissues as a function of depth for different radiation sources (Courtesy U. Amaldi)

It is particularly important to treat the disease with the minimum harm for surrounding healthy tissues. In the last centimeters of their range the Linear Energy Transfer (LET) of protons or even more of carbon ions is much larger than the one of X-rays (low-LET radiations). The resulting DNA damages include more complex double strand breaks and lethal chromosomal aberrations, which cannot be repaired by the normal cellular mechanisms. The effects produced at the end of the range are therefore qualitatively different from those produced by X- or γ-rays and open the way to a strategy to overcome radio-resistance, often due to hypoxia of the tumour cells. For these reasons carbon ions with their higher relative biological effectiveness (RBE) at the end of their range, of around a factor of three higher than X-rays, can treat tumours that are normally resistant to X-rays and possibly protons. This treatment is particularly applicable to deep tumours in the brain or in the neck as well as ocular melanoma.

Whatever the detailed modality of the treatment planning, precise dosimetry is mandatory to develop an optimal arrangement of radiation portals to spare normal and radiosensitive tissues while applying a prescribed dose to the targeted disease volume. This involves the use of computerized treatment plan optimization tools achieving a better dose conformity and minimizing the total energy deposition to the normal tissues (Fig. 20.2). It requires a precise determination and simulation of the attenuation coefficients in the different tissues along the beam. These data are obtained from high performance anatomic imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI).

Fig. 20.2
figure 2

Dosimetry for a brain tumour in the case of one (left) or nine crossed (right) X-ray beams. The treatment plan is based on a tumour irradiation of at least 90 Gy (Courtesy U. Amaldi)

For the particular case of hadrontherapy on-line dosimetry in the tissues is in principle possible. It relies on the production of positron emitter isotopes produced by beam spallation (10C and 11C for 12C beam) or target fragmentation during the irradiation treatment. The two 511 keV γ produced by the positron annihilation can be detected by an in-line positron emission tomography (PET) to precisely and quantitatively map the absorbed dose in the tumour and surrounding tissues. Although challenging because of the timing and high sensitivity requirements this approach is very promising and a number of groups are working on it worldwide [3].

20.1.2 Status of Medical Imaging

The field of medical imaging is in rapid evolution and is based on five different modalities: X-ray radiology (standard, digital and CT), isotopic imaging (positron emission tomography, PET, and single photon emission computed tomography SPECT), ultrasound (absorption, Doppler), magnetic resonance (MRI, spectroscopy, functional), and electrophysiology with electro- and magneto-encephalography (EEG and MEG). More recently, direct optical techniques like bioluminescence and infrared transmission are also emerging as powerful imaging tools for non-too-deep organs.

For a long time imaging has been anatomical and restricted to the visualization of the structure and morphology of tissues allowing the determination of morphometric parameters. With the advent of nuclear imaging modalities (PET and SPECT) and of the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) technique in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) functional imaging became possible and medical doctors can now see organs at work. Functional parameters are now accessible in vivo and in real time, such as vascular permeability, haemodynamics, tissue oxygenation or hypoxia, central nervous system activity, metabolites activity, just to cite a few.

In the current clinical practice medical imaging is aiming at the in-vivo anatomic and functional visualization of organs in a non- or minimally invasive way. Isotopic imaging, in particular PET, currently enjoys a spectacular development. Isotopic imaging consists in injecting into a patient a molecule involved in a specific metabolic function so that this molecule will preferentially be fixed on the organs or tumours where the function is at work. The molecule has been labeled beforehand with a radioisotope emitting gamma photons (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography or SPECT) or with a positron emitting isotope (Positron Emission Tomography or PET). In the latter case, the positron annihilates very quickly on contact with ordinary matter, emitting two gamma photons located on the same axis called the line of response (LOR) but in opposite directions with a precise energy of 511 keV each. Analyzing enough of these gamma photons, either single for SPECT or in pairs for PET, makes it possible to reconstruct the image of the area (organ, tumour) where the tracer focused.

Since the beginning to the twenty-first century a new generation of machines became available, which combine anatomic and functional features: the PET/CT. This dual modality system allows the superposition of the high sensitivity functional image from the PET on the precise anatomic picture of the CT scanner. PET/CT has now become a standard in the majority of hospitals, particularly for oncology. This trends for multimodal imaging systems is increasing both for clinical and for research applications (Fig. 20.3).

Fig. 20.3
figure 3

Abdominal slice of a 78 year-old male, with biopsy-proven prostate adenocarcinoma and penile adenocarcinoma. Focal uptake in the prostate bed and in the penile shaft (full arrows). Multiple foci in the pelvis compatible with skeletal metastases (dashed arrows) (Courtesy D. Townsend)

The most frequently used positron emitters are 18F, 11C, 15O, 13N, the three last ones being isotopes of the nuclei of organic molecules.

As compared to other non-invasive imaging modalities isotopic imaging has a functional sensitivity at the picomolar level, which is several orders of magnitude better than magnetic resonance. It opens incredible perspectives for cell and molecular imaging, in particular for visualizing and quantifying genomic expression or tissue repair efficiency of stem cells. However, the detection efficiency compared to the dose injected to the patient, also called “sensitivity”, is strongly limited by technical constraints, and the spatial resolution is still one order of magnitude worse than for CT or MRI (Table 20.1).

Table 20.1 Comparison of the performances of four imaging modalities

20.1.3 Towards In-Vivo Molecular Imaging

The challenge of future healthcare will be to capture enough information from each individual person to prevent disease at its earliest stage, to delineate disease parameters, such as aggressiveness or metastatic potential, to optimize the delivery of therapy based on the patient’s current biologic system and to quickly evaluate the treatment therapeutic effectiveness.

New therapeutic strategies are entering the world of major diseases. They aim to acquire as fast as possible all the information on the pathological status of the patient in order to start adapted therapeutics and therefore to minimize the handicap. This applies to neurological and psychiatric diseases but also to the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatologic inflammation, and of cancer. Moreover, the non-invasive determination of the molecular signature of cancers in the early stage of their development, or even before the tumour growth, will help to target the therapeutic strategy and to reduce considerably the number of unnecessary biopsies.

This trend is supported by the new paradigm of “personalized medicine” (also called precision medicine), which aims at delivering “the right treatment, to the right patient, at the right time”. Personalised medicine refers to a medical model using characterisation of individuals’ phenotypes and genotypes (e.g. molecular profiling, medical imaging, lifestyle data) for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time, and/or to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention. In this new healthcare context, a radical shift is currently taking place in the way diseases are managed: from the present one-fits-all approach to one that delivers medical care tailored to the needs of individual patients. This includes the detection of disease predisposition, early diagnosis, prognosis assessment, measurement of drug efficacy and disease monitoring. To achieve this ambitious goal, there is an increased demand for simultaneous in-vivo quantitative and dynamic characterization of several biological processes at the molecular and genetic level. A new generation of whole body and organ-specific imaging devices is needed combining the excellent sensitivity and specificity of PET or SPECT with a high-spatial resolution imaging modality (CT, MR optical or US) providing additional functional, metabolic or molecular information.

For many years, physicians relied on the use of anatomical imaging to non-invasively detect tumours and follow up their growth. Functional imaging such as bone or thyroid scintigraphy and more recently PET using 18FDG for example, has provided more information for tumour staging. The next revolution being prepared will have to do with molecular imaging. The goal is in-vivo visual representation, characterization and quantification of biological processes at the cellular and sub-cellular level within living organisms. This is the challenge of modern biology: detect early transformations in a cell, which may lead to pathology (precancerous activity, modifications of neuronal activity as warning signs of Alzheimer or Parkinson disease). Besides early detection, assessment of prognosis and potential response to therapy will allow a better treatment selection through a precise delineation of molecular pathways from genes to disease. All aspects of gene expression will be addressed (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, enzymatic activity), but also the molecular signal transduction through cell membranes (a key to determine the efficacy of drugs) as well as the identification and quantification of specific cell receptors over-expressed in some pathological situations, such as dopamine receptors for epilepsy.

With the development of new imaging probes and “smart probes”, imaging provides cellular protein and signal-pathway identification. There is an increasing amount of molecular probes dedicated to imaging but also to tumour therapy. The molecular phenotype of cells composing the tumour can lead to tailored therapies. This tumour phenotype can be determined ex-vivo on tissue samples. Molecular imaging should allow performance of an in-vivo tumour phenotyping by an appropriate use of specific imaging probes. This molecular profiling could already be envisioned in the very near future for some specific tumours overexpressing peptide hormone receptors such as breast and prostate cancers, and should become widely developed.

Therefore, it represents a major breakthrough to provide the medical community with an integrated “one-stop-shop” molecular profiling imaging device, which could detect tracers dedicated to Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) or PET, as well as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), or X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) contrast agents.

Furthermore, since functional imaging allows the assessment of biochemical pathways, it will also provide accurate tools for experimental research. As an example, a large effort worldwide has recently allowed the precise mapping of the different genes in the DNA sequence but the mechanisms, by which these genes produce proteins, interact with each other, regulate their expression, are far from understood. In other terms we can say that the genomic alphabet has been decoded but its dynamic expression, its grammar, remains to be studied and understood. In-vivo molecular imaging of gene expression is now within reach through the development of ever more elaborated molecular probes as well as of sophisticated techniques which significantly improve the performances of modern imaging devices.

Drug development also takes advantage of technical progress in imaging technologies, like quantitative positron emission tomography in small animals, to determine drug pharmacokinetics and whole body targeting to tissues of interest. Moreover, the combination of functional imaging with a high resolution anatomical method such as MRI and/or X-ray CT will considerably enhance the possibility of determining the long term efficiency of a drug on basic pathological processes such as inflammation, blood flow, etc. In particular, the expected progress in sensitivity, timing and spatial resolution, coupled with a true multi-modality registration, will allow to explore the activity of a drug candidate or other essential patho-physiological processes of disease models in animals, like for instance cancer or adverse inflammatory effects.

This approach will require targeting cellular activity with specific contrast agents, but also a large effort on imaging instrumentation. Developments are needed for faster exams, correction of physiological movements during acquisition time (breathing, cardiac beating, digestive bolus), access to dynamic processes, quantification, true multimodality, dose reduction to the patient. This will require significant improvements in spatial and timing resolution, sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio, all parameters very familiar to particle physicists. From the technologies already available, developed for instance for the LHC detectors or under development for the future linear collider, fast crystals, highly integrated fast and low noise electronics and ultrafast Geiger mode SiPMs open the way to time of flight (TOF) PET. These technologies are progressively being implemented in commercial PET’s, resulting in an improvement of image signal/noise ratio with a corresponding sensitivity increase. Sensitivity to picomolar concentrations are within reach for whole body commercial PET scanners, which correspond to the molecular activity of a few hundreds of cells only.

