
1 Introduction

Kabwe town is the worst polluted place in Africa due to mining and smelting of Pb and Zn ores. Orthophosphate has been receiving a lot of attention as stabilization agent for heavy metals, In order to reduce dispersion and mobility of Pb metal from the slag, we suggests treatment by adding phosphoric fertilizer (Triple super phosphate: TSP) which is effective and locally available.

2 Methods and Approaches

We conducted a series of column experiments in 50 ml of syringe tubes, simulating treatment for stacked slags at a dumping site in Kabwe. The syringes were filled with slags obtained from Kabwe site with 10 g of TSP on the top of slag sample. 6 mL of rain water obtained from the site was added every day, which is consistent with average daily precipitation rate. Infiltrated water was collected at the bottom of syringe and analyzed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. After the column experiments, the slag samples in the column also investigated to understand geochemical processes occurred during the experiments by SEM/EDS.

3 Results and Discussion

We confirm the reduction in Pb and Cd concentrations in the eluents. Remarkably, the reduction for Pb concentration is 96%. In the infiltrated slags simultaneously, we observe the alteration from PbSO4 to (Pb, Ca)5(PO4)3Cl (Fig. 1), which effects to reduce the mobility of Pb. In contrast, elution of Zn and Cu from the slags are promoted by the presence of TSP. This is due to lowering pH by TSP, desorbed Zn and Cu from amorphous and crystalline iron hydroxides. It suggests to supply orthophosphate at neutral pH range is effective for immobilization of heavy metals in slags.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The alteration from anglesite to pyromorphite

4 Conclusions

We confirmed the behavior of some heavy metals applied TSP in column scale. From the results, TSP could immobilize Pb and Cd, however, it promoted elution of Zn and Cu due to soil acidification. This suggests applying TSP with dolomite to the slag could be a better remediation method.