
1 Introduction

In addition to the problems of each civilization, humanity is faced with the urgent need to solve planetary problems. At the end of XX century, the first terrible signs of the deterioration of the quality of the biosphere had already appeared as a result of the development of man-made civilization and the installation to conquer nature started.

Smog over large cities, deforestation and the onset of deserts, depletion of the soil and basins of many rivers, a decrease in the number of fish and wild animals – all this worried people at the beginning of the twentieth century.

2 Methods and Approaches

A no less formidable problem is the ecological catastrophe approaching the planet. At present, mankind produces organic waste in an amount of two thousand times more than the waste volumes of the rest of the biosphere. Obviously, the violation of this equilibrium caused a whole complex of complex problems. Man, unlike all living things, is not strictly bound by the environmentally friendly conditions of his being, in a certain sense he was always going against nature, not adapting to it, but changing it in accordance with its needs (Satterthwaite 2009).

3 Results and Discussion

The demographic problem has become global long ago. In 1987, the five billionth inhabitant of the planet was born, and the growth rate is now such that every second the number of people on Earth is increased by three people (Anderson 2012). According to the figurative expression of scientists, the Earth is now “biting man” and it is quite natural to expect a demographic collapse in the near future, that is, a sufficiently sharp decline in population.

It can be caused by global hunger, depletion of mineral resources and soil, poor drinking water, thermal overheating of the surface, etc.

4 Conclusions

The current generation cannot help thinking about future children and grandchildren, who are to continue to carry the baton of history. Unfortunately, our civilization largely lives at the expense of the future, exhausting irreplaceable resources (oil, gas), polluting water, air and soil with its imperfect technologies, preserving many archaic social structures, sowing seeds of national and religious hatred that will sprout another century.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that only the efforts of the entire world community can prevent an environmental catastrophe that threatens all life on Earth.