20.2 X-Ray Radiography and Computed Tomography (CT)

20.2.1 Different X-Ray Imaging Modalities

X-ray radiology is the most popular imaging technique, which comprises X-ray Radiography, Computed Tomography (CT), also called Tomo-Densitometry (TDM), and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA). For planar radiography the general trend is to progressively replace the film by digital devices, as already used for CT. The patient is exposed to an X-ray source, with its energy being adjusted as a function of the density of the tissues to be visualized. Present systems work in signal integration mode, although there is a trend towards photon counting devices, as will be explained in Sect. 20.2.4. In standard radiography, the projected image is recorded either on a photographic plate or on a digital device using a scintillation material coupled to a photosensitive array of Silicon diodes. Computed tomography or Tomo-Densitometry is based on the detection of X-ray attenuation profiles from different irradiation directions. Both the X-ray source and the detector (usually an array of scintillators coupled to a solid-state photodetector is rotating around the patient as the bed is moving through the scanner. This technique allows a 3D reconstruction of attenuation density within the human body. These density profiles can then be viewed from different directions and analyzed in a succession of slices allowing a full 3D reconstruction of the anatomical image (Fig. 20.4).

Fig. 20.4
figure 4

64-Slice CT of the carotid arteries and circle of Willis of a patient. The arrow indicates a severe stenosis (Courtesy of Siemens Medical Solutions)

20.2.2 Detection System

The X-rays to be detected must be first converted into visible light in a scintillator or into electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor device, which are directly recorded. The X-rays are absorbed in a phosphor screen, in which they excite different luminescent centres depending on the nature of the phosphor. The visible light produced by these luminescent centres is recorded on an emulsion deposited on a film or a photographic plate or on a photodiode array in direct contact with the scintillating screen or through an optical relay lens system. For about one century, film has been the unique tool for X-ray radiography. There is a trade-off between the thickness of the phosphor screen, which has to be thick enough to efficiently absorb X-rays, but not too much in order to minimize the light spread and image blurring caused by the distance between the light emission point on the screen and the recording emulsion. To take advantage of the exponential absorption of X-rays in the screen causing a larger number of X-ray absorbed at the entrance of the phosphor screen, the film is generally placed in front of the screen in a so-called back screen configuration. Soft tissues, characterized by low X-ray absorption, are seen as bright areas on the phosphor screen because of the large number of X-rays reaching the screen. The visible light photons are absorbed in the emulsion where they convert (after development of the latent image) the silver halide grains into metallic silver. As a result, soft tissue produce black images whereas denser parts of the body like bones appear clear.

Digital radiography has progressively been replacing film-based radiography. Indeed, it offers a number of advantages such as better linearity, higher dynamic range, and most importantly, the possibility of distributed archiving systems. Besides direct conversion detectors like amorphous Silicon, CdTe or CdZnTe, which will be described in Sect. 20.2.4, scintillation materials are still the detectors of choice for modern X-ray detectors. For thin scintillation screens (0.1–0.2 mm thickness), which are well adapted to the lowest X-ray energies (for instance about 20 keV for X-ray mammography), ceramic phosphors are commonly used because they can be produced in any shape at a reasonable cost. On the other hand, for dental X-ray diagnostics (about 60 keV) and full body X-ray computed tomography (about 150 keV) the required stopping power would require much thicker screens and monocrystalline inorganic scintillators have been generally preferred up to now because of their much higher light transparency than ceramics. However, recent progress in producing more transparent ceramics based on nanopowders with low dispersion grain diameter may change this situation. Scintillators for X-Ray Conversion

Detector elements of old CT scanners were prevalently implemented as ionization chambers filled with xenon at high pressure. Such detectors usually absorb 30–40% of the impinging photons and generate about 5500–6000 electrons per photon of 100 keV. Modern digital radiography devices and CT scanners use scintillator material arrays optically coupled to matching silicon p-i-n photodiode matrices. The scintillating material must be sufficiently thick to absorb close to 100% of the impinging photons, thus minimizing the patient dose required for a given image quality. Latest generation X-ray CT scanners are recording about 1000 projections (subject slices) per second. This imposes severe constrains on both the decay time and afterglow of the scintillating material. Afterglow is known to produce ghost images through a “memory effect” which deteriorates the quality of the images. The requirements for the scintillator material to be used in X-ray CT are:

  • High absorption for X-rays in the energy range up to 140 keV. Absorption close to 100% for ~2 mm thick material layer is required to achieve an acceptable X-ray CT image to noise ratio. Indeed, the image quality is limited in low contrast regions by statistical fluctuations in the numbers of detected X-rays. A high detection efficiency allows to keep the patient dose exposure within reasonable limits for a given image quality. With last generation CT scanners, a whole body CT scan can now be achieved with a dose of less than 5 mSv, close to the level of 1 year natural radioactivity exposure.

  • High light output, typically of the order or greater than 20,000 photons/MeV in order to reduce the image noise relative to (low) signal levels.

  • Radioluminescence spectrum in the visible or near IR range to match the spectral sensitivity of the silicon photodetectors.

  • Decay time in the range of 1–10 μs, in order to achieve sampling rates of the CT scanners in the ≥10 kHz range.

  • Very low afterglow. Afterglow is generally caused by material imperfections (impurities, defects), causing delayed detrapping and carrier recombination with decay times in the range 100 ms to 10 s. An afterglow level of less than 0.1% is generally required 3 ms after the end of a continuous X-ray excitation. Afterglow causes blurring in the CT images.

  • Good radiation hardness. The integrated exposure of the scintillators can reach several tens of kGy over the lifetime of a CT scanner. Changes in the light yield cause detector gain instability, resulting in image artifacts. Long-term changes of ~10% are acceptable, while only less than 0.1% short term changes during the daily operation (1000 R) can be tolerated without image quality degradation.

  • Small temperature dependence of the light yield. The X-ray generation system usually dissipates a high amount of energy and the temperature of the detectors can change rapidly. A light output temperature coefficient within ±0.1%/°C is desirable, which is a rather stringent requirement. Cadmium Tungstate (the most frequently used crystal in modern commercial CT scanners) has an acceptable temperature coefficient of −0.3%/°C [4].

  • Good mechanical properties allowing micromachining of 2D scintillator arrays with pixel dimensions less than 1 mm.

  • Affordable cost.

Table 20.2 summarizes the main characteristics of the scintillators used in medical CT imaging. During the last decade, there was a clear trend towards synthesized ceramic scintillators [5].

Table 20.2 Properties of scintillators used in X-ray CT imaging

The only crystalline material still in use in medical and security systems CT scanners is cadmium tungstate, CdWO4, also called CWO. Its main advantage over CsI(Tl) is a very low afterglow level of 0.05% 3 ms after the end of the X-ray exposure and a reasonable temperature coefficient of 0.3%/°C. In spite of their wide use CWO crystals are however not optimal for CT applications due to their brittleness and the toxicity of cadmium. Moreover, it is difficult to manufacture crystals with adequate uniformity. This has been an argument for the search of a new generation of CT scintillators. This search was initiated by General Electric and Siemens in the mid of the 1980s when they introduced the first polycrystalline ceramic scintillators. The host materials are yttrium and gadolinum oxides: Y2O3 and Gd2O3, which, after doping with Pr and Tb, demonstrate reasonable scintillation properties. However, their transmission is rather low, ceramics being more translucent than transparent. The additional Eu3+ activator efficiently traps electrons to form a transient Eu2+ state, allowing holes to form Pr4+ and Tb4+ and, therefore, competes with the intrinsic traps responsible for afterglow. This energy trapped on the Pr and Tb sites decays non-radiatively in presence of the Eu ions reducing therefore the level of afterglow [6].

Gadolinium oxide ceramic is now replaced by yttrium gadolinum oxide YGO [7], and gadolinum silicate GOS based ceramic materials [8]. When coupled to a silicon p-i-n photodiode they generate about 20 electrons per 1 keV of absorbed X-ray energy. However the long decay time of YGO (~1 ms) is a major concern and requires a complex algorithm of data deconvolution to suppress the effects of afterglow at the price of increased projection noise. Other ceramic materials proposed for CT applications are gadolinium gallium garnet, and lanthanum hafnate [9]. While ceramic materials are generally preferred to crystals because of their good performance and easy production in a variety of shapes, their low transparency requires the use of thin scintillators elements, with lower than optimal X-ray efficiency.

A large R&D effort is under way by several companies to produce flat panels for digital radiography. The standard scintillating crystal or ceramic pixels are replaced by detector arrays made of CsI(Tl) needles or small crystals (e.g. calcium tungstate CWO or YAP) directly coupled to photodiode arrays or segmented photomultipliers (see next section). Photodetectors

The visible or near infrared light produced by the X-ray absorption in the scintillating screen is converted into an electronic signal by a solid state photodetector usually in the form of an array of silicon p-i-n photodiodes. For CT applications the photodiode must satisfy the following requirements:

  • High quantum and geometric efficiency to improve the signal statistics.

  • High shunt resistance. This reduces the offset drift of the detector system due to the variations of the photodiode leakage current caused by temperature changes. Typically, these changes create image artifacts at high attenuation levels.

  • Low capacitance to reduce the electronic noise.

  • Ability to connect a large number of the photodiode pixels to the data acquisition system. This becomes increasingly difficult for 32 or 64 slice CT scanners.

Fig. 20.5
figure 5

Three types of photodiode arrays used in multislice CT. Front-illuminated FIP (a), Front-illuminated with via (b), and Back-illuminated BIP (c) (Courtesy R. Deych)

The majority of the 16 slice scanners use conventional front-illuminated (FIP) silicon p-i-n photodiodes technology (Fig. 20.5a). However, it requires electrical strips on the front surface and electrical wirebonds from the edges of the silicon chip to the substrate. When the number of slices approaches 64, the increasing number of conductive strips the active area of the channels becomes unacceptably small, and the high density of the wirebonds cannot be handled by conventional wirebond technology. In previous generation scanners, this limitation was addressed by combining the FIP technology with “vias” (electrically conducting feedthroughs) in the photodiode substrate [10]. The anodes of the photodiode elements were still wirebonded to via conductors, but the density of the wirebond was greatly reduced, because they were distributed over the area of the chip. The vias provided back-contacts for flip-chip connection to the detector board (Fig. 20.5b). Another approach is to use back-illuminated photodiodes (BIP) [11]. This solution solves the connectivity problem and the filling factor is almost 100% (Fig. 20.5c). It requires however very high resistivity silicon with large carrier lifetimes causing significant channel to channel cross-talk when standard silicon technology is used. In order to solve this problem BIPs are manufactured on 30 μm thick silicon wafer. Thinned BIP achieves almost 100% internal quantum efficiency in the spectral range 400–800 nm, and less than 1% cross-talk for 1 × 1 mm2 pixels [12].

20.2.3 Scanner Geometry and Operating Conditions Principle of Computed Tomography

The Computed Tomography principle introduced in the late 1960s by Allan MacLead Cormack and Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield (Nobel Price laureates in Physiology and Medicine in 1979) marked a revolution in medical image reconstruction techniques. It is based on the relationship between the projections of a given parameter (X-ray attenuation for CT or radiotracer concentration for PET) integrated along line of responses (LOR’s) at different angles through the patient and the Fourier transform of this parameter value distribution in the patient’s body.

For the case of parallel beam illumination a projection at angle Φ is defined by the integration along all the parallel LORs of the parameter of interest as shown in Fig. 20.6 for a two-dimensional object f(x,y). The profile of all the LOR integrated values as a function of s, the radial distance from the centre of the projection, defines the projection at this angle Φ. The collection of all projections for 0 ≤ Φ < 2π forms a two-dimensional function of s and Φ. This function is called a sinogram because a fixed point in the f(x.y) object will trace a sinusoidal path in the projection space as shown in Fig. 20.6. A complex object will be represented in the projection space by the superposition of all the sinusoids associated to each individual point of the object. The line-integral transform of

Fig. 20.6
figure 6

Definition of the X-ray transform and the sinogram

$$ f\left(x,y\right)\to p\left(s,\Phi \right) $$

is called the X-ray transform, also called the Radon transform for the two-dimensional case [13]. In this case, the projections are formed through a single transverse slice of the patient. By repeating this procedure through multiple axial slices, each displaced by a small increment in z, one can form a three-dimensional image of a volumetric object f(x,y,z). It must be noticed that direct three-dimensional acquisition can be made by integrating LOR’s not only in the transverse but also in oblique planes. Although more demanding in terms of computing power this fully three-dimensional approach is increasingly used in nuclear imaging (PET and SPECT), because it allows a significant gain in sensitivity.

The image reconstruction is based on the central-section theorem. This fundamental relationship in analytical image reconstruction states that the Fourier transform of a one-dimensional projection at angle Φ is equivalent to a section at the same angle through the centre of the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the object [14]. This is depicted in Fig. 20.7.

Fig. 20.7
figure 7

Central-section theorem. \( \mathcal{F}\left\{\ f\left(x,y\right)\ \right\} \) is the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the image and vx is the Fourier conjugate of x

The image reconstruction process consists then in back-projecting and superposing all the data taken at all projection angles. However, to avoid oversampling in the centre of the Fourier transform (each projection will contribute to the central point, but increasingly less with increasing radial distance in the Fourier plane), the data are weighted, or filtered to correct for this oversampling. Basically, the Fourier transform of the back-projected image must be weighted by a cone filter

$$ v=\sqrt{v_x^2+{v}_y^2} $$

to decrease the values in the centre and increase them at the edges of the Fourier space.

However, in the specific case of X-ray CT the X-ray source is quasi-pointlike and the LOR’s are not parallel. There is an important difference in the way parallel beam and divergent beam projections are back-projected. In a single view of divergent beam projections, the shift invariance of the image object is lost. As a consequence, equal weighting is not appropriate for back-projecting the measured divergent beam projections as it is in the parallel-beam cases. However, one can exploit the feature that in each single view, all the back-projections converge at the same X-ray focal spot. Therefore, the back-projection operation has a physical meaning only in a semi-infinite line: from the X-ray source position to infinity. Intuitively, an appropriate weight for the divergent beam back-projection operation should be a function of the distance from the X-ray source position to the back-projected point. If the distance from an X-ray source position \( \overrightarrow{y}(t) \) to a back-projected point \( \overrightarrow{x} \) is denoted as r, i.e. \( r=\left|\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right| \), then a weighting function w(r) can be assigned for back-projecting the divergent beam projections. Using this general form of weighting function, a weighted back-projection can be defined as

$$ {G}_d\left[\overrightarrow{x},\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right]=w\left(r=\left|\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right|\right){g}_d\left[\hat{r}=\frac{\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)}{\left|\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right|},\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right] $$

A measured projection value \( {g}_d\left(\hat{r},\overrightarrow{y}\right) \) is multiplied by a weight \( w\left(r=\left|\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right|\right) \) and then back-projected along the direction \( \hat{r} \) to a point \( \overrightarrow{x} \) with distance \( r=\left|\overrightarrow{x}-\overrightarrow{y}(t)\right| \) as shown on Fig. 20.8.

Fig. 20.8
figure 8

Schematic representation of the divergent-beam weighted back-projection: The magenta points at seven different positions on each of the represented LOR’s are visual guides to indicate how the sampling fraction varies as a function of the distance to the X-ray source, justifying the need for a distance-dependent weighting function in the backprojection algorithm (from [15]) Design of Modern CT Scanners

The most recent advance in CT scanning is the introduction of multi-slice helical scanning, sometimes known as spiral CT. A volume of tissue, e.g. the thorax or abdomen, is scanned by moving the patient continuously through the gantry of the scanner while the X-ray tube and detectors rotate continuously. The multi-slice systems offer the advantage over single-slice systems of being able to acquire information about the same volume in a shorter time, or alternatively to scan larger volumes in the same time or scan the same volume but obtaining thinner slices for better z-axis resolution. Helical CT has improved over the past years with faster gantry rotation, more powerful X-ray tubes, and improved interpolation algorithms [16].

The introduction of multi ring detectors and cone beam reconstruction algorithms have enabled the simultaneous acquisition of multiple slices: 4 slices in 1998, 16 slices 3 years later, 64 slices at the end of 2004, and up to 128 slices for the last generation scanners. Coupled with continuous increase of the gantry rotational speed (1.5 rotations per second in 1998, about 3 rotations per second in 2004) multislice acquisition is allowing shorter scan times (important for trauma patients, patients with limited ability to cooperate, pediatric cases and CT angiography), extended longitudinal scan range (for combined chest abdomen scans, such as in oncological staging) and/or improved longitudinal resolution (typically 0.5 mm per slice). It has further improved the performance of the existing applications such as angiography and detection of lung and liver lesions as well as paved the way to the introduction of new ones, most notably in cardiology, where high quality images can be obtained in 10–20 heartbeats or in a single breath-hold only.

A third-generation multislice CT scanner and a block-diagram is shown in Fig. 20.9. The slip-ring technology was introduced at the end of 1980s and allowed the spiral scanning mode, when the X-ray tube and 2D arc of multislice detector system are rotated continuously around the patient while the scanning table is translated through the rotating gantry. The scan parameters, selected by the radiologist, define the X-ray tube protocol, X-ray collimation, patient table motion, data acquisition, and reconstruction parameters.

Fig. 20.9
figure 9

Siemens Somaton 64 without cover and multislice CT block-diagram

The scanner can be designed for a fixed slice collimation. It is however desirable, although more challenging, to design the detector in such a way as to meet the clinical requirement of different slice collimations adjustable to the diagnostic needs. There are basically two different approaches, the matrix detector with elements of a fixed size or the adaptive array principle (Fig. 20.10). As shown in the figure for a 16 slice array in an expanded way the cone beam geometry introduces a smearing over the field of view, which Increases the slice thickness on the edges of the cone compared to the centre.

Fig. 20.10
figure 10

Principle of the matrix detector (left) and of the Adaptive Array Detector (right)

There is therefore no need to have the same number of detector elements in the centre and in the periphery of the detector.

Most of the modern CT scanners have multiple, up to 128, detector rings, or slices. Typical CT scanners have a field of view FOV = 50 cm, and a spatial resolution of 0.5 mm in the middle of the FOV. Therefore, each detector ring houses more than 1000 detector elements per slice. The electronic channels amplify and filter the detector current and measure the filtered current at small time interval, called “view time” Tw, which is the time in which the disc rotates approximately one 1/4 to 1/3 of a degree. Since the rotational speed of modern CT scanners can be as high as 3 or even 4 rotations per seconds, Tw can be as short as about 250 μs. At a typical focal spot-detector distance of 1000 mm, the exposure rate at the detector can reach ~0.1 Gy/s. Single detector channel detects up to 300,000 X-ray photons per sample at 3000 Hz acquisition rate. At such high photon fluxes, the detector cannot be operated in counting mode, and the majority of medical X-ray CT scanners operates in current measurement or integration mode.

One of the most widely used CT scanner, the Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 64 [17], is using a scintillating ceramics detector head. The X-ray focal spot is switched in two different positions during a view time, to reduce the aliasing of sampled data in the translational direction, i.e. along the z-axis. Consequently, the readout electronics must sample and measure the input signal two times in each view time. This machine uses an adaptive array detector with 40 detector rows in the longitudinal direction. The 32 central rows have a slice width of 0.6 mm in the centre of the field of view, whereas four detector rows on each side (in the penumbra of the collimated X-ray source) have a slice width of 1.2 mm. The slice widths being determined at the isocentre the actual detector size is about twice as large, due to the geometrical magnification (Fig. 20.11). Acquisition of 64 slices per rotation is possible through the use of a special X-ray tube with a flying spot capability (Fig. 20.12). The electron focal spot is wobbled between two different positions of a tilted anode plate by an variable electromagnetic field, resulting in a motion of the X-ray beam in the longitudinal direction. The amplitude of this periodic motion is adjusted in such a way that two subsequent readings are shifted by half a slice width in the longitudinal direction.

Fig. 20.11
figure 11

Adaptive array detector with 32 slices of 0.6 mm in the central part, resulting in 64 slices with 0.3 mm sampling at the isocentre (Courtesy Siemens Medical Solutions)

Fig. 20.12
figure 12

Schematic drawing of a rotating envelope X-ray tube (Siemens STRATON, Forchheim, Germany) with z-flying spot technique (Courtesy Siemens Medical Solutions)

In general, it should be remembered that the performance factors of image quality, dose and speed can each only be improved at the expense of the other parameters. High contrast resolution in the final image is affected by noise, matrix size and contrast. Low contrast detection is affected by the size of the object, windowing and image noise. Image noise itself is affected by exposure factors, detection efficiency, slice width and, most critically, by the algorithms used in the reconstructions.

It must be noted that for modern scanners the X-ray tube operates with a higher duty cycle: heat output and heat dissipation are therefore a concern in the design of such multislice CT-scanners.

Another important trade-off is related to the radiation exposure of the patient. The continuing quest for better spatial resolution imposes ever smaller detector sizes. As the area of each detector cell decreases, the amount of X-rays incident on the detector decreases, leading to an increase in statistical noise. Retaining the original signal/noise ratio (and therefore the same level of contrast detection power) requires an increase in the number of X-rays and hence patient radiation dose. There is, therefore, a balance to be struck between radiation dose and resolution.

Recent developments are aiming at further decreasing the scan time and, most importantly, reducing the dose exposure to the patient. This is achieved by the introduction of the dual X-ray technology, with two X-ray sources of different energy (typically 80 kV and 140 kV) and selective photon shield for better spectral separation. Combined with two 128 slices detector panels and a rotation speed of 0.28 s, the SOMATOM Definition Flash Spiral from Siemens achieves ultrafast image acquisition (not necessitating a breath hold) with an dose exposure approaching 1 mSv for a number of protocols, to be compared to 20 mSv 10 years ago (https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/computed-tomography/ dual-source-ct/somatom-definition-flash/technical-specifications). A summary of the recent progress and new trends in CT imaging can be found in [18, 19].

20.2.4 Future of X-Ray Imaging

X-ray imaging is the historical imaging modality since the discovery of X-rays and the pioneering work of W. Roentgen in 1895. It is still the most widely used imaging diagnostic tool for physicians with nearly half a billion X-ray exams performed every year worldwide.

One major thrust for the future X-ray imaging devices is to obtain higher resolution data at a faster rate. For instance, cardiac applications would substantially benefit from CT scanners able to acquire heart images in one heartbeat or less so that motion artifacts can be minimized. One direction being pursued are scanners featuring multiple X-ray tube/data acquisition combinations operating simultaneously. Moreover, tubes incorporating a smaller focal spot are being introduced, enabling higher spatial resolution (up to around 25 line pairs per cm). Various other medical applications, such as surgical ones or the rapidly developing interventional radiography, would substantially benefit from CT scanners able to perform acquisitions at both normal and ultra-high spatial resolutions, as those required in fluoroscopic procedures. Ultra-high resolution can be achieved by substantially shrinking the physical size of both the focal spot and detector elements. Similar trends to reduce the pixel dimensions are observed for two-dimensional detector arrays used in digital radiography. This results in a considerable increase in the number of pixels and increases the complexity of the acquisition system in CT and planar digital radiography (see Sects. and

Present X-ray imaging only provides morphologic information but no information about the physiology of the organs under examination. However ongoing research suggests that information about the pathology of a tissue is conveyed not only by its overall X-ray attenuation, but also by its selective absorption at different X-ray beam wavelengths. This opens a new and exciting field: exploiting the new singly photon counting techniques for studying tissue pathologies with X-ray spectral images (see Sects. and Indirect Detection with Phosphor Screen

The choice of the scintillating material is of course the key for a higher segmentation of a new generation of X-ray devices, as the pixel size is determined by mechanical properties of the crystal like hardness, cleavage, mechanical processing yield and cost. Large efforts have been devoted recently on specific technologies to develop a solid-state dynamic X-ray sensor with digital readout for matrixes manufacturing with sub-millimeter resolution. So called columnar structure screens were developed [20]. The rapid progress on position sensitive photomultipliers (PSPMT), Silicon photodiodes with different designs and Geiger mode Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMT) open attractive possibilities for pixel based arrays. The current design is based on large a-Si photodiodes (substrate) coupled to a CsI(Tl) layer. The scintillator layer growth is nucleated on the pattern substrate and transferred to a columnar system separated with grain boundaries as seen in Fig. 20.13. Each CsI(Tl) column is not only a scintillation pixel but also a light guide. This guide prevents or at least strongly suppresses the radial light spread and might be the way to obtain very high spatial resolution. Columnar structure growth technique allows to get 3–5 μm diameter columns and the pixel size is defined by the Si pad size as seen from Fig. 20.14. Currently, flat panels with dimensions up to 40 × 40 cm2 are developed to image the human chest.

Fig. 20.13
figure 13

Column structure of vapor deposited CsI(Tl). Columns have a typical diameter of 10 μm and a length of 500 μm

Fig. 20.14
figure 14

Integrated columnar CsI(Tl) and a-Si photodiode readout for new generation X-ray flat panel (Courtesy J.A. Seibert, UC Davis Medical Centre, CA, USA)

Fig. 20.15
figure 15

Direct conversion detector for new generation X-ray flat panel (Courtesy J.A. Seibert, UC Davis Medical Centre, CA, USA)

It should be noted that it is possible to use non-pixilated screens for low energy X-rays. If X-rays are absorbed in a very thin crystal layer, the angle of the emitted light is small (for the thin film) and the crosstalk to the neighbor photo-receiver is negligible maintaining therefore a good spatial resolution. The search for materials for such applications is now of very high importance. Direct Conversion Screen

Another even more radical departure from the present X-ray detector technology may be the use of high-density room temperature semiconductors.

As shown in Fig. 20.15, direct detection flat panel technology is based on a uniform layer of X-ray sensitive photoconductor, e.g., amorphous selenium (a-Se) to directly convert incident X-rays to charge, which is subsequently electronically read out by a two-dimensional array of Thin-Film-Transistors (TFT). During readout, the scanning control circuit generates pulses to turn on the TFTs one row at a time, and transfers the image charge from the pixel to external charge sensitive amplifiers. They are shared by all the pixels in the same column. Each row of the detector typically takes about 20 μs to read out. Hence a detector with 1000 × 1000 pixels can be read out in real-time (i.e., 30 frames/s).

A challenge for this approach is the practical implementation of the complex pixel design over a large area with consistent and uniform imaging performance. The problem of charge collection efficiency and speed for materials with high Z and sufficient thickness remains a major concern. Substantial technical problems must be resolved before these technologies will be implemented in commercial X-ray devices. Single Photon Counting

The impressive CT images shown in the literature (Fig. 20.4) require several tens to 100 times higher X-ray exposures compared to standard radiography (typically 20–50 mSv as compared to 0.1 mSv). On the other hand, the enormous research effort on particle detectors has led to the development of digital X-ray detectors with very small pixels, based on silicon (Medipix) [21] and on gaseous detectors (GEM, Micromegas) [22]. The major and unique feature of these devices is their capability to work in single photon counting mode up to very high rates. Excellent high contrast images can therefore be obtained with X-ray doses up to 10 times smaller than for standard X-ray systems working in current mode.

There are a number of advantages of counting systems over current mode systems, such as:

  • maximization of the contrast resolution, limited by the intrinsic Poisson statistics of the number of detected photons

  • elimination of the excess noise resulting from the variance in the number of visible photons produced by the X-ray conversion in the phosphor screen, also called Swank factor [23]

  • linear behavior over the whole dynamic range, which can be adapted to the specific application requirements

  • possibility of implementing multiple thresholds for energy discriminating techniques, which can be used for instance for dual energy radiography, K-edge subtraction or Compton scattering discrimination

  • no need for an energy dependent weighting factor as each event has equal weight whatever its energy.

This results in much better image contrast performance and significantly lower doses as shown in Fig. 20.16 in a comparative study of the signal-to-noise ratio for a 2 mm thick tumour as a function of the X-ray tube current for different mammography systems. The Medipix single photon counting device achieves the same image quality as the best commercial mammograph working in current mode for typically half the dose.

Fig. 20.16
figure 16

Comparative study of the signal to noise ratio of different mammography systems as a function of the anodic current times exposure time, which is proportional to the X-ray fluence (from [24]) Spectral X-Ray Imaging

The introduction of hybrid pixel detectors in X-ray imaging, where the sensor array and the matching read-out chip are processed independently and are connected together only in the final step, has allowed high dynamic, noise free images to be recorded on the basis of single photon counting techniques [25]. Moreover, among the most promising recent developments in CT is the use of spectral information to improve contrast discrimination, by acquiring data with different energy thresholds. In traditional CT imaging, the overall attenuation of X-ray intensity is measured by the detector, but the detected X-rays are not spectrally resolved. This introduces a bias in the images because the absorption of X-rays by different materials depends on the X-ray energy. A significant amount of information can therefore be gained by including spectral data in the CT reconstruction process. Based on differences in X-ray absorption, different materials can be distinguished and quantified with a single spectral CT scan.

Two principal methods provide spectral CT data. The first method, dual-energy (DE) CT, uses X-ray sources with two different energy spectra and energy integrating X-ray detectors. The second method uses a single X-ray source but has energy-resolving detectors (photon counting detectors) that measure the energy of each detected photons. DE CT is currently used clinically and has been successful in improving imaging for a variety of applications.

While the soft tissue attenuation coefficient is rather wavelength independent, the photoelectric effect in high atomic Z materials strongly depends on X-ray energy. This feature can be exploited by using contrast agents containing such high Z elements. The attenuation coefficient of such substances (calcium in bone, iodine, gold) will show significant differences if the two energy spectra are recorded on either side of the K-edge for these heavy elements. The large increase in attenuation at energies above the K-edge leads to large signal differences between the two scans. By combining data from the two energy sets, these high Z materials can be distinguished and quantified. Figure 20.17 shows scans of a mice after injection of a iodinated contrast agent. The difference between the scan taken in an energy window just below the iodine K-edge (left) and the scan taken in an energy window just above the K-edge (centre) shows the iodine concentration in some parts of the kidneys. More information can be found in [26].

Fig. 20.17
figure 17

Coronal slices of a sacrificed mouse after injection of an iodinated contrast agent. From left to right: slice reconstructed in the energy window just below the iodine K-edge, in the energy window just above the iodine K-edge and K-edge image (subtraction of the first slice from the second one). Zooms of two ribs and the ureter are also shown (from [26])

20.3 Single Photon (SPECT) and Positron (PET) Emission Tomography

20.3.1 SPECT and PET Working Principle

Nuclear medicine relies on using radioactive molecules administered to a patient for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Radioactive molecules behave in vivo the same way as their non-radioactive “natural” equivalent involved in the metabolic or molecular processes under study. Nuclear medicine is used daily in oncology, cardiology, neurology, paediatrics, rheumatology or orthopaedics for diagnosis and therapy.

A new and recent concept is molecular imaging. It provides the ability to visualize and quantitatively measure in-vivo the activity of different biological and cellular processes activated or depressed in some pathologies.

The working principle of emission tomography is to image γ rays emitted by the radiotracers injected into the patient. Contrary to X-ray CT and standard nuclear magnetic resonance, which provide very precise images of the anatomy of organs, nuclear molecular imaging modalities give in vivo access to the quantitative functioning of these organs. SPECT

In Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) a molecule involved in the metabolism of the patient is labeled by a single photon emitter (usually 99Tc emitting one 140 keV γ ray). After injection, this molecule concentrates preferentially in the organs or tumours where this metabolic function is active and allows their imaging through the reconstruction of the γ ray emitting points. The most popular technique is based on the “Anger logic”, where γ rays are directed through a multi-hole collimator to a large slab of Sodium Iodide (NaI) or Cesium Iodide (CsI) scintillator. The coordinates of the interaction point are then determined by comparing the signals from a set of photomultipliers (PMT) coupled to the crystal, by the centre of gravity method (Fig. 20.18). This technique, called scintigraphy, is still largely used in many hospitals and medical imaging labs, but suffers from a relatively poor space resolution, of the order of a few centimeters.

Fig. 20.18
figure 18

Principle of an Anger camera

More recent detector designs are based on discrete scintillating pixels coupled to multichannel photodetectors, such as multianode photomultipliers or avalanche photodiode matrices. But the most impressive progress has been made on the collimator, which is the main limiting factor for the spatial resolution and the sensitivity of SPECT devices. Several configurations have been studied:

  • The parallel collimator, in which all the septa are perpendicular to the crystal surface

  • The slanthole collimator, where the holes are parallel to each other but slanted, all in the same direction

  • The fan beam collimator, where the holes are focused to a line

  • The cone beam collimator, where the holes are focused to a point

  • The pinhole collimator, at some distance from the crystal, where the field of view increases with the distance from the object

The best results so far are achieved with multi-pinhole configurations, for which sub-millimeter spatial resolution and sensitivities at the level of 1 cps/KBq have been obtained on small animal imaging SPECT cameras. The counterpart of using collimators, and particularly pinholes, is a reduction of the overall sensitivity of the SPECT camera. For clinical applications a compromise needs to be found between sensitivity and spatial resolution.

The spatial resolution is usually given by the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the so-called point spread function (PSF):

$$ FWHM=\frac{D}{L}\left({z}_0+L+B\right) $$

where D and L are the collimator hole diameter and length, z0 is the distance from the γ-ray source to the collimator entrance and B is the distance between the collimator back face and the image plane in the crystal.

The collimator introduces an important loss of efficiency by a factor of 103 to 104. The resulting efficiency is given by the following formula:

$$ \eta =\varepsilon \left(\frac{a_{hole}}{a_{cell}}\right)\left(\frac{a_{hole}}{4\pi {L}^2}\right) $$

where ahole and acell are the collimator hole and cell area respectively and ε is the γ detection efficiency in the scintillator. PET

In the case of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) the functional molecules are labeled with a β+ emitter generally produced in a cyclotron. These PET tracers, injected into the patient, simulate natural sugars, proteins, water and oxygen presence, circulation and accumulation in the human body. Once fixed in the organ or the tumour, the molecule emits positrons, which annihilate very quickly on contact with the tissue, emitting two gamma photons located on the same axis—called the line of response (LOR)—but in opposite directions, with a precise energy of 511 keV each (Fig. 20.19).

Fig. 20.19
figure 19

Principle of a PET scanner

The coincidence detection scheme introduces therefore an electronic collimation, which greatly enhances the background rejection as compared to SPECT. Moreover, the line of interaction being precisely determined by the two detectors hit in coincidence, there is no need for a collimator system, which severely reduces the sensitivity of SPECT cameras. In order to simplify and reduce the image reconstruction time the first generation PET scanners used septa to restrict the acquisition to transversal slices through the patient in a so called 2D acquisition mode. The slices were then combined off line for a 3D image reconstruction. Modern PET scanners benefit from the considerable progress in computer power and directly acquire data in 3D mode without septa (i.e. recording all the LORs independent of their direction relative to the scanner axis), which results in a significant gain in sensitivity.

Until recently, as a result of a compromise between performance and cost, PET scanners were using partially segmented BGO crystals readout by groups of four PMT’s (quadrant-sharing scheme), allowing a reconstruction precision of the order of 4–5 mm (Fig. 20.20). Modern machines are going progressively to higher segmentation of the crystals and of the readout to achieve higher spatial resolution. Resolutions of the order of 1 mm have been reached at least for small dedicated machines, such as breast imaging devices or for small animals.

Fig. 20.20
figure 20

The readout quadrant-sharing scheme for the CTI (now Siemens) and for the General Electrics PET scanners

Positron Emission Tomography measures the uptake of the tracer in different organs or tumours and generates an image of cellular biological activities with a much higher sensitivity than any other functional imaging modality. The PET images can be used to quantitatively measure many processes, including sugar metabolism, blood flow and perfusion, oxygen consumption etc. Moreover, specialized PET scanners designed for experimental small animal studies (mouse, rat, rabbit) are powerful tools for fundamental research in disease models, new therapeutic approaches and pharmacological developments. The most commonly used radio-isotopes are 18F with a lifetime of 109.8 min, 11C (20.4 min), 13N (10 min) and 15O (2.1 min), the last three ones being among the basic building blocks of organic systems and therefore being easily introduced chemically in molecules involved in metabolic or pharmaceutical reactions. A typical example is FDG (18F labeled fluorodeoxyglucose), which allows monitoring the energetic consumption of the cells in different parts of the body. FDG is a glucose analog, where a hydroxyl group has been substituted by a 18F atom. Once phosphorylated by the hexokinase enzyme into FDG-6-phosphate, it remains trapped in the cell, where it accumulates. The interest in labeled glucose lies in the fact that tumour cells are characterized by an increase of glycolisis and expression of glucose transporters, such as GLUT-1, as compared to healthy tissues. This increase of FDG metabolism allows detecting tumours and related metastases through their abnormally high glucose concentration and therefore increased γ-ray activity.

PET has a very high sensitivity, at the picomolar level, which makes it one of the essential tools of molecular imaging with applications in many areas such as expression and occupancy of therapeutic molecular targets, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, mechanisms of therapeutic action and functional response to therapy.

20.3.2 Detector Challenges for Modern Nuclear Medicine

The spectacular development of in-vivo molecular imaging will allow in the near future bridging the gap between post-genomics research and physiology and opening interesting perspectives for new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for many diseases. Nuclear medicine and particularly PET imaging are already playing and will play an increasing role in molecular imaging [27, 28]. Constant progress in the medical and biological fields implies that imaging performances have to be continuously improved. In order to fulfill the needs of quantitative cell and molecular imaging, of dynamic studies over a certain time and of individualized therapy focusing on the patient’s genotype, major technical improvements [29] will be necessary, comparable to those in large particle detectors, in order to deal with:

  • integration of a very large number of increasingly compact measuring channels (several hundred thousands)

  • data acquisition rates at the level of tens gigabytes/second

  • several billions of events to reconstruct an image

  • about 1000 gigabytes of data per image and commensurate computational power for the reconstruction

  • integration of multiple technologies requiring pluridisciplinary competences for complex, compact and reliable systems.

The challenge for functional isotopic imaging lays in its capacity to identify the specific molecular pathways in action in a metabolic process and to quantitatively measure their relative metabolic activity. To achieve this, it is necessary to improve both the imaging system’s spatial resolution, that is, its capacity to discriminate two separate objects, and the measurement’s signal to noise ratio, that is, how precisely a metabolic agent’s concentration in a body area can be determined. The precision of the concentration measurement depends mainly, but not only, on the imaging system’s sensitivity, and therefore its capacity to accumulate the statistics needed to tomographically reconstruct the radiopharmaceutical tracer distribution. Moreover, the location of this metabolic activity must be precisely associated to the organs or parts of the organs under examination. This explains the increasing demand for combining functional and anatomical imaging devices.

The perspectives to develop isotopic imaging with multimodality and multifunctional capability revolve around three goals:

  • improving sensitivity

  • improving spatial resolution

  • improving temporal resolution Improving Sensitivity and Specificity

Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the detected number of radioactive decays and the radioactivity injected into the patient and fixed on the organ under study. It reaches at best 10% in the case of PET scans on small animals, and a few percent only in the case of whole body PET. The main losses arise from poor geometrical acceptance, gaps between crystals, rejection of Compton events due to partial conversion of the γ-ray in the crystal and electronics dead time. Moreover, whole body PET scanners visualize only the patient’s thorax in one acquisition run, which is sometimes a limiting factor, for instance in oncological studies of bone metastases in limbs. In the last few years, the use of faster scintillating crystals and electronics and improved geometrical acceptance has allowed to reach the above-mentioned sensitivity levels.

However, sensitivity has to be further improved for several reasons. First, examination durations have to be shortened. Today, a whole body scan lasts between 10 and 20 min. It would be desirable to reduce this time to a few minutes to improve the patients’ comfort. It would also increase the exploitation of costly equipment and infrastructures with a significant impact on the cost of examinations. Shorter acquisition times would also improve the image quality because the impact of the patient’s natural movements—breathing and cardiac activity, digestive bolus, etc.—would be reduced. Quicker metabolic processes could be followed, which are crucial for pharmacokinetic studies.

There is a strong interplay between sensitivity and spatial resolution, since the signal-to-noise ratio per voxel is the relevant image quality factor. Doubling the linear spatial resolution (i.e. reducing the volume by a factor 8), requires a 16 times (because it requires two detector pixels to identify one voxel) higher noise equivalent rate if the statistical quality of the image is to be maintained. The acquisition time of an image depends on many factors, which all influence the noise-equivalent measurement of the imaging system and of the radioactivity administered to the patient. Some of the relevant parameters are: the imaging system’s geometrical acceptance; the efficiency and energy resolution, improving the energy selection of events and hence discriminating in a coincidence system the diffused events; the time resolution allowing to reduce the width of the coincidence window and rejecting random coincidences more efficiently; dead time of the detectors.

Increasingly, specific molecular signatures for the major diseases are being evaluated to devise individually targeted therapies adapted to the patient’s genotype. This requires ever more performing equipment and more specific protocols. Indeed, it is highly desirable to study different molecular pathways simultaneously and to record the intensity, the range, the localization and the temporal development of various biochemical processes in their natural environment in the human body. In this way, the nature of the pathology can be established, at least partially, through molecular imaging, using an array of radiopharmaceuticals giving information on cell proliferation (FLT), on energetic metabolism (FDG) or on aminoacid synthesis (methionine) in the various tissues. For multitracer analysis of various biochemical or pathophysiological processes several radioactive tracers have to be administered. In order to keep the doses tolerable for the patient, high-sensitivity PET scanners have to be developed, which would also open new prospects for young or pregnant women and for children.

The obvious approach for increasing the sensitivity is to increase the geometrical acceptance of the scanner. In some cases, developing dedicated equipment might be the right solution to study an organ (brain, breast, prostate) in a more efficient and optimized way. In this case the detectors can be placed closer to the organ under study, increasing therefore the geometrical acceptance of the events.

Until recently the length of the detector cylinder, or length of the system’s sensitive volume (“field of view”), has remained essentially at the level of 15–18 cm (Fig. 20.21a), resulting in a very small geometric efficiency ≤0.2. Several static views need therefore to be acquired to perform a “whole body” scan, i.e. from the head to the pelvis. This procedure presents major limitations, as the acquisition time increases in proportion to the number of views. A “standard study” with the injection of 10 mCi of 18F-FDG takes about 3 min per view and, therefore, approximately 20 min per entire study.

Fig. 20.21
figure 21

Conventional PET scanner (a) and Total-Body PET (TB-PET) scanner (b). From [30]

A few year ago, the EXPLORER consortium (http://explorer.ucdavis.edu) had launched the concept of a Total-Body PET scanner (TB-PET) to realize the full potential of PET—extending the FOV to cover the entire length of the body (Fig. 20.21b).

In TB-PET, the vast majority of the emitted photons could be captured. This step change in technological evolution would mean simultaneous coverage of all the tissues and organs in the body, with an overall >40-fold gain in effective sensitivity and a >6-fold increase in signal-to-noise ratio compared with whole-body imaging on current PET scanners. The challenge of funding the construction of the first prototype machine, an expensive novel device, was successfully overcome in September 2015 through funding from the NIH Transformative Research Award program, which recognizes high-risk, high-reward, paradigm-shifting innovative research [30].

To further improve sensitivity, we need denser and faster scintillating crystals or direct conversion materials, more compact and adaptable geometries, lower-noise and faster acquisition electronics, more parallelized acquisition architecture with integrated processing power, and at least partial use of the information included in the events diffused in the patient or in the detector. Potential progress in these fields are described in the next paragraphs.

Another promising way to significantly increase the sensitivity is to push the limits of time-of-flight PET scanners, as will be explained in Sect. Improving Spatial Resolution

Spatial resolution reaches 1.5–2 mm at the centre of the field of view of small animal PETs, but worsens off-axis. Modern technologies have allowed to reach a 1 mm resolution for small animals PETs or for scanners dedicated to specific organs, and a 4–5 mm resolution for whole body scanners.

Good spatial resolution is obviously of value for the study of small animals, but also for humans: increasingly smaller structures which are involved in specific metabolic processes can thus be visualized. Anatomical localization can also be more precise and combining CT or MRI information can be improved. But it is in the field of quantification that the improvement potential is likely to be the most significant. By reducing the blurring caused by insufficient spatial resolution (also called partial volume effect), the dynamic sensitivity of the radiotracer’s concentration measurement, also called Standard Uptake Value (SUV), can be significantly improved.

There are four factors, which limit a PET camera’s spatial resolution:

  • the positron’s mean free path: once the ligand has fixed itself on the organ or tumour being investigated, the radioisotope used to label it emits positrons with a kinetic energy depending on the isotope. As the annihilation probability of this positron is maximum when the positron has sufficiently slowed down, there is a difference between the positron emission point and its annihilation point. This difference is about 0.5 mm in the case of 18F, but it can reach several mm for other isotopes—4.5 mm for 82Rb, for instance. This blurring is often considered as an intrinsic limitation to the PET spatial resolution, but it can be significantly attenuated thanks to various electromagnetic artifices. For instance, the positron’s trajectory usually revolves around the lines of a magnetic field—naturally present in the case of a combined PET-MRI camera—, which therefore reduces its conversion distance. This is however only effective in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field and for new generation of MRI devices with high field (7T or more). It also has to be noted that positron annihilation probability as a function of its speed is a well-known function but it is not exploited today in image reconstruction algorithms.

  • non-collinearity of the two gamma photons deriving from positron annihilation: momentum conservation implies that the two gamma rays resulting from the annihilation of a motionless positron are emitted on the same line of response (LOR) in opposite directions. In practice the positron is not at rest when it is annihilated, which causes an average non-collinearity of the two gamma photons of about 0.25°. The error in the reconstruction of the emission point varies like the square of the scanner’s radius. This error is reduced in equipment dedicated to the study of specific organs whose detectors can come as close as possible to the areas to be studied.

  • size of the detection crystal (or pixel): it is the limiting factor in spatial resolution of commercially available scanners. Typically, the reconstruction error of each LOR is given by the half width of each pixel. The use of higher-density crystals and highly segmented photodetectors improves the spatial resolution. A significant increase in the number of channels, resulting from finer detector segmentation, implies that important efforts have to be made to develop cheap solutions for photodetectors and readout electronics. Difficult engineering problems have to be solved in order to integrate all the channels in a small volume and to keep the electronic equipment’s thermal dissipation at an acceptable level.

  • parallax effect: good spatial resolution has to be obtained not only on the axis, but also on the whole of the field of view (FOV). The depth of detecting crystals is limited by the density of the crystals and it cannot be reduced without altering the detector’s sensitivity. If the conversion point of the gamma photon in the crystal is not known, spatial resolution deteriorates with increasing distance from the scanner axis. This error, which is known as parallax error, is increasing with decreasing the scanner’s radius (Fig. 20.22). To limit this effect, one solution is to use several crystals in depth in a so-called phoswich configuration. If appropriate emission wavelength and decay time parameters are chosen for the crystals, the readout electronics can differentiate a conversion occurring in the front part or in the back part of the phoswich. Spatial resolution is therefore much more homogeneous on a larger field of view (Fig. 20.23). This scheme has been adopted in the ClearPET® small animal PET scanner with a combination of two 10 mm long LSO and LuAP crystals [31].

Fig. 20.22
figure 22

Illustration of the parallax error for off centre events

Fig. 20.23
figure 23

Spatial resolution with and without phoswich for the ClearPET® (Courtesy Crystal Clear collaboration)

Another solution is to determine the γ conversion point in the crystal by means of a light sharing scheme with readout at both ends of the crystal. This solution has been chosen for 20 mm long LSO crystals in the ClearPEM®, a dedicated PET scanner for breast imaging [32]. Improving Time Resolution

Time-of-flight reconstruction can significantly reduce the signal to noise ratio in PET scanners, by constraining the annihilation point to a shorter segment on each LOR, with an uncertainty given by:

$$ \Delta x=\frac{c}{2}\Delta t $$

where Δx is the position error, c is the speed of light, and Δt is the timing error.

Until recently, PET scanners did not have any Time-of-Flight (TOF) capability to localize the position of the positron decay along the line of response (LOR) of the two γ-rays. Developments in fast scintillation crystals, photodetectors and electronics have open the way to TOFPET scanners with coincidence time resolution (CTR) improving progressively from 500–600 ps to 249 ps as recently announced by Siemens for their Biograph-Vision scanner. Pushing the limits of TOFPET techniques is motivated by the perspective for a significant improvement in the image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), resulting in a corresponding clinical sensitivity increase and dose reduction, as given by the following equation:

$$ \raisebox{1ex}{${SNR}_{TOF}$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{${SNR}_{NONTOF}$}\right.=\sqrt{\frac{2D}{c. CTR}} $$


  • D is the diameter of the Field of View (FOV),

  • c is the speed of light in vacuum

  • CTR is the Coincidence Time Resolution

Breaking significantly the 100 ps barrier, would dramatically improve the SNR (Fig. 20.24) and significantly remove artefacts affecting tomographic reconstruction in the case of partial angular coverage. This will open the field to a larger variety of organ-specific imaging devices as well as to imaging-assisted minimally invasive endoscopy.

Fig. 20.24
figure 24

Signal to Noise Ratio improvement as compared to non TOFPET as a function of the Coincidence Time Resolution for three different diameters of the Field of View (FOV)

Ultimately, a time resolution of 10 ps would lead to an uncertainty of only 1.5 mm for a given positron disintegration along the corresponding line of response (LOR). This is the order of accuracy achieved in today’s very best small animal or organ specific PETs. The processing time of tomographic back-projection or iterative reconstruction algorithms would be considerably reduced, as true 3D information would be directly available for each decay event [33]. The possibility to see in real time the accumulation of the events during the acquisition could introduce a paradigm shift in routine clinical protocols, allowing in particular adapting the acquisition time to what is really observed and not to some predetermined evaluation. Moreover, such a timing resolution would allow recording the full sequence of all γ-ray interactions inside the scanner, including Compton interactions, like in a 3D movie, opening the way to the integration of at least a fraction of the Compton events in the image reconstruction, further improving the sensitivity.

To improve time resolution scintillating crystals with short decay time and fast treatment and acquisition electronics are needed. This has a double impact on image quality:

  • as the width of the coincidence window is reduced, the number of isolated events decreases linearly. The proportion of random coincidences, which increase the detector’s dead time and introduce noise into the image, is therefore reduced as the square of the single event rate. Images are less noisy and require less filtering, increasing spatial resolution and contrast.

  • the use of time of flight information along the line of response (LOR) eliminates many random coincidences and reduces significantly the image noise.

In PET, the random event rate for an individual LOR is given by:

$$ R=2{R}_1{R}_2\varDelta T $$

where R is the random event rate for that chord, R 1 and R 2 are the single event rates for two detector elements that form that chord, and ΔT is the width of the coincidence gate. The total number of random events in the image is the sum over all the chords, thus is proportional to ΔT. The mean contribution to the image from random events can be measured and subtracted, but the noise resulting from the statistical variations in this rate remains. The residual noise from random coincidences is usually estimated using the noise equivalent count rate (NECR) [34], a common figure of merit for comparing tomograph performance. The NECR is given by:

$$ NECR=\frac{T^2}{T+S+2R} $$

where NECR is the noise equivalent count rate, T is the true coincidence event rate, S is the scattered event rate, and R is random event rate. The noise equivalent count (NEC) metric is designed to obey counting statistics; that is, the NEC variance is equal to the NEC. Although the magnitude of the NECR is very sensitive to the source and camera geometries, this formalism is useful for predicting how changes in the trues, randoms, and scatters affect the image quality. Figure 20.25 shows such examples of NEC curves measured with a 20 cm long 20 cm diameter phantom for a commercial PET scanner (ECAT EXAT HR from Siemens). The NEC value first increases linearly with the injected activity. It then progressively saturates and slowly decreases when the electronics dead time becomes significant as compared to the event rate. The importance of reducing the coincidence gate is evident from these plots.

Fig. 20.25
figure 25

NECR curves as a function of coincidence window width. The object imaged was a uniform 20 cm diameter cylinder and the camera had an 82 cm detector ring diameter and 15 cm axial extent (ECAT EXACT HR from Siemens) (Courtesy W.W. Moses, LBNL)

20.3.3 Current and Future Technical Approaches

In the last few years, there have been noticeable improvements in commercial imaging equipment, with increased level of pixellization, better angular coverage, faster crystals, higher degree of integration of electronics with increased built-in functionality, more efficient reconstruction algorithms. Further progress is expected if medical imaging, and particularly nuclear imaging, can take advantage of significant technological advances in other fields like telecommunications or particle detectors.

Developments proceed along the following lines:

  • new denser and faster scintillating crystals or direct conversion materials

  • highly segmented and compact photodetectors

  • low noise and highly integrated front end electronics

  • data acquisition systems based on highly parallelized architectures

  • efficient data filtering algorithms

  • modern and modular simulation software based on universally recognized standards

  • high performance image reconstruction and analysis algorithms Conversion Materials and Metamaterials

The scintillating crystals used in PET scanners have to be dense, with a high atomic number, so as to optimize detection efficiency, and fast, in order to reduce dead time. The previous generation of PET scanners were using BGO crystal arrays, which have the advantage of being very dense (7.1 g/cm3) and of having the highest atomic number known to this day for a scintillator (75), and therefore a high photoelectric conversion efficiency. Their main flaw is a slow decay time (300 ns) of the scintillating light. As a result, these scanners work with a limited sensitivity of about 1000 kcps/mCi/ml with a coincidence window of about 10–12 ns and a proportion of diffused events of more than 30%.

A new generation of scanners is now using LSO (Lutetium oxyorthosilicate) crystals [35], about 10 times faster than BGO and in some cases, the capability of determining the interaction depth in the crystals thanks to phoswich technology or double readout schemes. Combining these developments with progress in readout electronics and data acquisition, a gain in sensitivity by about one order of magnitude and in spatial resolution by a factor 2 or 3 has been achieved.

In the last 10 years, many groups, among them the Crystal Clear collaboration [36], have devoted a large effort on pluridisciplinary work to develop new scintillating materials meeting the demands for increasingly efficient detectors in physics and medical imaging. The most attractive scintillating crystals currently available or being developed for nuclear medicine are presented in Table 20.3. Cadmium Tungstate (CWO) and two ceramics compositions used for CT scanners are also mentioned for comparison. Figure 20.26 shows some pictures of the growth of LuAP ingots and pixel production developed in this context [37] for the preparation of phoswich pixels in combination with LSO for the ClearPET small animal PET scanner.

Table 20.3 Scintillators already used or in development for medical imaging
Fig. 20.26
figure 26

LuYAP crystals produced in Bogoroditsk, Russia (Courtesy Crystal Clear, CERN)

Other attractive crystals presently being developed are from the Lathanum halide group [38]. LaBr3:Ce for instance has a higher light yield than CsI:Tl with more than 60,000 photons/MeV. The combination of high scintillation efficiency and good low energy linearity gives this crystal an unprecedented energy resolution (about 3% measured with avalanche photodiodes for 511 keV photons) and excellent timing properties.

Contrary to scintillators, semi-conductors convert the energy of the gamma photons to electric charge carriers (electrons and holes), which are directly collected on electrodes. However, most of the semi-conducting materials known today and used industrially, such as silicon, are not dense enough and do not have sufficient stopping power for 511 keV gammas (density 2.33 g/cm3 and atomic number 14, as compared, for instance, to BGO density, 7.13 g/cm3, and average atomic number, 75). This technique is nevertheless used in single photon X-ray imaging and makes the acquisition of high resolution and high contrast digital images possible [39].

For gamma imaging, multi-layer systems could be considered, but to this day integrating a huge number of channels in these conditions has not been solved, especially in terms of connectivity. Yet interesting solutions to these problems have recently become available through recent developments on pixel detectors for tracking devices. For example, using bump-bonding techniques semiconductors are coupled directly to their readout electronics. It has also become possible to integrate the semiconductor directly with ASIC readout chips and to read a large number of channels on a very small surface quickly and with low noise.

New semiconducting materials, denser than silicon, are also being developed: Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) [40], with a density of 5.32 g/cm3 and an average atomic number of 31, Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), with a density of 5.85 g/cm3 or Cadmium and Zinc Telluride (CdZnTe, or CZT) [41], with a density of 5.78 g/cm3 but whose atomic number is higher, 49 instead of 32. One of these materials is particularly attractive because of its density and high atomic number: Mercuric Iodide (HgI2). With a density of 6.4 g/cm3 and an average atomic number of 62, it nearly equals the stopping power of the best scintillating crystals (BGO, LSO and LuAP). It is unfortunately very difficult to grow in reasonable size and consistent quality.

One remaining problem for these materials is the limited charge collection speed and efficiency, which requires well designed geometries with small drift regions and optimized, cost effective production technologies with a very good control of charge carriers traps.

As shown in [33], the ambitious target of a few tens of picoseconds Time-of-Flight resolution can only be met with scintillators exhibiting a very fast rise time in the scintillation process and the possibility to combine standard scintillation processes with a few hundreds of prompt photons generated by another mechanism. One of the very attractive mechanisms for the production of sub-ns scintillation processes is related to quantum confinement in nanocrystals, as explained in [42, 43].

The challenge is to optimize the design of a metamaterial combining the high density and stopping power (small radiation and interaction lengths, small Moliere radius, high photoelectric fraction) of already well known scintillators (LSO, L(Y,G)SO, PWO, BGO, LuAG, YAG, GGAG, Lu(Y)AP, etc…) to the ultrafast (<1 ns) light emission of nanocrystals. Different solutions are presently under study for an optimal combination of these two classes of materials, solving at the same time the problem of light transport by the use of photonic fibers, as proposed in [44]. Photodetectors

In nuclear medicine the basic technique to detect ionizing radiation uses scintillators to convert X- or gamma-rays into light and then into an electric signal by a photodetector. Until recently, the standard commercial imaging cameras were equipped with photomultiplier tubes (PMT) used as light sensors. However, these technologically mature products are approaching their limits in terms of dimension, efficiency and cost. However, their sensitivity to magnetic fields prevents their use in combined PET/MRI devices. The trend toward larger numbers of scintillating pixels of increasingly smaller size will limit their use in the future.

New compact photodetectors have been developed over the last two decades, for instance hybrid photodetectors (HPD), photodiodes and avalanche photodiodes, thanks to which sensitivity, spatial resolution and immunity to magnetic field could be significantly improved. Arrays of avalanche photodiodes have been considered for hybrid PET/MRI scanners and several prototypes dedicated to brain and breast imaging have been built.

Avalanche photodiodes suffer however, a number of drawbacks, such as a limited gain of a few hundred, a large excess noise factor and relatively poor timing characteristics preventing their use in PET Time-of-Flight systems. For these reasons the intense ongoing R&D activity on multipixel Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes (also called Silicon Photomultipliers or SiPM) is followed with particular attention. Their working principle is based on the segmentation of the large coupling area with the scintillating crystal into a large number of small avalanche photodiode cells working in Geiger mode and connected in parallel via individual quenching resistors. The first devices of this type were developed in the late 1990s in Russia and since then several designs have been realized [44, 45].

The cells in a SiPM are all identical with dimensions ranging from 7 × 7 to 70 × 70 μm2. Each cell operates as an independent photon counter in Geiger-mode when the bias voltage is 10–20% higher than the breakdown voltage and behaves as a binary device since the signal from a cell always has the same shape and amplitude.

The gain is similar to the one of a photomultiplier, in the range of 105 to 107. Since each cell acts as a digital single photon counter the excess noise factor is very small. The light yield is directly given by the number of fired cells. This assumption is of course valid only, if crosstalk between individual cells can be eliminated, which has been solved by the use of trenches between the pixels.

Present SiPMs have a dead-time per cell of the order of several μs. For the device to be linear to the light response of fast scintillators having a decay time in the ns range, the number of cells must be larger than the maximum number of photons per event. This requires SiPM to have a cell density above 1000 cells/mm2. SiPMs with 100–10,000 cells/mm2 are currently available.

The overall efficiency of the device depends on the quantum efficiency of each individual cell, which is wavelength dependent but is now reaching 60–65% at the emission wavelength of LSO, and with the geometrical acceptance due to the dead space between the cells, which ranges between 20% and 70% depending on the design.

One of the most promising features of SiPMs for medical imaging applications is related to their excellent timing resolution. The active layer of silicon in a SiPM is very thin (2–4 μm), the avalanche breakdown process is fast and the signal amplitude is large. Impressive timing resolution of about 10 ps for single photons have been reported. For a system of a SiPM and a LYSO crystal with dimensions of 2 × 2 × 3 mm3, 2 × 2 × 10 mm3 and 2 × 2 × 20 mm3, a time resolution of 73 ps, 100 ps and 122 ps FWHM respectively has been measured for 511 keV X-rays [46]. Highly Integrated Low Noise Front-End Electronics

The large number of readout channels requires highly integrated low-noise and high-speed readout electronics, typically using integrated circuits of the VLSI CMOS type [47]. Institutes of particles physics are experienced in designing and integrating large numbers of multichannel and multifunction low noise and fast electronics into complex detector systems.

Medical imaging should also benefit from the progress in large-scale integration of electronic channels with complex functions and highly segmented sensors. The concept of a hybrid detector, in which each pixel is integrated directly to its readout electronics opens totally new perspectives in the conception and architecture of new imaging systems. Highly Parallelized and Intelligent Data Acquisition System (DAQ)

The data acquisition system has a double function: first, it has to discriminate between the interesting events—coming from real X- or γ-ray interactions—and the various types of background, and, secondly, it has to transfer data to the computer(s) where these events will be processed. In medical imaging, most of the “real events” are triggered by the time and amplitude analysis of each sensor. In this acquisition system, data are selected, standardized, organized, corrected, processed with more or less complex algorithms and finally presented as an image file.

In data acquisition system with conventional architecture, data are treated sequentially. A new event is only accepted, once the processing of the previous event is completed; pile-up is thus avoided, but dead time occurs at each treatment stage affecting the data collection efficiency and coming from three main sources: first, the sensor and the electronic pulse generation system, second, the analog-to-digital conversion of this signal, and third, the logic treatment (in general, the major one).

Although pipeline architectures could be seen as more complex and more expensive than conventional ones, improvements in electronics (ASIC and FPGA) in terms of integration and cost suggest that in a very close future medical imaging devices entirely based on this concept might be designed. Similarly, progress in data transfer speed between the electronic system and the analysis system is no more a limiting factor for data transfer at the 1 Gbit/s level. Finally, with the parallelization of processors in cheap PC clusters (processor farms), adequate processing power is now available.

In the future, data acquisition system will no longer be a limiting factor in medical imaging. Simulation Software

Monte Carlo simulation methods are an essential tool for developing new detectors in medical imaging.

Versatile generic simulation tools have been developed for particles physics, for instance Geant4 and FLUKA at CERN and INFN, EGS4 at SLAC or MCNP at Los Alamos National Laboratory. More recently, the development of Geant4 has made it possible to include efficient geometrical modelling and visualisation tools. GATE [48] was developed on this basis to simulate PET and SPECT imaging devices; it is a simulation platform written specifically to model imaging systems, through which time-dependent phenomena—detector motion, decrease in isotope radioactivity, dead time phenomena—can be followed. This new simulation tool, developed, validated and documented by the OpenGATE collaboration regrouping about 20 laboratories of medical and particles physics, is freely available on the Internet and is currently used by a community of more than 200 scientists and industry worldwide.

20.3.4 Image Reconstruction Algorithms

The data provided by transmission and emission tomography make it possible to reconstruct projections of the image, which are then combined to images thanks to tomographic reconstruction methods [49]. There are two possible approaches to deal with tomographic reconstruction problems. The first one is analytical and consists in treating the measured projections as if they were perfect mathematical projections. In this case, it is necessary to make a number of hypotheses on linearity and continuity, but the data, often incomplete and noisy, will not always fulfil these requirements and give rise to artefacts. The second approach is phenomenological. It consists in modelling the measuring process using a probability matrix, which has to be inverted through iterative algebraic techniques. Such algorithms iterate a process aiming at optimising an objective function, for instance the verisimilitude function coming from the Poissonian nature of the data recorded by the tomograph. This is the case for instance of the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm and its variant using ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM). These iteration methods are less demanding on the geometry of the detector, and do not require a complete set of projections. On the other hand, they require high calculation power. Fortunately, in the near future the Grid or Cloud will provide considerable and massively distributed computing resources. The quality of the results of an iterative process are more difficult to evaluate than the results of an analytical one. Monte Carlo simulation is often a key element to study and optimise these algorithms.

20.4 Multimodality

20.4.1 Need for a Multimodal Approach

SPECT or PET scanners allow localizing radiotracers uptakes in the human body and are, as such, very powerful tools for basic research in cognitive sciences, for clinical oncology and cardiology and for kinetic pharmaceutical studies. However, they do not deliver precise anatomical images, like MRI or X-ray CT for instance. Whilst effective software image fusion techniques exist there is a great deal of interest in performing functional and anatomical studies as simultaneously as possible in order to improve registration accuracy and to resolve the logistical problems associated with software registration.

Modern scanners combine the very high sensitivity of PET for metabolic imaging with the high spatial resolution anatomic information delivered by X-ray CT or another anatomical modality. Indeed, the majority of PET and SPECT systems currently being installed now incorporate a CT scanner in the same gantry, so that functional and anatomical images can be performed in rapid succession. Features identified with PET or SPECT can then be accurately localized via the CT scan. The CT data can also be used to determine the photon attenuation correction, an advantage, in particular for overweight patients. These machines provide impressive images giving the very precise localization of the metabolic activity of organs and tumours (Fig. 20.27).

Fig. 20.27
figure 27

Primary lung cancer imaged with a PET/CT scanner. A large lung tumour, which appears on CT as a uniformly attenuating hypo dense mass (left), has a rim of FDG activity and a necrotic centre revealed by PET (middle). The combined image (right) allows a precise localization of the active parts of the tumour (Courtesy Dave Townsend, University of Tennessee)

The development of bimodal acquisition systems, for metabolic, functional and anatomical data, like PET/CT combined scanners [27]—several thousand machines exist as of today—, is radically modifying the patients care thanks to increased precision in diagnosis. This approach also decreases significantly the number of imaging scans for a patient.

Combined PET/CT imaging brings additional benefits in the planning of radiotherapy, which is a promising area for research and clinical applications. The principle of radiation therapies is to modulate the intensity according to the spatial distribution of the area to be treated (Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT). The combination of PET images, which provide information on the metabolic extension and heterogeneity of tumoural tissues, and CT images, which provide precise structural information and location of the tumour, helps defining an irradiation map to focus the therapy on the particularly active areas of the tumour.

Multimodality has become an intensive research area, the challenge being to take the best advantage in the combination of anatomic and functional information by optimizing the choice of the imaging modalities as a function of the application domain. The progress in SiPM technology has opened the way for a vibrant field of development for PET/MRI systems, in particular for brain studies, taking advantage of the high functional sensitivity of the PET and of the very good soft tissue contrast capability of the MRI. Similarly, coupling optical fluorescence methods and PET or SPECT is very attractive for studying biologic processes on small animals. In another domain a Cerimed [50] collaboration has designed a PET/SPECT/Ultrasound dedicated breast imaging camera allowing to simultaneously access a variety of parameters on breast tumours such as energetic metabolism of cells, response to specific hormonal ligands (herceptin, bombesin), echogenecity, elastometry, Doppler, and to correlate them in order to optimize the treatment plan of the patients.

Finally, the combination of PET and SPECT imaging associated to the labeling of various ligands signaling different molecular pathways opens the way to multifunctional imaging. Such an approach could prove useful for identifying the molecular profiling of a tumour in a single exam. It would also allow the simultaneous recording of the expression of several neurotransmitters under specific stimuli, a very powerful approach in cognitive sciences.

20.4.2 Outlook: Towards Integrated Morphologic and Functional Imaging

Biological systems are so complex that there is an important need to develop imaging modalities capable of simultaneously recording different molecular pathways in a quantitative and dynamic manner. Helping to address this issue, multi-parametric molecular imaging involves combining the excellent sensitivity and specificity of molecular imaging (PET or SPECT) with a complementary high-spatial resolution imaging modality (CT, MRI or ultrasound).

The most frequently used equipment combines a PET scanner and an X-ray CT. At present, these combined systems are large, consisting of independent scanners mounted in-line in a common gantry, not generally mounted on the same rotary holder. This results in some imprecision in the image fusion process due to external and internal movements of the patient. CT data provide crucial information for the correction of the unavoidable attenuation factors from the patient’s body in PET images and for improving image quality by decreasing the influence of artefacts. Partial volume effects are caused by PET’s limited spatial resolution, which dilutes information from small hot spots onto a larger area because of the blurring of the image. CT information, which provides much more precise anatomical information, helps to correct, at least partially, these negative effects. This correction is difficult if both imaging systems acquire data in distinct, poorly correlated spaces. In the case of attenuation and partial volume correction, it is crucial to record both data sets as simultaneously as possible so as to guarantee good image superposition. A major challenge is to further integrate the readout of X-rays and γ-rays. Simultaneous recording of anatomical (CT) and functional (PET and/or SPECT) information by the same reading head is in principle possible thanks to progress in microelectronics. The large functionality of modern ASIC’s makes it possible to develop electronic readout channels able to count each individual event, well suited for CT, PET and SPECT signal treatment. This is a particularly interesting perspective, because it would make it possible to correct attenuation and partial volume parameters more precisely.

Another way of obtaining images associating anatomical and functional information is to merge MRI and PET images. Again both data sets have to be acquired as simultaneously as possible, even if a universal acquisition system cannot be considered here because of the fundamental differences between these two modalities. The PET/MRI approach is particularly promising for brain studies. Indeed, MRI gives much better images than CT for the soft brain tissues behind the skull.

Besides, BOLD contrast MRI, which relies on the variation of blood oxygenation level, is promising as a tracer of neuronal activity in functional MRI imaging. Combining this approach with PET functional imaging using various ligands (dopamine, serotonine, acetylcholine, glutamates, opiates, etc.) opens the way to a better understanding of fundamental neurotransmission mechanisms in the brain.

However, a number of significant technological problems arise from recording almost simultaneously MRI and PET images; these problems are mainly caused by the presence of powerful magnetic fields in MRI, with a high homogeneity requirement. To combine the two systems, innovative technologies are needed. The development of SiPM matrices has solved the problem of photodetectors having to be immune to the magnetic field. Moreover, they are extremely compact and require an operating voltage of only a few hundred volts. However, a number of other constraints remain: in a PET/MRI system conducting or ferromagnetic materials must also be carefully avoided because they would alter the homogeneity of the MRI magnetic field. Other technical difficulties, which have to be solved are linked to gradient coils and to MRI’s radiofrequency fields, which require effective shielding for PET parts against Eddie currents and electromagnetic noise.

Thanks to multiparametric molecular imaging, a radical shift is currently taking place in the way diseases are managed: from the present one­fits­all approach to one that delivers medical care tailored to the needs of individual patients. This includes the detection of disease predisposition, early diagnosis, prognosis assessment, measurement of drug efficacy and disease monitoring. Thus, the introduction of personalized medicine requires an unprecedented effort to develop new technologies in fields of diagnostic and image-guided therapeutic medicine (theranostics) including pathology and imaging. Such imaging tools should characterize diseases and assess treatment efficacy, with the added advantage of non-invasive monitoring at multiple time points. The recent explosion of molecular biology and imaging technologies is now allowing simultaneous quantitative and dynamic characterization of several biological processes inside the body at the molecular and genetic level. This exciting new field will transform the future of medicine on a massive scale and will have an enormous impact on the advancement of targeted therapies for personalized medicine.